The Last Extra

[Fanwai real world]

When Pei Shaoze woke up, he found that the surrounding environment was very wrong. The light in the room was dim, the pure gray curtains and the sofa with the outlines in the corners were completely different from his and Cheng Xia's residences, but very different from his real-world bedroom. similar.

He endured the sharp pain in his head, got up and walked to the window, and opened the curtains--

It was raining lightly outside, and looking out from the bedroom, you could see the lush garden on the first floor. Next to the garden was a wide stone road with the familiar branches and leaves of the big banyan.

This is the villa complex where he lives in the real world, the southern city, even in winter, is still tree-lined.

Pei Shaoze's face changed, and he picked up the phone-the time indicated that it was November 24, the day after his birthday.

The system didn't deceive him. When he was in the world in "A Mark of Accident", time in the real world stopped, and the moment he woke up, he returned to the night of his birthday party and hangover. Open the WeChat circle of friends, they are all people he knows in this world.

Nothing has changed, as if he had a very long, very long dream, and spent his life in another world.

However, his experience in that world is so clear and true. He and Cheng Xia have intertwined and slept with each other countless times, mingling lips and teeth, and skin-to-skin-so long, so deep love, how could it be? Dreamland?

Pei Shaoze took a deep breath and opened the web page to search for Cheng Xia with his mobile phone, but did not find any news about celebrities.

He remembered that he had asked the system a question. His name and appearance were the same as Pei Shaoze in the book world. So, in the real world, is there a person who looks like Cheng Xia in the book world?

The system did not answer at the time.

He couldn't be sure whether there was also a person named Cheng Xia in this world. He only knew that after having Process Xia, he would no longer be able to live the rest of his life alone.

He is only 30 years old in this world. If he can live to 70 years old, there will be no Cheng Xia around him for the next 40 years... He can't imagine how he would fall asleep every night. For him, life without Cheng Xia is simply a cruel torture.

He must find Cheng Xia.

Thinking of this, Pei Shaoze immediately drove to the company.

The consequences of the hangover made his brain aches, so his face was extremely ugly when he came to the company. The assistant thoughtfully poured him a cup of hot milk and brought a plate of snacks: "Mr. Pei, you didn't have breakfast? Eat something first."

Pei Shaoze nodded, picked up the cakes on the plate, but couldn't help thinking of Cheng Xia in his heart. Cheng Xia likes to make dim sum most, every time he makes many flavors, the surface of the dim sum will be painted with delicate and beautiful patterns, which is pleasing to the eye.

Pei Shaoze put the pastry in his mouth, and it was hard to swallow. He found that he missed Cheng Xia all the time.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, several important executives of the company were called to the meeting room by Pei Shaoze. President Pei's serious expression made everyone feel like sitting on pins and needles. After all the executives arrived, the man slowly said: "I decided to set up a project to shoot a movie, with the name It's called "Looking for Cheng Xia", the protagonist of the audition is open nationwide.

The executives were stunned.

The movie box office that President Pei has invested in these years has exploded, and everyone has a very positive view of him. The copyright manager couldn't help asking: "Mr. Pei, is the script for this movie already written? Or..."

Pei Shaoze said: "There is no script, find someone to write now."

"What kind of subject is that?"

Pei Shaoze thought for a moment, and said: "On the theme of love, someone lost his most beloved baby and wants to find it back. The person who was lost is called Cheng Xia. The film is inspired by a recent dream. ."

Pei Shaoze glanced across the audience, and his calm and determined voice did not allow others to raise objections: "I personally invest in the production of this film. After the project is established, it will be selected as soon as possible. Let the Propaganda Department buy Hot Search so that everyone knows this film. The film should audition the protagonist, whether or not he was born in the Academy of Film Science, encourage newcomers to come to audition, just to try to find talented talents."

The executives looked at each other.

It is not the first time that Mr. Pei has invested in a movie, but before, he would do a good job of investigating the script, carefully studying the script, and making sure that the script is worthwhile. This time, there is no script, no director, and nothing is decided. Suddenly, he said that he wanted to make a romance film?

