Chapter 48

[Accidental Mark·Chapter Forty-eight]

Cheng Xia came to the set with her agent at 8:30.

The scenery of Mingde Private Middle School is indeed well-deserved. There are green trees and flowers everywhere. School buildings stand in the misty mountains. They don't look like a school, but like a holiday resort. Pei Shaoze contacted the school to vacate an idle building, located behind the school stadium. Many empty rooms in the building can be directly converted into indoor scenes, such as classrooms, libraries, auditoriums, and bedrooms in the protagonist's home.

The prop group and the scene designer came to set up the scene early this morning. The classroom with the most scenes in the whole drama was built first, and several dressing rooms and dressing rooms were set up next door.

Cheng Xia followed her agent to the dressing room to change her clothes, and then came to the shooting set after finishing the styling.

There are a total of 40 seats in four rows in the classroom. Qin Nian's seat is in the third row by the window on the far right.

In the first year of high school, after the mid-term exam was over, a transfer student named Lu Fengyang suddenly came to the class. The teacher arranged Lu Fengyang in the last row.

Qin Nian and Lu Fengyang are far away from each other, and they have not spoken. After that Xueye Lu Fengyang and the **** were rescued by Qin Nian from a fight, the two gradually became acquainted. It just so happened that the class had to readjust the seat every time after the exam. The head teacher moved Lu Fengyang's seat to Cheng Xia's next door, and the two of them unexpectedly became the same table.

The filming of Xueye was finished in No.17 Middle School. There was not enough time at No.17 Middle School. All the indoor scenes were left to Ya'an for shooting. So today, Cheng Xia and Shen Kai will continue the plot after the snowy night melee.

Since it is the plot after a snowy night, the two have to continue to wear winter clothes.

Cheng Xia wore a woolen sweater in her school uniform. The temperature was close to 30 degrees, and it was horribly hot in the woolen sweater. Fortunately, there was air conditioning in the classroom. Cheng Xia walked into the air-conditioned classroom and Director Liu hurriedly waved to him: " Cheng Xia, come here."

Shen Kai was standing next to Director Liu at this time. After seeing Cheng Xia, the two smiled at each other as a greeting.

Director Liu pointed to the actors dressed up by a group of students next to him and said: "These are the cast of the cast from the Ya'an Film Academy by the assistant director. In the next two months of shooting, they will follow the set and play your classmates and family members. Get to know."

After one or two scenes have been filmed in the group, there is no need to reappear. Although the "following actors" are not important in the scene, they often hang around the protagonist, such as the protagonist's classmates, teachers, and family members. Substitutions can easily lead to gangbang.

There are not many big scenes in campus drama, so there are only dozens of actors in the group.

Cheng Xia took the initiative to say hello to everyone. One of the cute Beta girls came up and whispered: "Cheng Xia, I watched your "Memory Fragment" MV. I didn't expect to have the opportunity to film with you. Really Very happy!" Another Beta boy expressed his friendship with Cheng Xia: "I am a junior student of Ya'an Film Academy, come to have a meal with the group, hey, take care."

There are many film school students who are close to him in front of him. Among them, there are many handsome boys and beauties with good looks, but they have never had the opportunity to play the leading role or important supporting roles. They can only run around in the various crews and eat together. This is the movie. The true status of the college.

In comparison, Cheng Xia feels that she is really lucky. He can play the leading role at the age of 18. Mr. Pei is the source of all his luck.

There seemed to be telepathy, he just thought of President Pei, Pei Shaoze walked into the classroom.

President Pei, who sprayed the pheromone masking agent today, is not as aggressive as usual. The Alpha, which has converged the pheromone, seems to have become much gentler. Moreover, he does not wear a tie and wears more everyday and casual clothes.

Seeing him with the group of actors, their spirits were shocked at the same time-the man is tall and leggy, handsome, and more flavorful than the young Shen Kai, the kind of calmness and calmness that he will not be surprised wherever he goes, even if the pheromone on his body is hidden. It was also full of aura and instantly became the focus of the audience.

In the eyes of everyone either stunning or confused, Director Liu took the initiative to introduce: "This is President Pei, our producer and director."

Producer? None of the actors and actresses expected that the appearance of the producers would not lose to the stars. The producers of most of the crews are very ordinary, and there are even many greasy middle-aged uncles. Mr. Pei is simply a clear stream of producers.

Pei Shaoze walked in front of everyone and nodded to everyone.

He has checked the details of this group of people. The young ones are all students from the Ya'an Film Academy. The two who played Lu Fengyang's parents are old actors in the circle who often play the protagonist's parents. They have no problem with their origins.

