Chapter 18

[Unexpected Marks·Chapter Eighteen]

Pei Shaoze's visit to the crew has become the focus of the audience. The scene of him walking over to chat with Cheng Xia quickly attracted the attention of the staff. Many curious eyes were looking here, and everyone seemed to be guessing Pei sum. What is the relationship between Cheng Xia, and why did you still chat with Cheng Xia alone?

The gaze around Cheng Xia was very uncomfortable, so she lowered her head and pretended to organize fast food.

Pei Shaoze noticed Cheng Xia's embarrassment and offered him a step forward: "You have to eat first, I'll go over there and see."

The man turned and left, and Cheng Xia breathed out softly.

Mr. Pei was very close to him just now, his heartbeat speeded up inexplicably, and he even had difficulty breathing. For some reason, he can't help being nervous when he gets along with this Alpha alone, and he doesn't feel that way when he stays with other Alphas. Cheng Xia thought about it carefully. The most likely thing was that he had lost control of the pheromone in front of Pei Shaoze, lying on Pei Shaoze's bed without wearing anything that night, pestering the other party to ask for a mark... Of course I am sorry to see President Pei.

The thought of this made Cheng Xia embarrassed. He didn't want to think about it anymore, and turned around with a bag of takeaway.

The filming scene has limited space. Director Zhang simply asked the school leaders to borrow a meeting room for everyone to eat in, and said: "You guys go to the house to eat, and remember to take away the garbage after eating!"

Cheng Xia came into the house and found that the agent was there, so she consciously sat next to Zhou Yan and yelled, "Sister Yan."

Zhou Yan asked casually: "What is Mr. Pei talking to you?"

Cheng Xia confessed honestly: "Just talked about the piano a few words, Mr. Pei said that he also learned piano."

Zhou Yan said "Oh", and she was very puzzled-Mr. Pei had just stood outside the window and watched Cheng Xia intently. After entering the house, he also took the initiative to chat with Cheng Xia. She thought that Mr. Pei was different to Cheng Xia. However, President Pei only had a brief chat with Cheng Xia and then turned around to find Chen Yijun. It seemed that chatting with Cheng Xia was just the boss cares about the employees casually?

President Pei's attitude is really unpredictable. Zhou Yan simply gave up guessing and said softly: "The scene just now is very satisfactory, but he wants to keep improving and shoot again in the afternoon. There will be more in post-production. The material can be edited."

Cheng Xia said understandingly: "It should be." He is a newcomer, and he didn't expect to be able to do it again.

Everyone around opened the lunch box, and the smell of food wafted in the house. Cheng Xia was indeed hungry, so she focused on the food. Braised chicken drumsticks, tomato sirloin, snow peas, fish-flavored pork...all are his favorite dishes!

Cheng Xia ate with relish, with a satisfied face.


Outside, Pei Shaoze held up a big umbrella and walked into the snow.

Zhang Fan followed President Pei suspiciously. President Pei had lunch and not with the crew. This is normal. You can't stand by and watch others eat, right? However, what does it mean for him to walk in school with an umbrella under a snowy day?

Perceiving Zhang Fan's doubts, Pei Shaoze suddenly asked: "What do you think of the scenery in Seventeenth Middle School?"

Zhang Fan hurriedly replied: "Among all the middle schools in Rongcheng, the greening of No.17 Middle School ranks among the top three, especially the snow scene in winter, which is not even comparable to many universities." So you are walking in the snow and enjoying the scenery? Zhang Fan did not dare to continue asking.

Pei Shaoze stopped in front of a lake and looked far away.

The environment of the Seventeenth Middle School is really good. There is a large artificial lake on the campus. In winter, the lake is covered with thick layers of ice, and heavy snow like feathers falls one after another. The trees beside the lake are also completely covered by snow, and the eye is white. It's like being in a fairy tale world.

If the camera shoots from the air, this picture must be beautiful, and it can be used to make a snow scene promotional film.

