Chapter 15

[Accidental Marks Chapter 15]

After receiving the news from Chen Yijun, Cheng Xia did not rush to reply. He first called his agent Zhou Yan and wanted to know how the agent would make arrangements tomorrow.

As soon as the phone was connected, Zhou Yan said anxiously: "Cheng Xia, I just wanted to find you. Chen Yijun's agent has already contacted me, saying that it is tomorrow to try makeup and set the look. The MV will be shot within a week. Her schedule is very fast, we can only try to cooperate. Do you have any questions tomorrow?"

Zhou Yan used the WeChat version of the computer desktop to communicate with the other agent while calling Cheng Xia.

Cheng Xia nodded without hesitation: "I'm fine, Sister Yan, please arrange it."

Zhou Yan typed a few words on WeChat and replied "No problem", and then said: "Chen Yijun is a good person. He offered to give you a performance fee of 20,000 yuan. I want to ask your opinion. Do we want this? money?"

Cheng Xia smiled and said: "Don't have the money? Sister Yijun is willing to take me as a newcomer. I should thank her. The performance fee is too stingy, it is better to play in friendship. Besides, I am a fan of her. It's equivalent to following her. If she chooses someone else, I won't have the chance to show up."

Zhou Yan nodded with relief: "It's fine if you can understand. Get up early tomorrow and come to the company to find me at half past nine."

"Okay sister Yan, see you tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Xia politely replied to Chen Yijun to express his gratitude.

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At this time, the top floor office of Tianxuan Group.

Pei Shaoze asked Zhang Fan who knocked on the door in a low voice: "What did Director Liu say?"

Zhang Fan took a contract and handed it to him: "I just called Director Liu to confirm that I will have an interview with you in Private Room 1 of the Western Restaurant on the 3rd floor of Longhua Building at 11:30 tomorrow morning."

Pei Shaoze nodded, and carefully reviewed the contract handed over by Zhang Fan.

He doesn't like procrastination. If he finds it suitable after meeting tomorrow, he can hand over the contract to the other party as soon as possible. Only when the director and screenwriter are determined can the actors be determined, and the time to start shooting will be hurry.

Director Liu's full name is Liu Xueyi. He is a newcomer who graduated from the Department of Directors of the Film Academy. He is currently 26 years old and is relatively young among directors. Pei Shaoze approached him because he was affordable, the upper part of the drama had been finished, and there was plenty of time. Not to mention the high fees of big-name directors, and there is no schedule.

Secondly, Liu Xueyi has been very active in the field of online dramas in recent years. He has filmed three low-cost youth idol dramas. Although he is not well-known and the dramas produced are not splashy, the styles of his dramas are warm, and the ratings on the film and television forums are all A score of 8 or more is not shoddy. He is very strict on the quality of online dramas.

This director was decided by Pei Shaoze after reading the information of hundreds of directors.

Zhang Fan recently worked overtime with Pei Shaoze and admired Mr. Pei's dedication. He has to look carefully at each director's information, and he also reads reviews on the Internet, and even personally clicks on the representative works they have shot in the past to see the director's style.

The attitude of checking information is as serious as a graduate student writing a graduation thesis.

From the second generation of sloppy rich to a rigorous and agile career man, Pei Shaoze in front of him is almost completely reborn.

Pei Shaoze handed the contract to Zhang Fan: "Go to the legal affairs and stamp, and come to Binhu Villa with the driver to pick me up tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock in the morning. You will go to see Director Liu with me." He raised his eyes to the assistant in front of him, and said softly: It's been a hard day, let's get off work early today."

Zhang Fan was overjoyed: "Thank Mr. Pei!"


Cheng Xia returned to the apartment and began to read the original novel, but she was so fascinated that she kept seeing it late at night. He put down his book, walked to the French window and rubbed his sore shoulder.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on a window diagonally opposite--

The 33rd floor of Tianxuan Building.

