Chapter 50

[Accidental Mark Chapter Fifty]

Pei Shaoze was awakened by a strange dream.

The picture in the dream was hazy, he seemed to smell a fresh and natural sweet orange scent floating in the air, like a glass of iced orange juice placed in front of him by the scorching heat, he drank it without hesitation This refreshing glass of juice only feels physical and mental pleasure, and the whole body is comfortable.

When I woke up, there was a layer of sweat on my body and my clothes were slimy and uncomfortable. Pei Shaoze got up calmly and wanted to take a shower in the bathroom, but unexpectedly discovered that there are actually more people around him?

He opened the lamp beside the bed and looked intently.

Is it Cheng Xia?

The boy's eyes were closed tightly, his long, thick eyelashes cast a shadow under his eyelids, his head was resting on his chest, and his breathing was even.

Pei Shaoze's heart suddenly missed a beat for half a beat. He couldn't help but associate this face with the person in the dream, and then he came back to his senses in an instant, and was very surprised by his incredible association.

Cheng Xia is still so young, how can he associate things that are "unsuitable for children" with Cheng Xia?

This is a blasphemy against the teenager.

May be a little confused with a cold and fever? Pei Shaoze frowned and got up. Because Cheng Xia was worried about President Pei, she slept very lightly. With him, Cheng Xia also woke up, rubbing her sleepy eyes, and caring: "President Pei, are you uncomfortable?"

Pei Shaoze: "..."

Cheng Xia reached out and touched Pei Shaoze's forehead, trying to see if the other party had a fever again.

Pei Shaoze stiffened, quickly turned over and got out of bed, and whispered: "You continue to sleep, I'll take a bath."

The man's voice was strangely hoarse, and Cheng Xia thought that he had not recovered from his cold, and looked worriedly at the other person's back. Soon, there was a sound of water in the bathroom. Cheng Xia couldn't go to the bathroom to find President Pei, so he could only wait anxiously.

Pei Shaoze took a cold shower in the bathroom, and forcibly suppressed the thoughts inside his body. He exhaled into the mirror, and the calm expression on his face was restored when he wiped off the water and went out. Looking at Cheng Xia, who was sitting on the bed with a worried expression, Pei Shaoze coughed uncomfortably and whispered: "Sorry, I had a fever yesterday and my mind was not so clear. Why did I leave you here?"

Cheng Xia explained: "There was something urgent at Xiao Yan's house and I couldn't come back. I took the initiative to stay. I am worried that you will have a fever in the middle of the night and no one will take care of it."

Pei Shaoze thought carefully, and vaguely remembered these fragments.

Fever can really reduce people's IQ. In any case, he shouldn't let Cheng Xia stay in his room.

The boss lets the artist stay overnight, what a thing! If someone knew it, it would be a devastating blow to Cheng Xia's reputation.

Cheng Xia came to take care of him last night, fed him water, and helped him with cold compresses. He was greedy for the tenderness of being cared for, and made an extremely irrational decision in confusion.

Now that the incident had happened, Pei Shaoze had to think of a way to remedy it: "You go back before it's light, and you can't let people know." He glanced at the clock on the wall, turned around and quickly put on his clothes, and walked to Cheng Xia. By your side: "I will send you."

Cheng Xia was wearing jeans and black short sleeves, and Mr. Pei asked him to come up to sleep. Naturally, he was embarrassed to take off his clothes. At this time, listening to Mr. Pei's words, Cheng Xia also realized the seriousness of the problem and hurriedly got out of bed and put on his hat and mask.

Pei Shaoze took out a **** coat from the closet and put it on Cheng Xia's body, covering Cheng Xia's head tightly: "Let's go, so even if someone sees you, no one will recognize you. ."

Cheng Xia: "..."

President Pei seems to be very experienced in hiding from paparazzi.

The man's voice was calm at this time, and he had obviously recovered his senses. Cheng Xia obediently followed him out. Because Cheng Xia's entire head was blocked and couldn't see the road clearly, Pei Shaoze gently put his arms around Cheng Xia's shoulders and took him to the end of the corridor to press the elevator.

At 5:30 in the morning, there was no one in the corridor and the elevator was empty. Pei Shaoze walked into the elevator and just wanted to press the 16th floor. As a result, another person walked in. Cheng Xia was so scared that his heart almost stopped beating. Then, he heard a familiar voice in his ear: "Mr. Pei? You got up so early. It's..."

Liu Xueyi saw the person in Pei Shaoze's arms and immediately stopped questioning.

The other party wore a black suit with a large coat, and the whole body was tightly covered. Pei Shaoze puts his arms around the other's shoulders, which makes a lot of sense. At 5:30 in the morning, Mr. Pei personally sent people downstairs. Do you have to ask what's going on?

Liu Xueyi gave a dry smile: "Ah, what a coincidence."

