Shocking guardians (1)

As soon as she saw who this figure was, Maria couldn't help being shocked.

She asked in a stunned voice, "What are you doing here?"

When she had been shocked, the chill that had come from her stopped as well. Sensing this, the figure let out a sigh of relief.

The only reason that he had been able to find her so quickly was because he had felt this chill coming from here.

When the chill disappeared, the bully girls slowly calmed down before being filled with anger from shame.

They couldn't believe that they had just acted in this manner in front of the girl that they had been bullying. There was no greater shame than acting this weakly in front of someone that they had only ever acted superior to.

So the leader girl stood up and shouted at the figure, "Who do you think you are?"

All of the girls also jumped up and raised their fists as if they were prepared to fight it out with this person.