However, the winter vacation is only one month in February, and school will start on March 1. Once school starts, the film crew will be stationed in and filming will affect the students' study, and the school will definitely not agree. If the filming is over during the holiday, the time will be relatively short...but hurry up to make it happen.

Pei Shaoze frowned in thought. After a while, he took out a video of his surroundings with his phone and sent it to director Liu Xueyi, who had just added a friend: "Director Liu, there are many stories in the novel "Folding Paper" that happened in winter. This is Take a look at a snow scene in the Seventeenth Middle School. If we shoot in the Seventeenth Middle School, what do you think of the effect?"

Liu Xueyi didn't expect that after signing the contract at noon, the producer actually went to inspect the shooting location in the afternoon? Is this Pei Shaoze a workaholic? He took a look at the video in a curious place, and immediately replied quickly: "It's so beautiful! Compared to the snow scene made with foam, the scene is countless times better! It's just that the 17th Middle School is a key middle school, and the principal will agree to enter the school to make a drama. ?"

Pei Shaoze said: "I will solve this problem."

After he finished the message, he sent another sentence: "We have to hurry up and ask Mr. Xu to write a plot summary and a diversity outline as soon as possible to send it to the record as soon as possible. The actors will be appointed this month, and they will be on after the Spring Festival. Director Liu is here. Is there a problem with time?"

Liu Xueyi and Xu Moran were waiting for the flight to take off in the waiting hall. The two of them flew over from a field yesterday to meet with President Pei and booked today's ticket to go home. He showed the phone to his friend, Xu Moran couldn't help but widen his eyes: "You are so anxious to turn on the phone after the Spring Festival?" Liu Xueyi said solemnly: "You can say if it can be done in three days. Give it to the General Administration of Radio, Film and Television for the record. It's not a finalized script. It's not difficult for you to write a plot outline, right?"

Xu Moran gritted his teeth: "Of course you can work overtime!"

Liu Xueyi replied: "Mr. Pei, I have no problem with Xiao Xu. However, won't it be too late for the Spring Festival?"

Pei Shaoze said: "I missed this holiday. Once the school opens, it will be difficult for us to borrow the venue."

Liu Xueyi agreed: "That's right, then Xiao Xu and I will work overtime these days to get out the plot outline first. The script can be carefully polished while selecting actors!"

Pei Shaoze said: "I plan to use drones to shoot from the air. Taking advantage of the frequent snowfall in Rongcheng recently, I will film all the winter parts of the script. Then, the whole crew will shoot the summer part in Feiyaan City, South Now there are green trees and flowers everywhere, and the summer scenes will not violate the harmony."

Liu Xueyi and Xu Moran looked at each other.

In other words, the location of this show should be all shot in real scene?

In the past, Liu Xueyi's low-cost web dramas were shot in a studio. The beautiful scenery is actually a canvas. The protagonist is acting in front of the green screen. To be honest, even after the post-processing, it still seems to be cheap. sense.

The actual scene is of course good, but it is also expensive!

The entire crew of Feiyaan City, food, accommodation, and transportation are all money. The borrowing of public venues requires additional expenses. The extras are also a lot of expenses. This is no longer the standard of ordinary web dramas?

Liu Xueyi couldn't help but said: "The funds..."

Pei Shaoze said: "Tian Xuan has invested 10 million, and I will bring in at least 5 million investment. The cost of publicity and service for this drama can be saved, and the newcomers are not paid high, and 80% of the money is spent on filming. Come on, is that enough?"

Liu Xueyi was so excited that he almost fell the phone: "Enough enough!"

15 million filming a youth campus web drama, 80% is used for filming, not only is enough, this is more than enough! It doesn't make sense that other people can shoot at 5 million. They can't shoot at 15 million!

Pei Shaoze said: "Thanks for your hard work these days, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions."

