Chapter 71

[Accidental Mark·Chapter Seventy-first]

At the moment when the statistical results were announced, not only passers-by were shocked, but the bosses of other platforms, investors and actors of major IP dramas also felt incredible!

A 20-episode campus web drama. There was no splash after the project was established. There was no hot search during the filming period. The two leading actors are 18-line small transparent ones that have never heard of... How can it be a big IP with a cluster of stars? Drama, won the first place in the summer file?

Many people are speculating: "Is this data refreshed?" "It must be refreshed. After the 20 episodes are finished, the playback volume of 20 is clicked from the beginning to the end. If you find the navy to scan dozens of times, the playback volume will not go up? "

Fans of other dramas are sour, and some people even went to the official blog publicly to scold: "You have over-swiped your data!"

Pei Shaoze did not ask the navy to review the data. On that day, "Folding Paper" could reach hundreds of millions of views. There must be many viewers who felt good after watching it, revisiting it from the beginning, or someone bought out the account and loaned the account to relatives and friends. This part of the playback volume is indeed double counting. .

But what cannot be ignored is that the newly added broadcast volume of "Folding Paper" is also considerable.

President Liu simply wanted to cry with Pei Shaoze. He was also under great pressure when he bought the show. He was just the vice president in charge of source procurement. In case the show was lost, he would not be able to follow him. The management of the company explained. But now, the performance of folding paper has exceeded everyone's expectations. In just five days after the end, the back-end payment has reached 30 million!

Thirty million! Many online movies only cost this money for a holiday, and it takes only 5 days to complete the folded paper!

When the colleague from the data department showed him the record, he couldn't believe it. He called Pei Shaoze on the spot: "President Pei, our folding paper is really amazing. At present, more than 6 million viewers bought it. In the next 10 episodes, up to 30 million will be received in the background!"

According to the share ratio, Pei Shaoze has recovered the investment cost and can make a net profit of 2 million.

Investors who can recover the cost and make money on their first investment are rare in the circle. Most investors will lose all their underwear when they test the waters for the first drama. Mr. Liu thought excitedly, his first feeling was indeed right. When talking to Pei Shaoze, he was impressed by the calm and confident look of a man before he took the risk to sign the unprecedented "box office split". Sales model.

I thought that Pei Shaoze would be excited, but the man on the phone was still calm: "I checked the data. Today's traffic during summer vacation increased by about 10% year-on-year. Waiting for the three titles "Mirror Flower Water Moon", "Investment Elite", and "Gene Project". After the IP drama is broadcast, a large number of viewers will flow to our "Folding Paper", and the revenue of this drama can be doubled."

How many times can it be doubled? Mr. Liu smiled openly when he heard it: "Mr. Pei, we've been scolding us for data checking everywhere these days. Tonight, the Linghu TV official expo will slap them in the face with the back-office payment rate. Hahaha, just wait for a good show. ! I guess the platform that didn't buy your show would be maddening, you don't know, the number of new registered users of our Linghu TV in the past few days has increased by hundreds of thousands every day, all of which are folded papers. of!"

Mr. Liu can't wait to rush to hug Pei Shaoze's thighs-and because of this drama, his year-end prize is estimated to be doubled!

As the fourth-largest broadcasting platform in China, Linghu TV has been struggling to grab users from the top three. Their platform started late, and the capital strength behind them is not as strong as the top three, and IP dramas produced by large-scale productions are often not available. Unexpectedly, a little-known online school drama, a short 20-episode cookie, would have such a terrible influence!

Many people sign up for "Linghu TV" to buy "Folding Paper". After all, it is an exclusive buyout system. If you want to watch it, you can only buy it from Linghu TV. It is precisely because of this that the number of daily active users of Linghu TV in the past few days has exceeded the third platform, and it is close to the second platform Totoro TV!

The executives of Linghu are almost shocked-the dark horse, they have experienced the terrible dark horse effect!


That night, on the fifth day of "Folding Paper", Linghu TV released a poster: "Celebrate "Folding Paper" paid for over 35 million!"

In just a few hours after Mr. Liu called, he paid another 5 million yuan. A colleague from the Propaganda Department of Linghu just made a poster for "over 30 million". The boss made an emergency call and said excitedly: "35 million. , Quickly change the poster!"

The Propaganda Department worked overtime on the P map and released the new version of the poster on time at 8 pm.

Other platforms: "..."

really? ! The cost was recovered so quickly?

In comparison, although they pay tens of millions of dollars in advance on-demand for several of their dramas, their investments are all hundreds of millions! Moreover, "Folding Paper" has been very strong in recent days. After winning the first place in the volume of the day, it seems that it has no meaning to fall...