As it is off work hours, the entire Tianxuan Building is turned off, so the lights on the 33rd floor office are particularly conspicuous.

The people in the office seemed to open a window for ventilation. Cheng Xia saw the tall man getting up from the desk and pouring a glass of water next to him, and then holding the glass to the window.

Across the street, he couldn't see the other person's face clearly, but judging by his figure alone, he recognized it as Pei Shaoze, President Pei!

Are you still working overtime so late?

President Pei is really a responsible and dedicated boss.

[Cheng Xia's favorability to you +5]

Pei Shaoze who just picked up the cup to drink water: "?"

I didn't meet Cheng Xia at all today, or even contacted him at all.

Where is the favorability?

It feels like a small seedling planted in a flowerpot. It grows tall without watering or fertilizing.

Cheng Xia is a seedling that can grow on its own.

Pei Shaoze drank the water happily, took out his mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Cheng Xia: "Will you go to shoot the MV tomorrow?"

The message that popped up on the phone made Cheng Xia startled, and hurriedly replied: "Yes, do you know Mr. Pei?"

"Chen Yijun told me. The MV director Zhang has worked with her many times. This director is strict. It is common to take a shot several times. You should be mentally prepared. This MV shooting may not be as expected. So easy."

"I understand." Cheng Xia replied, followed by another: "President Pei, rest early, don't work too hard!"

"Yeah. So do you. Go to bed early." Pei Shaoze was about to get off work. After sending the message, he closed the window and went to the underground garage.

Cheng Xia saw that the office across the street had turned off the lights, and then turned around to take a bath in the bathroom.


The next day, Cheng Xia got up at seven o'clock on time and wore clean clothes after washing. Anyway, Sister Yijun said that the sponsor would provide the clothes, and he just had to bring himself there.

Assistant Xu Rongrong came over early in the morning to give him a nutritious breakfast, and he was carrying a schoolbag. This schoolbag is like a treasure chest, with all kinds of daily utensils. Cheng Xia couldn't help sighing: "Sister Rong, you have prepared too much!"

Xu Rongrong said: "I am your assistant, of course I have to take good care of you."

Cheng Xia smiled at her: "Sister has worked hard."

The young boy has a sweet and polite mouth, and Xu Rongrong is really pleasant to hear him call her sister. She was very fortunate that she had chosen Cheng Xia when the assistant was assigned, and her attitude towards Cheng Xia has become more gentle: "Eat breakfast first, and when we are done, we will go to the company to find Zhou Yan."

When the two came to the company, Zhou Yan was ready, and told Cheng Xia some precautions, and the three went downstairs to the parking lot together. I thought that Chen Yijun is a big-name star after all, so he might be late for ten o'clock. As a result, Chen Yijun's nanny car was quite punctual and arrived in the garage at ten o'clock.

Chen Yijun put on cool sunglasses, put down the car window and waved to Cheng Xia: "Cheng Xia, come and take a car with me!"

Cheng Xia glanced at her agent, and seeing that Zhou Yan had no objection, she walked over and sat in the back row with Chen Yijun. The agent and assistant got into another car.

Chen Yijun's nanny car is very spacious, and the back seat can easily allow an adult to lie down and sleep. Chen Yijun closed the curtains of the car, turned on the lights, and then handed Cheng Xia a stack of materials: "This is the script of the MV. You can read it first."

Cheng Xia took it over and took a closer look, and found that his role in the MV had no lines from beginning to end. After all, this is the MV of the song, and it is not a short play. It would be weird when someone pops up to speak in the middle of singing. No lines are normal. The difficulty of acting without lines is not lower than with lines.

When there are lines, actors can express their emotions by controlling the volume of the voice, ups and downs, and powerful actors can even bring the audience in with one or two lines. However, this kind of "dumb drama" without lines has to rely entirely on movements and eyes. For Cheng Xia, this is no small challenge.

