Chapter 7

[Unexpected Mark · Chapter 7]

Lin Qianshu's scheming is used to fall in love, which is actually not much threat to Pei Shaoze. The person who really threatened Pei Shaoze was the one who took advantage of his love in the later stage and quietly took away the power of Tianxuan.

Although the author has touched on this incident at once, the plot of the world in the book will automatically run. There must be some problems inside Tianxuan. It is not an overnight thing that the person seized control of Tianxuan, but a long-planned thing.

The ultimate winner of Tianxuan was the Vice President Cui mentioned in the original work, Cui Jue, the veteran who was pulled up by his father.

After Cheng Xia returned to China, Pei Shaoze pursued Cheng Xia brazenly and completely ignored the company. His father Pei Sheng was also hospitalized because of his deteriorating condition. Vice President Cui took the opportunity to purchase shares and firmly held Tianxuan's power in his own hands.

Later, Pei's father died of illness and the company fell into Cui Jue's hands. Lin Qianshu was drowned in a car accident and he was stabbed to death by Cheng Xia. The ending of Pei Shaoze in the original book was really miserable.

Of course, the tragic ending is that he is self-inflicted and does not deserve sympathy.

Now that Pei Shaoze has become the scumbag of the original, of course he must prepare in advance to prevent Tianxuan from falling into the hands of outsiders. Only in this way can he protect Cheng Xia in the mixed entertainment circle. At present, his father is still the chairman of Tianxuan Group, taking advantage of his father's ability to speak, he wants to implement some plans.

When Pei Shaoze arrived home, his mother was watching TV in the living room.

Seeing him pushing the door into the hall, the well-maintained woman immediately greeted her with a smile: "Shaoze, how did you want to go home today? Don't say hello in advance, mom can prepare some food for you."

The woman's name is Lu Manjing, an Omega rich lady. She was raised in a greenhouse and had no hardships. When she grew up, she married the Pei family and married her father Pei Sheng.

Her father held her in his palm, and she was very fond of her two sons.

In kindergarten, Pei Shaoze deliberately bullied a Beta child and broke the head of the other child. Instead of teaching her son, she used the relationship and kicked the child who was severely injured by Pei Shaoze out of the kindergarten.

There are many such things. Anyway, in Lu Manjing's eyes, her son will never be wrong, and it is her unprincipled spoiling. The original Pei Shaoze is a giant baby at 26 years old.

Pei Shaoze passed halfway through, and didn't have too deep feelings for this "mother". Now that he replaced her son, he still had to maintain the mother-child relationship on the surface.

Hearing this, Pei Shaoze replied: "Mom, I have eaten. Is my father here?"

Lu Manjing's voice was gentle: "He is in the study room upstairs, are you looking for something to do with him?"

Pei Shaoze nodded: "Well, mom, please continue watching TV. I will tell my father something."

He came to the study on the second floor and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Pei Sheng thought it was his wife who came to deliver the fruit, but he didn't expect the eldest son who opened the door to come in. Pei Sheng immediately frowned and his face was displeased: "What are you here for?"

This son is cynical and fools around with a group of rich second generations every day. He spends 300 days outside drinking 365 days a year, rarely goes home, and does not care about the company. Pei Sheng was so disappointed that every time he saw him, he would get a headache with anger.

Pei Shaoze walked to the sofa and sat down: "I have something to discuss with my father."

Pei Sheng said impatiently: "It's Lin Qianshu's business again? You die of this heart! Lin Qianshu and Lu Xuan are already engaged, and he is not the only Omega in this world. I can't take down this old face. Go and beg the Lu family to divorce!"

"..." Pei Shaoze whispered, "It has nothing to do with Lin Qianshu."

Pei Sheng stared at him: "What's the matter? What's wrong with you outside?"

In his eyes, Pei Shaoze is an unfilial son. It's never a good thing to find him. No wonder he is so bored with his son's attitude.

Pei Shaoze said calmly: "I hope my father will convene a shareholder meeting as chairman."

"??" Pei Sheng looked at his son with some surprise: "The shareholders meeting? What are you going to do?"

"I have some reform plans that need to be approved by the shareholders meeting." Pei Shaoze said calmly, "The current management system of Tianxuan was set more than ten years ago. It is very chaotic. The level of artists is uneven, and the agent team is even more troublesome. There is a mixture of fish and dragons, and problems will surely occur after a long time."

This was the first time that my son told him about the company with a serious look.

Pei Sheng didn't react for a while.

Pei Shaoze opened the laptop he brought with him in front of him: "I have compiled some plans today. You can take a look first. If you think it is feasible, I hope my father can support me at the shareholders meeting."

Today, Pei Shaoze took care of Cheng Xia in his bedroom while reading the company's information, and also handwritten several plans. Since he has been operating an entertainment company in the real world for eight years, he can see at a glance the many problems that currently exist in Tianxuan Entertainment, and also think of some targeted reform measures.

Get the chairman first, and other restless executives can slowly clean up.

Pei Sheng looked suspiciously at the plan in his son's computer, and the more he looked at it, the more shocked he became.

He couldn't believe that the idiot son could point out so many problems sharply. Pei Sheng frowned and asked, "Where did you get this plan?"

Pei Shaoze looked calmly: "I used to be uncomfortable, which made you very disappointed. It is excusable for you not to believe me now. But, don't you even want to give me a chance to try? Don't you want me to go on the right track? "

Pei Sheng's heart jumped violently-every time he mentioned the company's son, he always looked impatient. It is rare to be so serious today. Perhaps his son has really grown up and realized? As long as he is willing to focus his mind on his career, Pei Sheng is of course unquestioned.