Actually steadily occupy the first throne!

This is terrible. Many netizens are following the trend. They can't help but curious to enter when they see the first place in the rankings. As long as "Folding Paper" can retain the audience who clicked in, this part of the audience will be converted into paying users, even Therefore, I joined Linghu TV as a long-term member...

Several major platforms have felt the powerful threat.

Cui Jue's face is extremely ugly. Since its premiere on July 10, after more than 20 days of fighting, their "Mirror Flower and Water Moon", although a little bit awkward, has consistently ranked first in the summer vacation file. Unexpectedly, on August 6, 5 days after the folding paper was finished, they would overtake them in one go!

A campus network drama with an investment of 10 million yuan surpasses a Xianxia IP drama with an investment of several hundred million? !

Starring two little-known 18-line transparent newcomers, their recent attention actually surpassed the first-line celebrities and queens in the circle? !

The user retention rate is 80%, and the payment rate exceeds 70%. The dazzling data that refreshes the record of online dramas slaps him in the face like a slap!

Obviously, this drama was hit by **** luck and met a large number of tap water netizens who helped publicize it. Similar dark horse explosions have appeared in previous years. Once the word of mouth goes up, God can't stop it!

Cui Jue gritted his teeth with anger, a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes, he made a phone call, and said in a low voice: "I must hold onto the momentum of "Folding Paper", and not let Pei Shaoze sit back and reap the benefits. From their actors, give I'm looking for black material!"


At the same time, Pei Shaoze was watching the data analysis table sent by Linghu TV. The payment rate of 70% is really arrogant compared to the data on demand from other companies.

The phone rang suddenly, it was Cheng Xiafa's video call request.

Pei Shaoze closed the laptop and picked up the call. As expected, a young boy appeared in front of him that made him miss.

Cheng Xia looked very happy, with a big smile: "Brother Pei, I just saw the poster from Linghu TV. Our purchase of this drama has reached 35 million. Can you recover the cost?" What he cares about is not whether he is hot or not, but whether his brother Pei will lose money.

Pei Shaoze's heart warmed, and the corners of his lips couldn't help but raised: "35 million is just the beginning. In the next six months, there will be continuous income. This drama is a long-term word-of-mouth drama. The final profit will definitely exceed your imagination. "

"It's great, all of us in Group C can follow the boss!" Cheng Xia asked with a smile, "By the way, are you still so busy these days?"

"Well. Taking advantage of the current word-of-mouth fire, do some follow-up promotion...what's wrong?"

Cheng Xia whispered: "It's nothing, just miss you a little bit."

Pei Shaoze's heart trembled slightly, the boy's straightforward expression really hit the softness of his heart all at once.

"From your return to Rongcheng on June 8th to today on August 7th, we have not seen each other for 62 days." Cheng Xia looked at the man on the screen and said seriously, "I will dream of you every night. ..." At this point, he seemed embarrassed, his cheeks blushing slightly.

"I will come to the crew to see you tomorrow." Pei Shaoze said in a low voice: "I miss you too."

"..." These four words, spoken in Alpha's deep, **** voice, almost made the ears pregnant. Thinking of the fragments in the dream, Cheng Xia's face was about to catch fire, and she hurriedly changed the subject and asked: "You suddenly Feiyaan, don't you delay work?"

"No delay. I will contact the media reporter over there and do an interview with you for publicity." Pei Shaoze has a gentle gaze, "It's late, go to bed first, you can see me tomorrow."

"Well, good night, Brother Pei." Cheng Xia couldn't bear to turn off the video, and wanted to wait for Pei Shaoze to press it first, but Pei Shaoze was waiting for Cheng Xia to press it first. After the two said good night, they did not press the button to end the call, and stared at each other for a while.

I don't know how long it took, Pei Shaoze laughed softly: "You turn it off first."

Cheng Xia blushed a little: "See you tomorrow!" He quickly turned off the call, got into the bed, and thought that Brother Pei would come to see him tomorrow, his heart was sweet, and he closed his eyes and fell asleep after thinking about it for a long time.

Pei Shaoze booked a flight at 10:30 the next day and fell asleep early.

In his dream, a large pile of chubby oranges drilled into his arms, surrounded by the sweet orange smell. Pei Shaoze was in a very good mood. When he woke up the next day, he was refreshed and he shaved in the mirror. Organize yourself so that Uncle Zhong will send him to the airport.

When he came to the studio, Director Zhu was filming a drama. In this scene, Xu Ziyang and Professor Lin finally found a clue from a cat. Cheng Xia held a small tabby cat in her arms and was happily kicking the cat.

It was Pei Shaoyan who first discovered Pei Shaoze. He stood up and shouted, "Mr Pei is here!"

