Beast City

Both me and Qingqing set-off on Parker's beast form with some fruits and Bai's backpack.

Eric, reluctantly said good bye because he just didn't like the beast city, and Sam was looking the most sad as he wanted to go with me but since I tasked him to share the village's responsibility with his brother, he didn't argue.

I kissed him on the forehead as I said that I'll miss him the most right in front of Eric which instantly made him feel happy and proud that he gave Eric a smug face.

Eric being the eldest, just sighed as he again warned Parker to not let us get into any kind of trouble.

Parker seriously promised that he will  ensure our safety with his life on line which just made me to give a look that says 'boy, seriously? We will be at City gates by afternoon!'

After saying goodbye to my two mates, we set off because my snake went away to take care of some personal business a day before our departure, but since he was the person I was least worried about we embarked on our leopard ride to the beast city.

Since we set off in the morning, we reached near the beast city territory by afternoon and just as I instructed, Parker made a halt. We get off him and stretched our legs and arms after the long tiring bumpy ride.

We had some fruits and I changed my clothes into my shorts and tank top in which I came to this world, wore all my jewelleries back and after washing my face with water, I painted my lips with a red tint that Bai had in her makeup stuff.

After tying my hairs back, I dolled up my sister a bit and after which I wore a big black robe with an extremely big black hood and made Qingqing wore the same.

These robes were made by Kai, from his snake skin. On my request he made me two, but the least he knew that I'll let my bimbo wear one ~

Since, the robes were extremely long, we both looked like as if we came out of a secret cult and this just made me feel all amused because this was the setting I needed for the accomplishment of my plan!

Parker who was surprised and curious, didn't ask a single question when I told him that he'll get all the answers later on and just like this we again started another short journey to the beast city gate.

When we reached at the gates, two guards stopped us but when Parker growled they instantly moved aside while their eyes were stuck on us as they wondered who we were? after all they knew that we were females from our scent but deciphering our identities with a little portion of our arms and legs in their sight was obviously hard~

Parker made it through the city's crowd amidst many short conflicts which he dissolved or maybe avoided by growls. Finally he sat his foot on the stone paved pathway that lead to the leopard castle.

Seeing the intruder being their own Prince, the guards moved aside and Parker made it to a big hall which was present at the ending of the long corridor. Since I was wearing the hood, I didn't get the best chance to do sight seeing but that doesn't mean I'll not be getting one later!

Parker, let us slid off him, and instantly turned into his beastman form after making a loud growl which sounded more like a call.

Qingqing held my hand with nervousness so I patted her back to sooth her mind and pulled her and my own hood down.

Just when I was going to tell her some comforting words, a woman's voice sounded in the whole room "Parker, my cub, is it true that you brought females back ?"

After just a second I knew that the voice came from behind so I turned around just to see a beautiful woman with golden hair walking inside the hall escorted by a tall strong older male, who had four stripes on his face.

The resemblance that Parker had of this male was evident enough to tell their relationship.

"No mother, I didn't brought them here for the city! One of them is my mate and the other one is her elder sister..." Parker instantly replied because he knew what it meant to bring females in the beast city as that simply implies that females will be asked to take mates, and in case like that of Parker in which he brought females without any exchange party, the leopard clan will be having the first mating rights.

Listening to his words, his mother looked a little confused and turned toward her mate just to see him with the same expression.

Hearing Parker's reply, I knew he wasn't reliable with his words so I took a step forward from his behind and walked with a friendly smile toward the leopard queen who was having a surprised look.

Reaching in front of her, I instantly sat down with my one knee as I gently took her free hand in mine and kissed it's back gently.

I looked up and greeted in a gentle respectful tone, "My leopard queen, you're even more beautiful than the compliments I've heard about you. It is my honour and pleasure that I'm getting an audience with you."

My words and action instantly brought a blush on the queen's face and she urged me to get up instantly. I looked toward the king behind him and bowed my head as I greeted him just to see him respond with an amused expression.

Just then, the queen suddenly grabbed my arms as she said "Parker, is she the female you've taken a fancy to?" While looking at me with glimmering eyes.

Since I was nearly the same height as that of Parker, queen looked a lot shorter to me so I had to look down at her and to avoid being termed as rude, I smiled helplessly as I explained before Parker, "I'm sorry my queen, but it's my sister who have accepted him as her mate." And called for Qingqing to come out from behind Parker.

Queen finally let go of my arms and looked at the other female who also greeted her. She took some steps toward Qingqing, touched her face and complimented her beauty and then his son for finding such a beautiful female.

Parker and Qingqing, both became blushing embarassed mess because of the compliments when queen said, "Now that you've got yourself a mate, you should settle down in the city, son."

"I'm sorry to interrupt my queen, but that may not be possible" I suddenly interrupted drawing her attention.

"Why? Is this city not to your liking?" The king asked.

"Not at all, your majesty, the City is definitely beautiful, but our arrival in the city was just to have an audience with you as I wanted to have an important conversation with you." I replied seriously.

"What kind of conversation?" The queen asked as she sat down on one of the stone stools that were placed around a big stone table.

