
After lunch, I and Qingqing just slept because the weather outside was pretty hot and roaming outside was already out of the question.

I woke up before Bai and when I looked through the window, it was already evening.

I walked outside and sat down beside my hunky boyfriend who was sitting on the deck and asked "Eric~ where is Sam?"

Eric looked at Kyra's head leaning on his bicep while her hand moved from his elbow and grabbed his hand intimately which made him smile, he calmly said while interlocking his fingers with her "Sam went to hunt while I'm here for your protection..."

I giggled at his statement as I hugged him from side and snuggled my face against his chest which instantly made him chuffed, his extra fluffy tail moved and embraced me from back.

Eric gently made me look at his face while carefully holding my chin, he looked into my eyes with tenderness and asked "You really like me?"

I looked at his eyes glimmering which made my heart skip another beat but I said "No." which made his body stiff and his eyes widen.

Before he could've shown any other disheartening response, I moved my arms behind his neck and pulled him down.

Eric was still looking at me with confusion filled eyes which was something that could make my heart ache so I said after pulling him in my close proximity "I Love you Eric...." and gave a peck on his lips,

"I love your eyes..." I said as I kissed his eyes.

"I love your beautiful mark..." I said as I gave a kiss on his scar above his nose.

"I love everything about you sweetheart..." I said and kissed him on his cheek.

I parted and gave him a cheerful smile as I said, "I should be the one asking....Do you love me Eric?"

The guy who was sitting still this whole time instantly reacted as he instantly placed his lips onto mine, he licked and sucked my lips which eventually made me to give his tongue an entrance inside.

We both kissed eachother passionately as our tongues were entangled with each other while I could feel that Eric was ensuring not to let even a single drop of my saliva to flow out because he was already sucking me dry which somehow made me breathless, I gently pushed him on his chest and parted from him to take a deep breath.

I inhaled the air pretty dramatically as if I was getting drowned in the water, I looked toward Eric to see that he was looking at me with hungry eyes, with his hand still in the air so I pouted and said in a childish complaining tone, "Sam left you for my protection but who will protect me from YOU!"

My words made Eric to give a cheeky smile, he again gently pulled me toward himself by my chin and said with his gaze fixed onto mine "Don't worry, you are all safe with me until you're bleeding, but after that...", He moved more toward me that our noses were touching eachother and continued "...I can't promise anything because I'm really not patient like Sam" as he gave a kiss on my eye.

I don't know why but his words instantly made my face flushed and my heart race, I moved forward and put my face on his chest as I murmured "You still haven't told me if you love-"

"I love you more than my life" he said in an assertive tone as he tightened his arms around me.

"I feel like the luckiest male to be accepted by such a beautiful female like you" he continued in his same tone as he slowly caressed my back.

His words may sound cheesy but they still sounded so sweet to me that I can't help smile like a fool as he continued complimenting me on other things but my stomach grumbling made him halt and my face wrinkled because I really wanted to listen to more praise!

Eric instantly picked me up and took me inside, he gave me some fruits to eat and was about to go outside to hunt something back hurriedly but was stopped by me because it's not like I'll starve just by waiting a little bit.

Sam came back just after ten minutes with a deer and a wild boar. Just after entering he received a earful from Eric because of taking too late as he said that from the next time he himself will be taking the responsibility of hunting.

It was my stomach's grumbling that made the two of them stop their bickering and look at me at the same time, Sam instantly started preparing for the cooking with Eric and I was given some boiled eggs that Sam brought back to releive my hunger for the time being.

Bai woke up after inhaling the aroma of the dinner and after washing up we all together had our dinner after which we had a concoction good for females during their heat that was brought by Harvey during our dinner who somehow ended up joining us too because Qingqing asked him while I agreed too because... their is no reason for me stop him at all, right?

Sam and Eric were definitely not extremely happy because of their territory being trespassed (specially Eric) but it's not like they showed any kind of hostility.

Okay, alright! Except for Eric who was definitely trying to eat him up by his gaze... And definitely not in a romantic way....

