Chapter 54

[Accidental Mark · Chapter 54]

Pei Shaoze hasn't played this kind of building block splicing game for a long time. I remembered that the last time he played was a gift from his father on his 8th birthday, a super large model of Harry Potter's magic castle building block, composed of thousands of parts. When he was young, he assembled the parts piece by piece according to the instructions, and it took him a whole summer vacation to put them together.

Childhood memories have become blurred, and now picking up these delicate small parts, Pei Shaoze finds that his hands seem to be less flexible than they were in childhood. After all, he is an adult. Holding these gadgets in big hands, he puts them together patiently, and will make mistakes if he is not careful.

The car model I bought for Cheng Xia is not particularly complicated in splicing the building blocks. There are only about a thousand parts, but it is not so easy to assemble them together to form a small car.

Pei Shaoze stayed at the hotel, and it took three days to finish it.

Then, Pei Shaoze put the packing box back intact and tied a nice knot with a ribbon. From the outside, it looks like the original model building blocks he just bought from the store. No one knows that the car inside has been assembled by himself.

Only when Cheng Xia opened the gift would he discover this and also feel his intentions.

Pei Shaoze prepared a gift, and it was March 20 in a blink of an eye.

This afternoon Pei Shaoze went to the studio to observe. His agent Zhou Yan saw him hurriedly approaching and asked: "President Pei, Cheng Xia is celebrating his birthday tomorrow. Would you like to order a cake? Let's celebrate together for him?"

Pei Shaoze said lightly: "Well, it's time to celebrate, I have already ordered the cake."

Zhou Yan: "...?"

President Pei is so concerned about Tianxuan's artists, does he remember Cheng Xia's birthday? Such a good boss is really rare. Zhou Yan was dumbfounded for two seconds, and then asked again: "Then, what else do I need to prepare?" She had already placed an order for tomorrow's birthday cake, but now it seems that she can return it.

Pei Shaoze said: "You find a way to inform the whole crew that you will go to the 3rd floor of the hotel to celebrate Cheng Xia's birthday tomorrow night. You don't need to prepare anything, the hotel has a ready-made buffet, and you can eat a cake together. Xia Qingsheng."

Zhou Yan nodded and immediately ran to notify the rest of the crew.

At dinner time, Director Liu also asked Pei Shaoze: "Mr. Pei, I heard that tomorrow is Cheng Xia's birthday, should we prepare some gifts for him? Alas, filming these days is too busy, I didn't take care of it."

Pei Shaoze said: "It doesn't matter, I can give Cheng Xia some small gifts on behalf of the crew, I will prepare it."

Liu Xueyi was relieved: "Then I will trouble Mr. Pei!"

Cheng Xia is an Aries born in the early morning of March 21. His sunny, optimistic, straightforward and enthusiastic personality is in line with the characteristics of Aries. In the early morning, two messages popped up on his mobile phone from the [Family of Three] WeChat group: "Wish my son birthday Happy!" "Xia Xia is born fast, everything goes well for the new year!" Each parent privately sent a red envelope of 520 yuan as a birthday gift.

Cheng Xia has been busy memorizing the script these days and is about to merge herself with the character "Qin Nian". He has forgotten the date a long time ago. After seeing the information, he remembered that today is March 21st. 19 years old.

Cheng Xia accepted the red envelope and replied: "Thank you parents!"

Cheng Yiming asked: "How do you celebrate your birthday in the crew?"

Jiang Qiong worried: "When you go out, is there no one to accompany you?"

Cheng Xia sent a smiling face and said, "Don't worry, birthdays happen every year. Our crew is catching up these days, and tomorrow's drafts are very full. It doesn't matter if I pass it, I almost forgot it myself!"

Cheng Yiming thought for a while, and said, "Yes, work is important. Then when do you return to Rongcheng, I and your mother will make up the present for you."

After a while, the phone popped up another message from her agent Zhou Yan: "Happy birthday Cheng Xia." She also sent a red envelope, and Cheng Xiashun accepted it and replied, "Thank you, sister Yan."

Zhou Yan wanted to tell Cheng Xia and Pei that he had prepared a birthday banquet, but he thought, since it was a surprise for Cheng Xia, he should wait until today's shooting is completed before telling him, lest he be distracted all day.

The phone went quiet.

Pei Shaoze did not send a blessing message. Cheng Xia waited for a while, feeling a little bit disappointed, but soon he comforted himself-President Pei is so busy every day, it is normal not to remember his birthday, after all, he himself almost forgot. President Pei's birthday is November 23, the first day of Sagittarius. Cheng Xia thought to herself, if Mr. Pei forgets his birthday, he will help Mr. Pei celebrate his birthday then!

