Chapter 11

[Accidental Mark Chapter 11]

Cheng Xia returned to the bedroom after dinner with her parents and closed the door. Then she quickly typed a paragraph and sent it to Pei Shaoze: "President Pei, I'm sorry. Just now my father asked me the origin of the down jacket. . My father has a heart attack. I don't want to tell him what happened that night. Don't be angry!"

Cheng Yiming was upright. In the original work, he was insulted by netizens and Cheng Xia's **** photos were so angry that he died of myocardial infarction, and Cheng Xia was completely blackened. It can be seen that the father and son have a very good relationship. Cheng Xia is worried about his father, and it is understandable to make up excuses.

Pei Shaoze certainly wouldn't be angry, and typed in and replied: "It's okay. Have you finished the exam?"

"Well, I just finished the exam yesterday."

"If I have time tomorrow, I will return to the company to sign an agreement. The new agent I will arrange for you is called Zhou Yan. She is a very good Beta woman." After sending this sentence, Pei Shaoze continued, "Also, I am from Group C. Long, after signing the agreement, go to the office with the agent to find me. We will discuss your future development direction."

What time will the favorability deduction this time? Will Cheng Xia be frightened when he hears that he is the team leader?

Pei Shaoze waited for a while...

There was no prompt to deduct the favorability degree in my mind, but instead waited for Cheng Xia's reply: "I see, thank you Mr. Pei!"

Pei Shaoze: "?"

No deduction?

Pei Shaoze frowned and asked in his mind: "System, how is the favorability calculated?"

The dormant system 1022 was awakened and yawned and said: "If you have positive emotions such as trust, gratitude, and love, you will increase the favorability value; if you have negative emotions such as fear, doubt, jealousy, and hatred, you will be deducted Value."

Negative emotions such as doubt and fear will also deduct data?

It's no wonder that Cheng Xia's previous favorability level jumped repeatedly, and Pei Shaoze finally understood the reason-that is to say, for a guy like Cheng Xia with a lot of brains, it is better to be as clear as possible.

Pei Shaoze picked up the phone and patiently sent an explanation to Cheng Xia: "The grouping of artists is the decision of the company's management. Assigning you to Group C does not have any opinion on you. I have found out that what happened that night was Zhao Wenxiu's trick. It has nothing to do with you, don't worry about it, and work hard with the new agent in the future."

When Cheng Xia saw this news, the heart that had been hanging for several days finally returned to his stomach. He excitedly rolled around on the bed with his mobile phone, and quickly replied: "Thank you, President Pei, I will definitely work hard!!"

Two exclamation marks.

Then, Pei Shaoze popped up another thought——

[Cheng Xia's favorability to you +10]

Sure enough, don't let him make up his mind, just make it clear.

Pei Shaoze put down his cell phone in a happy mood, and used the landline on the desk to call the director of the copyright department an inside line: "Director Zhu, please send the information I want to my office as soon as possible."

After a while, Director Zhu wearing glasses carried a large stack of folders and knocked on the office door. He walked to Pei Shaoze and said with a serious expression: "President Pei, I let my colleagues in the copyright team work overtime to keep the copyright in the company. The content of the novel and the biographies of the characters are all sorted out. This is the sorted information. Please have a look."

Pei Shaoze motioned to him to put the information on the table, looked up at him and said: "Very good, thank you very much. I will read it carefully, select the appropriate book, and contact you before setting up the project."

"Okay, Mr. Pei, you are busy first." Director Zhu turned and left the office.

Every year, the copyright department of Tianxuan Group purchases some novel copyrights suitable for adaptation into film and television. Regardless of whether it is filmed or not, first buy the copyright and put it aside. If a certain theme suddenly becomes popular, you can make a fortune by setting up a project and filming. .