Concoction was definitely something because it was sleep inducing, Bai yawned and went to sleep just after laying down. I was about to climb next to her when a strong sturdy arm picked me up while grabbing my waist.

Eric whispered, "Where are you going sweetheart?"

Sam came and hugged me from the front as he said complaining "Brother! Kyra will sleep with me! Leave her!"

"Oh really? And what made you so confident little cub~" Eric replied while placing his head on my shoulder whereas his eyes were looking at Sam with sneer.

"I'm not a little cub anymore!"Sam replied nonplussed and instantly snuggled his head in my chest.

"If you're a grown up then act like one, little cub~"

"I told you I'm NOT! I'm a two striped beastman already and I'm sleeping with Kyra today!"

" Looks like someone is getting delusional because my mate is sleeping with me today~"

"I'm her first mate!"

"But you're still not mated~"

"Look who is talking? Remember brother that you got accepted just today, meanwhile I'm already in Kyra's heart~ right Kyra?" Sam said while looking up at me with his glittering eyes.

"Oh! So you finally recalled that I'm also present?" I asked in a taunting way because maybe they didn't realise but during their conversation they were really playing a pulling game which eventually started making me feel dizzy all over.

My words instantly made both of them react because they carefully let me stand on my own while apologizing for their mistakes.

I yawned and stretched out my arms, I looked at the two of them with dizzy eyes and said, "Sam, Eric, I love both of you. I know that you both were arguing just for fun, so do remember to keep these kinds of comments just your joking words because I really don't want any kind of problem caused by miscommunication in my family, specially between my mates."

My assertive words instantly made Eric to bent down as he gave a peck on my lips and said, "Don't worry sweetheart, we were just teasing you"

"I know sweetheart" I said as I gave him a kiss on his cheek, I looked at the others side to find that Sam was pointing on his lips so I moved forward and gave him a smooch on his lips.

Sam gleefully said, "Then Kyra, why don't you sleep with me~" while sneering at his brother.

I literally ignored their wagging tails as I climbed onto Bai's bed and laid down beside her while saying, "I'm sleeping with Qingqing, you both can enjoy each other's company. And, keep you voices down so as not to disturb me" with this I turned toward Bai and hugged her because I could feel the sleep taking over and without my knowledge I was already deep asleep.

Eric and Sam looked at Kyra with a helpless smile as they both turned into their beast-form and slept again eachother beside the place where their mate was sleeping.




Next day I made a clear statement that Bai is forbid to go outside anywhere, specially alone because I know what situation was waiting for her and believe me I really didn't want to meet that person.

Qingqing was very disheartened and this caused a whole lot of argument which went like:

Bai qingqing: "Why am I supposed to stay at the house alone?"

Kyra: "Who said you'll be alone? Sam or Eric will always be there to keep you company."

Bai qingqing: "But why is it that you can go outside while I can't!"

Kyra: "Ughhh! Please Qingqing, I've already told you how dangerous it is for you to go outside during your period."

Bai qingqing:"Then why only ME?"

Kyra: "Because you are small and you really can't defend for yourself."

Bai qingqing: "I don't want to stay inside! I'm also going outside!"

and with this she took a step outside the house but her shoulder was grabbed by me, I made her turn around to look at me as I said "Bai qingqing, I'm really warning you, stop testing my patience limit." in a pretty deep voice.

"I'm going to meet Eve and Ivy so let me go!" She snapped as she tried to remove my hand forcefully.

Her words made me give a deep sigh as I looked toward Eric who understood what I wanted to say because he nodded and said "Don't worry, I'll be there for her protection. That will be fine with you, right?" He completed while looking at Bai.

Bai instantly gleamed and happily went outside with Eric while I went outside with Sam with hands in hands. I asked him to take me to the river because I really wanted to see it and surprisingly the beautiful scenery in front of me was definitely breathtaking.

The river was wide and flowing at a steady pace with clear water that was glimmering because of the sunlight, the first thought came to my mind was to run and make a jump into the water but I knew that it was definitely one of the worst ideas while having my periods so I just scooped some water to drink and wash my face.

