Chapter 42.

[Accidental Mark · Chapter 42]

From the moment Mr. Pei opened the door, Zhou Yan felt that his existence seemed to be redundant. President Pei and Cheng Xia looked at each other, she was caught in the middle like sitting on pins and needles, Zhou Yan simply found an excuse to take the initiative to slip away: "President Pei, Cheng Xia, you talk first, I'll buy you some breakfast."

When Zhou Yan passed by Mr. Pei, Pei Shaoze looked at her and said in a low voice: "I watched Cheng Xia all night last night. It was a hard work. The matter has been resolved. You should go back to rest after buying breakfast and take care of Cheng Xia. ."

Zhou Yan nodded hurriedly: "Okay President Pei, I will let Sister Rong take care of him."

After she left, Pei Shaoze walked to Cheng Xia's bed. Seeing that Cheng Xia's complexion improved a lot, he was not as pale as when he first met yesterday, so he finally relaxed and sat on Cheng Xia's bed.

Cheng Xia cared softly: "President Pei, did you not sleep last night?"

Alpha's spirit didn't look very good. There were sporadic stubbles on his chin after staying up late. The voice he spoke just now was thick and hoarse, and his throat seemed to be rubbed with sandpaper. Obviously, his throat was very dry. He really worked so hard. In order to check the halal connecting night, he changed the ticket and hurried back to Rongcheng without saying. He stayed up all night to go to the police station to submit evidence.

The exhausted Alpha made Cheng Xia a little distressed. He hurriedly picked up the water glass on the bedside table and handed it to Pei Shaoze, and said seriously: "Drink a glass of water first. This is a new glass that Sister Yan just poured for me. , I haven't drunk it."

Pei Shaoze couldn't help but curled up his mouth: "You are a patient, and I came to see you, but why did you give me water to drink?"

Cheng Xia's ears turned red, and stubbornly put the water cup into Pei Shaoze's hand: "My voice is dumb, first drink some water to moisturize my throat."

Pei Shaoze did not refuse. He was busy all night and his throat was indeed dry. The temperature of the water that Cheng Xia handed him was just right, and he took it and drank several sips in a row. I was busy all night in the cold wind last night, and my body was almost unconscious from the cold. Now, as warm water enters my throat, my limbs are gradually warming, and my heart seems to warm up.

He drank a glass of water, then put the glass back on the bedside table, looked at Cheng Xia, and asked softly like a parent: "How is the wound? Is it feeling better?"

Cheng Xia smiled brightly: "It's much better, and the wound doesn't hurt. Dr. Qin came to see this morning and he said that after two days of rest, I can be discharged after the stitches are removed."

Pei Shaoze was completely relieved: "That's good."

He was silent for a moment, then suddenly said in a low voice: "Who is the one who hurt you, Zhou Yan has already told you?"

Last night, the whole crew made a mess. In the end, Pei Shaoze asked the leader behind the punks. When the punks were sent to the police, everyone saw it. Director Liu must have notified Zhou Yan and Cheng Xia. Will know the first time.

But Pei Shaoze only told the police about Zhao Wenxiu's motive for committing the crime. The crew only knew that the gangster was instigated by the former agent of Cheng Xia, Zhao Wenxiu, and everyone was still at a loss as to why. Everyone guessed that it was likely that Zhao Wenxiu and Cheng Xia were not getting along well, and Mr. Pei drove Zhao Wenxiu out of Tianxuan. Zhao Wenxiu held a grudge, so he took revenge on Cheng Xia.

As for the fact that Cheng Xia once climbed onto the boss's bed, it is still undisclosed.

Hearing the other party's questioning, Cheng Xia nodded, took out her mobile phone to find Zhao Wenxiu who had been blocked, and showed Pei Shaoze the previous chat records, guessing: "Maybe I scolded him and blocked him. Zhao Wenxiu wants to retaliate against me."

Pei Shaoze's eyes sank: "I don't blame you for this matter, it's because I didn't handle it properly. When I drove Zhao Wenxiu out of Tianxuan, I should have thought that a person like him with inferior methods and unrighteous minds, as long as there is a chance, he must be Will yin you behind your back. This time he neglected to guard, almost let him succeed... Was he frightened last night?"

Cheng Xia hurriedly shook her head: "It's okay, isn't this good for me?"

Facing the boy's relaxed smile, Pei Shaoze couldn't help but stretched out his hand and gently touched Cheng Xia's head, and said: "You are a lucky person with a natural outlook. Fortunately, there was a false alarm last night. Don't worry, I will strictly control the crew in the future. , It won't happen again."

Cheng Xia's cheeks were hot after being touched. He found that he seemed to like President Pei's gentle touch more and more. Alpha's slender fingers gently glided across the hair. The gentle touch made Cheng Xia enjoy it as if he had been smoothed.

This is completely different from the feeling of being touched by his father when he was a child. His father made Cheng Xia trust and depend on him, but President Pei made him feel like a drum and shortness of breath, and even wanted to get closer to each other and monopolize each other...

[Cheng Xia's favorability for you +1]

[Cheng Xia's favorability for you +1]

When I visited last night, my favorability rose to 80 in one breath, but today it rose by 5 points to 85.

Perceiving that the boy was sitting on the bed very obediently, Pei Shaoze felt a little soft, and took his hand back, and then said: "Yes, because I have submitted a series of evidence of Zhao Wenxiu's crime with the police, including the fact that he drugged you in the juice and joined forces. The driver will send you to the surveillance video on the car. This afternoon, the police may come to the hospital to ask you for questioning. You will cooperate with you at that time."