Xu Moran gently stabbed his friend in the waist and motioned him not to talk nonsense. Liu Xueyi hurriedly changed the subject: "Xiao Xu and I want to see the sunrise. Isn't there a scene in the play where we want to shoot the sunrise? We plan to step on the back mountain."

No wonder these two people got up before dawn.

Cheng Xia was nervous to death, her body was about to froze into a statue, Pei Shaoze looked calm, and said indifferently: "This is the person my assistant found for me, so you don't see it."

Liu Xueyi and Xu Moran had "I understand" expressions: "Understand."

The 16th floor is where the actors and actresses live, so Pei Shaoze naturally cannot take Cheng Xia to the 16th floor. He simply pressed the tenth floor, and this whispered in Cheng Xia's ear: "I'll take you to the sauna on the tenth floor to relax, and let Xiao Yan take you home later, okay?"

Cheng Xia nodded in cooperation.

With a ding sound, the elevator stopped on the 10th floor. Pei Shaoze hugged Cheng Xia in front of Liu Xueyi and Xu Moran and walked to the sauna center on the 10th floor. The elevator door closed, and Liu Xueyi and Xu Moran looked at each other. When the elevator was about to stop on the first floor, the two suddenly recovered. Liu Xueyi whispered: "I can't tell, President Pei is usually cold and indifferent, and his private life is pretty...very rich?"

Xu Moran said: "Although he is a workaholic, but an adult, he always has physiological needs, he can understand."

The two didn't think of Cheng Xia at all, and thought it was Assistant Xiao Yan who had brought President Pei to relieve his boredom.

Pei Shaoze holds Cheng Xia and walks steadily. The tension in the air made Cheng Xia's heart beat like a drum, and her face flushed with blood. Being hugged by Alpha effortlessly, probably this is the physical difference between Omega and Alpha?

Pei Shaoze turned a corner at the entrance of the sauna center and walked to the top of the stairs.

Cheng Xia trembled: "Let me go, let me down."

Pei Shaoze put him down and whispered in his ear: "It's okay. I just acted in a play. Director Liu must have thought that I was just looking for someone to relieve my boredom and would not think of you. In order to avoid meeting acquaintances again. , We take the stairs."

Cheng Xia nodded, and followed Mr. Pei up the stairs.

The two climbed from the 10th floor to the 16th floor. In the stairwell, Cheng Xia took off President Pei's coat covering him and handed it to each other, blushing and looking at Pei Shaoze: "Thank you for sending me back, otherwise, I just met Liu Guide, I really don't know how to explain that I went to the 20th floor in the middle of the night..."

The boy's hair was messy because of his coat just now. Pei Shaoze helped him straighten his hair lightly, and said, "Don't be afraid, I will help you settle down if there are rumors. You can film the scene at ease, go back and get some sleep."

Cheng Xia asked worriedly: "Is your cold gone?"

"Well, it's just a small cold. I didn't have a sober fever last night, and I'm fine now." Pei Shaoze paused, and gently rubbed the young boy's head: "Thank you for taking care of me last night."

Cheng Xia blushed: "Don't keep talking about such offenses. I'm leaving, goodbye Mr. Pei!"

Pei Shaoze: "??"

Why is the little guy blushing again?

Did your own pheromone masking agent fail?

Pei Shaoze lowered his head and smelled his arm. Indeed, the masking agent only lasts for 24 hours. I sprayed it yesterday morning, and it almost expires now. I can faintly smell the Alpha pheromone.

Pheromone is so troublesome, he decided to go back and spray more. But before that, we must first bring back Pei Shaoyan, this stinky boy. Pei Shaoze's face sank, and he turned and walked towards the entertainment center on the 8th floor.

There is an Internet cafe on the 8th floor of the hotel, where guests can drink coffee and surf the Internet for free 24 hours a day, as well as a billiard room, table tennis room and other entertainment venues. Pei Shaoze walked into the Internet cafe and saw a familiar guy not far away typing on the keyboard excitedly.

He walked to his brother and looked at him coldly with his arms folded.

Pei Shaoyan had just finished playing Boss with his teammates, and suddenly noticed something wrong with the air pressure beside him. He suddenly turned his head and met a pair of cold eyes. The man said coldly, "Isn't your brother rescued in the hospital? You still have a leisure time. Playing online games here?"

Pei Shaoyan: "..."

At the moment when he was picked up by the elder brother, Pei Shaoyan wanted to cry without tears: "I was wrong, I was wrong!" He rushed to admit his mistake, but then he thought about it, and then suddenly reacted: "Wait, am I right? Didn't I create opportunities for you!"

Pei Shaoze said indifferently: "I think you are creating opportunities for yourself and running away to play games."

Pei Shaoyan smiled dryly: "It's not good to kill two birds with one stone..."