I walked around the river's bank alongwith Sam silently and peacefully, we sat down under a tree having our whole lot of make out session which ended up leaving many hickeys on my chest and neck but I wasn't the only one because even Sam was having my love bites. The most surprising thing was the way he was looking at those marks so lovingly and adoringly that it literally made me laugh out loud.

When we came back, Bai and Eric were waiting for us to eat dinner together. During our dinner I noticed that Qingqing was looking at me with questions and confusion in her eyes but she still didn't speak whereas Eric's gaze was stuck on the marks on my neck and chest which were visible to him even through my tattoos.

After dinner Qingqing went to sleep while still looking at me with that confused and troubled look but she still didn't dare to ask anything so I also ignored that abnormality of her's and went outside the house to take some fresh air.

The moment I stepped outside, I was pulled into a warm and sturdy embrace, Eric gently pushed my hair to the back and he bent down to lick and give some smooches on my neck which soon turned into love bites.

Only after seeing my flushed face and hazy eyes did he stopped while showing a victorious grin on his lips as he looked at the artwork he made.

Just like usual, I slept with Qingqing and surprisingly there wasn't any kind of argument that happened so I was feeling pretty relieved and soon fall asleep with Bai in my arms.




Next day was usual except for the fact that Qingqing was trying to ignore me meanwhile I could still feel her random gazes on me but I didn't bother to ask her the reason for that.

Surprisingly, she herself spoke to me in the afternoon as she pulled me in a corner behind our house with a pretty annoyed face.

While looking at me she asked, "sister, why are you cheating on Sam?"

"Huh? What do mean?" I asked in complete confusion.

"You accepted brother Eric as your mate too! I've heard this from Eve, she told me how you kissed him in front of everyone!" She stated in her troubled tone.

Oh! So that's what she was thinking about this whole time while giving me those gazes.

"Qingqing, you said I'm cheating on Sam but did you ever ask me? You may not know but both Eric and Sam know about this." I said nonchalantly but Bai's next statement made me to take the matter seriously.

"But how can you do that? How can you accept two mates? That's so unethical!"

I looked at her seriously this time and said, "Unethical? What ethics are you talking about Bai? Remember one thing bimbo, that this is not our world and those earthly ethics are of no use here!"

"But still! Don't you feel bad for Sam?"

"Feel bad for Sam? Then what about Eric? Don't you think I should feel sad for him too?"

"Why? It's not like you owe him something!"

"That's where you are wrong Qingqing" I said and grabbed Bai's hand as I pulled her inside the house where my boyfriends were sitting, from the look of their faces I'm damn sure they heard everything we were talking about, after all, beastmen had quite good hearing.

I asked Qingqing to sit on the bed while I sat down between Sam and Eric, I looked at her and said "Qingqing, have you ever thought what would have happened if Eric wasn't there to protect us that day?"

Bai's face horrified remembering the behaviour of the males the day she got her periods.

"He wasn't obliged to help us but he still did. Bai, males here are completely different from our place because what they all want is to get loved by a female who could accept them in return of their lifetime loyalty. So, why can't I accept Eric who wants to protect me for lifetime? You may not know but he was ready to be satisfied by becoming just a guardian! It was me who asked him to become my mate. I wasn't trying to pity him instead I just tried to reciprocate his kindness in my own way." I continued while leaning my head on Eric's shoulder.

"As for cheating... Sam already knew about this so stop acting like a narrow minded person and change your thinking Bai, remember that no matter what you should not take someone's kindness for granted and don't try to say something that could cause discord between us because I love both of them." I completed while looking at her.

After some more enlightenment, Bai seemed to understand most of it pretty well because she nodded her head in understanding but from her expression it was clear that she was not completely convinced but still, this much of progress definitely wasn't bad~

After my teaching session Bai went outside with Sam while Eric took me into the woods pretty far from our house and stopped in front of a cave, he changed back into his human form while I handed him his fur skirt with a blush.

