Do you wanna dance?

Henry packed his equipment into his bottomless bag. It was the weekend, and he had given Axy the order yesterday to prepare food and battle preparations. He planned to enter the forest during the day and stay until sunrise the next day.

As he did every day, he stepped out of the castle in his gym clothes and made his way to the black lake. After finishing his morning sport, he ate and cleaned himself. He was ready to go to the black forest.

He left the castle again and went into the dark forest. Henry was constantly using stealth. He had not yet reached the level where no one could recognise him. This did not mean that Henry was easily recognised. Henry was almost invisible to most people and creatures.

The only people who could recognise Henry were experts, or high-level predators.

Henry found a secluded spot outside the dark forest and made sure no one was watching him.

"Axy," Henry muttered.

Axy materialised invisibly next to Henry and waited for orders.

'You are to play bodyguard. Do not take any action until I tell you,' Henry ordered.

'As you commanded, my lord,' Axy said mentally.

With Henry's level of legillimency it was very easy to hold a conversation telepathically.

The dark forest was mesmerising. Trees tens of metres tall and so dense with leaves and branches that it was very dark inside the forest. It lived up to its name.

Henry slowly entered the forest and after a hundred metres he put on the clothes and equipment he had prepared.

If a sith saw him, he would think he was a member of the dark side. Henry started to run, the dark forest was enormous.

Since it was difficult to see inside the forest, he combined his pinky finger and thumb and activated his magic. It was a method created by Alf. While using his magic to affect his body, he could cast spells with his magic by using his hands in different ways.

After his vision was restored, he continued to move deeper into the dark forest. In the films, the dark forest was not mentioned much, it had been entered a few times, but it was not mentioned exactly what creatures were found.

Henry had searched the library and found information about the dark forest. Due to the nature of the forest, there were animals that could survive in the dark or evolved in this way. There were horsemen, werewolves, packs of wolves, unicorns, wild deer, snakes and plenty of insect species.

The book was not very detailed; it was quite old. It said that the forest had been placed there artificially, and that it did not have a natural ecosystem, and that there could be problems if it was not controlled.

Henry met with Hagrid and asked about the state of the forest. Hagrid said that he shouldn't worry about it at the moment and that he could explore the forest with the watcher in the years to come.

Henry stopped suddenly, wondering when he would encounter a creature. He adjusted his stance and waited for the thundering footsteps to reach him. As the footsteps approached, he saw about thirty acromantulas behind about ten centaurs.

The Centaurs noticed him and shouted something to each other in their own language. Even though the Centaurs had recognised him, they were still coming towards him with the group of acromantula.

Henry was smiling nervously behind his mask, fear and excitement gripping him. His heartbeat and breathing quickened. When he was within a hundred metres of the Centaurs and the group of acromantulas, he started running towards them at full speed.

[Danger detected, battle mode activated.] Alf said.

Henry followed the movement of and the shadow that appeared right in front of him.

As he ran, he crouched to his right, hands spread out on the ground, and after dodging the Centuar's arrow, he leapt with his telekinesis. When he was four metres in the air, another centaur released an arrow from a bow drawn towards him.

There were five metres between the centaurs and Henry. Henry had raised his left hand towards the arrow that had been released only one metre away from him. With his telekinesis, he guided the arrow into the head of another centaur.

The centaurs reached Henry at the same time as the arrow pierced the centaur's head.

Henry followed the shadow of his battle mode. Using his left hand to guide the arrow, he tilted the body of the dying centaur towards him, raised his right hand towards the centaur that had shot an arrow at him, and a senbon from the belt wrapped around his waist pierced the centaur's head.

He stepped on the body of the dead centaur and jumped again, using his telekinesis. When he was 4 metres higher in the air, he managed to land on the branch of the tree on his right side. When he landed on the branch, he saw the acromantulas rapidly attacking the bodies of the dead centaurs.

The centaurs had decided to go after Henry for killing two of their comrades. Three of them continued to run towards their camp. The remaining 5 centaurs decided to spread out and watch the one who killed their comrade fight the acromantulas. If the acromantulas could not kill him, they would kill him.

Henry assessed his situation on the branch. He was sweating profusely from the tension and would not have time to think about his first kill. Acromantulas began to surround him. When the acromantulas on the ground looked upwards, Henry was looking at them.

"Do you wanna dance?" Henry said. As soon as he finished, he jumped down. As he hit the ground, he did a somersault, twisting his hands and body. The centaurs, watching what Henry was trying to do, saw a glow from the ground entering the heads of the four acromantulas looking at Henry.

It was the same glow that killed his comrades. He was two meters above the ground when Henry straightened his body. Simultaneously, the senbons stabbed into the heads of the acromantulas, and fire shot out in the direction Henry turned his hands. The dark forest was not so dark anymore.

There were acromantula screams in the air, and the fire Henry had created had turned eight of them into living torches. As Henry's feet touched the ground, two acromantulas leapt at him from behind. As soon as Henry landed, he leapt forwards and somersaulted. Two more flashes of light shot from his belt as he rolled onto his back, pushing himself off the ground with his hands.

As the lifeless bodies of the two acromantulas jumping on him fell to the ground, Henry rose 3 metres in the air with the push of his hands. He did a somersault in the air and straightened his stance again. When he first landed from the branch, he was on the acromantula running towards him from the front. While he was correcting his stance in the air, he had already stabbed acromantulas head with his senbons.

After landing evenly on the dead body of the acromantula, he raised his head and looked at the acromantulas, who had lost almost half of their number, looking at him with bloodthirsty eyes.