King sat down beside her and after their permission, I also sat down along with Parker and Qingqing. I looked at the royal couple and said "My queen, what I'm going to tell is something pretty confidential and I don't wish for anyone to hear our conversation" seriously.

Both king and queen looked at each other with surprise and finally gave me a nod, seeing their response I started, "My queen and king, my sister agreed to take your son as her mate with a condition that he'll not interfere in letting her get any other mate and he have agreed to it."

The royal couple nodded as I continued, "From what you saw, you might be having questions from which tribe we are from? So to answer that...we belonged to a race called humans that lives in a very secluded place that no other tribe know about us, meanwhile we are aware about all others."

This time my words shocked the two of them extremely, along with their son who was still in the dark about our origin.

Qingqing was sitting silently, listening carefully because she knew that her sister definitely had something in her mind as she started disclosing their origins and it was her responsibility to agree with her.

After seeing the couple's faces grew even more curious, I said "My queen, the place where our people stay is nothing like this, as we have more number of females compared to males. Unlike here, we have the Queens who rules their reigns and I'm one of the queen with my younger sister who is a princess."

I looked toward Qingqing in the end just to find her looking at me with a face that was showing a 'bolt of the blue' expression after listening to me spouting blatant white lies. But instead of retorting or opposing, she nodded in agreement after seeing the hidden glare in my look.

Parker and his parents were taken aback, they looked at each other when I continued "We came out of our place because of a very important reason. Since we humans are extremely advanced in everything, We can....look into the future." in an extremely serious and slow pace.

This time, the king spoke up "why are you telling us this? And how can we believe that your race can look into future?"

I looked into his serious eyes without any fear and replied "Leopard King, it's not only us but even your ape king can also do that."

"H-how can you say that?"

"If you don't believe, then you can just go later and ask him" I replied nonchalantly and looked toward queen and said "As for our advancement, Parker himself have witnessed the advancement in food processing and storing that ensures food for females even in the winter, right Parker?" And looked toward Parker who was deep in thoughts.

Listening to my words, he instantly responded "Mother, Kyra is telling the truth. Qingqing taught me the method to store meat for longer without even going bad and she also taught the village to extract oil from trees.." and started telling all the technical advancement we did at the village.

After the end of Parker's long list, both king and queen were looking amazed and their gaze was filled with curiousity about more, and this was the response that I needed so I said "These things are nothing because what I'm going to tell you is something that can change the future of this place because..."

I leaned forward and looking at me everyone else also moved forward to hear me continue "I can tell you the way to make salt."

This time all of them were stupified because the words I said, can't be spoken lightly so I leisurely continued "we humans create our own salt and because of this we never faced any scarcity of it".

This time the look in the couple's eyes changed as they looked at me with much horrified yet with respect, just when I was waiting for a response the king spoke up in a low voice "Female, what would you like to have in return for the information?" looking at me with his determined eyes.

I looked and smiled internally because I needed to have a serious face as that of a queen so I took some time to respond with "Ofcourse, the information will not be free but don't worry, I'll not ask for something important so just let me take my time to think of it." With a harmless smile.

King hesitated but still nodded and again urged me about the Alchemy of the salt, I looked at Bai and said "my king, it's not alchemy but a manual process requiring beastmen".

Suddenly king's face lit up because he had beastmen but not someone who can perform alchemy, so he again urged to share the process and I replied, "So My king, the process starts...Why is he listening on our conversation from the hidings?" I changed my sentence as I looked back into a darkened corner of the hall with an irritated expression and voice.

Leopard couple, along with Bai and Parker looked at the corner just to see a tall beastman come out of the darkness. As the ray of light from the window hit his body, his face finally came into vision.

Black Hair that were tied in the back, three prominent stripes on his face, clear blue eyes while he was wearing a beast skin skirt and a cape on his back.

I looked at him for a while with an expression less face, seeing me the king started "Female, he is-" just for me to cut him inbetween by saying "Muir. Right?"

Hearing the name, Muir couldn't help but look at me because he was surprised, he never the strange looking female will recognise him, as he knew that he wasn't introduced in the conversations but the look in the female's eyes was telling him that she knew who he was.

After my response, the couple and Muir accepted the fact that I indeed knew a lot about them. Muir apologized and the King asked for my understanding because he was his personal guard and informant.

I nodded in understanding as Muir stood straight behind the king while he was looking at me and Bai, I continued "As for the salt making, the first thing-"


My words instantly got cut off with the sudden ear deafening roars that filled the whole surrounding with it's resonance.

Bai closed her ears, and Parker's ears perked up as he excitedly said "They are back!"

"Sister who?" Bai asked me near the ear but the first one to reply to her was Parker, he said "Qingqing, that's the exchange party that came back after exchanging salt in return of females!" And with this he took her hand and pulled her near the window.

I went to the other window and looked down at the whole commotion, a big stone platform was surrounded with beastman and women, and through a path, a large number of beastmen were parading with four females on their back.

Just as I was looking at all types of beastmen, be it bears, eagles, wolf, leopards, tigers, my vision got stuck at a prominent white figure and beleive it or not but the time just stopped for a while as I looked at that big massive white tiger who was leading the procession with a female figure on his back.