Respawn Stones

After reading this information, Smaug froze for a second.

"Respawn stones? That's a thing? Well, how much would it cost to keep Sca'Bla alive forever?"

[Respawn stone: Named Kobold Commander, rank f, 25 DP, amount: ∞

Price: 2,500,000]

"whew, so much can I make it so he loses a level every time he respawns?"

[Price: 2,272,727]

"Fine then let's limit the number of spawns. Let's say 5, remove the level regression"

[Price: 25,000]

"There we go, purchase that and give it to Sca'Blla"

[order confirmed your named Kobold commander will now respawn five times before permanently dyeing. If you are ever curious about the status of a respawn stone you can easily check by bringing up the list of respawn stones currently active within your dungeon, it comes up the same way you bring out the dungeon store.]

"Perfect now is there anything else I should do, ooh yes activating the imprison traps on floor two, since I can just buy the resources I need it should be fine. Then I should repopulate my dungeon and redistribute forces."

[imprison traps activated]

"Now, my dungeon is level 4 but I only have 2 floors, that won't do. I should start making floors three and four. For now, let's plan out floor three, I think we should make the main focus a mini-boss which has some minions. Now, to get a miniboss, I am going to need a high-level potentially evolved monster."

[You can buy monster meat in the dungeon store, however, the price is way higher since it is technically a magic item, the higher the rank of the flesh, the more ridiculous the price gets. But the trade-off being monster meat only works on monsters ranked lower than it so buying lots of cheap G-rank meat won't do anything if you are trying to create a boss monster.]

"That is fine, now how much do I need to build a third floor?"

[Floor 3: 2000 DP]

"Fine, purchase it, but I want a new environment for it."

[As a level four dungeon you have unlocked new items for every shop tab try looking through those.]


-Small cave system (100) (2km x 2km)

-Medium cave system (200) (4km x 4km)

-Large cave system (500) (10km x 10km)

-cavern room (250) (5km x 5km)

-Stone corridors (300) (5km x 10km)

-Basic throne room (300) (5km x 5km)]

"Ahh this Throne room will do nicely, but I can extend it using open-ended stone corridors. Let's see if I buy one about 15km long, that means it won't be as long as my first floor and I've already spent 2600 on the environment alone. But I digress, adding a few more custom stone corridors to the beginning, I'll have a more orderly castle layout as if it were an actual castle that people lived in, then I'll have both floors two and three with kobolds let's say 100 each for now."

[ - 5200 DP]

"Perfect next have Lyanard move to the end of the first floor and allow Innis to freely roam the entirety of the first three sections of the first floor."

"Then I'll buy one chest and mark the three positions as Innis's old den, the other low part of the left path, and the last position being between the border of the first and section."

[ - 100 DP]

"Lastly I want to see monster meat prices"

[Monster meat:

- rank G: 500

- rank F: 1000

- rank E: 2000

- rank D: 4000


"You weren't kidding when you said expensive, but I will buy one hmmm, rank E monster steak and give it to one kobold in the throne room."

[ - 2000 DP]

[your kobold wants to evolve into a [kobold General] and has been added to your shop.]

"Nice, now buy two kobold mages and put them in the throne room one on either end. Give them rank E meats as well. Then after that, all kobolds other than these two mages and the general should leave the room."

[ - 4040 DP]

[Your kobold mages have multiple evolution choices:

- Kobold mage (II) rank E

- Kobold Ellimentalist rank E

- Kobold priest rank E

- Kobold alchemist rank E]

"Mage two? What exactly is that?"

[A kobold mage (II) is a kobold that can use two elements, however, you can also make a kobold an Elementalist and it will use magic that is higher level. But an Elementalist will never learn any new elements, but a mage can be made an Elementalist of the same rank at any evolution point. The only drawback being it takes way longer for every new rank of mage.]

"Well, the answer is obvious. Make them both mage rank two."

[choose an element for them both.:

- wind

- earth

- water]

"Oh? Well, I'll say wind for both as the air can fuel the fire. But I'll have to experiment with different combinations in the future."

[elements selected, commencing evolution!]

[congradulastions! Kobold mage rank two has been added to the shop.]

"Now that that is that let me double check my DP real quick… 136,450!? I spent a lot of DP just now but it'll be worth it. But seeing as I won't be seeing anyone for a couple of days probably it'll be best if I get off for now and get back on tomorrow."

"Oh, but now that I think about it, Sca'Bla isn't the strongest anymore. I'd hate for him to become irrelevant in the future, He was the first monster that I named after all. How about I move him down to the fourth floor and funnel tons of resources into him once I can afford it, maybe I can make him a kobold king or something… I like that idea. He'll be a wandering floor boss and every 5th floor will have a direct subordinate to him, a different kobold with a name with their gimmick. Yeah, that sounds so cool. I can't wait to start raking in DP."

"Wait a minute, system. I have an offline request. Can you set up automatic purchases that only apply under certain conditions?"

[yes, what would you like to purchase automatically and when?]

"Well, I'll be offline for a while so I'd like it if any adventurers fall into the imprisonment trap, you will purchase the bare minimum to keep them alive for as long as possible. I will allow up to 10% of all imprisoned intruders' daily output to be spent on keeping prisoners alive. And if possible notify me if the amount isn't insufficient enough for any reason."

[understood, you will receive a notification if complications arise, however, your request will be met. Have a nice rest offline.]