Everyone does not understand. Of course, some investors also participate in script production for the so-called "feelings". Such examples are also very common. Everyone thinks about it and thinks that Mr. Pei may also be for feelings and want to make a movie according to his own heart. Show it to yourself? Anyway, he was wealthy and self-willed, and he wanted to make a commemorative movie for himself, so everyone got busy at Pei Shaoze's instructions.

In just three days, the Propaganda Department decided on a plan to post the news of "Looking for Cheng Xia" National Sea Selection on the hot search.

The film's requirements for actors are: "Newcomers are first. We want to tap talented people."

Pei Shaoze has been in the entertainment industry for many years, and has never seen an artist who looks like Cheng Xia, and there is no information about Cheng Xia found on the Internet. Therefore, Cheng Xia must be an unknown newcomer in this world, and may even not entertain. ring. It is precisely because of this that he will change the audition requirement to "Priority for new recruits."

As the ace investor in the circle, Pei Shaoze has set up a project to make a romantic movie and find a newcomer to be the leading role. Once the news spread, the actors in the entertainment circle suddenly rushed to compete for the role of "Cheng Xia" like crazy.

On the day of the audition, there was a long line in the hotel, and Pei Shaoze also came to the scene in person. Actors came in and left one after another, Pei Shaoze's face was always cold and serious.

Not his Cheng Xia.

The reason why he allows everyone to participate in the national audition is that he has a glimmer of hope-if his Cheng Xia is really in this world, Cheng Xia will be able to see the hot search for several days in a row, and he will definitely find a way. Come to him. Cheng Xia in this world may not have the same name as "Cheng Xia", nor is he an actor. But they fell in love with each other in the world in the book, and he believed that Cheng Xia would react.

I must feel that his brother Pei is looking for him.

There were too many people auditioning, so many directors started to have a headache. Several of them performed well and were passed by President Pei without hesitation. The audition lasted for three days and still did not find a suitable actor. The director always felt that Mr. Pei was not choosing the protagonist, more like... who was waiting for?

In the past few days, Pei Shaoze has been extremely suffering.

Every night he dreamed of Cheng Xia, sometimes Cheng Xia smiled and said "bye brother Pei", sometimes it was Cheng Xia who turned around and left, leaving him with a vague back, those frequent nightmares, constantly tortured His nerves.

He is very afraid that Cheng Xia is really not in this world! If that's the case, after owning Cheng Xia, it is no longer possible for him to be with others. He can only carry unforgettable memories about Cheng Xia and die alone.

He still has his mother and sister to take care of, and he can't seek death. However, without Cheng Xia, he is really better off than life.

The seventh day of the audition.

Pei Shaoze lacked sleep for a week, and his face was already quite ugly. The director asked tentatively: "Mr. Pei, if there is really no suitable actor, why don't we postpone this audition for a few more days?"

Pei Shaoze closed his eyes: "No need, it's due today."

The initial publicity was so long and the audition lasted for a whole week. If Cheng Xia were in this world, it would be impossible to be unresponsive. If you don't see Cheng Xia again today, he can only use another method to travel to every city in the country and find it himself.

If you can't find it in one year, just find two years. Can't find it in two years, look for ten years

Even if it takes a lifetime, he will look for it.


At five o'clock in the afternoon, the audition was about to end, and Pei Shaoze's heart was empty, and there was always a trance of losing half of his soul.

After watching the dance of demons all day, he felt a headache. He pressed his fingers on his temples, and the next moment he listened to the assistant next to him shouting: "The last one today, No. 98... Hey? What a coincidence, this actor is also called Cheng Xia. ."

No. 98, Cheng Xia, this is the number that Cheng Xia picked during the audition of Folding Paper.

Pei Shaoze suddenly looked up.