Cheng Xia was not a pretentious person, so he was relieved when he thought about it, and got a good night's sleep under the covers.

Early the next morning, he took the notice to the set. Today, all of the scenes to be filmed are rivals between him and Shen Kai, and the lines are huge. Fortunately, after the two have run in for this period of time, NG is generally controlled within 5 times, and the shooting process is fairly smooth.

Cheng Xia couldn't yell "Today is my birthday" everywhere. He behaved no different from usual. Others didn't seem to be very clear. He didn't think it mattered. After all, he was just a little transparent, acting honestly. Want everyone to wish him a happy birthday?

It was not until the end of the evening that Pei Shaoze suddenly got up and said, "You have worked hard. Today, it is our 19th birthday, Cheng Xia. I prepared a birthday dinner. Everyone will pack up and go to the banquet hall on the 3rd floor of the hotel as soon as possible. Xia celebrates her birthday."

There was enthusiastic applause around, and the blessing of "Happy Birthday Cheng Xia" came from the staff.

Cheng Xia was stunned.

He stood there in a daze, unable to believe that President Pei was actually prepared?

This feeling of surprise and joy is probably like drawing a prize at hand, and you were hit by a special prize, right? Cheng Xia raised his head to look at the man not far away. Pei Shaoze's gaze was unspeakably soft. He walked up to Cheng Xia, resisted the urge to rub the little guy's head, and whispered: "I'm 19 years old, happy birthday. "

Cheng Xia's ears were red, and her eyes couldn't help but feel hot: "Thank you... I didn't expect you to remember..."

Pei Shaoze said warmly: "Of course I remember. This is your first birthday in the crew, let's go, and I will give you a good celebration."

Cheng Xia nodded, and obediently followed President Pei to the third floor of the hotel.

When I arrived at the banquet hall, not only Cheng Xia, but the entire crew were stunned. Isn't this setting too romantic? It's enough to use it directly to propose or do a wedding! Various colorful streamers on the roof rendered the atmosphere extraordinarily warm. The dining table was filled with freshly picked flowers today, and the background of the large stage used orange balloons to spell out a line of "Happy Birthday Cheng Xia" characters.

Cheng Xia's heart was beating, and her cheeks were about to catch fire.

This feeling of being cherished and loved by others made him feel dizzy.

He has grown up so much and has never had such a formal birthday party.

He used to buy at most a cake and have dinner around the table with his parents, he felt happy enough. But today, such a luxurious birthday party treatment makes Cheng Xia feel like she is in a dream.

Seeing the young boy's excitement, Pei Shaoze softened his heart and said softly in his ear: "Let's go, today you are the protagonist."

——In fact, in this whole world, you are also the protagonist.

Cheng Xia recovered and followed Pei Shaoze into the banquet hall.

Tonight's birthday banquet is a buffet. There are two rows of dining areas on both sides of the hall. All kinds of hot dishes, cold dishes, and seafood are available. There are also a lot of pastries, desserts, fruits and drinks. When the staff saw so many delicacies, their eyes brightened, and they deeply felt that the food provided by the crew of "Folding Paper" directly raised the food standard of online dramas to a higher level.

And the birthday party that President Pei prepared for Cheng Xia is simply star treatment. Recently, the actors on the birthday can't help but be a little envious.


At 7:30 in the evening, the birthday party officially began.

In the warm applause of everyone, Pei Shaoze stepped onto the stage, picked up the microphone and said: "Today is our 19th birthday, Cheng Xia, I am very happy to meet you in the "Folding Paper" crew. As a producer, I represent the whole The crew prepared this birthday dinner for Cheng Xia. I hope that Cheng Xia will be one year old, and everything will come true and all the best. We also hope that our "Folding Paper" will be successfully filmed and released! "

Cheng Xia stood in the audience and applauded enthusiastically.

President Pei, you wish me what I wanted to come true, do you know what I want most?

The eyes of the two met in the air, Pei Shaoze smiled slightly, and his expression became very gentle: "Cheng Xia, come here."

Cheng Xia walked over to stand face to face with him, Pei Shaoze stretched out his hand and put the golden birthday crown prop on Cheng Xia's head.

The lighting on the roof was very soft. Looking at the handsome appearance of Alpha in front of him, Cheng Xia's heartbeat became faster and faster, and the applause around him became illusory. In his eyes and heart, it seemed that only Pei Shaoze was left.

Pei Shaoze made a gesture behind him, and Pei Shaoyan immediately actively carried up the gift he had prepared. Pei Shaoze held the gift box and handed it to Cheng Xia: "This is my birthday present on behalf of the crew. I hope you like it."