Liu Xueyi was full of fighting spirit: "Okay, Mr. Pei, we will pack up when we go back, and go to Rongcheng to retreat and change the script!"

After the conversation, Pei Shaoze turned and walked in the other direction.

He wants to examine the environment of Seventeenth Middle School.

At the Tianxuan meeting last time, he told shareholders that each group's investment of less than 10 million yuan can be directly decided by the group leader. Once it exceeds 10 million, it must be discussed at the company meeting.

This passage is actually very informative. The team leader's investment does not exceed 10 million, which does not mean that the investment of a drama must be limited to 10 million—because the team leader can also use his skills to pull in investment from outside.

With Pei Shaoze's contacts, it is not difficult for his wealthy second-generation friends to attract millions of investments. What's more, advertisers, sponsors, and other areas he hasn't touched yet. Once the doors in these areas are opened, he doesn't need the approval of other senior executives of the company for any drama he wants to make in the future. And once his investment explodes, will he still be afraid of losing money in the future?

It is estimated that a lot of sponsors will rush to give him money.

Zhang Fan finally knew the reason why President Pei was visiting the school with an umbrella. He came to the 17th Middle School not only to visit the class, but also to inspect the shooting scene of the next school drama. It kills two birds with one stone and the plan is meticulous. No wonder the efficiency is so high!

At this time, in the office.

Cheng Xia has finished lunch. There are five dishes in the set meal, but the quantity is small and precise. Moreover, the 18-year-old is just when his body is developing. He ate all the dishes and cleaned up the fruits. Only dried fruit bags and milk tea are left. Unpack.

Cheng Xia tidyed up the lunch box, got up and wanted to go outside to take out the trash. The assistant Rong sister took the initiative to take the trash bag and helped him pour the milk tea into the thermos. She smiled and said, "When you want to drink in the afternoon, please look for it anytime. Me, drink hot!"

Cheng Xia thanked and went out to breathe.

As soon as I walked out, I saw President Pei in the distance.

Pei Shaoze is wearing a long coat and a **** umbrella. He is tall and straight, and his steps are calm. The handsome man walks slowly through the snow. From a distance, it looks like a thick ink painting, full of colors. The depression and coldness of winter.

Cheng Xia stared at the distance blankly, unable to look away for a while.

A cold wind mixed with snowflakes rushed towards her face, Cheng Xia suddenly remembered the night when she was in a panic, and when Pei Shaoze sent him home, there was heavy snow. Pei Shaoze was worried that he would be cold and gave him a down jacket.

The warmth of the thick clothes on the body seems to stay in my heart.

Sometimes he couldn't help thinking, if he changed to another Alpha and forcibly marked him that night, what would he do? Or, the other party looked at him with contempt, and regarded him as a scheming Omega relying on the boss to let him get out of the sky, how should he deal with it?

But none of this happened. Pei Shaoze handled the matter in the gentlest way, leaving no shadow on Cheng Xia. It's like a brother who forgave the mistakes a child made carelessly, and never mention it again.

It really gave Cheng Xia a lot of face and dignity.

President Pei seems cold, but he is actually a very gentle person...

When Cheng Xia thought about this, Pei Shaoze had already walked in front of him.

The teenager was in a daze, Pei Shaoze skipped a line in his mind, "Cheng Xia's favorability to you +5".

The young seedling grows an inch taller by itself?

Pei Shaoze asked softly: "What are you thinking about?"

Cheng Xia recovered, and there was no one around him. His cheeks were slightly hot, and with a volume that only each other could hear, he whispered: "I'm thinking, how can I pay you back if you borrowed my down jacket? Or just express it directly?"

Pei Shaoze nodded: "Okay, I will send your address on WeChat. You can send it to me another day."

Both of them deliberately lowered their voices, as if they were saying... a secret that only they knew.

Down jackets, and sleeping in the same bed that night, are indeed secrets only they know.