Seeing that Cheng Xia's school uniform was still wearing a sweater, Pei Shaoze asked gently, "Is it hot to wear such a thick dress?"

Cheng Xia shook her head: "Fortunately, there is air-conditioning in the house, which can bear it."

Pei Shaoze looked at everyone and calmly said: "Because today is the next winter filming, the temperature of the indoor air conditioner is very low, but it is sunny outside at 30 degrees. After the filming, you can adjust to a few minutes before going out to change clothes. , It's easy to catch a cold with hot and cold."

The man's gaze swept over everyone, as if he was caring for everyone, but when he said the last word, his gaze fell on Cheng Xia again. Others didn't notice this detail. Cheng Xia noticed it. With a warm heart, he looked into the man's eyes and said, "Thank you for your concern, Mr. Pei."

Other actors also echoed: "Thank you Mr. Pei for your concern."

Pei Shaoze said "um", and walked to the side of Director Liu.

Seeing that he was only wearing trousers and short sleeves, Director Liu couldn't help reminding him: "Mr. Pei, don't care about the actors. On the contrary, you have a cold! The air conditioner is so low that you don't bring a jacket?"

Sitting in a low-temperature air-conditioned room with short sleeves is indeed a bit cold, Pei Shaoze sees that the surrounding screenwriters and photographers are all wearing coats, so he looks back at his brother behind him: "Xiao Yan, go back to the hotel and bring my black coat. ."

Pei Shaoyan himself got goosebumps all over his body from the cold. Hearing this, he hurriedly said "I know Mr. Pei" and turned around and ran out.

Soon, the prop set was in place and the shooting began.

Today is the first time a "class group show" has been filmed since the start of the crew. Director Liu wants to cultivate a tacit understanding with the cast and protagonist. The content of this scene is that after the monthly exam is over, the class adjusts the seat, the head teacher announces the new seat table, Lu Fengyang just transferred to Qin Nian, the two accidentally became the same table.

Director Liu made a trial filming first, and asked everyone to move according to the script and match the lines. The actors and the group of actors quickly sat in the seats according to the roles they had received. The 40 students from Grade One and Seven were neatly seated in the classroom. .

This is also the first time Cheng Xia has met more than 40 people since filming.

He was inevitably a little nervous.

When there are too many people, the scene is easy to be chaotic. During the trial shooting, some actors in the group forgot the name of the role they received, and the head teacher did not call it when they called, or accidentally ran into classmates when changing seats, and there was tension. Knocked over the pencil case on someone else's desk...

There was a mess in the classroom, and it was already half an hour after everyone became familiar with the character's name and where he should go.

Pei Shaoyan walked in with his jacket and found that his brother's arms were stiff with cold. He couldn't help but leaned to his brother's ear: "Why don't you go out and stay for a while, it's freezing to death here!" Pei Shaoze said flatly, "It's okay."

His physical fitness has always been good, but he has turned on the air conditioner, so he won't catch a cold.

Pei Shaoze put on his jacket and continued to stare at the set.

It may be because of "I was bitten by a snake once, and I was afraid of well ropes for ten years." There are too many people at the scene today. He is still worried that Cheng Xia will have an accident. At least he has to watch a few scenes to make sure that everyone is not malicious to Cheng Xia. rest assured.

Liu Xueyi was accustomed to the chaotic scenes of the group play, and patiently guided the newcomers how to move with the cast. Gradually, everyone became familiar with the plot, and there was no trouble during the trial shooting. Liu Xueyi waved his hand: "Okay, next For the official shooting, everyone pay attention to your position, and also, familiarize yourself with the lines again, don't forget the words!"

As soon as the lights hit, the filming officially started.

The middle-aged woman who played the class teacher stepped onto the podium: "Students, this monthly exam, our class's results are not bad, and it ranks third in the whole year. Classmate Qin Nian, the first place in the whole year!"

Everyone turned their eyes on Cheng Xia, and Cheng Xia immediately entered the play, with a bright smile on her face.

The actors and actresses invited from the film academy are very professional, and they have good line skills. Cheng Xia and Shen Kai are in very good condition today. Director Liu reserved a whole morning to film this scene, which is close to November. At half past o'clock, for the last time, everyone played perfectly. Liu Xueyi clapped his hands excitedly: "Very well, everyone worked hard, this scene is over!"

There was warm applause in the classroom.

Looking at the "classmates" in school uniforms, the teachers on the podium, the formulas on the blackboard, and listening to everyone calling him "Qin Nian", Cheng Xia seemed to have returned to the high school era described in "Folding Paper". At the moment when Director Liu said "passed", he was in a daze, and then he was free from Qin Nian's identity.

