Chapter 73

[Accidental Mark · Chapter 73]

Hearing Cheng Xia's frank confession, the hard and cold shell outside Pei Shaoze's heart seemed to be gently peeled off by Cheng Xia. The young man's slender fingers carefully touched him in the softest part of his heart, and it was still there. Scratched gently.

The deep part of my heart was crisp and numb, and my whole body seemed to be swept by electric current, and even the pores on his back were comfortably opened.

Is it this way to be confessed by someone you like?

I have always been only you in my heart-this is really the best sentence Pei Shaoze has ever heard.

Pei Shaoze stretched out his hands, gently hugged the boy on his lap, and wrapped his arm around his waist with one hand, then raised Cheng Xia's chin and gently kissed Cheng Xia's lips.

Cheng Xia's entire body was suspended, and his buttocks were sitting on Alpha's strong thighs. This posture caused his heart to stall, and a faint red tide spread from his cheeks to the base of his ears.

Shaked all over by the kiss, Cheng Xia hurriedly stretched out her hand and nervously clung to Pei Shaoze's shoulder to prevent herself from falling.

Pei Shaoze's kiss was particularly gentle, delicate and warm, like kissing a baby on the tip of his heart, almost melting Cheng Xia's kiss. Cheng Xia panted and responded shyly: "Um... Pei... Brother Pei... Um..."

I don't know why, today's Pei Shaoze is different from the usual calm and calm Pei. Cheng Xia was so dizzy by the kiss, there was some doubt in her mind-what was wrong with what she just said? Didn't Brother Pei know that he had a crush on him?

After being kissed in a daze for ten minutes, Cheng Xia felt a slight looseness in her waist. He raised his head, Alpha was looking at him intently, his dark eyes filled with tenderness, and his thumb lightly brushed the corners of his wet lips: "It turns out that the person in your heart has always been me."

Cheng Xia nodded in confusion: "Yes."

Only then did Pei Shaoze understand that he had fallen behind seriously some time ago, had not followed Cheng Xia's thinking, and had been jealous for some reason.

In fact, the young boy has always only had him in his heart. He is really dull. A goodwill degree of more than 90 can already show that Cheng Xia likes him. He still stubbornly equates "goodwill" with "trust value." It seems that since Cheng Xia was injured when he went to visit him late at night, Cheng Xia had already been tempted by him, so his favorability increased rapidly.

Pei Shaoze gently kissed the boy's forehead and whispered: "I like you too."

This is the first time he confessed to someone, and he still said "like" very directly. Pei Shaoze's expression was not very natural, but Cheng Xia's eyes were bright when he heard it, and he immediately hugged Pei Shaoze happily and buried his face in Alpha's arms. .

Cheng Xia was so happy that she was about to faint, listening to the heartbeat of "dongdong" from Alpha's chest. Brother Pei, who has always been indifferent, actually told him that he liked it! Although he knows that Brother Pei always dotes on him, it is still different to say it personally!

[Cheng Xia's favorability for you +1+1]

This time it was 99 points in one breath, and it was almost 1 point full.

Pei Shaoze rubbed the furry head in his arms, thinking that he would never let anyone hurt his baby again.

However, the boy was sitting on his lap. This posture made him a little bit unable to hold it. Pei Shaoze took a deep breath of the impulse in the air pressure, let go of Cheng Xia, moved to Cheng Xia's ear, and whispered: "Now, I need you Play a play with me."

Cheng Xia listened carefully for a moment, then smiled and nodded: "Well, I know what to do!"


The next morning, Cheng Xia was woken up by Zhou Yan's phone call: "Cheng Xia, look at Weibo!"

Cheng Xia thought to herself: Sure enough, the action on the other side was really fast.

He hurriedly got up and opened Weibo, and saw a hot topic floating on the homepage——

"#Hot eight melons# A newcomer Omega actor deliberately injected a pheromone release agent to enter the estrus-estrus period, seduce the boss to use his body in exchange for resources, and it is astounding!"

The blogger who broke the news looked like a trumpet, and only a few hundred navy members paid attention.

The news of a small transparent blogger can actually enter the list of hot search topics in a short period of time. Obviously, there are professional promoters behind this matter.

The bloggers broke the news one by one. At first, they used "some Omega newcomer" to cover up, and later pointed out "the one who is particularly hot recently". In the third article, he almost said the name directly: "First This work played the protagonist of the campus drama, and it worked really well to seduce the gold master by means of estrus. The poor boss of Alpha got out of control with his pheromone, so he had to get such a scheming O."

Deliberately injecting a release agent to seduce the boss. What is the difference between this method and Alpha taking advantage of the estrus-estrus period to use Omega?

Many onlookers who clicked on the hot search were disgusted, especially the Omegas: "It's a scum among Omegas!" "Gosh, it's too cheap to use estrus to seduce the boss. If all Omegas do it, Isn't it a mess!" "It's a shame to treat the body as a commodity."

Some people asked curiously: "Who is this?"

Because the blogger's directivity was too obvious, the comment area quickly guessed: "The last name is Cheng, right?"