The front door was gently pushed open, and a handsome young man with a slender figure walked in. He was wearing jeans and a beige sweater, with crisp short hair and big dark, clear eyes. He looked around, then walked to the middle and bowed to this side. Gong: "Good director, good screenwriter teacher, Pei... good President Pei, my name is Cheng Xia, and I am a freshman in the Acting Department of the Imperial Film Academy."

His eyes stayed on Pei Shaoze's face for a while, and for some reason his ears were a little red, and he quickly moved away from him.

Pei Shaoze's heart beat violently--

His Cheng Xia! !

A cute boy version of Cheng Xia exactly the same as Cheng Xia in the world in "Mark of Accident"!

Pei Shaoze clenched his fists under the table and stared intently at the young man in the center of the court.

Cheng Xia acted in a scene according to the director's request. This scene was a scene of Cheng Xia's long-lost reunion with her loved one. He looked at Pei Shaoze, his eyes were bright as if they were filled with stars, that kind of shame. The timid but full of admiration made Pei Shaoze want to rub him into his arms.

The director was a little surprised: "You don't have any film and television works? The acting skills are not bad."

Cheng Xia explained earnestly: "I am a freshman in the film school and did not sign a contract with any brokerage company. I didn't dare to participate in this interview, but the name of this movie is "Looking for Cheng Xia", and the protagonist is just like me. With the same name, I just... just want to try it."

The director smiled and said: "That's a coincidence! President Pei, we were looking for Cheng Xia on the film, but did we really find Cheng Xia?"

Pei Shaoze stood up and said lightly: "Cheng Xia, you come with me."

Cheng Xia was stunned and followed the man in front of him.

Pei Shaoze took him to the meeting room next door and locked the door.

The man's gaze was too affectionate and hot, Cheng Xia blushed at the sight, and couldn't help lowering her head: "Pei, President Pei..."

Pei Shaoze asked in a low voice, "Xia Xia, don't you know me?"

This intimacy made Cheng Xia's eyelashes tremble, her eyes dodged: "President Pei, me and us, it should be the first time we met..."

Cheng Xia didn't know why. In the last few days, he seemed to have suddenly recovered some strange memories. In that memory, he seemed to be sent to an ABO world and turned into an Omega, and then talked to a man named Pei Shaoze. People get married and love each other for life.

He was kissed, hugged, marked by that man in his dream, and even gave birth to two children to that man...

Cheng Xia was almost stunned.

Why can a man give birth to a child? How can he give birth to a child?

Say it was a dream, the memory was too clear, as if it really happened. He still remembered that on Pei Shaoze's birthday, he wrapped a bath towel after taking a bath, and shamelessly offered himself to the other party, and then spent three days in the bedroom. Later, at the wedding, the two spent seven days without shame in a place called Xingfu Island, and then he was pregnant with that man's child? ?

Cheng Xia woke up every morning with a blushing face with shame, wondering what these memories were like "traveling to another world". It's just that every time he thinks of these memories, his heart is sweet and warm, as if he was really loved by a man for a lifetime.

Later, Brother Pei told him that no matter who left first, he would wait for him in another world...

He remembered this sentence.

When he first saw the audition of "Looking for Cheng Xia", he thought it was incredible because he attributed this memory to a bizarre dream. However, the producer of this film is Pei Shaoze, who actually looks like him. The men here are exactly the same.

Pei Shaoze is going to make a movie looking for Cheng Xia? Isn't this a dream? His brother Pei remembers him?

A person's bizarre experience can be explained by a dream, but if two people's experiences are exactly the same, it is by no means a dream, but a real thing.

Although I don't know how I would enter a world called ABO, Cheng Xia couldn't help her heart beating faster when she looked at the tall and handsome man in front of him, as if she had regained the feeling of being in that world, relying wholeheartedly on Brother Pei. , Admiring Brother Pei...

The body and mind belong only to the other party, and will never leave forever.

Seeing Cheng Xia in a daze, Pei Shaoze couldn't help but said softly: "You think it looks like a dream, right?"