Cheng Xia was startled: "What happened last time, does President Pei also want to be held accountable?"

Pei Shaoze looked resolutely: "Of course we must be held accountable. I consulted with a lawyer last night. This time, because you suffered a minor injury, Zhao Wenxiu's sentence will not be too severe. If he illegally purchased pheromone release agents before , Secretly drug you, forcing you to be marked by a strange Alpha, all of which are added, and the lawyer can let him stay in prison for several years."

Different from the gentleness just now, when Zhao Wenxiu was mentioned, Pei Shaoze's eyes became cold and sharp: "This kind of rat in the gutter is left with endless troubles. Maybe it will come out and bite you again someday."

Cheng Xia agreed: "President Pei is right. He should take responsibility for doing something wrong. He should be squatting in prison to be honest. You can rest assured that I will cooperate with the police investigation. I will be required to testify at that time. , I can also come forward."

When Pei Shaoze heard this, his eyes eased: "Considering your reputation, this case will not be heard in public."

After all, if an Omega climbs onto Alpha's bed, even if Alpha does not mark him, it will lead to suspicion and suspicion. Moreover, the web drama Cheng Xia invested by Pei Shaoze is the starring player. It is easy for others to think of whether Cheng Xia always has a relationship with Pei Or he was given unspoken rules by Mr. Pei, and Mr. Pei put money to cast him in online dramas?

Pei Shaoze didn't want Cheng Xia's efforts to carry the three words "hidden rules", let alone netizens looking at him with colored glasses. In the ABO world, cases involving Omega being flagged can be tried in private, so as to minimize the impact.

Cheng Xia felt the thoughtfulness of President Pei, and her heart was warm.

It feels so good to be cared for by an adult Alpha. He used to think that Alpha was mostly annoying. Taking advantage of his height and physical strength, there are countless people who bully Omega and even despise Omega. It is Alpha who respects Omega's ideas like President Pei. A clear stream of this year is a rare animal!

Never give up President Pei to others.

Cheng Xia wondered, President Pei is almost confessing now. Maybe it's because President Pei's personality is relatively introverted, like "I like you" which is too straightforward, President Pei is embarrassed to say it?

It doesn't matter, find the right time, and tell him it's the same. At that time, if Mr. Pei is embarrassed to mark him, then he will take the initiative to mark Mr. Pei?

Cheng Xia's heart bumped into the deer, already thinking of marking the step...

Pei Shaoze looked at Cheng Xia as a child seriously, and found that Cheng Xia's face had regained its former vitality, her cheeks were slightly red, and her eyes were bright and she didn't know what she was thinking.

He smiled slightly, and patiently said: "On the crew's side, I told Director Liu that the venue of the 17th Middle School will be borrowed on February 27, and there are five days left. I will finish filming other people's scenes in the first three days. You recover from your injury, and focus on making up your scenes in the last two days."

Cheng Xia carefully recalled the script and said: "The rest seems to be my opponent's scene with Shen Kai? My personal scene and Ye Mingqian's opponent scene have been filmed before."

Fortunately, Cheng Xia and Ye Mingqian cooperated tacitly. Director Liu finished the filming of their opponents in winter ahead of schedule, leaving only the scenes of Cheng Xia and Shen Kai. But the remaining few scenes involve Qin Nian's emotional changes towards Lu Fengyang, which are difficult to grasp.

Cheng Xia was a little worried: "Is there enough time for two days? I remember that for the rest of the scene, Qin Nian has already fallen in love with Lu Fengyang. I'm afraid that if I don't cooperate with Shen Kai then, the emotional inadequacy will delay the crew's progress. "

The crew only borrowed the venue for ten days, which was already short of time. As a result, the protagonist Cheng Xia had such a thing, which made it worse. In the unlikely event that Cheng Xia and Shen Kai can't cooperate with each other, they can't act out the feeling of secretly admiring each other's "secret love", and the most critical part is not shot well, that would really fall short, and the whole show will leave regrets.

Pei Shaoze thought for a moment and suggested: "When a new actor can't enter the play, you can use the way of association. For example, when you are acting in a crying scene, you associate yourself with the particularly wronged things you have encountered in reality, and when you think about it, you cry. When acting as a couple, you can imagine the other person as the person you like, emotions and actions, and you can act well naturally."

When he said this, he asked: "By the way, have you liked anyone?"

In the original work, there is no mention of whether Cheng Xia had a crush in high school, only knowing that Cheng Xia's love for Pei Shaoze was very deep in his later period, and he hated him deeply. Now that Cheng Xia is in front of him, Pei Shaoze also wants to know the relationship history of the little seedling he raised.

When Cheng Xia heard this question, the roots of her ears instantly became red, and she lowered her head and said, "Yes, some."

Like an old father, Pei Shaoze felt quite complicated when he heard the child say that he liked someone. On the one hand, he felt that Cheng Xia would like others when he grew up? On the other hand, I felt that the cabbage I had finally raised could not be picked up by pigs.

He raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Who is it, can you tell me?"

Cheng Xia: "..."

President Pei must be deliberate, teasing him!

Cheng Xia's face is red, "Pei, President Pei..."

Pei Shaoze coughed lightly: "Well, this is your private matter, I won't ask. Since you have someone you like, you can try to associate Shen Kai as your favorite object, I believe, with your ability It's not difficult to show Qin Nian's secret love for Lu Fengyang."

Cheng Xia nodded: "Yeah."

This means that when acting, it's right to think of the "crusher" as President Pei.
