Chapter 52

[Accidental Mark · Chapter 52]

Cheng Xia was filming when Pei Shaoze returned to the set. Pei Shaoyan worked with the director. When he saw his brother, he hurried over and asked, "Brother, what happened to the company, is it serious?"

Pei Shaoze said as he walked: "An Omega actor is going to leave the circle when she is pregnant. I'll talk to him."

Pei Shaoyan accepted the matter of "pregnancy" really well, calmly said "Oh", and pointed to the filming set in the distance: "Cheng Xia and Shen Kai are shooting opponents. Shen Kai just forgot the words, NG several times. Director Liu asked them to talk to each other again. However, this scene is rather ambiguous."

Pei Shaoze raised his brows: "Ambiguous?"

"I just read Cheng Xia Ge's script. Qin Nian has already fallen in love with Lu Fengyang at this time. While Lu Fengyang was asleep, he secretly kissed the other's mouth, so he will kiss Shen Kai later. The director said this scene I have to kiss, I can't take a loan." Pei Shaoyan came over and lowered his voice, "Brother, I just listened to the screenwriter Xu and Teacher Lemongrass discussing the next script. It seems that I need to add some kissing scenes."

"..." A strong displeasure flashed from the bottom of Pei Shaoze's heart and walked to Director Liu to look at the set.

Cheng Xia just raised her head, and the two people looked at each other. Thinking of what he had done to Cheng Xia during this period, Pei Shaoze was a little embarrassed and looked away uncomfortably. On the contrary, Cheng Xia didn't seem to mind, and showed him a shy smile.

Pei Shaoze sat down pretendingly.

At this time, Director Liu shouted "Start", and Cheng Xia and Shen Kai immediately entered the role.

Today I'm going to shoot the scene of Qin Nian and Lu Fengyang going for a walk in the park on the weekend. Director Liu chose a beautiful place on the campus to decorate it, and faked the appearance of a park.

Shen Kai unscrewed a bottle of mineral water and poured half of it gruntingly, holding Cheng Xia's shoulders and saying: "Qin Nian, you are taking first place in the whole year again this time. What did your head do? Those messy things. How can you understand the math formula once you listen to it?"

Cheng Xia said seriously: "In fact, you are also very smart. As long as you work hard, you will definitely make progress. Your mind is not focused on your studies."


The two spoke fluently, but Pei Shaoze's eyes were placed on Shen Kai's hands.

That hand, lightly resting on Cheng Xia's shoulders, led Cheng Xia forward with the intimate posture of "half hug each other". While chatting, Cheng Xia turned her head to look at him, a bright smile appeared on the corner of her lips, and she couldn't hide the love in her eyes.

The picture of the two walking side by side looks very warm.

Lu Fengyang in the original book has such a carefree personality. I don't know that Qin Nian is an Omega, so he puts his arms around each other's shoulders with a "good brother" attitude all day long. Shen Kai plays the roles in the play vividly, which is very consistent. People set. However, the admiring eyes when Cheng Xia looked at him, and the involuntary smile from the corners of her mouth made Pei Shaoze feel particularly uncomfortable.

This "the cabbage I raised was arched by a pig" mentality made his brows frown.

Liu Xueyi found that President Pei was unhappy, and couldn't help but whispered: "Pei, did you think the scene just now was not well shot?"

Pei Shaoze returned to his senses, with a cold tone: "It's okay."

Liu Xueyi didn't see where Mr. Pei's upset was, and he still praised him: "I think it's great. Have you noticed Mr. Pei that Shen Kai and Cheng Xia are becoming more and more CP? No matter what angle you look at, They all match well!"

Good match? Pei Shaoze didn't think they were a good match.

The lemongrass teacher smiled and said: "Yes, they are just living Lu Fengyang and Qin Nian. Both of them are very involved in the drama. Although the plot has not yet reached the stage of confession, the ambiguity of caring for and caring for each other is true. Is about to overflow the screen."

Screenwriter Xu laughed and said, "If they weren't acting, I would have misunderstood that Cheng Xia really liked Shen Kai!"

There was a "buzz" in Pei Shaoze's mind, and he didn't catch the boasting behind him. He only focused on the sentence "Cheng Xia really likes Shen Kai". He couldn't help but think of Cheng Xia telling him some time ago that he has someone he likes and will treasure this person in his heart...

Pei Shaoze became more uncomfortable.

This feeling is as if the treasure he held in his palm is about to be taken away.

He saw that Shen Kai was extremely unpleasant, so why did this little boy steal Cheng Xia?

Liu Xueyi clapped his hands and shouted over there, "Shen Kai, Cheng Xia, it's great. Continue to the next scene."

The lighting and photography are ready, and the next scene begins.

