Q&A Space

This is Saint Freya Academy.

  This is where all dreams begin and where all stories begin.

  But at this moment, the originally calm lake was splashed with water that did not belong to this world.

  As a result, the gears of fate began to roll towards an unknown road ahead.


  "Oh...so tired..." Outside the teaching building, just finished the cultural class, like a burnt salted fish, Kiana looked up to the sky and wailed.

  "Stupid Kiana, you obviously slept all the time in class, why are you tired?"

  beside Kiana, Bronya, who appeared to be a Valkyrie on the surface but was secretly a stand-in messenger, had no expression on her face. But said with a bit of contempt.

  "The table is so hard, do you think I can sleep comfortably?" Kiana puffed her cheeks and glared at Bronya angry, "Also, Aunt Himeko always hit me with chalk and hurt me I always get woken up halfway through my sleep."

  "Then don't sleep anymore, Kiana, the monthly exam will be in a few days, if you fail, Then there will be a make-up exam again." Raiden Mei said helplessly.

  "Hey, so why do we have to take such boring courses as cultural courses? We are obviously Valkyrie, so wouldn't it be good to only take practical lessons?" A mask of pain was immediately put on his face.

  "Stupid Kiana, not everyone wants to be like you, a fool with muscles in his head."

  "What? Bronya, you have muscles in your head! I'm obviously not stupid at all ! It's just that I'm not good at studying."

  Kiana puffed up her cheeks like a puffer fish, and muttered to Bronya.

  "Anyway, one day, I will definitely become the strongest Valkyrie!"

  "But you can't beat the squad leader in the actual combat class."

  "Well... Well, that's just now, and I will definitely become stronger in the future! "

  "Okay, stop arguing, let's go eat first." Raiden Mei said, "Kiana, I'll give you some math lessons in the evening, if you don't want to make up the exam."

  "Ugh. ...It's so troublesome."

  Just when Kiana was about to say something more, a white light flashed in front of her eyes, and when she could see something again, she was suddenly shocked to find that she had come to a Mysterious white space.

  Before she could figure out what was going on, a mechanical sound came from her ear.

  [Welcome everyone to the question and answer space. Next, you will make corresponding choices about the questions raised by this system. If you make the right choice, you will get corresponding rewards, and if you make the wrong choice, you will lose one year of life. Please Answer cautiously. ]

  "Who? Who's talking?!"

  Kiana looked around, and the surrounding area was still white. Apart from herself, Bronya and Raiden Mei, there seemed to be no one else here.

  "Where... is this place? Weren't we still at the entrance of the teaching building just now?" Raiden Mei face was a little bit surprised, but also a little bit panic, while observing her surroundings, she tried hard to calm herself down.

  "There is no signal here." Bronya's flat voice sounded. Although her face was expressionless, the reloading bunny had already appeared behind her, wary of this strange environment.

  [The first question: May I ask Kiana Kaslana, when she was in Arc City, how did she save the people in a city? ]

  [A: Seek help from the destiny. ]

  [B: Seeking help from anti-entropy. ]

  [C: Briefly control the power of the Herrscher, and push the bomb containing Houkai energy into the sky. ]

  [D: Single-handedly entered the World Snake's laboratory and stopped their plan. ]

  "Mei, Bronya, did you hear the voice too?" Kiana frowned and looked at her little friend.

  Raiden Mei and Bronya nodded.

  "What the hell is going on... Could it be that someone is playing a prank?"

  "Bronya doesn't think so." Bronya calmly analyzed, "It can put the three of us defenseless in an instant." This is no longer a prank that can explain it, it's more like a mysterious force beyond imagination."

  As she spoke, Bronya walked to the side, and when she walked out about fifteen After 10 meters, I couldn't walk anymore. It seemed that there was an air wall blocking it, and the same was true for other directions.

  "Then why is it us?" Kiana was puzzled, she wondered if the three of them were just ordinary Valkyries who were still in school? They don't seem to have offended someone with this ability, right?

  "Compared to this, I want to know how we can get out." Raiden Mei squeezed her chin, she gradually calmed down, gave full play to her clever mind, and said while thinking, "I remember that voice seemed to say, here It's a question-and-answer space, that is to say, the purpose of the voice called the system to grab us in is to ask us to answer questions?"

  "Bronya thinks this is very possible." Bronya nodded, "Otherwise, with the power it shows, it can kill us before we react."

  "Then we have to Try to answer the questions?" Kiana asked.

  "Well, but before that, let's analyze this question first. Since there is no time limit, it means that there is no time limit for us to answer."

  "Wait! My name seems to be mentioned in that question just now?"

  Only then Kiana realized that the question raised by the voice just now was about herself, but this person who saved a city... When did she do such a thing?

  "Yes." Bronya nodded, "Although it's hard to believe, that voice did say so." "Could it be that

  something went wrong? I've never been to Sky City." Kiaana was confused.

  [The questions raised by this system are absolutely correct, please answer them. ]

  The mechanical voice sounded again.

  "Is there no mistake?" Raiden Mei frowned, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought, "If it didn't lie to us, then Kiana should indeed be the one who saved a city."

  "Maybe it's someone with the same name and surname. "Bronya added.

  "It's possible, but it's useless to worry about it now. Let's analyze the question and answer first."

  "These four answer options, A is to seek the help of destiny, B is to seek the help of anti-entropy, and C is short-lived. Controlling the power of Herrscher, pushing the bomb containing the Houkai energy into the sky, D single-handedly rushed into the World Snake Laboratory to stop their plan."

"Well... Bronya, what do you think?