Eric took my hand as he walked me inside while saying, "This is where I used to stay alone before meeting you" while tightening his grip on my hand.

Inside of the cave wasn't too big, it was pretty empty and simple, there was a big hay bed that was covered by a big orange tiger fur, on the other side there were some random animal hides cluttered on the ground.

Eric smiled helplessly as he started folding them, I also stepped forward and started helping him when he said, "You may not know but these are the furs that I discarded while choosing one for creating some clothes for you".

After putting the furs aside, Eric pushed a animal fur curtain which was surprisingly covering some bigger racks like that of a cupboard in the wall. He took out four pairs of clothes out of the racks and handed them to me.

One of them was red and blue which was made up from a fox fur while the two of them were made from black pather's fur with the last one having white colour because it was made up from a white wolf's fur.

I was looking at the clothes with awe that I couldn't help but to instantly hug my man, I snuggled against his neck as I told him how happy and thankful I'm to be the one receiving those as gifts.

Looking at my enthusiasm, even Eric couldn't help but to smile as he hugged me back while caressing my back with his nose in the crook of my neck, sniffing my skin which was tickling.

I was giggling when Eric lifted me up in his arms and whispered in my ear, "Kyra...looks like you've stopped bleeding..." in a strangely deep and dangerous voice.

I looked toward him to find that his Auburn golden eyes were looking at me with burning embers in them, I noticed that his breathing pace increased while his every exhale was audible to my ears pretty clearly.

I gulped after looking at his mismatched combination of hungry eyes and 'shy bride blush' on his face, I tried to get out of his arms without letting him know but maybe it was too late or I was underestimating him because he instantly pinned me down onto the hay bed with my hands held above my head with his single hand.

I looked up to see that Eric was looking at my body from top to bottom while showing his canines which he licked as he smiled, he moved down and held my chin with his free hand and asked"Can I devour you sweetheart?"

"You're asking as if you'll stop if I asked you to!" I said while pouting.

My childish remark instantly made him chuckle, Eric gave a peck on my lips and said "Don't worry, if you ask me to stop right now then I promise that I'll stop"

"Oh! Then what if I ask you to continue?"

"Then I promise not to stop even if you start crying~" he replied as he kissed my hair strands.

"Then why are you making me wait~" I said as I wriggled a little under him which instantly made him to take a deep inhale while I could hear him growl that sounded pretty sensuous.

He instantly took my lips into his as he kissed me in the most messiest and hungry way while his hand that was caressing my neck moved slowly downward and gently pulled my tube top down.

⚠️SMUT ahead!⚠️

The moment the top was removed, my mounds were on full display for him to feast on but instead of hasting the things he slowly traced his finger around the nipple in a circular motion which he ended by taking the bud between his finger and thumb while he was still kissing me.

He removed his lips by breaking the silver threads and aimed for my neck, he licked and kissed me all around my neck by moving from the top to down toward my chest with his hand which was fondling my breast so perfectly that If I hadn't know about the beast world setting then I will definitely think that he was an experienced person who could make a woman reach her orgasm just by fondling her~

Eric moved a little lower while tracing his track with kisses and ultimately took my nipple in his mouth after a slick lick that made a shiver run down my spine while made him to release another sexy growl.

Eric let go of the hands above my head and slid his fingers while tracing my figure upto the knot that was holding my skirt, he tried to untie it twice with his single hand but that thing still didn't came out so he instantly tore my skirt.

Beneath my skirt was my underwear and believe me I really didn't want it to end up in the same position so I helped myself by removing it myself.

Surprisingly the cotton stuffed inside was really clean telling that I was really not bleeding when Eric again pushed me back.

He again settled on his earlier position with his mouth and one hand on my mounds while his other hand slid against my waist, he moved his hand and slid it toward my core which was pulsating on its own.

Eric touched my clitoris which instantly made me shiver while my hands moved on their own and embraced his head.

