They reach the kingdom

"Finally," said the two of them. 
"Home," replied Philippe.
The car makes inroads to the Kingdom.
"Just like I imagined," said Atticus.
"Nothing like I imagined," replied Ana. "I imagined it to be a worn out District" she added. 
Philippe laughed. "A worn out district,"'he said.
The ancient kingdom in all its glory was there for everyone to see. The Markets, the houses big and small. The cheer on peoples faces.
"Trade and commerce seem to flourish here," said Atticus.
"Very much so, we are an economical kingdom now more so than a warrior kingdom we once were," replied Philippe.
"There were no tall structures like the one in the districts, the buildings were rarely taller than 3 stories high," added Philippe.
"The buildings, if you watch carefully have no cracks or broken structures. They are made from the best of materials, sourced from all around the planet," he said with prode.
"Yes," agreed Atticus. "And also each building looks like they have its own identity, its as if they have a life of its own," he said.
"They are indeed beautiful," Ana too agreed. "A much more colorful place. A stark contrast to the dull districts," she said with a smile on her face.
"Philippe," said Atticus trying to raise a question.
"What are those?" he asked them pointing over to the big stadiums that towered over the other smaller buildings.
"Those are called Domes," said Philippe. "Those are the places where our soldiers and warriors train. They were used for spectating fights eons ago. My father had abolished it. He thought it was not a fair thing to do. Watching People kill themselves when you have not even held a sword in your life" he said of the buildings of its dark past.
"Looks like your father was a fair man," said Atticus.
"The best of them. He was the General to the king. They were the best of friends. Enemies trembled at the sight of my father and honest men had a smile on their faces when he was around," said Philippe as his eyes lit up.
Ana was busy looking at the surroundings, the buildings, the homes, the people and the trade and everything that caught her eye. 
The buildings were getting bigger and richer too. That got the attention of Atticus.
"Are we getting closer to the palace," asked Atticus curiously.
"Yes, indeed we are," replied Philippe.
And the domes were getting bigger and much more grander. The Symbol of the kingdom hung over them.
The noises of swords clashing could be easily heard now.
"Practice?" asked Atticus.
"Yes," replied Philippe.
"Look here," said Philippe. These are the houses of the most prominent people of the kingdom. Ministers, Counselman and generals" he added.
"It is indeed grand," replied Ana and Atticus together 
"They have huge lawns and porches and what not," Ana said.
"Do we get a house like this?" asked Ana.
Philippe laughed.
"Only much bigger," he replied.
As they approached the royal palace. There were many people, many horses and elephants all standing by the side of the pathways.
The people standing on the path made way for the car as three of them approached.
They were not curious or surprised to see such a mechanical instrument.
Atticus was paying attention to the peoples faces. There was no surprise or happiness in the peoples faces.
"What seems to be wrong," Atticus asks Philippe. The people we earlier saw seemed prosperous and happy!
"The news of the death of the prince still lingers," replird Philippe.
The car approached the palace. Thousands of people stood outside the gates and mourned.
The brightness was replaced by gloom. There was sadness all around. 
Scores of guards stood outside the gates with armor all over them.
Two of the guards at once opened the royal gates, as soon as they saw the face of Philippe.
"Here we are," said Philippe.
There was no happiness in the faces of Atticus or Ana either now.
"The houses of the minister were better," said Ana.
"Things will get better once the Heir is revealed," replied Philippe looking at Atticus. Ana puts her hands over the shoulders of Atticus. 
"I suppose so," said Atticus.
"I first want to meet my father," added Atticus.
"He too awaits your arrival," relied Philippe.
The car is parked at the entrance and the three of them make their way to the Palace lobby. The guards carry the luggage behind them. 
There are some ministers, and few other prominent men waiting at the entrance door of the palace.
The Palace stood over 200 stories tall and the royal doors alone stood at 40 feet high.
Everything was humungous in the palace. The ceilings, the chandeliers, the sofas, the chairs, the tables, the staircases. Everything!
One of the ministers insisted that they wait in the Royal room, until the arrival of the king!
All the newcomers were advised to wait in the Royal room.
The ministers all nodded at Philippe. There were no smile on their faces.
One person stood out.
He was much bigger than the rest of them and not in the royal attire like the rest of them.
"He must be?"'asked Ana.
"That is Tiberius. He is the General of the Kingdom. He succeeded my father Marcus .Only the title is common between the two of them," added Philippe.
"He does not have the courage nor the power my father once held. He just trains the soldiers and discusses strategy with the king," said Philippe.
He continues. "There is no war anymore, just politics and gold."
Atticus nodded.
The Ministers and the other men began to take their seats alongside Philippe and the newcomers.