Chapter 40

[Accidental Mark·Chapter Fortieth]

Qin Yu pushed the treatment car into the room and came to Cheng Xia's bedside: "Shaoze, I will change the dressing for Cheng Xia." Pei Shaoze immediately got up and let go, looking at Cheng Xia with worry.

Cheng Xia raised her head and smiled at Qin Yu, not as embarrassed.

Qin Yu looked at the young boy's clear eyes, and he found it more pleasing to his eyes. He took out a sterile cotton swab to help disinfect Cheng Xia's wound, put on clean gauze on his hands and feet quickly, and comforted him softly, "Don't worry, your wound is not deep. I will use dermatological sutures for you. After healed, no obvious scars will be left."

Cheng Xia didn't care about the question of "whether to leave scars or not". The injury under the collarbone was invisible even in summer wearing short sleeves. However, the gentle attitude of Doctor Beta Qin Yu made Cheng Xia feel a lot easier. He looked up at the other party and said seriously, "Thank you, Doctor Qin. I will trouble you this time."

The well-behaved and sensible Omega is easy to make people feel good. Qin Yu's affection for Cheng Xia is rising, and even thinks that Cheng Xia is Pei Shaoze's good match. Maybe Pei Shaoze has recently received his heart and started working seriously, it was given by Cheng Xia. What is the impact? Sure enough, when you meet the right person, the dude can turn back to righteousness, and the prodigal can turn back!

Pei Shaoze knew Qin Yu's expression had misunderstood again. Pei Shaoze didn't intend to explain. It was almost two o'clock in the morning. When Qin Yu finished changing the medicine, he walked to the bedside and said to Cheng Xia, "You're scared today, so I'll take a good night's sleep. I will take care of the aftermath. Rest at ease, don't think about it, you know?"

Cheng Xia obediently said "Um" and looked at Pei Shaoze and said, "Mr. Pei, you should go back and rest. It's already two o'clock. You must be very tired after catching a plane from Ya'an. Let's talk about it tomorrow."

The youth's caring words made Pei Shaoze's heart warm. He stretched out his hand and gently moved Cheng Xia to help Cheng Xia cover the quilt: "I'm leaving now. If I have anything to do, I will find Dr. Qin. He will work night shift tonight."

Cheng Xia nodded: "Good night, President Pei."

Pei Shaoze turned off the lights and went out with Qin Yu.

Qin Yu patted him on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Cheng Xia is very good, since you like him, you should cherish it."

Pei Shaoze did not directly answer: "Thank you, I owe you another favor."

"What are you polite to me when you grew up wearing open crotch pants!" Qin Yu laughed and then continued, "By the way, Cheng Xia's injury is really not serious. You don't need to worry too much. Go back to sleep."

"Well, I'll see him tomorrow. I'll beg you from the hospital."

Pei Shaoze turned and went downstairs. At the elevator entrance, he ran into Zhou Yan who was hurried back. The two almost ran into him. Zhou Yan's eyes widened, thinking that he had hallucinations: "Pei, President Pei? Are you not in Ya'an... "

"I changed my ticket and came back." Pei Shaoze frowned and asked in a deep voice, "What was going on at that time?"

Zhou Yan was also in shock. Cheng Xia's wound had been treated. Doctor Qin said that the injury was not serious, so she relaxed a little and went to a 24-hour convenience store to help Cheng Xia buy some daily necessities.

Facing Pei Shaoze's sharp gaze, Zhou Yan trembled and quickly sorted out his thoughts and explained: "In this scene, according to the original arrangement, Qin Nian will help Lu Fengyang shield his sword. This is also why the two of them changed from strangers to strangers. A key opportunity for good buddies. The shooting went smoothly at the beginning, and when the seven people were fighting, one of them accidentally injured Cheng Xia."

"Injury by mistake?" Pei Shaoze's eyes were cold and sharp.

"Uh... Director Liu found out the source of the knife. The knife was bought by the crew a few days ago to cut fruits, because it looks a bit like the knife prepared by the props. The group performer accidentally took the knife by mistake. The group performer is a college student. He didn't go home during the holiday and wanted to do odd jobs to make some money. He didn't know Cheng Xia at all. There shouldn't be a reason to intentionally hurt Cheng Xia, right?" Zhou Yan said this very nervously, especially by Mr. Pei. With sharp gazes, she felt like a criminal suspect was facing a police question.

"I know, I will go to the crew to confirm." Pei Shaoze didn't say much, looked at Zhou Yan, and whispered, "Take care of Cheng Xia. I don't want this kind of thing to happen again."

"Yes, President Pei, I must learn my lesson!" Zhou Yan hurriedly promised.

"Go, work hard." Pei Shaoze nodded at her, turned and walked to the parking lot in front of the hospital.

accidental injury? Pei Shaoze always felt that things were not that simple.