The people around turned around and saw Pei Shaoze and greeted: "President Pei!" "President Pei hasn't been seen for a long time!"

Pei Shaoze nodded at them and walked all the way to Cheng Xia. Cheng Xia raised her head to meet the man's eyes, and the two looked at each other from the crowd. They had only been separated for two months, but the deep-seated miss seemed to be separated for a long time...

Cheng Xia wished that he could not immediately jump into the man's arms and hug him tightly.

However, there were too many people around him, so he could only shout politely: "President Pei..."

Pei Shaoze walked in front of him and stretched out his hand. He wanted to gently rub the boy's head, but in the end he placed his hand on the cat in his arms, gently touched the kitten's head, and looked at Cheng Xia. : "Where did this cat come from? Very cute." As cute as you.

Cheng Xia smiled and said: "It is the cat raised by Director Zhu, who brought the filming. This cat is now the favorite of the whole crew."

The little cat was very comfortable with Pei Shaoze and "meowed" in Cheng Xia's arms.

Pei Shaoze looked at Director Zhu: "Director Zhu's cat?"

Director Zhu said solemnly: "Many clues in this show are related to cats. I am worried that if we find a cat without cooperating with the filming, we will bring our spots over." The people around were laughing: "The acting of spots is special. Alright, hahaha, the cat actor!" "Director Zhu attacked him, he is obedient, and he will take the initiative to look at the camera!"

Cheng Xia also smiled and said: "Yes, it has a better lens, isn't it the actor?"

The kitten in his arms seemed to agree, and then called "meow" again.

The scene of Cheng Xia holding the cat is very warm, and the young boy seems to be a very caring person.

Seeing the harmonious atmosphere of the crew, Pei Shaoze was also relieved a lot.

At least during the time he was away, Cheng Xia got along well with the crew, and there was a cute pet accompanying Cheng Xia.

He looked at Pei Shaoyan and asked, "How did you study with Director Zhu and Producer Xu?" Pei Shaoyan hurriedly stood at attention: "I learned a lot of knowledge. Knowing what to do to produce a drama, both Director Zhu and Sister Xu Take care of me!"

Sister Xu of Linhua Films said: "President Pei, your little assistant is very smart, and he will be able to teach him."

Pei Shaoze nodded in relief: "That's good. I'm not here this time, everyone has worked hard, I invite you to dinner tonight."

There was cheers all around.

Pei Shaoze booked the buffet hall of Ya'an International Hotel, and the whole crew could eat whatever they wanted.

At the dinner, Director Zhu took the initiative to say: "President Pei, I watched "Folding Paper". Cheng Xia's performance in the play is indeed very good. This play has a very good performance and can be said to be the dark horse of the year. You choose Spirit Fox TV, It's an unprecedented start of the online drama buyout and share account model, which is really far-sighted."

Producer Xu boasted: "I also watched this drama. It is indeed the most exquisite film in the summer vacation. The 20 episodes are not watered or procrastinated, and the rhythm is particularly comfortable. For the first time as a producer, President Pei can make such a sophisticated film. It's a shame that I have been the producer of the drama for so many years."

Pei Shaoze thought, it was because he had many years of experience in another world.

The people around me, out of sincerity and flattery, are saying that Pei always has a vision and that "Folding Paper" is well shot. Cheng Xia is in love with You Rongyan and feels that his favorite Alpha is really excellent...

Pei Shaoze turned his head and couldn't help but feel softened at the same look in Cheng Xia's "little fan".

It's been a long time since Xiao Cheng Xia actually lost weight. It seems that he worked very hard to make this drama. The shooting of the 12-episode short drama has only come to an end for such a long time. It can be seen how strict Director Zhu is. One shot is repeated many times. Cheng Xia has so many scenes in the play, and she must be very tired.

It's time to treat him well.

Pei Shaoze looked at Zhu Zheng: "Director Zhu, I want to borrow Cheng Xia from the crew for a day. A media interview will be arranged tomorrow to cooperate with the promotion of "Folding Paper". Look, can the crew's announcement be changed and Cheng Xia will be asked for a day off? "

Director Zhu thought for a while and nodded: "No problem. I will finish filming the villain and Professor Lin's opponent tomorrow, and I will film the part of Cheng Xia the day after tomorrow. This drama is about to be finished, so don't worry."

Pei Shaoze said politely: "Thank you, Director Zhu."

He looked at Cheng Xia in an official tone: "Cheng Xia, follow me tomorrow to see the reporter from Entertainment Today."

Cheng Xia nodded earnestly: "Good President Pei!"

Pei Shaoyan: "..."

I was given another mouthful of dog food by my elder brother and Cheng Xia.