My response definitely made him amused because he again moved his finger stimulating my flower bud making me moan out of pleasure, he looked up at me from my chest and said "You may not know but your expression right now is making me to think to keep you somewhere hidden... just for me to look at..." He kissed on my stomach as he caressed it and continued "I'm a very selfish person sweetheart~ but don't worry~ I'll never object for anything if you keep loving me like you do now~"

I cupped his face and said with a smile "Eric~ nobody can take your place in my heart and I'll always love you no matter what~"

My words made his tail to start fanning while his ears perked up and he gave me a gentle smile, with this he lowered his head and again started sucking one of my mounds which again started another series of slow moans.

His finger on my clitoris soon moved down to trace the entrance which was eagerly waiting for attention with all the juices flowing out, the moment Eric touched the entrance which instantly quivered on his touch gave a satisfied grin as he said, "You're already wet Kyra~" while moving his finger tracing the sensitive flower.

He kept his actions slow while observing all of my reactions which were mostly my light random moans as I asked him inbetween "Eric... please..."

He gave a devilish grin listening to my muffled plead and before I could've said anything he pushed his two fingers inside which instantly made my back arch while I nearly felt like getting chocked because his two fingers thickness was same like a normal human dick size.

Before I could've gotten used to this feeling, he started moving his fingers creating a squishy sound in the cave because I was trying my best to close my mouth with my hands but even they were removed by Eric as he said "Let me hear those pretty sounds~"

I couldn't believe that the guy whom I thought was a shy person unexpectedly turned out to be a real beast and a dominant bed partner because I could see that he was having an amused and confident expression without any nervousness.

Eric kept on moving his fingers while my moans were clearly audible to not only him but to anyone who wanted to hear them while standing outside but that was only if my Eric wouldn't mind their presence~

My moans turned into whimpers the moment he pushed his third finger inside too, which immediately made me to reach my orgasm releasing my love juices as my whole body shuddered in ecstasy.

Eric pulled out his fingers and licked them while showing it to me with a smile, he looked toward me again and grabbed my waist as he pulled me toward himself.

This time he settled his head between my thighs while his nose was brushing against my clitoris, he gave some soft kisses on my both inner thighs which soon turned into teeth marks which were clearly visible because I wasn't having tattoos on my inner thighs.

He lifted my legs and placed them above his shoulder, he sniffed my core and gave a quick lick to see me shiver once again. Eric smiled and gave a smooch on the bud down there as he nibbled on it softly, gaining a series of muffled sounds.

After playing his game of kiss and lick, he ultimately gave a final push to his tongue inside the core and soon started messing my insides with his thick tongue.

His tongue play lasted for a while and only ended when I pleaded him "Eric... I want inside Me!"

Eric looked at my body covered in sweat beads while most of my exposed body was having the beautiful love marks he left on me, giving himself a big round of applause in imagination.

He got up and flipped his hairs back with his one hand in such a sexy way that I could forgive him if killed me at this moment~

Eric smirked and slowly untied the knot of his animal skin which instantly dropped down leaving a humongous dick in sight, this display instantly made me gulped because no matter what that thing really can't fit inside!

I looked at Eric which grabbing the fur under me as I said in a muffled slow voice, "Eric...that thing can't fit inside..." which instantly made his eyes widen as he chuckled on my statement.

Eric straddled around me while placing his erect member on my stomach, he gently touched my lips with his thumb and said "That's a compliment for me~ but I've to apologise because I'm not going to stop now~"

With this he rubbed his member against my wet entrance making his junior covered in my juices, all this while I was intently looking at his focused gaze as he was ensuring not to accidentally hurt me which was enough for me to shudder in his arms.

The moment he realise that his member was fully lubricated, he settled the glans in front of my entrance as he said in a deep husky voice while caressing my stomach, "Kyra...try to relax because I'm going to push myself, alright?" While looking at me with his impatient eyes.

I nodded while looking at him, my permission instantly made him smile as he slowly started pushing his member inside stretching my entrance near it's limits because his glans was big like a normal girl fist which instantly made my body arch as a scream left my throat with tears in my eyes.

Eric instantly stopped and instantly wiped my wet eyes and said in a worried tone "Should I stop sweetheart?"

