Chapter 13

[Accidental Mark Chapter 13]

Pei Shaoze did not directly decide that the protagonist will be played by Cheng Xia. After all, Cheng Xia currently does not have any film and television works. The default will cause doubts from agents and other artists. He is very clear about the truth that "It's too late". He is now the boss of the company and the leader of Group C. It would not be a good thing for Cheng Xia if he left the impression of "partial Cheng Xia" from the beginning.

Therefore, he left the opportunity to all newcomers.

Newcomers in the group can participate in the audition. As for who will play the protagonist, speak with strength.

Pei Shaoze believes that since Cheng Xia became an international superstar in the later stage of the original work, his talent in acting cannot be inexplicably worsened. The opportunity is in front of him, he must know how to fight for it.

Pei Shaoze looked at Zhou Yan, and then said: "I have asked the logistics department for some artist apartments. You can get the keys and let a few newcomers move to the artist's apartment as soon as possible. In addition, there is an assistant beside the newcomers. Arrange it."

Zhou Yan nodded hurriedly: "President Pei rest assured, I will arrange it as soon as possible."

There was a knock on the door outside, Pei Shaoze said "in", Zhang Fan walked into the office with Cheng Xia's contract, and put the documents on the table: "President Pei, the contract is already stamped."

Pei Shaoze took a copy and handed it to Cheng Xia.

Cheng Xia immediately stretched out her hands and accepted it respectfully.

Just then, there was another knock on the door outside, and two women pushed the door and walked in.

The person walking in front wore a pair of sunglasses, big chestnut curly hair, a bright yellow coat with a flamboyant color, and a red lipstick. He walked with his chin slightly raised, arrogant. The woman next to her was black trousers and white shirt, with a very capable ponytail, holding a briefcase in her hand, and looking calm.

Pei Shaoze raised his eyes to look at the two and asked in a low voice, "Chen Yijun?"

This character is not mentioned in the original work of "Unexpected Marks". After all, most of the original work is devoted to the protagonist's love-hate entanglement, and all of the company's affairs are covered. But Chen Yijun is indeed a contracted artist of Tianxuan Entertainment. Pei Shaoze carefully read the details of Tianxuan after entering the book, so he recognized her at a glance.

The woman took off her sunglasses, walked to the desk, and said simply, "President Pei, I am here today to talk to you about the termination of the contract. As for the liquidated damages, I will pay compensation in accordance with the contract."

The agent with a ponytail next to it put a contract on the desk and said calmly: "Please sign Mr. Pei."

——Chen Yijun, a first-line singer. He has a solid singing skill and a variety of styles. He can easily control various styles of rock and pop. He can also create his own original songs and attract countless fans. Each single will drop to the top three on the sales chart as soon as it is released. She had already proposed to terminate the contract, no wonder Cui and Yang would assign the most difficult star to Pei Shaoze when they were grouped.

Although she is a Beta, she is called "Queen" by fans because of her bright appearance and strong aura.

Pei Shaoze raised his head, staring sharply into her eyes: "The contract hasn't expired yet, why do you want to cancel the contract early? Are you dissatisfied with Tianxuan?"

This passage is very calm, but Chen Yijun has a feeling of chills in his back, especially when he meets Pei Shaoze's eyes, this feeling is even stronger. Realizing that the man in front of him is not as dull as the rumors, Chen Yijun immediately explained with a smile: "I think there will be better development space after leaving Tianxuan. I am going to set up my own studio and cultivate some talented in music. Newcomer, form a team by yourself...Should President Pei want to block me so that I can't get along?"

Pei Shaoze said indifferently: "That's not true. You didn't do anything to be sorry for Tianxuan, and I won't be so narrow-minded as to block Tianxuan's former artist. However, if you want to go or stay, you should read this document before making a decision."

He handed a folder to the agent next to him.

When the agent opened it, his face changed slightly: "The share has been increased to 80%, and the idol singer's resident guest?"

Idol singer, CNTV's most popular talent show, and guests are all big names in the music industry. Although Chen Yijun debuted for many years, he has not yet been a guest of this variety show. She was stunned, her eyes widened slightly to look at Pei Shaoze: "CNTV has never cooperated with Tianxuan. The previous sponsors are all Star Media?"

Pei Shaoze said: "It didn't exist in the past, doesn't mean it won't happen in the future."

Chen Yijun calmed down quickly: "President Pei, are you serious?"

Pei Shaoze nodded: "Ms. Chen is the most popular singer in Tianxuan, and Tianxuan is also very sincere to keep you. One is to re-sign the contract to increase the share ratio; the other is to give you more resources, as a permanent guest of variety shows. It's just an appetizer. After the Spring Festival, I will prepare a new album for you and hold a national tour for you in the second half of the year to commemorate the eighth anniversary of your debut. How about?"

Chen Yijun: "!!!"

Two to eight divisions, national concerts, such good conditions? !

Chen Yijun couldn't believe it: "President Pei suddenly treated me so favorably...Can I ask the reason?"

Pei Shaoze said: "Tian Xuan's influence in the music scene is getting smaller and smaller. There must be one or two singers who can get it. The company has recently signed some new people, including some who can sing well. You can also bring them in the future. "

Chen Yijun understands-keep her, use her as a card to enter the music scene, and let her take the company's newcomers by the way. Pei Shaoze gave her generous signing conditions, and naturally she also wanted her to help the company.

First, she terminated her contract with Tianxuan because the split was too low, and she felt that most of the money she made had been taken by the company; second, the company did not pay enough attention to her, she thought it would be better to leave Tianxuan to develop on her own.

