Chapter 29

[Accidental Mark · Chapter 29]

Even if Pei Shaoze is a workaholic, it is impossible for everyone to boot into the group on the first day of the new year. What's more, the script of Teacher Xu and Lemongrass can't be changed so quickly, and everyone else has to be at home for the New Year.

Therefore, in the past few days, he has focused his energy on "reforming his younger brother."

Pei Shaoyan was forced to study at home and was about to fall ill.

Those friends on the phone asked him to go out to play every day, but when the eldest brother confiscated his car keys and parked all his credit cards, he couldn't get out at all. Secondly, the eldest brother also threw him three scripts for him to read and asked him to write analysis notes?

Analyze Mao, he has no interest in these!

Pei Shaoyan complained silently: "Our high school class teachers are not so strict."

After being detained for two days, Pei Shaoyan finally found an opportunity to go out to "get out of the air"-February 12, the second day of the Lunar New Year, his mother was going back to Lu's house to pay New Year's greetings, and he also went with him on the grounds that "I miss grandpa especially".

The Lu family is a real estate business. Lu Manjing is the only Omega daughter of the Lu family's generation. Her several older brothers are all Alpha, so she has been loved by her family since she was a child and transferred this love to her two sons.

She is like a canary raised in a greenhouse. She has not experienced any storms. The original book Pei Shaoze and Pei Shaoyan brothers are unlearned and have a lot to do with being spoiled by their mother since childhood.

However, the uncles of the Lu family were better than each. Lu Xuan was the only son of the third uncle. Pei Shaoze returned to his grandfather's house today to pay a New Year's greeting and saw this cousin again. Since he had made things clear before, Lu Xuan's attitude towards him was obviously much better.

However, Pei Shaoyan, with black hair and a dog-like appearance, followed her elder brother obediently, and she wore a proper sweater, jeans and jacket. There were no strange patterns on her clothes, and everyone almost didn't dare to recognize it.

The brothers of the Pei family seem to be completely reborn!

Grandpa smiled and greeted everyone for dinner. At the dinner table, the old man suddenly mentioned Pei Shaoze's marriage: "Shaoze, your cousin Lu Xuan is already engaged. After this year, you are also 27. Shouldn't you think about marriage?"

Pei Shaoze calmly said, "Thank you, grandpa, for your concern. I already have someone I like."

——I have someone I like. This excuse is indeed where I need to move. The day before yesterday, he just used this sentence to make Lin Qianshu give up. Today, he can also use this reason to push away the messy blind dates arranged at home.

But the old man Lu was very shrewd and he asked, "You didn't mean to lie to us, Hu made it? Which Omega is it, bring it back to Grandpa."

Pei Shaoze lied without changing his face: "I have been with him not long ago. I have just caught up. I have not yet reached the level of meeting the parents. After a while, when our relationship stabilizes, I will bring him back."

The people on the table looked at each other.

In this world, as long as Alpha and Omega confess to each other, marking is almost a routine procedure. After Alpha marks Omega, it is like stamping to recognize that the other party is his partner. The mark cannot be changed at any time. Generally, as long as they have marked each other, it is difficult for parents to object.

What does it mean to just catch up? Would Pei Shaoze still take the initiative to chase people?

Lu Xuan lowered his voice and asked, "Not marked yet?"

Pei Shaoze: "Yes, he is very shy, I am afraid of scaring him."

Lu Xuan chuckled, "I can't tell, you are such a gentleman?"

Pei Shaoze said solemnly: "If you really like someone, you will respect the other person's ideas. He is still young, and I don't want to be too eager to scare people away. Give us some time."

Hearing this, the elders in the family would naturally not urge them.

Pei Shaoyan looked at her elder brother suspiciously—the one she likes? Seriously, really or not? !

After grandfather passed the customs smoothly, Pei Shaoze followed his parents to visit some relatives and friends.

During the New Year, he couldn't avoid visiting relatives and friends, not to mention that these relatives and friends of Pei's family speak very importantly in the business world. He can also chat about business by the way and hear some news.

It's just that such a life will inevitably feel boring.

On the third night of the New Year's Day, Pei Shaoze received a message from the screenwriter Xu: "Mr. Pei, according to your request, Mr. Lemongrass and I have worked overtime these days. First, I revised the script for the winter part and gave it to you and Director Liu. I sent a copy."

Time is rushed, and it is difficult to change the script in a short time. But the winter is about to pass, Pei Shaoze asked Xu Moran to discuss with the author to change the script for the winter part first. The original author knows the plot of the novel well, and Xu's screenwriter experience is so old that the two of them worked overtime for several days, and they really changed the script for the winter part in advance.

