The moment that the S Rankers saw this lizard, they all couldn't help knitting their brows.
Seul Ah and Guang Liang both raised their hands as if they wanted to do something, but before they could, they were stopped by Anne Marie and Alexander respectively.
They looked at the two of them, but both of them shook their heads for them to stop.
The lizard in Maria's hand tried to break free of her grasp at first, but it quickly realized that it wouldn't be able to break free, so it stopped struggling. It was at that time that it finally noticed who had caught it and who was in front of it.
The moment that it saw this, it froze like a frog in front of a snake.
It just stared at these S Rankers and Maria as if it couldn't believe what was happening.
That was because this little lizard was…the Leviathan that they had just killed.
In the moment of its supposed death, the Leviathan had used a secret technique to shed itself of its former body and revived itself in the body of this little lizard.
It had allowed the waves to sweep it away and it had made sure to hide itself well under the sand, but somehow someone had found it in the end.
Now that it saw that it was the S Rankers and Maria, it wasn't surprised that it had been found.
After all, it couldn't forget that sudden blow that had killed it.
It had never experienced anything like that before and it knew that even if it had done all it could, it wouldn't have been able to resist that strike that had killed it.
So when it was now facing the ones that had attacked it with that blow…
The only thing that the Leviathan could do was…pretend to play dead.
Once it stopped struggling, it just laid there like it was dead in Maria's hand.
Maria brought it closer to her face when she saw it stop moving and looked at it closely before saying, "Is it dead?"
Though it was pretending to be dead, the S Rankers weren't fooled at all.
They could feel the powerful vitality that was coming from the lizard in Maria's hand and immediately knew that it was just pretending.
But their first concern was how to separate the lizard from Maria.
After all, this was the Leviathan, a powerful S Rank monster.
While it was in the form of a little lizard right now, they didn't dare let their guard down. Especially since this was something that involved Maria's safety.
So Alexander was the one that came forward since he was the one that had the best tongue. He looked at it for a bit before saying, "It seems like it's died of dehydration. How about you give it to me and I'll take it away?"
Maria looked at the little lizard in her hand and then revealed a sad look as she said, "Poor thing. It looked cute so I wanted to take it as a pet, but if it's already dead…"
When the Leviathan heard this, it couldn't help suddenly jolting and opening its eyes.
Everyone was suddenly surprised by this sudden action by the little lizard and they all prepared to take care of it if it did anything, but what it actually did shocked them.
That was because it suddenly bent upwards and licked Maria's hand with its tongue.
Alexander immediately knitted his brows and was about to snatch the lizard from Maria's hand.
What he was thinking was, "This disgusting little lizard actually dares to try and lick the pure Maria's hand? Death!"
But before he could, Maria suddenly pulled her hand back and brought the little lizard closer to her face. Seeing it lick her hand, she couldn't help revealing a smile as she reached her other hand out to pat it on the head.
The Leviathan inwardly let out a sigh of relief when it saw this and it nuzzled its head against her hand.
Seeing this, all of the S Rankers couldn't help revealing ugly expressions.
They didn't know what the Leviathan wanted to do, but they could tell what was going to happen based on the look on Maria's face and the way that her eyes sparkled.
Whenever she looked at what she considered an animal with this expression, the next thing that would happen is…
Maria gave a satisfied nod before putting the little lizard on her shoulder. Then she continued heading down the beach with it on her shoulder, almost as if nothing had happened just now.
The S Rankers could only look at her in a daze before they started chasing after her.
Seeing her happily gather the seafood with the lizard on her shoulder, they almost couldn't do what they were about to do. But thinking about how it was for her safety, they had no choice but to do it.
So Guang Liang came forward as the one she would most likely listen to and said, "Big sister, are you really going to take that lizard home with you?"
Maria was surprised to hear this, but she still gave a nod and said, "Of course. Can't you just see how cute it is? Why wouldn't I take such a cutie home?"
Guang Liang's face turned dark as he said, "Do you even know what it is and where it comes from? It could be a monster for all you know? You know that you can't just pick up random things off the ground and take it home with you."
Maria couldn't help pouting her lips when she heard him say this.
She knew that he was right, but she really couldn't help it with how cute this little lizard was.
So she picked up the lizard and placed it in front of Guang Liang's face before saying, "Can you really look at this face and tell it no?"
Guang Liang said with a deadpan expression, "No."
Maria pouted her lips even more when she heard this, but then she said, "I'm an adult, I can do what I want. If I want to take it home, then I'll take it home."
Guang Liang put his hand in his head before saying, "Big sister, you don't know if it's a monster or not. If it is, it could cause a lot of destruction. Can you really take responsibility for that?"
When he brought this possibility out, Maria finally crumbled.
The last thing that she wanted to do was hurt someone because she knew the pain that it brought.
But she didn't want to give up this little lizard, so she said, "How could something as small and cute as this possibly be something dangerous?"
Guang Liang wouldn't give up either as he said, "You can't judge a book by its cover, you should know that."
It was at this time that the other S Rankers started joining in as well.
"Maria, you really shouldn't pick up random animals off the ground." Seul Ah said in a concerned voice.
Alexander nodded and said, "You should know that the Hunters Organization carefully monitors these things, so it's better not to take this risk."
Alexei said in his cold voice, "It'll be troublesome."
Anne Marie added in a hesitant voice, "Maria, it really isn't good to do things like this."
With all of them pressuring her like this, Maria really didn't know what to say.
The little lizard naturally sensed that it was being ganged up on and that if Maria really gave up on it, it wouldn't survive with all these S Rankers around it. Especially since it was in a weaker body and didn't have most of the powers that it had before.
So the little lizard had no choice but to…
The little lizard suddenly jumped down in front of them and then turned around. It laid there in the sand with its belly up, almost as if it was submitting to them.
Seeing this, Maria couldn't help almost tearing up and she looked back up at the five of them around her.
With her eyes like this, they really couldn't say no.
That was because their biggest weakness were those puppy dog eyes from her.
But they knew that they had to remain strong in the face of this or else it would mean danger for this world.
This Leviathan was a S Rank monster and while it was acting cute like this right now, they knew that it was an aggressive monster based on the way that it had attacked these Jeju Islands previously.
If they allowed this monster to stay with Maria, it was certain that it would cause trouble again one day.
This was a matter of safety for the entire world, so they couldn't crumble even in the face of Maria's puppy dog eyes.
Those puppy dog eyes really were powerful in front of them.
Finally, it was Xiao Miao who came forward and pressed its paw down on the little lizard before giving a nod to them.
They didn't understand what was happening, but they didn't want to know.
All they cared about was getting rid of this Leviathan as soon as possible.
But before they could do anything, Xiao Bai's voice suddenly rang out in their minds.
When Xiao Bai spoke, they had no choice but to listen since…
Xiao Bai was stronger than all of them combined!
After hearing what Xiao Bai said, they had unwilling looks on their faces, but they still listened to him.
So Anne Marie said, "I think I have a way."