This feeling of whispering made Cheng Xia's heart beat suddenly, and hurriedly changed the subject: "Where did Mr. Pei go?"

Pei Shaoze said: "I looked at the environment of the Seventeenth Middle School. It is quite suitable for shooting snow scenes."

Shooting snow scenes? The campus drama Mr. Pei said before that he would invest in it contained a lot of plots of winter snowy days. Could it be that, besides visiting the class, President Pei also inspected the shooting location today?

Pei Shaoze saw through Cheng Xia's thoughts and nodded: "It's the school drama, how are you preparing?"

Cheng Xia immediately got serious, and said obediently as if answering a teacher's question: "I went back and read the original book again, and I want to read it at least three times, and carefully study the protagonist's personality and psychological changes."

"Original?" Pei Shaoze raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Well, I went to the bookstore and bought the book myself." Cheng Xia smiled shyly, "I always feel that the outline and the set of characters are not comprehensive enough. After reading the original work, I have a better understanding of the roles in the book. some."

Pei Shaoze was very pleased to hear Cheng Xia say this. He thought that Cheng Xia would be like most artists, just looking at the information given by the agent, but he didn't expect the little guy to be quite clever, so he bought the original and read the full text.

Although Pei Shaoze chose the original work based on Cheng Xia's characteristics, if no surprises, Cheng Xia would definitely choose the protagonist.

However, taking the cake directly to him and letting him obtain the cake through hard work are two completely different experiences. Pei Shaoze didn't want to give Cheng Xia resources directly. He hoped that Cheng Xia could enjoy the process of "working hard, reaping success, step by step to the top".

This process is the most important.

Cheng Xia is very serious every time he talks about work, and he admires such a serious and hardworking teenager. To the young boy's clear eyes, Pei Shaoze said warmly: "The opportunity is only for those who are ready. Go back and study it. The audition time should be set soon."

Cheng Xia nodded vigorously: "Well, thank you Mr. Pei!"

At this moment, Chen Yijun just walked out and saw Mr. Pei and Cheng Xia were chatting, she couldn't help but jokingly said: "Mr. Pei, are you here to visit me? Why did you catch our little Cheng Xia and chat? what!"

Pei Shaoze didn't answer her jokes, and said calmly: "Yijun, besides visiting the squad, I actually have something to ask you for help."

Chen Yijun looked surprised: "What can I do for you?"

"You can borrow the venue of the Seventeenth Middle School to shoot the MV. Your relationship with the principal is pretty good, right?"

"Well, I graduated from the Seventeenth Middle School. The current principal happened to be my head teacher back then." Chen Yijun looked at Pei Shaoze questioningly, "Why, did Mr. Pei ask our principal for anything?"

Pei Shaoze nodded: "Excuse me, please turn around and tell the principal. I have a campus drama here and I want to film it in the Seventeenth Middle School. In addition to framing, a large number of extras are needed. If possible, I hope the principal can cooperate with us. At that time, find some students of the right age to act as a group. As for the cost, I will personally discuss with the principal."

Filming TV series in Seventeenth Middle School? This is also a kind of publicity for his alma mater, Chen Yijun immediately agreed: "No problem, I will make an appointment to introduce you to meet afterwards, I also think the scenery of my alma mater is beautiful!"

After talking about this, Pei Shaoze walked into the studio and said goodbye to Director Zhang: "Director Zhang, I have work to do, so I won't bother you here."

Director Zhang smiled and said: "Okay, President Pei, on behalf of the staff, thank you for your concern!"

Pei Shaoze made a few words with the crew. When he walked to the door, he looked back at Cheng Xia. The young boy was also looking at him. The two people looked at each other. Cheng Xia immediately looked away embarrassedly and said politely, "Goodbye Mr. Pei. ."

Pei Shaoze nodded at him and turned to go out.

Goodbye, Cheng Xia. I will probably have an audition next time I meet, I hope you can surprise me.
