The Heir

"I have these records sir, but his last known place is this and that was 20 years ago. There are no records of him after the great floods ravaged the district" said Philippe.
"Can I see the records?" asked the old man
"Of course" replied Philippe.
The old man begins to go through the records in-depth.
"But Philippe!" he interrupts. "There are some pages missing in the middle."
"Yes sir, there were torn when I got them" replied Philippe. "The librarian has no recollection of how the incident took place." "Sir, as you can see only the middle pages are missing. the ending records of the flood and their departure." the lead counsel further added.
"Philippe, if I may ask?" "Does the government keep a ledger of all the people's information? This seems to be very informative and detailed" the old man asked.
"No sir" replied Philippe.
"I thought so, only the sons of kings," said the old man.
"The information is so detailed Philippe, someone must have been keeping a watch on him or them in this case, for a very long time. Again the others aren't so keenly watched, as for the kid he is watched very closely. And the strange thing is that the names are completely not available. How come they have missed the names altogether?" the old man raised some important questions.
"That piques my interest too, the names are not at all mentioned" replied Philippe.
"Look here son, said the old man with a spark in his eyes" A bored mind has somehow been brought to life. A little spark had been ignited by the young man upon his arrival.
"Look here, there are cryptic messages about a third person apart from the mother and the son, probably an infant. In fact very much likely an infant" said the old man as his eyes widened with excitement.
"And that's it, no traces of his whereabouts or presence during the floods. How he went missing or if he went missing, all a big puzzle" the old man continued.
Philippe pondered awhile.
"There is a big chance that the kid and mom went to another district to make their living, and the third person surely was not with them!" the old man said.
"That is indeed very suspicious" replied Philippe.
"Maybe we find clues along the way," said Philippe trying to keep the spirit alive.
"These two people and their whereabouts are very important to me now," said Philippe.
The old man looked at Philippe. "Once you get to know the ways of the district. You do not want to live elsewhere son, you would not fit in anywhere else. They may have gone on to a better district. Each district fits a purpose" the old man gave a detailed explanation.
"District 8 once did flourish, we were a thriving community. We were one of the top 3 districts for a short while. The bosses were happy, the people were happy. There were no giant robots guarding our place. It was indeed a merry time. At least a lot better than it is now. You see, we thrived because our district focuses on making fleets. Fleets are loaded onto rockets and roam the terrain of other planets. For resources, carrying officials and whatnot. And we made a lot of them, Every day people entered our districts looking for opportunities. That's how the son and the mom must have entered. The Mother must have worked the fleets, like the rest of us. Once you work the fleets for a long time, you can't work anything else. Your hands are trained to work the fleets alone. Here comes the part which I think could solve your case young man" The old man spoke of their eloquent past in bated breath.
"And what's that," asked Philippe
"There are only two districts that work fleets. District 8 and District 11" the old man replied.
Philippe's eyes grew big. "This indeed is very valuable information" he replied.
The old man looked up and spoke "After the floods many people migrated to District 11. And it was a darn good choice. Maybe we should have too. Me and Alexandra" as his eyes slowly turning weary of disappointment!
"Don't you have any children?" asked Philippe
"I do have a son. He works in the investigation. So he moves around a lot. Travels a lot" replied the old man!
"But" the old man spoke again!
"We don't talk anymore, we have not spoken for a very long time. Chris, wanted us to move to District 11, and when we did not 5 years ago. We had a chance to move to District 11, 5 years ago. And we did not. Ever since that, we have slowly drifted apart. Before there were a few calls not to me, but to Alexandra, and now even that is gone. I have not heard from him the past couple of years" said the old man.
"I am sorry to hear that," Philippe said
"If I may so, the nurse who tended to me. Who is she, sir .?Is she ....?" asked Philippe.
"She is my sister's daughter. She wants to move away from here, but her mother insists that she stays here with her" replied the old man
"So, back to the mission! Philippe" he said
"Yes sir, of course," said Philippe
"The son you are looking for most probably moved to District 11, with his mother from here. So the next step for you to do is to travel to District 11" instructed the old man.
"Yes," said Philippe
"You need to use the train, the train connects all the districts and has daily schedules to connect all the districts"
"You surely must have heard of the train system Philippe?" inquired the man.
"Yes sir, I have heard" "I have indeed bought along with me a few thousand shillings to help me with my travels" replied Philippe.
"You pay for the trains with shillings? is it not?" inquired Philippe.
"Yes of course" replied the old man. "That is how you pay for most things in the districts"
"Thank you, thank you very much for your help" Philippe thanked the old man.
"It's my pleasure, my pleasure indeed" replied the old man.
"To help such a big cause and to make an acquaintance with a noble and honest man such as yourself, that is a gift to me" he further added.
Philippe looked at the old man and smiled.
The old departs to his house and Philippe then retracts to his chamber