How can the knife bought by the crew for cutting fruit be confused with the knife used by the prop crew for filming? It happened to be wrong by the group? If all the staff of the crew had such negligence, the actors in the martial arts scene would have died dozens of times.

Pei Shaoze took a deep breath and walked towards the car quickly.

When he opened the door, Pei Shaoyan was swiping his phone in the back row. Seeing his brother getting in the car, he hurriedly asked worriedly, "Brother, is there nothing wrong with Cheng Xia?"

Pei Shaoze said: "Fortunately, the injury is not serious."

Pei Shaoyan breathed a sigh of relief: "I just used my mobile phone to scan all the entertainment news yesterday. There is no website covering this incident. It should be the crew who kept it hidden. No media reporter knows that Cheng Xia is injured."

Pei Shaoze said coldly: "I asked Director Liu to keep it secret. Once the incident happened, the paparazzi of the reporters would interrupt Cheng Xia's rest. Regardless of the outcome, it's best to handle it in secret." He said to the front driver: "Uncle Zhong, go to Seventeenth Middle School."

The new driver was found by Zhang Fan to help Pei Shaoze. His surname was Zhong, and he was 45 years old. He was a very honest man and didn't ask anything that shouldn't be asked. Hearing this, he replied: "Okay, President Pei."

Pei Shaoyan was stunned: "Brother, go to the Seventeenth Middle School? Are you up to sleep tonight?"

Pei Shaoze's face was cold: "Director Liu has been investigating for a long time, and he said it was accidentally injured. I don't believe it. I'm going to see it myself."

The Seventeenth Middle School is not far from the Binjiang Private Hospital, not to mention that there are not a few cars on the street in the early morning. Uncle Zhong drove to the highest speed and arrived in less than 10 minutes.

It was two ten in the morning when the two brothers got out of the car and walked into the school.

The school is brightly lit. Obviously, when something like this happens during filming at night, everyone is afraid to sleep. Especially Liu Xueyi, after receiving a call from President Pei before, he was restless and had been waiting for President Pei to return.

Pei Shaoyan followed her brother and whispered: "Why would someone bring a real knife into the set when filming? Brother, don't you think this is not easy? Does Cheng Xia have any enemies?"

Pei Shaoze frowned and thought, and only after a while did he say: "Let's talk about it at the scene."

When the two came to the set, a group of staff including Director Liu, screenwriter Xu, author, and props and lighting photographers had not dispersed yet. The scene remained the same. Several extras looked terrified. Liu Xueyi hurried forward when he saw Pei Shaoze. Come: "Mr. Pei, I'm really sorry, the crew has something like this, so you can come back overnight."

Pei Shaoze glanced at several extras: "Who stabbed Cheng Xia?"

Liu Xueyi pointed to the red-haired young man who was squatting there and smoking. Pei Shaoze looked over. The young man met Alpha's sharp gaze, his back became cold, and he waved his hand hurriedly and said, "It's none of my business. The knife is the props team for me. Yes! There were no problems during the afternoon rehearsal. How did I know that when I was officially filming, I turned into a real sword!"

Pei Shaoze asked lightly: "What is your name?"

The young man replied in a low voice: "Zhou, Zhou Peng."

Pei Shaoze ignored him, and asked Liu Xueyi in a low voice, "Is the original film archived?"

Liu Xueyi nodded: "Yes, President Pei, do you want to see it yourself?"

"Well, go to the next conference room and show me the big screen." Pei Shaoze glanced at the extras, "I will find out about this. If it is really a mistake of our props team, I will give you mental compensation, please Several people wait a moment."

Director Liu took the staff and President Pei to the conference room commonly used by the crew and connected the machine to the projection screen.

Pei Shaoze sat in the first place, his face serious, and his eyes as cold as freezing. Alpha's powerful aura shocked everyone on the scene, the entire conference room was silent, and the projection screen began to show the scene of the group scene shot at night.

In the picture, Cheng Xia and Shen Kai are back to back, working together to deal with the five gangsters around. Cheng Xia's play is neat and handsome, swept the gangster next to him to the ground, and then turned to block the person on the side. Shen Kai also cooperated very well with the attack, and the scene was filmed smoothly.

The battle at the scene was fierce, and the camera recorded that one of the thugs suddenly took a knife out of his pocket after he fell to the ground.

Since the script requires close-ups of the knife, this scene happened to be captured by the No. 2 camera.

Pei Shaoze pressed pause, zoomed in on the screen, fixed on the knife, and asked in a deep voice: "Props group, does this knife look the same as the props you made?"

The head of the props group said cautiously: "Yes, yes, President Pei, because the fruit knives are used in this scene, so the props we made refer to the shape of the fruit knives, and try to make them look like the audience. Won't play..."