Shen Kai and Cheng Xia turned to the nearby scene. Here was a tree and a wooden chair. Shen Kai sat down and lay lazily on the chair when he was tired. He folded his hands behind his head and squinted his eyes. Look at the distant sky: "A little tired, take a break."

Sunlight shone on his face through the gaps in the leaves, and Shen Kai's appearance is relatively high. It is really handsome when taken from this angle.

I don't know how long it took, he seemed to be asleep, Cheng Xia whispered: "Feng Yang?"

The other party did not respond.

Cheng Xia didn't know what he thought of, her ears suddenly turned red, and she leaned over slightly and kissed Shen Kai...

Pei Shaoze shouted sharply: "Stop!"

After Cheng Xia moved for a while, Director Liu was also taken aback, and looked at him suspiciously: "President Pei? What's wrong?"

Pei Shaoze's face was a bit ugly. He was disgusted with the scene just now. He didn't want to see Cheng Xia go kissing others. At the moment Cheng Xia kissed Lu Fengyang, he felt like a needle was piercing in his heart, and he subconsciously called to stop. .

Nowadays, the director, screenwriter, actors, and staff are all looking back at him. Everyone's eyes are filled with confusion. They seem to wonder why President Pei suddenly stopped. Isn't it going well?

Pei Shaoze recovered and looked at the author and screenwriter Xu seriously: "The outline of the script you gave me at the beginning does not seem to have this scene?"

Lemongrass smiled and said: "The outline is indeed not written in detail, but I have discussed with Teacher Xu these days. I feel that Cheng Xia and Shen Kai are very CP. Adding a scene of stealing each other will make the audience feel more sweet."

Screenwriter Xu also echoed: "Yes, after all, we are a campus love-themed drama. Qin Nian has always been secretly in love with Lu Fengyang. After seeing Lu Fengyang fall asleep, I secretly kissed him. Do you not think that Qin Nian like this is cute? Does it make you spring up?"

But this kind of Qin Nian let my family Cheng Xia come to play, I am not happy.

Pei Shaoze frowned and said: "The theme of this play of folding paper is growth. You don't need to rely on kiss scenes to attract the audience. It will be very abrupt to add intimate scenes. Qin Nian likes Lu Fengyang, but he knows that he and Lu Fengyang don't. There are results, so I always keep this feeling in my heart. Stealing kisses from the public, do you think this fits the human setting?"

Lemongrass thought, "Where is it wrong? Just because you secretly like it, you want to get close to each other?" President Bae, have you ever been in love?

Screenwriter Xu is also dumbfounded. Most of the producers he meets will take the initiative to ask him to add a variety of intimacy dramas for the sake of ratings, topicality, etc., and there are larger scales. What kind of situation is Mr. Pei, who thinks the intimacy scene is abrupt?

The man sitting next to Director Liu looked calm and serious, not like joking.

After all, Pei Shaoze is the father of the money owner. It is very common for the producer to be dissatisfied with the script and make the screenwriter revise the draft seven or eight times in succession. President Pei has not interfered with the script creation before. This is already very rare. Now that he puts forward his opinions, the director and screenwriter will naturally give him This face.

Liu Xueyi reacted immediately and smiled: "President Pei, do you think our drama Qingshui is better?"

Pei Shaoze said indifferently: "Yes. I chose this script because the theme of this drama is positive, and the growth experience of the two protagonists is touching, not because they hug each other and get tired of dating. How great. A lot of school dramas on the theme of love have been searched online. The audiences of kissing scenes and bed-scenes are tired of watching them. Why should they fall into stereotypes? Adding too many kiss scenes will only make people feel greasy."

When everyone heard it, they all felt... that he made a lot of sense!

Since our "Folding Paper" focuses on the growth line, of course it must be fresh and refined, and it must be a clear stream in campus web dramas!

Xu Moran lowered his head in shame: "Mr Pei is right. The kiss scene really destroys the overall freshness and beauty of the show."

Liu Xueyi patted his thigh: "That's right! When we were in Rongcheng, we used drones to shoot a lot of spectacular snow scenes. When we came to Ya'an, we took so many beautiful sceneries. The tone of the whole drama is fresh and fresh. The natural campus style was originally a light appetizer, but adding too many kiss scenes will turn into greasy braised pork!"

In addition to being a producer, Pei Shaoze also served as the director of the show.

The director system needs to check the overall direction of a play and correct it in time when the script goes wrong. The reasons he put forward cannot be refuted. Pei Shaoze swept his eyes around and said calmly: "Since everyone has no opinion, delete all the kiss scenes later."

Screenwriter Xu asked in a low voice, "Then, should I delete the finale?"

Pei Shaoze thought for a while, and said: "The finale is changed to a hug. The green trails are beautiful. A light hug is good for two people."

Everyone: "..."

This is probably the cleanest of all the web dramas.

