
The door to the cubicle where Henry was sitting opened noisily. "Did you miss me, idiot?" Padma said, looking at Henry standing in the doorway of the cubicle. Henry sighed, closed the book he was reading, and stood up. After hugging Padma, he placed her suitcase in the compartment above the seat. "How have you been, Padma?" Henry asked, smiling.

"I'm fine. I've spent this summer very well. I should ask about you. I haven't heard from you all summer. Even the owls I sent you came back," Padma said. "After the first week of the holiday, I was in France and Japan. I've only been back in England for two weeks," said Henry. Padma's eyes lit up when she heard Henry. Padma bombarded him with questions and the train started to move.

While they were talking among themselves, the door of the cabin opened again. Hermione opened the door without asking. "Have you seen Harry and Ron? I've looked in all the cabins but they're not there," Hermione said in a flustered voice. "Don't worry Hermione, I'm sure there's a reason they're not on the train. Even if they're not on the train, I'm sure they'll be at Hogwarts," Henry said, annoyed that Padma was interrogating him. "I don't know about Harry, but if Ron's brothers are on the train, you can ask them," Padma said.

Hermione nodded and left the cabin. Henry turned to Padma, "Does Hermione like Harry or Ron? Do you know?" asked Henry. Padma hit Henry on the head. "They're just mates, silly. Why do you wonder?" said Padma. "They're always together. Harry and Ron aren't exactly the brightest minds. I can't think of any other reason why a smart girl like Hermione would hang out with them," said Henry. Padma looked at Henry thoughtfully, then turned to the window of the cabin.

"Last year, Harry and Ron saved Hermione from the troll that broke into the castle. They've been spending time together ever since," Padma said. "But aren't they the reason Hermione met the troll in the first place? It would have been safer for them to tell a professor where she was than to try to save her. I don't have a problem with Harry and Ron, but they're both a bit too irresponsible," Henry said. Padma was surprised to hear Henry, but then nodded. "I agree, but they're good kids and don't mean any harm. Anyway, do you want to join the quidditch team this year?" said Padma.

As they continued to talk, time was passing quickly. The train was rapidly approaching Hogsmeade. When it was time to change, Henry got out of the cabin first. After changing in turn, they waited for the train to stop. "Henry, I wasn't going to ask, but I can't stand it any longer. Did you use a potion or something for your appearance?" Padma asked. Henry let out a long laugh, Padma's expression darkening as he laughed. "No Padma, it's called growing up. I just turned twelve and I'm very careful about my health so I can grow up fast and strong," Henry said with a grin.

They both got off the train and walked with the second years towards the carriages pulled by the thestrals. Henry sat at the front of the carriage so he could see the thestrals. Padma sat opposite him. They shared the carriage with Terry Boot and Anthony Goldstein, who were in the same year. As the weather was rainy, the thestrals moved immediately when the carriage was full. Henry knew from the films that this year was going to be eventful, if not too eventful. The Chamber of Secrets would open and the Basilisk would roam the school. None of this was too much of a problem for him. He knew where and who to watch out for.

More importantly, Henry's purpose for being at Hogwarts was similar to other students, but different. Most of them came to school to learn and have fun. Henry was like them, but the difference was that Henry did not need guidance. This year was very important for Henry. It would be a defining year for his future plans and behaviour. Finally, the 'Absconde' spell that would allow him to travel around the castle was completed. Thanks to this spell, he could deceive those who might follow him and make himself invisible, although not as invisible as the invisibility cloak.

Henry had thought about stealing the death token from Harry, but he thought it was too early. Harry wasn't going anywhere yet. When the carriage arrived at the school, he went into the Great Hall with everyone else and sat at the Ravenclaw table, one of the four long tables. Dumbledore and the other professors had taken their seats. Lockhart, the con man, was sitting at the table smiling in his fancy clothes. Lockhart was like an influence of the wizarding world. Henry continued to talk to the others who were the same year as him, but he always gave short answers. The only one he spoke to for a long time was Padma.

Finally, this year's new students entered the hall. Harry and Ron still hadn't arrived at the castle. As Henry looked at the new students, he saw one person he was curious about. Luna Lovegood was examining the Great Hall. Henry knew Luna from the films. She was one of those people called eccentric, even in the magician world. The process progressed as the new students dispersed to their new homes. Luna sat at the Ravenclaw table with the new first years.

Food appeared on the tables and they filled the Great Hall with the sound of forks and knives, as everyone was hungry. Hogwarts was truly magical. Henry felt happy to be here. Even though his mind was already being attacked, he didn't care. Henry underwent both physical and magical growth after the ritual. The masking charm he had created earlier was working. He could even fool his own magical vision. Henry was hidden for as long as he needed to be, so he didn't feel any uneasiness or insecurity.

Henry saw Snape get up from the table. He looked out of the Great Hall window and saw Harry and Ron staring hungrily at the food. "They've finally reached Hogwarts," Henry thought. The meal was over and Dumbledore invited everyone to sing the song of the year. After five minutes of sound chaos, the student perfects of the year led the first years to the common rooms of the houses. Henry wasted no time in the common room of his house and returned to his dorm room, which he missed.

Henry opened his briefcase and descended into the reorganised main room. After returning from Japan, Jarvis had changed the internal layout of the briefcase as Henry's plans had changed. He removed the sections for house-elves and increased the size and functionality of the other rooms. Henry proceeded to the practice room and began his daily practice of magic. With the significant increase in the amount of magic, he was able to cast spells that were previously impossible. At first he cast Bombarda, Bombarda Maxima spells with his wand. These spells were the beginning spells for his practice.

He continued with Patronus. Henry's physical patronus was a dragon. Henry thought his physical patronus would be a phoenix because of his condition, but he was wrong. This dragon looked like Drogon from Game of Thrones. His roar was especially majestic. When Henry finished warming up, he began silent spells. He began to apply the curses, charms and transfiguration spells he had created. The curses Henry had designed were meant to attack without warning. Similar to Snape's Sectumsempra, the spell reached its target without any indication. Bone breaking, binding, petrification, curses that instantly increase and decrease blood pressure were the spells Henry produced for war.

After an hour of waving his wand in different ways, his practice puppets were shattered. Jarvis specially created these puppets. Henry moved his wand and apparat'd where his wand pointed. This was the spell called 'Corpe Portus'. It was very useful for increasing mobility within the anti-apparition wards. Henry practised this spell for half an hour and then meditated for ten minutes to renew his magic. After renewing his magic, he put his wand back in its sheath. He started casting wandless spells. After the ritual, he became more proficient in wandless magic. Half of the spells he could cast with a wand, he could cast without a wand.

Although Henry could cast many spells without a wand, he was more comfortable with shapeshifting. Henry stopped practising wandless magic without tiring himself too much. He started his last practice. Flight was the spell specially created by Jarvis. Henry slowly rose into the air. Hissing sounds echoed through the practice room. Jarvis had used parseltongue to reduce the magic cost of the flight spell.

"That's enough for today, I'm going to shower and leave you in control Jarvis, watch Dumbledore on the map. We need to determine his intentions from his behaviour," Henry said as he glided slowly to the ground. "Understood, Sir," Jarvis said.