
"The results are not bad" 5 puppets were neutralised. It had been 2 weeks since he came to Hogwarts, and he had already achieved such a result. Of course, he had been training for years.

He had studied the theories many times over what most wizards didn't care about. He wasn't sure how much progress he'd made, or rather where he stood on the power ladder, because he didn't have anyone to consult.

According to his theory, he was at the level of a fresh graduate. He was adjusting his standards to what he saw as the worst-case scenario.

He was making progress day by day, but a feeling of uneasiness was growing inside him. He thought he had missed something.

He hadn't got close to anyone until now and hadn't got any attention, but he had concerns that the developmental and continuing education program was getting unwanted attention or not getting the desired level of attention.

An 11-year-old boy having no friends had to be traumatised by it. They had not given such an impression to Minerva, who had come to his house. In other words, he had to socialise and at the same time; he had to profit from it.

Recalling the shows and movies he watched, he sensed that the fact that children of this age fall in love with a particular person of the opposite sex might indicate that he is socially normal.

'FBI, OPEN UP!' Henry doesn't think he can stand any 11-year-old girl, past his finding that wrong.

After completing the cool-down exercises, he checked the map and then left the requirement room, and returned to the dorm room.

The next day, because it was the weekend, he decided to rest, of course, after doing the first exercise routine of the day. He was sitting under a tree by the black lake, deep in thought.

The stress level he had been putting himself under since coming to Hogwarts was more than necessary. It wasn't the sports or magic training that he had been the problem.

Trying to stay away from people for such a long time was exhausting him. No matter how hard he tried to ignore it, he was mentally exhausted by being surrounded by so many people and at the same time constantly reading their minds with legillimency and forcing ideas on them.

It didn't tire him out to do these things; it gave rise to a growing anxiety about feeling obligated to do them. He wasn't afraid of anyone, yes he was weak right now, but he wasn't afraid.

Then why was he putting up with such a burden? Why was he taking people so seriously? Voldemort was in the castle, surrounded by loads of potential death eaters from Dumbledore and Slytherin, as well as defenders of justice who would become enemies in Gryffindor.

It was a matter of decision-making. These thoughts were caused by Quirrell, or rather Voldemort, because he had detected that he was checking the room of requirement, and the timing was not very normal.

He had thought about it before, only 5 minutes after his debut, but believed it wouldn't matter. Here was the problem. It wasn't a rational decision he made.

His awareness and vision were clouded, and the reason for this was always looking for the biggest problem he had, the pressure he had put on other people, or the effects he had taken from their existence.

'What to do? Miscommunication is a problem, but the problems that communication will create are unpredictable. This role-playing job should be over. Though coercion works, for now, a definite determination is possible in the long run. In addition, the sooner I leave, the fewer traces I will leave behind.' thought Henry and,

'I don't need to associate with anyone but at least I have to be available to other people so I'm most noticed as the weird kid but someone who attends all the classes without anyone noticing and lives at school without speaking to anyone is a negative picture' kept thinking.

Socialising with 11-year-olds would make him seem normal, but it wouldn't do him any good other than that.

'Then legillimency is limited only to the need or the person being spoken to, or should be used for quick information,' he thought.

'I have to stop pretending and go back to my temperament, Dumbledore shouldn't care as I'm not trying to make an impact on people, plus the lesson issue.' kept thinking.

This was one of the biggest problems he had to find a solution for. He was wasting his time in the lessons, and although he did not need a quick boost in the near future, he was wasting his time and was losing his potential.

Now, this world wasn't naruto or one piece, he couldn't put on weights and spend every moment exercising, that wasn't his goal.

He had to come up with a magic solution, the solution that came to his mind was to add an additional function to his mind.

In the fiction novels he read, his favourite story addition was systems. The existence of the systems provided a playground for the user, that is, you could perform actions in line with the function.

Of course, these systems were mostly given to their users in absurd ways and had absurd features, but there were some among them that you could not help but desire them.

In his memory came a character who lived in a world in similar conditions to his situation and conquered his reality with the system, Leylin Farlier, he did not have a system, he had an AI chip that transmigration with his soul.

'I have a supercomputer in my head if I add Jarvis to it…' Henry mused.

It seemed possible, but the problem was that he had to create a ai on his own, and he had to create it with little knowledge and magic. There was no such technology in the world he could be inspired by.

In the fiction novels he read, Rowena's crown sometimes had such a feature, but right now Voldemort was in the castle, next year the chamber of secrets would open and a Horcrux could affect the physical world.

So, purifying and examining Rowena's crown did not seem possible for the time being.