The easiest way to welcome a newcomer is to choose a suitable book from the book that the company has purchased the copyright to and invest directly in the shooting. Firstly, the copyright is in Tianxuan, and Tianxuan decides who plays the leading role; secondly, Cheng Xia is now an artist in Group C, how much Pei Shaoze wants to invest and who he wants to direct, without having to go through tedious meetings and discussions. We can make a final decision.

Director Zhu is very efficient, and he has also carefully compiled a catalog to sort all documents for the boss to view. Pei Shaoze praised him in his heart and began to look up according to the catalog number.

Cheng Xia has just turned 18, and she still has a young student spirit. Of course, the most suitable for such a newcomer is the protagonist of the youth school drama. There are several campus essays in the novels brought by the copyright department. Pei Shaoze quickly read the plot summary, and eliminated some that did not conform to Cheng Xia's personality and the plot is dog-blood sadomasochism, and finally selected a campus essay.

Cheng Xia's current acting skills are still a bit immature, and can't handle too complicated roles. Starting from a simple script will be more secure. This campus essay does not have so many heart-breaking sadomasochism. On the whole, it is a relaxed and funny route of "happy friends". The most important thing is that the protagonist of the novel Sunshine and cheerful personality fits Cheng Xia's personality.

As long as the shots are good, Cheng Xia will definitely be a little red.

Pei Shaoze put the folder alone.

After reading too much information, he had a headache, so he closed his eyes and leaned against the seat to rest for a while.

When Zhang Fan came in with coffee, Pei Shaoze was closing his eyes and resting.

Mr. Pei has been working overtime in the company these days, and Zhang Fan couldn't imagine Pei Shaoze staying in the office for such a long time to process documents before. In the past, Pei Shaoze often went to the club High with a few buddies at night, and then slept until noon. It was normal to turn around day and night, and he looked impatient when he mentioned the company.

Today's Pei Shaoze...

It's like changing individuals.

Not only Zhang Fan, but many employees in the company, especially colleagues in Group C, feel this way.

President Pei has a strict attitude at work, but he is simple and neat. He doesn't say a word of nonsense and arranges things in an orderly manner. With so many agents regrouped, he actually made the situation in the group clear in just one week.

Was he stimulated by something?

Zhang Fan was wondering, Pei Shaoze suddenly opened his eyes.

The man's eyes were cold and deep. Zhang Fan saw his tiny miniature in his eyes. It felt like the other person could see through himself at a glance.

Zhang Fan got a cold back and handed him the coffee immediately: "President Pei, your coffee..."

"Yeah." Pei Shaoze picked up the coffee, took a couple of casual sips, put the cup back on the table, and asked in a low voice as if casually: "Do you think I have changed a lot recently?"

The heart of Zhang Fan, who was seen through his mind, tightened, barely squeezing a smile on his face, and cautiously said: "You do... change quite a lot. I remember that you rarely came to the company before and didn't feel much about Tianxuan's affairs. interest."

Pei Shaoze said indifferently: "My father was diagnosed with early gastric cancer last year. Although he was operated on to save his life, his health is not as good as before. As Pei's son, I should also take responsibility."

This is the most suitable reason Pei Shaoze found for the "substitution", and it will prevent the company from being suspicious every day.

Of course, he himself thinks so. His father is still sick. As the eldest son of Pei's family, it is too wasteful to watch his father's hard work fall into the hands of others.

He will not let this happen.

Hearing his calm voice, Zhang Fan nodded in a complicated mood: "President Pei, it's great for you to think that way. The chairman will definitely be very pleased to see that you have arranged the work of Group C so quickly."

[Zhang Fan's favorability to you +5]

Pei Shaoze looked at Zhang Fan, and said in a milder tone: "Xiao Zhang, you have been working hard these days. Tomorrow, a newcomer from Group C named Cheng Xia will come to the company to sign the agreement. Explain the details of the contract to him over there. Bring him to the office to see me after signing."

Zhang Fan nodded immediately: "Okay, President Pei, I will make arrangements now."

After Zhang Fan left, Pei Shaoze opened the system menu in his mind again.