At this time, there were two knives on the table, one was a fake knife made by the props group, and the other was a real knife that hurt Cheng Xia. From the appearance, the two knives are indeed very close.

Under the gaze of everyone, Pei Shaoze suddenly picked up one of the knives and slammed it towards the back of his hand!

Everyone at the scene was so scared to breathe--

However, when the sharp knife touched the back of his hand, it automatically retracted, leaving the back of his hand intact. Pei Shaoze threw the prop knife on the table with a "pop", raised his eyebrows and asked, "I can tell which one is □, you specialize in making props. Can you not distinguish between real and fake knives?"

The head of the prop group shook his back and hurriedly explained: "I did check the props before filming at night, and there was no problem with the knife. After the check, I put the props in a position that the group can get..."

Pei Shaoze said coldly: "Since you are sure to check, it must be because someone replaced the knife in the confusion before filming."

As soon as this was said, everyone on the scene took a sigh of relief-the staff mistakenly made the wrong tool, and someone deliberately changed the tool, this is not a concept at all! Change the knife, this is murder!

This matter is too serious.

Liu Xueyi's face was as black as the bottom of a pot. Pei Shaoze continued to play the film, replaying the slow motion scene of Cheng Xia's injury.

On the screen, someone stabbed Cheng Xia with a knife. A lot of blood poured out from Cheng Xia's chest. The dazzling blood soon stained his white sweater. Cheng Xia's eyes widened slightly. He noticed that he was injured and his right hand hurriedly. Pressing on his chest, the intense pain made his entire face distorted, his eyes were full of panic, his face was pale and scary...

Pei Shaoze watched this scene with his own eyes, and the pain in his heart was like someone cutting his nerves with a knife.

He really feels so distressed. I wish I could go back to yesterday and pull the boy into my arms to protect him.

The people in the conference room clearly noticed that the air pressure around President Pei was getting lower and lower. The Alpha sitting there was like an ice sculpture exuding cold air around it. Everyone was careful to breathe, for fear of irritating President Pei.

Pei Shaoze suddenly said: "Pay attention to this person's actions."

He endured his heartache and replayed the scene in slow motion again.

Liu Xueyi also saw something wrong at this time: "The actions of this group are different from those taught by the action director, right?"

The action director returned to his senses and nodded hurriedly: "Yes, the action I taught at the time. He should swing the knife to the right to cut Shen Kai, who is closest to him. Cheng Xia will go sideways to block. Then, the knife should hurt. Cheng Xia has the right arm."

Pei Shaoze paused the screen and used the mouse to mark an arc on the screen: "He did not swing the knife to the right, but to the diagonally upwards. This is not to stabb Shen Kai at all, but to cross out Cheng Xia's face."

Everyone looked at the trajectory of the sword swing drawn by Pei Shaoze with the mouse-the final point of the blade's edge, it was indeed Cheng Xia's face.

The air at the scene seemed to be pulled away in an instant, and the faces of the staff were more ugly.

The most important thing for an actor is the face. Once the face is ruined, Cheng Xia's future drama will be all over. Let alone acting as a male lead, it is difficult for an actor with a scar on his face to get a suitable role, and it is impossible to have the confidence to take this path.

Pei Shaoze squeezed his fist tightly. He couldn't imagine. In case Cheng Xia was accidentally scratched yesterday... The young boy had just walked on this road and tried so hard to perform a good show. Maliciously disfigured, how sad and sad should he be? ! Thinking of this, Pei Shaoze wanted to catch Zhou Peng, the culprit, and beat him up!

Fortunately, Cheng Xia has been fighting with people since he was a child, and has a lot of actual combat experience. From the shots, he should have noticed something wrong at the time, and subconsciously blocked it with his arm. The knife did not stab him in the face, deviated a few centimeters, and stabbed him. To below the collarbone. It was this key block that weakened the blade's strength without causing serious injuries.

Liu Xueyi's face was distressed, and he couldn't help but explode: "Fuck! Is this trying to ruin Cheng Xia?"

Pei Shaoze glanced sharply at the deputy director: "What is Zhou Peng's origin this time, have you checked it?"

The deputy director realized the seriousness of the problem, and his lips trembled: "I, I found it by handing out flyers nearby. The five group performances were all students from the vocational school. They didn't go home during the holidays and made some pocket money. Zhou Peng said he I don't even know Cheng Xia..."

"Don't know? Injury with a knife intentionally, this is a criminal case!" Pei Shaoze stored the murder weapon on the table in a sealed bag, scanned the audience, and said sharply: "I will hand over the evidence to the police. Inform all work. Personnel, whoever leaked a word to outsiders about Cheng Xia's injury, immediately get out of the crew!!"

Alpha's stern sound made everyone's heart beat.

It was the first time everyone saw Mr. Pei having such a big temper. It seemed that he was really angry this time.