Lunch will be eaten directly in the classroom, and continue to shoot after eating.

Today is a class scene. As long as there is an error with the actors, the scene has to be remade. The lines are repeated more than ten times, and his face will almost no longer make an expression at the back. Cheng Xia couldn't help thinking, those wars, police and bandits, group scenes are more difficult to shoot. Not only are the scenes large and crowded, but they also have to use knives and guns. It is very likely that the scene will be stuck for several days.

Being an actor is not as easy as he thought-but he enjoys it.

Pei Shaoze sat next to Director Liu for a day, and saw Cheng Xia repeatedly perform scenes back and forth. He was obviously very tired, but when Director Liu called "Start", he immediately resurrected with blood and a bright smile.

Sure enough, he is an energetic guy who likes acting so much.

Pei Shaoze began to think about what theme should Cheng Xia choose for the next play? As a debut work, the campus drama is just to make Cheng Xia familiar with the entertainment circle and to gain fame. In the next one, it is time to improve acting skills and gradually transition from idol group to strength group.

How about police and criminals?

Cheng Xia, a calm and wise adult policeman, would definitely not be able to support it, after all, his age and experience are there. However, this role Cheng Xia should be able to handle this kind of role as an intern in the criminal police team who has just worked, or a student of the police academy with passion and justice. Moreover, the uniform will make a person more vigorous and handsome. Imagine Cheng Xia wearing a police uniform. It must look good.

Pei Shaoze thought carefully about Cheng Xia's career plan, and when he thought about it, his head suddenly became a little dizzy.

Maybe it's a group show with all day, too tired?

Just as Director Liu decided to stop work, Pei Shaoze got up and went back to the hotel.

After returning that night, Pei Shaoze began to sneeze constantly. He took a hot bath, changed into a bathrobe and sat at his desk, wanting to see what other novels bought by Tianxuan copyright library were suitable for Cheng Xia. Only after reading a few pages, the words in front of him seemed to have double shadows. He frowned and pressed his temples. There was a severe pain in his head, as if the blood vessels inside his head were beginning to congestion and were about to burst. .

Pei Shaoze had a headache and turned off the computer.

Seeing that his brother's situation was not right, Pei Shaoyan hurriedly asked: "Brother, you can't catch a cold? Why do you keep sneezing!"

Pei Shaoze frowned: "It may be that the temperature in the air-conditioned room is too low, causing headaches."

He still overestimated the physical quality of this body. Today, all the actors in the crew are wearing winter clothes, so the temperature in the air-conditioned room is about the same as in winter. He only asked Pei Shaoyan to take a thin coat and sit for a day, but he really caught a cold. .

Sure enough, you can't be blindly confident.

Pei Shaoze stood up with his head supported, and said dumbly: "I'll go to sleep."

Pei Shaoyan came over and touched his brother's forehead, and found that it was terribly hot. He turned around and said, "I'll go downstairs and buy you some medicine!"

Seeing that his brother's feet were a little unstable when he was walking, Pei Shaoyan immediately reached out and helped his brother to lie down in the bedroom.

When he went out to buy medicine, he thought carefully and decided to take out his mobile phone to send a message to Cheng Xia: "Cheng Xia, President Pei is sick and still has a fever. I want to go downstairs to buy medicine. Do you know where the pharmacy is?"

This sentence is very technical. On the surface, it is asking about the location of the pharmacy, but in fact it is telling Cheng Xia that your boyfriend is sick and you are his lover. Would you like to visit him? When someone is sick, what I hope most is to take care of the person I like!

Cheng Xia actually understood Pei Shaoyan's meaning and asked, "Is he serious? Can I come and see it?"

The chat between the younger brother and Cheng Xia was on the same channel.

Pei Shaoyan said: "He has a fever and has been sneezing. I was on the set for a day today. It is estimated that he had a cold with too little clothing."

Look, how much my brother cares about you, staying on the set for you all day makes him sick!

Cheng Xia immediately understood what the other party meant, and thought, President Pei had a cold to watch me act, can I not take care of it?

Although the hotel has a lot of people, it will not be affected if you see it, but when he thinks of the calm and powerful man lying helplessly in bed because of illness, Cheng Xia is distressed.

His President Pei was sick, and he wanted to fly to him.

Be seen? It doesn't matter, who knows who wears a mask and hat? He is not a well-known star.

Cheng Xia hurriedly got up to change clothes and armed herself tightly: "I'm here now! Which room does President Pei live in?"

Pei Shaoyan: "20th floor, room 2001, I am here, come and I will open the door for you."

So, after her brother and Cheng Xia had a strange communication on the same channel, Cheng Xia appeared in Pei Shaoze's room on the 20th floor.
