Road to District 8

Philippe heads to District 8 from the library. Covered in a big cloak, resembling an aristocrat. A bit of attention from the bystanders, but that does not bother Philippe. He continues to travel as fast as he can, aware of the long journey that is ahead of him, Philippe tries to pace himself. Only resting at night, traveling through the day, and avoiding routes that might be too crowded and places he might be recognized. Taking longer routes because it is lesser crowded. After a few days of travel, Philippe reaches a point of diversion.
One road leads to the desert, and another through the forests under the rule of King Darticus. And with consideration and advice Phillipe avoids the forests and heads towards the desert. Even though in the eyes of the common man, a desert is a much more arduous and perilous journey. The risks of a meeting with the armies of Darticus loomed the larger risk. With large quantities of water and limited food, Philippe treads a treacherous path. Rattlesnakes and small creatures roamed freely. As though no human has been around for centuries. There were few aircraft along the way. Half the chassis was missing, and the remaining parts were rusted. Philippe did not dare to look inside the aircraft, to check for the remains. He could not risk his life before he completes his mission.
Once again traveling only in the mornings, even the heat was unbearable. He could not risk traveling at night. Philippe traveled for days in the heat and slept in the blistering cold at night. The fire he conjured up kept him alive and the cloak he somehow held onto despite all the attention he got from strangers kept him from freezing. Eating snakes and frogs to get the required energy. Now he understood why the King chose him for this journey. No one else was smart and adventurous enough to take on this journey. The survival skills course he had taken when he was about 10 years old was coming in handy. Philippe learned the terrains of all lands and the behavior and food habits of all people by the age of 11. He indeed was one of the smartest in all the lands. Hardened in combat as well, training in a variety of martial arts and sword fighting. One would consider him an ideal candidate for the throne.
Much to many people's dismay, the throne entails only a bloodline that can inherit the throne. Philippe when he was a youngster did indeed harbor such thoughts. But as he grew up, he understood that it was not possible. A Child's dream he thought to himself and concentrated on the law affairs of the people. He fully dedicated himself to his craft and slowly climbed up the ladder and became the lead counsel for the court. Proving himself to be a master of affairs of the people again and again he earned the trust of the king. Now the king had entrusted him on the most important journey of all.
That particular night was more chilly than usual in the desert. And as per the indication of the winds it was going to get colder as the days progressed. Philippe now needed to move faster and chart the desert as soon as possible. He had to get up earlier and start at 4: 00 clock in the morning. Brave a much chillier weather than he was accustomed to in the desert, so far!
The following morning Philippe made his way into the last leg of the desert, starting at 4: 00 clock as planned…