Pei Shaoze said hard, and talked with Director Liu for a long time, and finally set the start time-February 17, the seventh day of the new year, the day when the annual leave ends.

From the audition on the 9th to the start of the 17th, the time is very rushed, but there is no way. The school will start in March. They have to hurry up and finish the filming of the snow scene in the school, and the rest of the exterior, interior and summer plots The shooting work can be slowed down a bit, and more attention should be paid to the control of the details. The quality of the film is personally checked by Pei Shaoze, which is definitely not bad.

Liu Xueyi readily agreed and prepared all the cooperating staff such as photography, lighting, and service.

After setting a time, Pei Shaoze pulled the crew chief into a WeChat group.

Everyone knows the news of the start-up on the 17th, and they have booked air tickets to get back to Rongcheng. Cheng Xia's home is in the local area and there is no need to book tickets. He politely greeted President Pei, Director Liu, the author and the screenwriter in the group and asked hello. Lemongrass also sent him a friend application, and Cheng Xia hurriedly approved and said something polite on WeChat.

At this moment, he received another message from Mr. Pei: "Chen Yijun's "Memories" MV will be on the MTV TV station on time at 8 o'clock tonight, and the three music platforms of Kumi, Le Ting, and Dingdang will also be on the shelves at the same time. Remember to watch."

Cheng Xia was stunned, with some surprises: "Is the whole network synchronized?" He remembered that Sister Yijun's songs were all broadcast on Kumi Music before.

Pei Shaoze said: "Komi Music wanted to buy the copyright of this song, and the price was very high. I did not agree. Although the exclusive copyright will be promoted by the platform, it will be broadcast simultaneously on the whole network, and the spread will be larger. , The audience will be more. This MV has a great effect and covers a larger area, which is also good for your popularity."

Cheng Xia felt warm, always feeling that Mr. Pei, who was serious about his work, felt inexplicably at ease.

President Pei is right in everything.

President Pei's decision must be the best decision.

The whole network is synchronized, compared to the platform-exclusive buyout, the coverage is not an order of magnitude at all. Cheng Xia usually listens to songs. He knows that the three music platforms of KuMi, LeTing, and DingDang have divided almost all domestic music users.

In other words, at 8 o'clock tonight, all audiences all over the country who like to listen to music can hear Chen Yijun's new song on their usual platform, see the MV of this song, and get to know the starring actor in the MV: Cheng Xia.

In just 4 minutes, how many people will remember his face?

Today is Valentine's Day. At 8pm, many couples may be eating out and dating. Chen Yijun's song is not a warm love song, but a memory of first love with a touch of sadness.

Is this kind of sad song not too pleasing for the New Year?

Cheng Xia had no bottom in her heart. At the next moment, Pei Shaoze said again: "Don't worry, Chen Yijun brings its own traffic, and posting new songs will definitely drop to the top three of the major rankings. Tonight you follow your Weibo, Chen Yijun will circle you to attract fans, you can Write your Weibo appropriately, thank you sister Yijun for this opportunity."

As if he was not at ease, he exhorted: "Don't post with Tianxuan, only with Chen Yijun. There is another drama behind you that Tianxuan invested in. Don't give people the impression that Tianxuan wants to praise you. It's easy to get gangsters, and some people will be jealous of you, guessing if you have a background or are under the unspoken rules, keep a low profile, do you understand what I mean?"

Cheng Xia nodded immediately: "I understand, thank you Mr. Pei!"

These details should have been conveyed by the agent, but Pei Shaoze sent the message personally, and Cheng Xia was a little flattered. After closing the dialogue window with Pei Shaoze, the agent Zhou Yan also sent a lot of news, asking him to write Weibo in advance and show her. After the MV was released, it happened to attract fans who came from Chen Yijun. .

Cheng Xia told her parents the good news. Cheng Yiming slapped her thigh excitedly: "Really? Son, can you be on TV?!" Jiang Qiong also looked relieved: "Last time you told me that soon I thought it was a joke to see you on TV. I didn't expect to shoot a MV so soon. Xia Xia is amazing!"

Both of them were excited. This was the first time they saw their son appear on TV. The parents cut a plate of fruit, arranged the melon seeds, and sat on the sofa, waiting for 8 o'clock.

Cheng Xia pretended to be relaxed on the surface, but she was actually very nervous.

The clock went to 8 o'clock.

On MTV TV, the host smiled and said: "Today is Valentine's Day, and a new song will be released on MTV TV. Next, let us enjoy the new song of the goddess Chen Yijun-Memory Fragments!"