"Guess what, Cheng Xia, the one who folded the paper!"

"The most popular Omega actor in recent days is him. He played the leading role directly in the first work of his debut, which I felt strange at the time."

"I can't tell, his Qin Nian is so sunny and lovely, but he is such a scheming O?"

"Spit up, we are really hardworking and lovely Qin Nian is actually played by this kind of person!"

Zhou Yan looked ugly at the rhythmic netizens in the comment area.

Fortunately, President Pei reminded her that no matter what happened, she would not move. She took a deep breath and said to Cheng Xia: "President Pei said that we will not fight back and let the opposite party prove it. This time, President Pei will come out to help you personally, don't worry. Make the drama well and leave the rest to us."

If Pei Shaoze hadn't said hello in advance and suddenly saw the dirty water splashing on him, Cheng Xia would definitely be frightened, but after last night, he was now very calm and even wanted to laugh. Brother Pei had expected this a long time ago. Break the news more violently!

The more you explode, the harder Brother Pei hits you in the face.

Cheng Xia logged onto Weibo and posted a message: "Good morning everyone, I am going to film."

He still didn't look at the rumors of the outside world.

Many fans on Weibo left a message: "Xia Xia, are you talking about Omega?" "There is no evidence to talk nonsense, I believe Cheng Xia!" "I don't think the actors who can play Qin Nian are such people. "Cheng Xia's acting skills are so good, there is no need to sell his body for resources. There are so many directors who can appreciate his acting skills. This must be because our competitors are not convinced that we rushed to the first place by folding paper and deliberately discredited."

Due to the popularity of "Folding Paper", many people have been attracted by Cheng Xia's Qin Nian in the past few days. They paid attention to him and became his fans. Therefore, after Cheng Xia was questioned this time, many fans spoke for him.

Of course there are a lot of black fans, and many people gloat: "Cheng Xia really overturned the car!" "I said, how can he get the role of Xu Ziyang as a police officer with an Omega, and who did he get it by climbing on his bed?" "Omega is here? There is an inherent advantage in this aspect. The body is soft, and it will not be too uncomfortable to be fucked. Anyway, if he is not pregnant, he can constantly use his body for resources. Climb a few more boss's beds, and you will have everything!"

This part of the people said very badly. Cheng Xia probably turned the comments and turned off Weibo.

At the same time, Cheng Yiming got up and opened his son's Weibo to see how fans praised his son. Turning on his son's Weibo has become his daily routine these days. Whenever he sees fans saying that he likes Cheng Xia, he is especially proud of his son.

As a result, as soon as I opened Weibo today, I was stunned by tens of thousands of comments. He clicked in to see. He was shaking with anger and hurried to find Jiang Qiong: "My son was splashed with dirty water. Some people said he got Qin Nian. This role is to seduce the boss by climbing on the boss's bed!" Jiang Qiong was so scared that he dropped a bowl and hurriedly wiped his hands and took the phone. The two followed the comments and clicked into the topic. When they saw the blogger's revelations, their expressions grew more and more. The more ugly.

At this moment, Cheng Yiming's cell phone rang suddenly, and the caller ID was an unfamiliar number. He picked it up suspiciously, "Hello? Are you?"

The other party's voice was deep, nice and polite: "Hello Uncle Cheng, I'm Pei Shaoze, the current president of Tianxuan Group."

Pei Shaoze is the same President Pei whom his son crawled to seduce on the Internet!

Cheng Yiming's face changed, and he said coldly: "President Pei, what are you looking for?"

Pei Shaoze asked: "Have you seen the topic on Weibo?"

Cheng Yiming said with a solemn face, "I saw it! They said, my son climbed onto your bed and beg you for resources!"

Pei Shaoze said: "There is no such thing. Because our "Folding Paper" score is too good, our competitors jealous and deliberately splashed dirty water to smear Cheng Xia. You can rest assured that I will protect my artist and return Cheng Xia's innocence. Next, No matter what revelations are released on Weibo, you should ignore it. Many revelations are deliberately fabricated by competitors. You are Cheng Xia's father and you should believe that he will not do such a thing."

Cheng Yiming breathed a sigh of relief: "Of course I believe my son, he is definitely not such a person!"

Pei Shaoze said warmly: "That's good. In the next few days, it's better not to use Weibo for uncles and aunts, so as not to be irritated by those navy forces. I asked the tour guide to take the two out to relax, and wait for the matter to be resolved in a few days. You go to Weibo to see the result."

Cheng Yiming laughed: "Mr. Pei, since you said that, then we can rest assured. There is no need to relax and so on!"

Pei Shaoze said: "The results of folding paper are very good. This is the company's reward for Cheng Xia. I have arranged a travel agency and a private tour guide will take two on vacation. You have fun and send him more photos, so he can feel at ease. Stay on the crew to film."

Cheng Xia worried that her parents would think too much about it, so she called her father. As a result, the voice on the phone was noisy, and there was even a broadcast of "Passengers on flight XX started boarding", apparently at the airport.

