With a mischievous smile, Emilie told Tozue:
"Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy."
After saying this, her head was taken off, by a slice from one of Tozue's blades.
However, the veins to her neck extended out, grabbing back onto the bleeding stump of her head.
"You realize you just killed another person, right?"
Both pieces of her pulled back together, with the gape sealing up.
They zipped around the arcade still.
Tozue loss his foot while attempting to kick her in the face.
"Fuck that… what I'm more bothered by is how in the hell your clothes are regenerating with you."
Tozue attempted another kick, this time starting with a faint.
His kick hit her in the jaw, causing a loud boom, sending her outside of the arcade.
After hearing a crash and a car alarm blaring after it, he instantly shot out the doors to pursue.
The parents of the children hiding in their closet upstairs, were still sound asleep in their beds.
Lying in the windshield of an old Impala, Emilie bit her upper lip.
More blood drained from out.
Along with her sword, she had a new weapon.
"Haha… this man is giving me a real run for my money."
As the blood pooled in her hand after smearing it, she could hear his approach.
The swarming of thousands of little pests.
Standing on the hood of the car, armed with a sword and whip, she looked up to the skyline.
Tozue flew in, surrounded in a black mass.
The protectives wings which rotated around him carried him to her.
He only had his right arm now.
However, his legs were now covered his scales and bladed.
Through the buzz of thousands of wings, he said:
"I can give up more pieces of me to use as insects."
The rings in his eyes were set on her.
"I didn't really want to use them much, but I'll be borrowing your subordinate's contracted powers."
They looked at each other.
The street would have been desolate, had there not been people awakened by the noise, watching from inside their homes.
Tozue dropped down to the street, while his forehead horn opened up at its end, slowly pushing out a grotesque kendo sword.
Its design was covered with compound eyes, ranging from mantises to flies.
Crude in shape, the structure of it was made of stone and dirt.
Putting his hand up to the horn to grab the handle, he strained to pull it out.
As he removed it, he asked:
"Miss… Emilie, you about ready to end this?"
Frowning, Fossum responded with;
"Oh, you found the answer to my invincibility?"