Thinking of this, Pei Sheng simply said: "Okay, I will give you this opportunity. I will notify all shareholders to have a meeting at the company tomorrow morning at ten o'clock in the morning. It is up to you to persuade them."

Pei Shaoze nodded, stood up and said, "Father take a rest early. I'll go back to the company first, and I haven't finished reading some materials."

Pei Sheng opened his eyes wide--so seriously, he went back to the company to work overtime?

Is the sun coming out from the west? His son really got the hang of it?!


Pei Shaoze drove back to the company and took the exclusive elevator to the president's office on the top floor.

The office on the top floor of Tianxuan is very spacious, with an area of ​​nearly 100 square meters. In addition to the desk, bookcase and comfortable sofa, there is a small suite next to it, which separates the wash room and bedroom, allowing people to sleep in the company directly after working overtime until late at night.

Pei Shaoze sat at the desk and asked in his mind: "Is the system there?"

Two consecutive tasks were rejected by him. The system had already stocked Pei Shaoze and was dozing off. Hearing the call, I woke up suddenly: "Yes, what's the matter?"

Pei Shaoze asked: "I came to the book world, what will happen to me in the original world?"

System 1022: "Of course you in the original world are still sleeping. You can understand that this is a parallel space, and what happens here will not affect the other world."

Pei Shaoze thoughtfully: "In other words, no matter how long I stay here, the time in the original world still stays on the night I was drunk? As long as I finish the task and go back, can I wake up in the original world?"

System 1022: "Yes, but you can't stay here forever. The timeline of the novel of "Mark of Accident" has gone for five years, so the longest period of time for Cheng Xia in the book is also five years. If the player points If you are deducted, or the task is not completed before the time is up, your consciousness will be obliterated, and Pei Shaoze in the original world will not be able to wake up."

Pei Shaoze nodded: "I understand, you can rest."

In five years, 100 favorability degree, otherwise, he will completely die in both worlds.

Pei Shaoze pinched his eyebrows lightly.

If this bizarre thing hadn't been experienced personally, he couldn't believe it would happen to him.

That night, he checked the information and found it very late, so he simply slept in the company.

The next morning, Pei Shaoze got up at seven o'clock on time. After washing, he changed into the suit hung in the closet next door, tied his tie in the mirror, and went downstairs for breakfast. When returning to the company after breakfast, the employees also came to work one after another.

The sharp-eyed person recognized Pei Shaoze, staring wide-eyed and looked at the man quickly walking towards the elevator.

In the gossip group within the company, the news was immediately spread: "President Pei seems to have come to the company!" "Fuck, it's only half past seven so early, right?" "Are you sure you read it right?"

Someone simply sent a picture of Pei Shaoze: "That's right, it's President Pei!"

The man in the photo is tall and dressed in a dark gray suit, with no expression on his handsome side face.

The company's gossip group suddenly fries: "What did he come to the company for suddenly?" "His complexion is not pretty, has something happened?" "President Pei rarely comes to the company, and today he wore a suit, which is not quite right. ..."

Zhao Wenxiu held his phone and saw a lot of news popping up in the gossip group, his back was chilling.

——President Pei called to see him. Shouldn't he be mad at what happened last night?

Seeing that the agreed time was approaching, Zhao Wenxiu had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk into the company.

Assistant Zhang Fan was also very scared early in the morning. He came to the company at 7:30 and wanted to make some preparations in advance, but when he walked into the office, he ran into a pair of deep eyes. Zhang Fan shook his finger and almost threw the coffee. He couldn't believe it and said, "Pei, President Pei? You're here so early..."

Pei Shaoze let out an "um" casually.

Zhang Fan was up and down, looking at the man sitting at the desk, he always felt that Pei Shaoze's aura today was very different from before. I don't know if it's because of wearing a suit, Alpha in front of him looks a little majestic, making people afraid to look directly into his eyes, and he is totally different from the usual silly Pei Shaoze.

Zhang Fan asked nervously, "Have you had breakfast? Should I go downstairs to buy some food?"

Pei Shaoze said: "I have eaten it. Go to the surveillance center and copy all the surveillance video from the night before."

Zhang Fan was taken aback, and immediately followed suit.

After a while, he took a laptop and handed the copy of the monitor to Pei Shaoze.

Pei Shaoze opened the video, fast-forwarded it, and probably scanned the surveillance video.

It was exactly eight o'clock, and Pei Shaoze said without raising his head: "Let Zhao Wenxiu come in."

When Zhang Fan went out, Zhao Wenxiu waited restlessly in the corridor on the top floor. After seeing him, he immediately leaned forward and asked: "What the **** is President Pei looking for? Please tell me, Assistant Zhang."

Zhang Fan smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I don't know. President Pei is not quite right today, so please do it yourself."

Zhao Wenxiu felt terrified.

He took a deep breath, squeezed his fist, adjusted his expression and walked into the president's office.

Pei Shaoze's eyes were originally cast on the laptop screen. After Zhao Wenxiu entered the room, he suddenly raised his head and glanced at the other person, and asked in a cold tone: "You are Zhao Wenxiu?"

The man's eyes were deep and his eyes were extremely calm.

Zhao Wenxiu was beaten up by him, and forced a smile: "Yes, President Pei, what can you tell me?"

Pei Shaoze turned the laptop 180 degrees, put the video of Zhao Wenxiu secretly adding medicine to the juice and ran to give Cheng Xia a drink in front of him. "The Omega pheromone suddenly got out of control and appeared in my bedroom somehow—you did it, right?"

Zhao Wenxiu: "..."

I fuck! ! He prepared a whole line of lines, but didn't have time to say a word...

Pei Shaoze actually throws the surveillance directly on his face?