Now, Pei Shaoze helped her solve two problems, and she had no reason to refuse such good conditions.

[Chen Yijun's favorability to you +5]

[Cheng Xia's favorability to you +5]

It's normal for Chen Yijun to increase his favorability. What happened to Cheng Xia?

Can standing by and watching the show also increase your favorability?

Pei Shaoze looked at Cheng Xia, who gave him a shy smile.

Pei Shaoze: "..."

I don't know what Xiao Chengxia is trying to make up again, because he thinks the boss is OK?

Pei Shaoze was in a good mood, looked away from Cheng Xia's face, and asked Chen Yijun in a low voice: "Should you consider renewing the contract with Tianxuan?"

Chen Yijun and the agent looked at each other, and the latter immediately said, "Mr. Pei, Yijun wants to terminate the contract because she feels that the company has ignored her and wants to fly solo on impulse. Since you personally promised to focus on training her, resign About the contract, let's go back and consider it carefully."

"Well, I have already greeted Ms. Chen from the legal department and drafted a brand new contract for Ms. Chen. You can find a professional lawyer to go over the contract terms from the beginning, and come to me if you have any questions." Pei Shaoze paused and looked at Chen Yijun. : "By the way, your latest single, the MV hasn't been shot yet, right?"

Chen Yijun was stunned. Unexpectedly, Mr. Pei knew so well about the artists under her banner. She said: "Yes, Mr. Pei, my new song has been recorded, but the MV is still in preparation."

Pei Shaoze: "Look at the information of these newcomers in the company. If you have the right ones, you can let them participate in the performance."

Unlike TV dramas that require actors and actresses to drive popularity, the audience for the MV is Chen Yijun's fans, and the protagonist does not need much fame, good-looking is enough. Instead of looking outside, it's better to let the company's newcomers show their faces. Besides, Pei Shaoze did not force a new person to her, but just let her see that Chen Yijun was not easy to refuse face-to-face, and quickly took the information handed by President Pei.

At this time, she noticed the two people who had been staying quietly beside her.

She had met Zhou Yan before and was Tian Xuan's agent. The other boy looked very face-to-face and appeared in President Pei's office. Is this a new artist signed by the company?

The boy is not tall, with a visual observation of about 178cm. This height is considered average in the entertainment industry. Fortunately, he is slender and well-proportioned and looks very coordinated overall. He was wearing black skinny jeans, his legs were straight and long, and his upper body was a camel cashmere sweater. His simple and refreshing outfit made him full of vitality and his face was full of youthful vigor.

Seeing Chen Yijun looking over, the boy smiled at her, and Chen Yijun's heart jumped suddenly-the smile of the boy really made her old sister's heart melt!

She couldn't help asking: "Are you a new artist signed by the company?"

Cheng Xia nodded: "Hello, Sister Jun. My name is Cheng Xia. I am a fan of you and I often listen to your songs."

Chen Yijun heard that the other party was her fan, and her first impression of 70 points quickly rose to over 90 points. She showed a kind smile and asked, "Cheng Xia, are you interested in shooting a MV?"

Cheng Xia was taken aback: "Me?"

Chen Yijun walked over excitedly and looked at him up and down: "I haven't found the actor for the single MV I'm currently preparing. Didn't Mr. Pei just ask me to pick from newcomers? I think your image and temperament are particularly suitable! Just set you up!"

The agent was coughing nearby, reminding her to look again. Chen Yijun ignored the other party's reminder and looked at Cheng Xia's eyes with a smile: "The MV is very short and there is no too complicated plot. You just have to show your face. How about it, would you?"

Cheng Xia looked at her agent Zhou Yan, who was also a little confused.

what's the situation?

Is Chen Yijun so casual? I only met once and decided that Cheng Xia will play the actor in her MV?

At this moment, Pei Shaoze suddenly whispered: "Cheng Xia."

Everyone turned their heads together, only to see President Pei's expression calm, and his gaze towards Cheng Xia was gentle: "MV shooting is easier than TV series. Many singers' MVs are for newcomers, so you don't need to be stressed. Yijun takes the initiative to invite you, so you can give it a try and perform well."

Cheng Xia was flattered, and her voice trembled: "Thanks, thank you, President Pei! Thank you Jun Jun for giving me this opportunity!"

Chen Yijun immediately took out his mobile phone and said, "Come on, add a friend. I have to release this song on Valentine's Day. The shooting time of the MV is relatively tight. If nothing else, it will be scheduled for next week. Go back and prepare for the details. Contact the broker."

Cheng Xia added Chen Yijun, and the agents of both sides also added friends to each other.

Chen Yijun smiled and waved to Cheng Xia, said goodbye to Pei Shaoze, turned and left the office.

Cheng Xia clenched the contract and stood there, feeling so good that she was about to fly into the sky.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I met Mr. Pei today, he had the opportunity to appear in the MV of the famous singer Chen Yijun's new song. Mr. Pei also gave him the novel information of the new play, and he could also participate in the audition when casting the cast.

As a newcomer, Cheng Xia felt like she had been hit by a lottery.

[Cheng Xia's favorability to you +5]

Pei Shaoze looked at the excited teenager and said in a low voice, "Okay, go back and prepare to move as soon as possible. Tianxuan's artist apartment is in very good condition, and there will be an assistant to take care of your daily life. Tell your parents clearly, don't let them worry."

Cheng Xia nodded vigorously: "Well, then I will go now, thank you, President Pei!"

The boy bowed deeply to Pei Shaoze, and then turned and left the office with Zhou Yan.

Pei Shaoze opened the system and took a look--

Favorability 50.

With the various brain supplements of the teenager, the favorability is finally more than half.