Cheng Xia looked at the box in front of him in surprise.

Isn't this his favorite building block model? ! He has liked this kind of building block game since he was a child, and he has collected more than a dozen car models alone, and he is about to hold an "auto show". The model that Mr. Pei gave him, judging from the packaging pattern, is the latest limited edition of the orange sports car sold by the company?

Cheng Xia liked it when it was released on the official website. However, the price of 20,000 made him hesitate, who currently has a low income, and has not made up his mind when putting it in the shopping cart.

I didn't expect President Pei to know his hobbies...

Cheng Xia took the gift box with trembling hands: "Thanks, thank you Mr. Pei!"

There was thunderous applause, but Cheng Xia's eyes were sore.

——Mr. Pei, you are so good to me, what should I do if I really fell completely?

With the light and shadow intertwined above his head, Pei Shaoze smiled slightly at the young boy's eyes brightened by the touch, and asked softly with a voice that only two of them could hear: "I am 19 years old and grow up a bit. Do you like gifts?"

Cheng Xia blushed and nodded: "I like it very much!"

Pei Shaoze said: "That's good. Cut the cake."

Pei Shaoyan was actively working as a tool man, and quickly pushed up the cakes that he had ordered.

The three-tiered fruit cake is so exquisite in shape that people can't bear to cut it open. Zhou Yan couldn't help feeling ashamed when he saw this cake. It was really a gap between the contrasts. What she ordered was just an ordinary chocolate mousse cake. Mr. Pei, this is obviously a personal order! The cake has the theme of "orange", and the top layer is written with orange jam "Happy Birthday to Cheng Xia", and 19 candles are arranged neatly.

Pei Shaoze walked to the stage and let Cheng Xia stand in the C position on the stage.

All the surrounding lights went out, and the candles on the cake burned. As the prelude to the birthday song sounded, everyone on the scene began to sing together: "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..."

Pei Shaoze is also singing.

The man's eyes were gentle, and his low voice was mixed in the crowd, but Cheng Xia remembered his voice clearly.

After the birthday singing, Director Liu excitedly said: "Cheng Xia, make a wish and blow the candles!" "Make a wish!"

Cheng Xia closed her eyes and folded her hands.

His look was extremely religious, and he made a wish seriously on the birthday cake.

At this moment, he has only one wish-that is to be with Pei Shaoze to be old and loving all his life.

Cheng Xia blew out the candles and restored the lights around. Cheng Xia took the knife from the toolman Pei Shaoyan and cut the birthday cake.

The three-layer cake was not easy to cut. He only cut the first layer. Pei Shaoze stepped onto the stage to help him cut the lower two layers.

There was applause again at the scene, Cheng Xia enthusiastically distributed birthday cakes to everyone, and the rest of the crew followed and ate a very rich buffet dinner. Cheng Xia is indeed the protagonist of the audience tonight. No matter where he goes, someone is saying "Happy Birthday" to him. The kindness and blessings from the entire crew made him feel warm.

He is so happy today, this is his happiest birthday since childhood.

As there was an announcement the next day, everyone shouldn't be too late. With Mr. Pei's presence, the link of smearing cake on the face was omitted. Zhou Yan quickly snapped a few photos and asked Cheng Xia to post it on Weibo. show.

Around 10 pm, everyone returned to the hotel.

Cheng Xia put the gift box on the bed, unpacked it, and then was stunned...

Spelled well? Why is it spelled? !

He has bought building blocks many times, and every time he buys them, they are fragments. The merchant has never sold the assembled model? A thought came to mind. Cheng Xia trembled with both hands and hurriedly picked up the phone and asked, "President Pei, is the car model assembled?"

Pei Shaoze replied calmly: "I did it."

Cheng Xia: "..."

Pei Shaoze: "Aren't you busy lately? I have to memorize the script at night. I don't have time to put together these parts. I will help you finish it. You can just use it to play. If you want to do it yourself in the future, just open it and try again ."

Cheng Xia gently touched the complete model of the car in the gift box, and was speechless for a moment.

Regardless of how small it is, there are more than 1,000 parts, and it takes several days to be patient!

Mr. Pei actually did it himself?

Thinking of the man sitting at the table conscientiously putting together building blocks, Cheng Xia's eyes suddenly became hot. Every small part of this car was put together by Mr. Pei personally. The gift he gave himself is so special. Cheng Xia's heart is like soaking in a sweet candy jar-so hard. Who doesn't like this gift?

Cheng Xia wiped her eyes and replied, "Thank you, I will definitely treasure this gift!"

Demolished? How could the car that Mr. Pei had assembled himself be removed? He needs to install it in a transparent cover and store it for a lifetime.