Cheng Xia blushed and nodded: "You, did you have the same dream?"

Pei Shaoze gently pulled the boy into his arms: "Is it a dream? Just confirm it."

Before Cheng Xia knew what was going on, the man suddenly kissed her lips.

Pei Shaoze's kiss was as gentle as he was about to melt him completely, taking care of every corner of his mouth meticulously and thoughtfully. Cheng Xia was only 18 years old and was still the first kiss. His eyes widened and he couldn't believe it. However, the feeling of familiarity, intimacy, and warmth made him unable to resist at all. In the end, he closed his eyes trembling and let Pei Shaoze kiss him.

The kiss lasted a little longer, and Pei Shaoze seemed to make up for the whole week of missing, as if to confirm that his favorite baby had returned to him, from the beginning, the gentleness gradually became warmer.

Reunited after a long absence, in another world, they are actually seeing each other for the first time, but they have been in love for a long time.

A strange body, a familiar feeling.

It's wonderful and a bit exciting.

Pei Shaoze deepened his kiss and hugged Cheng Xia tightly into his arms. Cheng Xia was kissed so that her whole body was soft, and her blush was almost bleeding. At this moment, he finally believed that it was not a dream, but, A sweet journey to another world that belongs exclusively to him and Pei Shaoze.

He may have lost his memory and traveled to that world, and then returned here to recover his memory. In short, all the details in his mind about getting along with this man are all true!

After the long kiss, Cheng Xia's eyes became hot, and he tentatively called: "Pei, Brother Pei?"

Pei Shaoze hugged him tightly: "It's me. I have been looking for you."

Cheng Xia buried her face in the man's arms and hugged him back excitedly: "I can't believe how there are so many memories of you! It's like we've spent all our lives in another world. Have..."

Pei Shaoze chuckled, "You gave me two children."

Cheng Xia flushed, and whispered: "How on earth did a man give birth to a child?"

Hearing Cheng Xia's complaints, Pei Shaoze felt soft in his heart and joked in Cheng Xia's ear: "In that world, you still have Omega pheromones in your body. It smells like sweet oranges, and there will be estrus. -Hot, I take care of you every time, you always cling to me."

Cheng Xia was even more shy.

Judging from his three views of normal men in this world, the ABO world he and Pei are in is simply too ashamed. He whispered: "I am not an Omega now, and I don't have the smell of pheromone. I am totally different from Cheng Xia in that world...Do you still like me?"

He raised his head, his eyes looking at Pei Shaoze were as bright as he remembered.

Pei Shaoze stretched out his hand and gently rubbed the boy's rub: "Of course. No matter which world I am in, I like you."

Cheng Xia laughed happily, hugged the man in front of him tightly, and whispered: "Brother Pei, I love you so much... During this period of time, I have been having nightmares and dreaming that you turned and left. I feel so uncomfortable."

Pei Shaoze's heart suddenly softened, and he had the same nightmare, but fortunately, it was just a nightmare.

They really met again in another world.

Cheng Xia in this world is not Omega, and Pei Shaoze is not Alpha, but the same thing is that they still love each other's soul deeply.

That kind of love has melted into the bone marrow and penetrated into the blood. Even if the world changes, they can recognize each other at a glance.

Pei Shaoze asked softly: "This time, do you still want to continue to be an actor?"

Cheng Xia smiled and said, "Of course! Although I am an 18-year-old rookie at the Film Academy now, I have the memory of winning the domestic and international actor awards in another world. Doesn't I belong to opening a plug-in? Easier to succeed?"

Seeing his sunny smile, Pei Shaoze couldn't help but lifted the corners of his lips and gently held Cheng Xia's hand with his fingers interlocking: "Of course, "Looking for Cheng Xia" tells a story adapted from our experience. You use this This work officially debuted."

He looked at the boy in front of him with gentle eyes: "This time, I will continue to accompany you."

——To accompany you to the top.

——Also accompany you to grow old.
