Dark princess's seduction

They got to the dark princess's castle. The place was like an irony to how the dark princess was described. The entire place was white and spotless. It had extremely tall towers in the Eastern and Western parts of the castle. The whole place was so big, it was like half the palace of silitherous.

They became outnumbered by the figures in the forests. Anna didn't hold on to him anymore so Juverl had to look at her from time to time ; just in case. The sound of swords being drew came into hearing. All of a sudden, Juverl's men dropped their swords and they moved on. Anna was so confused. More confused than she had ever been. There were figures in the forests who wanted to kill them and they withdrew their swords? They've met their doom.

But that wasn't the situation at all. Apparently, the withdrawal of swords from outsiders at the dark princess's castle was to show that they came in peace. The failure to do so means that the outsiders came to fight which always result into bad and negative and unwise decisions.

They moved forward to enter the palace leaving the swords behind. Anna could hear their swords being packed from the ground. She couldn't help but look at the people who came to pack them. But to avoid unnecessary attention, she didn't look back.

Anna brought out her hand mirror from her purse and pretended to fix her make up. Juverl just smirked looking at her little trick. He was also interested in knowing who it was that always came to pack their swords. Anna couldn't see them in the mirror, but the swords were visible. She put her mirror back into her purse in disappointment.

"Cheer up. Don't beat yourself up. They must be vampires who work for the dark princess" Juverl comforted her

"I thought only demons work for her?" Anna asked

"Wrong. A lot of creatures work for her. Let's save this conversation for another day. I don't want our life together to be boring in the future"

Anna's heart flustered at what he said. Their life together in the future. She couldn't help but feel special at his wonderful words as she smiled shyly, biting her lower lip with her two hands rubbed together over her chest. She couldn't look at him anymore, she was too shy to look.

'What's this? I, the tigress of Lovarta, flustering at the words of a man' she said in her mind with a smile on her face. 'He is my husband after all. I like the sound of that. My husband' she looked at him shyly. Her jaw almost dropped while they stood in front of the entrance door of the castle. Juverl was instructing his men looking so handsome doing it.

His lips were moving up and down in a seductive manner. Anna was shaking in the inside. She felt like holding him in her arms. His jaw like was so manly, so seductive. His shoulder length thick black hair fell on his shoulder and he was in armor. Even without armor, his biceps were visible in anything he has on.

'If I could kiss those kissable lips of yours. I have really fallen for you. I would never leave you, not even if you try to kill me. If you leave me for another woman, I will catch her and tie her up and torture her until she vows to leave you and then I'll kill her and–'

"Anna" Juverl shook her out of thoughts. "Why are you so deep in thoughts? What were you thinking about?" Juverl asked

"Nothing" Anna weakly replied

Juverl let go of her and stared deep into her eyes "If you're not feeling well, I'll have August to send you back"

"No" Anna rejected. "I will stay here with you. You cannot drive me away, okay?" Anna asked

"Okay" Juverl answered

"Do you promise?" Anna asked seriously

Anna's sudden seriousness began to worry him. But that has to wait for later "Yes, I promise. Put this on" He handed a black veil to her.

Anna put it on without hesitation and Juverl was happy about that. "Why though?"

"I don't want the dark princess to suck away your face" Juverl simply answered.

"She can do that?"

"Yes, she has a thing for me"

"She likes you?"

"No" Juverl answered which made Anna very relieved. "She's obsessed with me. I don't like her that way at all so don't worry about me leaving you for her"

"Okay" Anna tried to remain calm.

The doors opened and a woman in black came out of it, running towards Juverl.

"Oh my Juverl. I've missed you so much" She cuddled him. "Do you know how much I've missed you? I felt like I'd die if I didn't see you for another second"

"We have company" Juverl said after he saw Anna's face. She was pale white and her face was twitching in anger. Her eyes were red, so red Juverl didn't know what to think anymore.

"I see you've brought your wife" The dark princess said while eyeing Anna. Anna couldn't see her face because the woman had a mask on. The mask only covered half of her face but Anna could see that the woman really hated her.

"Go in first and rest a while. Meet me back here for lunch" The princess turned and began to walk away "My love" She concluded.

Anna had had it with her. She was going after the princess in anger but Juverl pulled her back and took her to the room.

"Who does she think she is? She saw me right beside you and she called you 'my love'. She is a slut, a prostitute a maniac. When I get my hands on her, princess or not, I'll show her what I'm made of. That stupid whore..." Anna was ranting on and on while Juverl just watched her. He had to do something.

"Anna, calm down for a minute" Juverl said while standing behind her.

Anna turned back and spoke at him in fury "Calm down for a minute? Don't tell me to calm down. You were the one standing there allowing her to touch you all over. She was about to take your clothes off if you didn't tell her that we were there. What if we weren't there? She would have taken off your clothes and you would have done something at the entrance door of that little bitch. Yeah, I'm a princess and I just called that woman a bitch"

"Anna, calm down and let me talk" Juverl said and he held her shoulders

Anna moved away from him "Don't touch me and don't tell me to calm down. You are a married man for crying out loud. How could you allow another woman to touch you especially in front of your wife. She was rubbing her body all over you and seducing you. I could see it in your eyes that you were falling for her seduction"

"Really? How so when you were busy looking at her as if you wanted her to die on the spot. She just likes me, that's why she reacted like that" Juverl said

"Really? You're siding her? Did you see the way she looked at me? Did you see the way she eyed me when she said you brought your wife? And, what was that supposed to mean?"

Juverl began to walk out of the room. "You're going out to see her, isn't that so? Your wife isn't enough for you? You disgust me and you're a prince. You've lost the dignity I see in you today, young man. You walk out of that door you walk out of my life" Anna threatened and Juverl turned into the bathroom and went inside.

"Yeah, go into that bathroom and scrub yourself properly. Don't come back out here with those clothes on. Get out of that armor, I don't want to see it ever again. Dispose it, burn it and while you're in there, think about your life and the things you've done today" Anna said and was about to get on the bed when she was struck by realization.

She went to the bathroom door and spoke loudly to Juverl "Juverl, don't wear the clothes she's prepared. And don't you dare not dispose that armor" Anna said and climbed on the bed with a book in her hand.