Chapter 3

Scoups was doing his best to find Seungkwan's location from where he could be. He even returned alone to the place where he had found a piece of paper with an address and Jihoon's name on it. He searched for several minutes. Looking at every corner of the place. Looking for any clue or something that would help him know where Boo Seungkwan could be. The place was lonely and very dirty. There were even dead rats. Something he hadn't seen when he went with Jun, Minghao and Chan. He was so attentive in his search that he didn't notice what there was a stomp. Breaking the wooden basement door causing him to fall into it. Once Scoups fell hitting some parts of his body. He got up moaning in pain and began to carefully observe the place.

"What the hell is this?!" Scoups said suddenly he sees that there is a small box peeking out from behind a bookshelf (without books by the way). Scoups decides to get closer to see what it is about. Once in front of the small box he grabs it and thinks very well before opening it and finally opening it. Scoups couldn't help but scream in horror as she backed away and finally vomited. "I-I can't believe it,what...why?!" With a lot of horror Scoups went back to the box "… are this are organs…ma….male?" Scary as it was Scoups knew he couldn't stop investigating him so he kept looking for clues and found what he needed a paper with a note that said:

I'm sorry but I'm only sending you three of the boys.

Lee Seokmin.

Lee Jihoon.

Jeon Wonwoo.

Well I think I had a little fun with Chwe Hansol Vernon...he's dead.I've killed him.

And Boo Seungkwan.I want him to be mine.

The note was not enough for Scoups and he kept looking because the cassock was big and he found another note but this one said:

I don't think I'll send Lee Seokmin to you either...I've hit him a lot.I think he won't resist...He's going to die.

As Scoups finished reading that note,he heard a very low moan. "Is there someone out there?" Scoups asked and again heard the moan. Only this time accompanied by a sob. Scoups quickly went to the place from those noises. And when he arrived he saw a boy of about a second year of high school. The boy had his shirt full of blood. His mouth was half covered and closer up you could see that he had minor injuries and his body was tied up. Scoups came over to untie him and took off what was half covering his mouth. The boy began to cry.

"Don't worry.I'm a police officer" Scoups told the boy. "What's your name?"

"Lee...S...Seokmin " the boy spoke with difficulty.

"Ok" Scoups called the police station and an ambulance. The ambulance took Seokmin  to the hospital as quickly as possible.Scoups showed what he had found from the box with male organs and the notes. So they not only had to keep looking for Boo Seungkwan but also Jeon Wonwoo. Searching for information on Jeon Wonwoo. He learned that the boy was also a freshman in high school at a different school. Also a South Korean and an image.


"QUIET!!!!" yelled the man. Apparently the small and weak victim of his was making a bit of noise. "STOP CRYING. STUPID!" said the man approaching his victim to slap him then grab his chin to make him see him. "Don't make me cover your mouth. "DO YOU WANT ME TO COVER YOUR MOUTH!?" The boy shook his head. "Then shut up and behave as I say."

"'m...I'm...hungry" the boy spoke. The man grabbed 3 grapes.

"Here you earned them keep behaving well and tomorrow I'll give you more" the boy left the place and the boy desperately ate the 3 grapes.

"Very soon I will make you mine. Boo Seungkwan."


"OH SHIT!" Scoups hit the desk dropping some papers. "What should I do?Oh...I know... Lee Seokmin" Scoups quickly stood up from his place and went to the hospital where Seokmin was. Luckily the doctors said that Seokmin was recovering and Scoups was able to talk to him .

"How do you feel?" Scoups asked Seokmin.

"St... still my body hurts...thanks for finding me" Seokmin  answered.

"You're welcome Seokmin. I have to ask you a few questions," Scoups ask and Seokmin  nodded.

" long do you think you've been in that basement?" Scoups asked.

"I think...about 5 or 6 days" answered Seokmin .

"When were you kidnapped?" Scoups asked.

"I don't remember...I can only remember that I was with my boyfriend" Seokmin answered.

"What's your boyfriend's name?" Scoups asked.

"Kwon...Soonyoung" Seokmin said.

"And what happened with him?"

"We were walking we were holding hands then he told me that he had to go to the bathroom and asked me to wait for him outside. I listened to him then suddenly some guys approached me and I felt that they had injected me with something and... Soonyoung came out of the bathroom but when I went towards him I fell to the ground I saw how he tried to go for me but someone got up and started running. Soonyoung also ran to catch up with the guy who was taking me his mouth moved as if I was screaming but I didn't hear anything little by little. Soonyoung began to look smaller my vision clouded and I closed my eyes when I woke up there were other boys with me."

"How many were there?"

"About 3 and me. 4 and they tried to kidnap one through messages. About two days later. I heard some screams..." Seokmin was interrupted.

"Screams...of a single person?" Scoups asked.

"There weren't two because of their voices it seemed that they were young. Some cries were of pain and were accompanied by moans and others seemed to shout something like 'Vernon, no' , 'Enough,don't hurt him anymore' and 'Vernon'. I finally heard a shot and sobs. The other two boys were not there. The man asked to be taken to his 'den'".

Scoups thought the boys yelling it was Jihoon and Vernon. Seokmin was in the same place but in another room and then the other two boys were Wonwoo and Seungkwan they weren't in that place so most likely they are both in another place but then he remembered that the killer's note he sent him only Wonwoo, Seokmin  and Jihoon because Vernon was dead and Seungkwan would be kept but in the end the killer only sent Jihoon. Which means that Wonwoo is somewhere else so I would have to ask if who was about to of raping Jihoon. Have he spilled the beans or still he don't say anything (get it?)

"Ok thank you Seokmin. Your information has helped me a lot" said Scoups.

Scoups was about to leave for things to do and investigate but someone opened the door hitting Scoups in the face.

"My love" said the young man who opened the door.

"Soonyoung" Seokmin said. Soonyoung ran towards Seokmin .

"You're okay" Soonyoung said and turned to Scoups. "Thank you,Officer" he said bowing.

"You're welcome" Scoups said and left the room.

Scoups left the hospital and it didn't take long for him to realize that he had a chipote on his forehead.

"Oh it can't be damn it." Scoups put on his hat so he wouldn't show as much.

He was walking and sees Jihoon.Jihoon sees him and walks over.

"Excuse me...have you heard from Seungkwan yet?" Jihoon asked.

"Oh,I'm still investigating but don't worry.I'm going to find him" said Scoups.

"Ok, thanks" Jihoon said with a small bow and went into a pharmacy.

Scoups was thankful that Jihoon hadn't seen his chipote and started to walk but Jihoon's voice stopped him.

"It's a bit silly.I hope it works for me" Scoups said and continued on his way but he ran into Joshua.

"Oh sorry" Joshua said.

"Don't that...a condom?" Scoups asked Joshua.

"Oh,what a shame... yes but I didn't buy it.Jihoon bought it for me.I feel sorry" Joshua said.

"What? That he bought you a condom?" Scoups asked.

"No. Everytime Vernon and Seungkwan went on a date. He would give them a condom. According to him it's a protection but Vernon and Seungkwan never used them because they haven't used them yet and they never will today I'm going on a date with my boyfriend and...he did the same to us as he did to them" Joshua said.

"Oh,you mean he really misses Vernon and Seungkwan?" Scoups asked.

"I'm afraid it is" Joshua replied.