Two protagonists filmed more than 20 episodes of the scene, but only a hug at the end? However, based on Pei Shaoze's principles, such a "fresh and refined" drama might actually be a hit. After all, ambiguous dramas are everywhere. The audience eats braised pork every day, and occasionally comes with a light side dish, but it will make people's eyes shine?

Not far away, Cheng Xia's ears turned red as he listened to the dialogues of several chief creators of the crew.

Does Bae never want to see him kiss another Alpha? That's why the screenwriter deleted all the kiss scenes that followed.

In fact, Cheng Xia was also very awkward. He couldn't speak to Shen Kai's face. He tried to think of the other person as his favorite to find a little feeling. If he really let him kiss Shen Kai intimately, he would feel sick.

It's not that she hates Shen Kai. Shen Kai is very nice and takes good care of him. He is mentally obsessed with cleanliness. After he likes Mr. Pei, he will feel sick when doing intimate things with other Alpha. When he thinks that the other's mouth touches his own, Cheng Xia's whole body stands upside down.

It's great for Mr. Pei to let the screenwriter delete the kiss scene in a few words...

This Alpha always protected him calmly, making Cheng Xia's heart warm.

Because Pei Shaoze raised an objection suddenly, screenwriter Xu had to change the scene on the spot. The scene where Cheng Xia bowed her head to steal Shen Kai was changed to Cheng Xia's gentle gaze at Shen Kai. When taken from the side, the effect is really beautiful.

Liu Xueyi was very satisfied and let the crew call for work in advance.

At dinner time, everyone went back to the hotel for dinner. Because there were too many people around, Cheng Xia only smiled and said hello to Pei Shaoze, and went to sit with her agent's sister. When sitting down for dinner, Cheng Xia secretly sent a message to Pei Shaoze: "Thank you, President Pei."

Pei Shaoze didn't realize why he wanted to say thank you, and asked suspiciously, "Thank you for what?"

Cheng Xia's understanding is that we are all in this relationship.

Thanks what? Thanks what. The two people's understanding has deviated again.

Cheng Xia can continue to talk: "Is President Pei better? Don't be careless at night. It's best to take another cold medicine before going to bed."

The concern from Cheng Xia made Pei Shaoze's originally bored mood much better, and he replied: "Well, I know."

At this moment, Pei Shaoyan came back from a meal. He suppressed his laughter and leaned in his brother's ear and said, "Brother, you are so awesome. You are obviously jealous. I don't want to see Cheng Xia's other talents to delete the kiss. There are a lot of high-sounding excuses. I was stunned. The screenwriters, directors and writers were all convinced by you, awesome!"

Pei Shaoze raised his eyebrows lightly: "What nonsense, this show is indeed a boutique and fresh style, with too many kiss scenes, so what is the difference with the crude web dramas on the market that use intimate scenes as gimmicks?"

Pei Shaoyan shrugged: "The truth is that it is true-but you dare to swear, are you really jealous?"

Pei Shaoze: "..."

Of course he could not swear by such a naive approach.

Pei Shaoyan gloated with misfortune: "The eyes you saw at Shen Kai just now clearly meant that you were looking at your rivals. There is nothing wrong with being jealous to admit. If Omega I love kisses others, I will be jealous to go crazy."

Pei Shaoze made no reply.

Because he found that he seemed unable to refute his brother's words.

Was the inexplicable emotion just jealous?

No, he regards Cheng Xia as a junior who needs to be cared for, and logically speaking, he should not interfere too much with Cheng Xia's personal feelings. But why, he just couldn't stand Cheng Xia being too close to other men?

At first he thought it was an "old father's mentality", just as most fathers do not want their children to fall in love at a young age to affect their careers. When they see their children being close to their peers, of course the father will be unhappy and feel that he has raised the cabbage. Was arched by a pig.

Is he really just such a mentality of elders taking care of younger generations?

If the one standing in front of Cheng Xia is not Shen Kai, but a very good Alpha who is capable of giving Cheng Xia happiness, the other person's family has money and power, is handsome, and is willing to protect and take care of Cheng Xia all his life... He can Do you agree to let Cheng Xia leave with that Alpha?

Pei Shaoze imagined it for a moment and found that he still couldn't accept Cheng Xia to go with others.

Any Alpha kisses Cheng Xia, embraces Cheng Xia, marks Cheng Xia...

He couldn't accept it.

In his heart, no matter how good Alpha is, it is not worthy of his little seedling.

How can such a hard-working, lively, lovely, caring and warm boy be taken away by another Alpha? Even if Cheng Xia is an Omega male and can be marked or even pregnant, that doesn't mean that Cheng Xia must be with another Alpha.

Pei Shaoze has a splitting headache.

He was surprised to find that after raising the seedlings for a long time, he had a strange "exclusive desire" for the seedlings.

If Cheng Xia knew, would he be scared off by a "perverted uncle" like him?