Pei Shaoze carried him back to the room, looking at his brother's obvious dark circles, Pei Shaoze couldn't bear to blame in the end. After all, from Pei Shaoyan's point of view, it was indeed kind to call his brother's lover to take care of his brother when he was sick. The misunderstanding is getting deeper and deeper, and it seems a little unclear. Pei Shaoze sighed lightly and said: "Play games all night, look at you like this, go take a bath and sleep."

Pei Shaoyan asked tentatively: "Brother, have you gotten better from your cold?"

Pei Shaoze hummed, "It was not a serious illness. I had a fever last night and it has been cured." Although it was not a serious illness, but thinking of Cheng Xia's careful and considerate care last night, he still couldn't help but feel soft.

Pei Shaoyan turned around to make up for sleep.

Pei Shaoze actually didn't sleep well last night. The vague dream made him feel like he was in a sea of ​​fire. His body was very hot, so he also planned to get some sleep. He handily sent a message to Cheng Xia: "If you remember correctly, it will be turned on at ten this morning, so you can sleep a little longer."

Cheng Xia immediately replied: "Well, I'm about to sleep, so you should take a good rest." A smiley emoticon was behind her.

The corners of Pei Shaoze's lips were lightly raised, and he lay down on the bed with a "good dream" expression.

It may be due to lack of sleep. This time I slept fairly well.

Pei Shaoze was awakened by a rapid phone ringing. When he got up, it was 11:30 noon. The name on the caller ID was "Xu Sitong". He quickly remembered-Xu Sitong was also Tianxuan's The agent used to be in the same department with Zhou Yan, and was assigned to Group C when she was grouped. She is one of Tianxuan's more powerful agents. She should be the one with the strongest business ability in Group C.

At the time of the grouping, there were two first-line stars left by Vice President Cui and Vice President Yang to Pei Shaoze. One was Chen Yijun, a singer queen, and the other was a male Omega actor under Xu Sitong, named Shu Yue.

Pei Shaoze and Xu and Shu only met once, because Shu Yue was filming on the crew during the time when the contract was signed, and he couldn't get out of it. Only at Pei Shaoze's compulsory request, did he ask the director for a day off and fly back to Rongcheng. After signing the contract in the morning, I flew back to the crew in the afternoon.

This Shu Yue didn't jump out like Chen Yijun and yelled at the contract termination. Pei Shaoze didn't pay too much attention to him. After all, he is shooting a big movie. After shooting, he can talk to his agent about the next plan.

A sudden call from the agent is definitely not a simple matter.

Pei Shaoze answered the phone: "Hello, what's the matter?"

Xu Sitong's voice was anxious: "President Pei, can you help me persuade Shu Yue, he has to leave the circle, he won't listen to what I say!"

Back out? Pei Shaoze frowned: "Isn't he shooting a sci-fi movie in the studio? Why is he leaving the circle."

Xu Sitong struggled for a moment before whispering: "He has been secretly in love with people, hiding too deeply, I didn't know that he still has an underground Alpha boyfriend! He just told me the other day that the crew had a green banquet, two months ago When he was doing it with her boyfriend, the boyfriend couldn't control it for a while and marked him."

Marked? In other words, he and her boyfriend really did the last step. But both are adults, what's the big deal after doing it once? It's not about the character of stepping on N boats. Even if an underground romance is revealed, it's not enough to retreat, right?

Pei Shaoze said with a sullen face: "Is his boyfriend using any trick to threaten him?"

Xu Sitong said: "That's not true. They grew up together. His boyfriend is a surgeon and loves him very much. There is only one reason why he wants to leave the circle. After being marked by his boyfriend, he forgot to take contraceptives and became pregnant by accident."

Pei Shaoze: "...???"

pregnancy? !

Pei Shaoze thought he had auditory hallucinations and was silent for two seconds before asking, "Shu Yue, isn't he a man?"

Xu Sitong was also stunned by the question. There was silence on the phone for two seconds before she whispered, "Could Shu Yue be an Omega?"

Pei Shaoze: "???"

Xu Sitong: "???"

The suffocating silence lasted a long time.

Xu Sitong came back to his senses and said with a serious face: "President Pei, how do we deal with this? Shu Yue is determined to retreat from the shadow. We will let him go directly or keep it secret for the time being and let him rest for half a year after giving birth. Comeback?"


Pei Shaoze's pupils shrank slightly: "...children?"

Xu Sitong said helplessly: "He said, this child is the crystallization of him and his lover, and he must stay."

Pei Shaoze held his temples with a headache: "You let me think about it."

He hung up the phone, got up and went to the study, turned on the laptop, quickly typed in the search term "Omega, pregnancy", and looked at the tens of millions of search results popped up on the web page, Pei Shaoze... fell into thought.