Cheng Xia's favorability became 40, and her agent changed to Zhou Yan.

Zhang Fan's favorability rose from 60 to 65 at the beginning, Lin Qianshu deducted from 75 to 70, and Zhao Wenxiu's favorability was -100.

In addition, new names such as Zhou Yan, Cui Jue, Yang Mingwei, Zhu Jian'an, and Xu Xin appeared on the list-as long as the people who have been in contact with him in the past few days, except for his parents, all appeared on the list.

Vice President Cui's favorability for him is 0, and Vice President Yang is always 50, failing.

Zhu Jian'an and Xu Xin two middle-level managers, although he was forced to work overtime to sort out copyright materials and re-modify the contract, their favorability was 60, indicating that they are serious and responsible for their work and will not bring personal emotions into their work.

Pei Shaoze looked at the list thoughtfully.

Favorability affects the attitude of supporting actors toward him. People with high favorability will be more likely to listen to him and act more attentively. When necessary, he needs to increase the favorability of some supporting actors to help Cheng Xia. After all, he couldn't make Cheng Xia become popular on his own.


At the same time, in a residential building in Qingtang District.

Cheng Xia turned around in the closet, and the movement was so loud that it disturbed his mother Jiang Qiong.

Jiang Qiong knocked on the door and looked in the direction of the closet questioningly: "What are you looking through? I thought there was a mouse in the house."

Cheng Xiamao crouched beside the closet with her waist down, with a hint of anxiety in her voice: "Mom, where is my camel cashmere sweater? Why can't I find it?"

"You mean the one you just bought last month?" Jiang Qiong walked into the bedroom and opened the storage compartment on the closet. "I put it here. If you want to wear it, I'll iron it for you."

"Great, I will wear it tomorrow!"

"Are you going out tomorrow?" Jiang Qiong took off the sweater, looked at him tenderly and asked.

Cheng Xia explained excitedly: "I'm going to the company to sign a supplementary agreement tomorrow, and I have to meet with the boss, so I have to make a good impression on the boss? It's winter, and wearing a simple cashmere sweater shouldn't go wrong, mom. What do you say?"

Jiang Qiong agreed: "Well, I'll pick you another pair of pants." She found a pair of black jeans in the closet, and then picked up a camel sweater and gestured on Cheng Xia's body: "Yes, it looks very handsome in this way."

Just as Cheng Xia was about to speak, the phone rang suddenly.

He answered the phone, and a strange female voice heard in his ear: "Hello, is this Cheng Xia?"

"Yes." Cheng Xia asked politely: "You are?"

"I'm your agent Zhou Yan, you can call me sister Yan." Zhou Yan's tone was quite gentle, "I'm really sorry, the company has adjusted internally these days, and the brokerage department has been doing work handovers, and it was finally decided today. President Pei has arranged for me to take you, and you can always contact me if you have any questions in the future."

Compared to Zhao Wenxiu's loftyness, Cheng Xia's gentle voice and neat way of speaking admired Zhou Yan very much. He politely said: "Hello, sister Yan, please ask, if I come to the company to sign an agreement tomorrow, do I go directly to the legal department? ?"

"Call me when you arrive tomorrow, and I will go downstairs to pick you up." Zhou Yan paused and said, "You can also tell me if you are not satisfied with the contract, and I will help you talk to the legal affairs. The new version In the contract, some flexible clauses can be modified."

Zhao Wenxiu took him to sign the contract last time. Seeing him flipping through the pages, Zhao Wenxiu looked impatient: "You are just a newcomer, and the company's contracts for newcomers are all in a unified template. What's so interesting? Sign it!"

Now, Zhou Yan's words warmed Cheng Xia's heart slightly.

Switching to another agent, it really got better.

Cheng Xia said seriously: "Thank you sister Yan, I will come to the company to see you tomorrow morning, is it convenient to add a WeChat account?"

Zhou Yan said, "Of course, I will add you. Remember to bring your ID card and see you tomorrow."