After Cheng Xia finished watching, Chen Yijun said bluntly: "This single I just recorded last month. I want to release it on Valentine's Day. The MV has to be filmed within a week, and post-production is required. So time It's a bit rush to go to the meeting, it's going to work hard for you these days."

Cheng Xia said understandably: "I understand that your song is about first love, and it is more appropriate to put it on Valentine's Day. Moreover, this year's Valentine's Day and Spring Festival will not exceed three days before and after the Spring Festival, which is the time when all kinds of music websites have the largest traffic. "

Chen Yijun looked at Cheng Xia with a gentle gaze: "There are so many singers who want to release new songs during the winter vacation. It is not that easy to get out of the competition during the winter vacation. It is not a random decision to let you play the MV for this song. When I first saw you that day, I thought you were particularly suitable for this song. Cheng Xia, you have to come on."

Cheng Xia nodded earnestly: "Sister Jun, don't worry, I will definitely cooperate."

Chen Yijun smiled and patted Cheng Xia on the shoulder, took out the phone, and took a group photo with Cheng Xia. She wanted to post to Moments, she wrote a few sentences and deleted them, saying: "No, I have to keep it secret, and I will give you a surprise then!"

Soon, the nanny car drove to a nearby middle school.

Due to the recent winter vacation, the students have all gone home, so Chen Yijun simply borrowed the school venue to shoot the MV.

The staff is ready on site.

As soon as Chen Yijun got off the car, she took Cheng Xia to see the director: "This is Director Zhang. This is the newcomer I told you, Cheng Xia."

Director Zhang specializes in filming MVs for singers. The requirements are strict and he strives for perfection. He was a little unhappy when he heard that Chen Yijun had found a newcomer. As a result, when the teenager came to ask "Hello, Director Zhang", his eyes suddenly brightened——

The sunshine and warm boy, the first love that will never be forgotten in the memory.

Isn't this a **** face suitable for first love!

Director Zhang excitedly took Cheng Xia to the dressing room: "Quickly, quickly, set your makeup and hair style, I want to take a few shots to try."

Cheng Xia, who was being dragged away, was a little confused.

Seeing Cheng Xia being dragged away, agent Zhou Yan and assistant Xu Rongrong also followed nervously.

Cheng Xia was sent to the changing room by the director to change clothes.

Since the scene of the MV shooting was at school, Cheng Xia had to change into school uniform. The school uniforms are provided by the sponsor. They are blue and white. Most people wear sportswear that looks ugly, but they look like the cover model on Cheng Xia. People with good proportions look good in everything. If Cheng Xia endorses this school uniform, it is estimated that the uniform will be sold out.

The director beamed his eyes and greeted Cheng Xialai to sit down in front of the makeup mirror. The makeup artist and stylist immediately started tossing his face and hair. Cheng Xia felt that she was about to become a guinea pig on the test bench.

The makeup artist asked him to open and close his eyes, and he had to cooperate obediently.

After a period of time, makeup and styling are finally determined.

The simple black short hair and broken bangs, without any extra touches, make him look fresh and natural. Cheng Xia's skin is white and she won't feel too heavy makeup after applying foundation. The modification of the nose shadow makes the teenager's nose more refined and three-dimensional. The color of the lipstick that the makeup artist picked for him was only a little darker than his own lip color, and he looked very complex after applying it.

Part of the daily makeup, coupled with a refreshing short hair, this is exactly the school grass of the middle school age, right? Chen Yijun, who walked into the dressing room exaggeratedly exclaimed: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

The people around were amused by her flamboyant acting skills.

Unexpectedly, the well-known singer Chen Yijun is actually such an off-line character in private. Cheng Xia looked at her and said seriously: "Sister Jun, you are my idol, so don't make fun of me."

Chen Yijun smiled and took a few photos of Cheng Xia.

Director Zhang rubbed his hands excitedly next to him: "Come on, let's try to take a few shots!"