Looking at his genuinely worried face I shook my head while holding his arm tightly as I asked him to continue, Eric looked a bit worried but I knew how impatient he was from his pulsating member so I myself gave my body a push toward him which instantly made the tip of his penis cross the very first barrier.

Eric growled because of my actions and when he saw that I was smiling even with my wet eyes, he finally bent down to take my lips into his mouth as he gave an intense push inside making his insanely long member to penetrate my insides upto my womb.

He slowly caressed the bulge created on my stomach while slowly pulling his member out and pushing it again inside with a strong thrust making me whimper from the slight pain and hotness his member was having.

"Kyra... you are clutching me so tightly..." He said as he showed a slight painful impression while moving to and fro.

I was so lost in the pleasure that I wasn't in a state to reply because my whole attention was focused on my lower body which was experiencing an intense rapture.

Eric never stopped nor he even slowed down, instead his pace just kept on increasing which instantly made me to reach my high making my eyes roll back as my body arched and trembled but my partner was nowhere near his orgasm because he again started thrusting without giving me time to relax.

Since my body became excessively sensitive after my orgasm, his thrusts were making me moan and cry while embracing him.

Eric kept on fucking me for a long time, only after making me orgasm twice did he reached his high releasing his hot semen deep inside my womb.

Till this time, my mind was already a mess because I couldn't think about anything other than the place I was connected with him and the moment I realised that he was done I was glad that maybe I could move away but surprisingly instead of pulling himself out from me I felt that his penis again got stiff which instantly made my eyes widened and just as I thought, another series of thrusting started.

I recalled staying half awake until my fifth orgasm with Eric's knotting because after that I lost consciousness.

When I woke up I noticed that the dim lighting in the cave by the fire was telling that it was late in the evening, I noticed that I was dressed in a white tube top and a skirt with my body that was definitely washed, I tried to get up but an intense pain in my lower region instantly made me hiss.

Eric hurriedly came inside while holding a big fur, he cupped my face and asked in a worried tone "Does it hurt that bad?" and handed me an emerald as he continued "Sweetheart, eat this so that you can recover"

I took the emerald but refused to eat it as I told him that I'll recover on my own and he should keep the emerald for a bigger emergency after all I really don't literally want to eat money again!

Eric was worried but I instantly gave him a kiss on his lips as I asked, "Eric~ where is your mark?" Because I wasn't able to see it clearly in the dim lighting.

Eric instantly gleamed on my question because he hugged me, he slowly parted with his tail still hugging me as he pointed on my right breast just beside the cleavage.

I noticed that his eyes were glimmering so I instantly pulled down my top to notice that there was a black wolf head mark, roaring while looking upside that somehow overlapped my tattoos.

Eric touched his mark with longing as he said "My mark is so near to your heart... You love me a lot..." as if it was hard for him to believe what he was seeing in front of his eyes.

"I love you Eric" I said as I hugged him, he embraced me back and said "I love you a lot Kyra"

We stayed in that position for a while when Eric said in a teasing tone, "What do you think about going for another round~"

I instantly pushed him back with my flushed face, I said, "Sam might be waiting for us, we should go back" and tried to get away but my body was not listening to me because my jelly legs made me miss my step but Eric instantly caught me.

He smiled and picked me up in a princess carry and just like this he took me back to our house.

When we reach near our house, I noticed that Sam was standing beside the gate and the moment he spotted us, he rushed in our direction but stopped two steps away from me. His eyes widened as he looked at Eric who was having a glowing face.

Sam slowly took his steps toward me and gently held my hand and said, "Kyra... What about me?" in a heart broken tone.

I tightened my grip on his hands as I said, "Sam~ let's mate tomorrow, alright?"

My words made him happy but I could tell that he was not satisfied so I stretched out my arms toward him, Sam carefully took me in his arms in a princess carry, I looked into his eyes and said while slightly pulling my top from the left side, "This place is waiting for your mark my love~"

This time my words instantly made his face lit up, his tail finally started fanning to show that he was genuinely happy as he hugged me and peppered me with kisses.