Cheng Xia was stunned: "Dad, what are you doing at the airport?"

Cheng Yiming smiled and said: "You always let us go to the beach for a vacation and we will board the plane soon. We will go to Ya'an City today. After we arrive, we will go to the crew to visit you!"

Cheng Xia: "..."

Jiang Qiong grabbed the phone: "Your CEO Pei is very good, and you also called to comfort us. Let us not think too much, saying that he will protect Tianxuan's artists and prevent you from being wronged."

Cheng Yiming whispered: "Son, Dad believes in you! Daddy Heihei, a fan fan in the entertainment industry, has seen too many. As long as you don't do such shameful things yourself, they will be useless for you no matter how shameful they are!

Cheng Xia's heart warmed and nodded and said: "Parents, I know, don't worry."

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Xia's heart was warm. Pei Ge was so careful that even his parents had considered it. What else can I say about this Alpha? I really don't let go of holding Brother Pei in my life.

In fact, Pei Shaoze is worried that the original plot will repeat itself. In the original book, Cheng Xia's father was Cheng Xia who was so angry that he had a heart attack when he was hacked by netizens, and the rescue failed. Cheng Yiming has a heart attack. Although the navy didn't send the mouse to the family this time, Pei Shaoze didn't want to take even the slightest risk, let alone let Cheng Xia lose his beloved father since childhood.

The next revelations will become more and more terrifying. Sending the two elders to travel in advance is also a kind of protection for the two elders.

Sure enough, that afternoon, the blogger broke out "severe news".

It was a short video—in the underground garage, Cheng Xia was dragged into a black private car, followed by Pei Shaoze. This surveillance video is different from what Pei Shaoze found out at the time, and more like it was taken by a driving recorder passing by from another angle. In the video, the faces of Pei Shaoze and Cheng Xia can be vaguely recognized.

Following the receipt from the hospital, the signature column of the buyer of the "pheromone release agent" clearly read two words: Cheng Xia.

This is almost iron proof!

70% of netizens began to believe that Cheng Xia took the release agent to seduce the boss, and even jokingly called the incident "Omega release agent scandal."

Next, the news broke on Weibo and released the surveillance that Pei Shaoze drove away from the Binhu Villa area the next night. In the driver's seat, Pei Shaoze looked serious, and Cheng Xia was sitting in the co-pilot. Pei Shaoze's car dropped him at the intersection where Cheng Xia's house was. Cheng Xia was wearing Pei Shaoze's down jacket.

Netizens can naturally make up for what happened this night.

A whole day later, the topic of #Hot eight melons# on the Internet has been ranked first among the hottest searches by a large number of onlookers. At the same time, #Cheng Xia sprays release agent##release agent scan##Origami starring character problem# and so on. Was brought into the top 20 of the hot search.

The overwhelming scolding instantly flooded Cheng Xia's Weibo.

Fans who originally believed in Cheng Xia gradually began to waver in front of the ironclad evidence after another: "I really don't want to believe that you are such a person. How can you be such a person in such a lovely Qin Nian!" "Cheng Xia" The smile is very sunny, if he is this kind of scheming O, I would be really blind." "The news in the entertainment industry must be reversed within three days, wait for the follow-up." "Xia Xia quickly explain, what is going on?!"

One day passed without any explanation from Cheng Xia.

The next day, the news broke another video on Weibo: "A certain Omega actor did not forget to run to the boss's room during the filming. It was really hungry and thirsty. This was taken at night by a certain boss Feiya'an on August 7th. Video".

In the video, a teenager wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt walked into the room wearing a low peaked cap. Pei Shaoze was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows looking at the scenery. After hearing the sound of footsteps, he turned to look at the opponent, and then pulled the opponent into his arms. The lower head was kissing the other's ear.

Immediately afterwards, the curtains were pulled up by Pei Shaoze's slender hands. Everyone can still make up for what is going on inside.

That T-shirt and peaked cap are all clothes that Cheng Xia used to wear when he was on the crew in the photos that Cheng Xia had posted on Weibo before.

Fans: "..."

More and more people are tempted on the brink of powder removal.

Public opinion is almost downside-down. Even in the comment section of "Folding Paper" on Linghu TV, many viewers who have purchased have changed the five-star rating to one-star. The original rating of 9.5 instantly dropped to 6.5, and a large-scale "resistance of tainted actors" appeared on the Internet. The navy who "boycott folded paper".

However, what puzzles netizens is--

Linghu TV stood still, and the poster of "Folding Paper" still hung on the homepage.

The official blog of Folding Paper did not give any explanation. The director, screenwriter, original author of Folding Paper, and the two protagonists of the scandal were all quiet, as if this incident did not happen at all.

Journalists who have been in the entertainment industry for many years have keenly smelled a different breath.

Shouldn't it, is there no rebuttal?

Is it because of the fact that Cheng Xia was beaten by a blow?

Or is it just the tranquility before the storm, and the team behind Cheng Xia quietly brewing a more violent counterattack?
