The Bishop of Destiny is actually a pervert in women's clothing?

  [Second question: The reason for Otto's dress as a woman. ]

  [A: Personal hobbies. ]

  [B: To help Karen lure away the guards. ]

  [C: To test the performance of the Valkyrie's armor. ]

  [D: I want to debut and become an idol. ]

  Everyone: "..."

  Theresa was dumbfounded.

  Meow meow meow?

  What is this?

  Did I hear you right?

  Grandpa, he actually dressed as a woman? !

  "Auntie, this Catholic Bishop Otto...wouldn't be the bishop of our Destiny?" Kiana asked with some disbelief, her lips twitching.

  Oh my god, the bishop of their destiny is actually a pervert in women's clothing?

  Shocked Bugs.jpg.

  "I, I..." Teresa covered her face in embarrassment.

  As Otto's granddaughter, it is really difficult for her to evaluate her grandfather's 'interest'.

  "Tsk tsk, sure enough, the hobbies and hobbies of the leader are beyond what we wage earners can imagine."

  Himeko was speechless, but after thinking about it, judging by his bishop's appearance... it seems that there is nothing wrong with women's clothing?

  "Ahem, let's take a look at the answer options first."

  Seeing that the topic of the people was going off track, Bronya coughed a few times and quickly brought the topic back on track.

  "These four answer options, Principal, which one do you think it should be?"

  Bronya looked at Teresa, "We have never met the bishop, and our knowledge of him is limited to the information we get in books , not to mention that this question asks such a secret matter, so this question is up to you."


  Theresa scratched her face in embarrassment, let alone them, even her granddaughter didn't know that Otto had experience in women's clothing! So what can she do?

  Theresa thought for a while, and finally said with some hesitation,

  "For these four options...let's rule out C and D first."

  "You only need to watch one side of the data."

  "The D option is too outrageous, I even doubt that this answer option appears, it must be a bad taste in this question and answer space?"

  "So the correct answer should be in In A and B."

  "Karen...I remember seeing this name in a textbook."

  Raiden Mei also spoke at this time, "She was the most outstanding Valkyrie five hundred years ago, and she was also the most outstanding Valkyrie at that time. A powerful Valkyrie, but she was from 500 years ago, if option B is correct, could it be that Bishop Otto has lived from 500 years ago to the present?"

  Raiden Mei's tone was somewhat unbelievable, but Theresa was not surprised at all, because she knew some details about her grandfather, and living for five hundred years was nothing at all.

  So in this way, option B is the correct answer?

  Thinking of this, Teresa hesitated, because although option A seemed impossible,... who knew that it must not be correct?

  Thinking about it carefully, Grandpa has been in a high position for a long time, and there seems to be no one close to him besides himself and Amber.

  Under the long-term loneliness, he awakened some strange hobbies, it seems that it is not incomprehensible?

  Well... which one should I choose?

  "Auntie, have you decided which option it is?" Kiana asked.

  "Hmm...let's choose B." Theresa hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to trust Otto once, betting that he didn't have that kind of weird hobbies.

  "Oh, then I'll answer is."

  "Hey, wait, don't answer, let me do it."

  Theresa quickly stopped Kiana from answering the question.

  "What's the matter, auntie?"

  "Stupid niece, are you stupid? If you answer the question wrong, you will lose one year of life!" Theresa gave her an angry look. This idiot has already been detained once. , Why don't you have a long memory?

  "I know, so it's enough to answer it correctly?"

  "Um... Anyway, let me answer this question." Just kidding, how could she let her silly niece take risks, she is not ordinary anyway People, life expectancy is much longer than the average person, even if it is deducted, there is no problem.

  "I choose B!" Theresa yelled.

  [correct answer. ]

  [Congratulations, you have obtained a four-star weapon: a design drawing of a super electromagnetic hand cannon. ]

  The space in front of Theresa distorted for a while, and in the next second, a small USB flash drive fell out of the void and landed in Theresa's hand.

  Theresa's eyes suddenly lit up, the weapon design blueprint, she really needs this.

  You must know that St. Freya Academy is notoriously poor. If she hadn't acted like a baby to Otto from time to time and begged for funds, St. Freya Academy might have closed down long ago.

  The weapons research and development department of the Far East branch is even poorer. Although there are many weapons developed by the Destiny headquarters, they all need to be exchanged for meritorious service, even if she is the granddaughter of the bishop.

  So the Valkyrie equipment she has now is a little out of step with the rhythm, and this weapon design blueprint came at the right time.

  Of course, apart from this surprise, the answer to option B is correct, which means that her grandfather Otto is indeed not a pervert in women's clothing.

  This made Theresa heave a sigh of relief, but at the same time, there was a trace of regret.

  After all, grandpa's women's clothing... It's very interesting to hear, it would be great if I could see it with my own eyes.

  As if hearing Theresa's innermost thoughts, a screen popped up in the question-and-answer space, which was the same as when Kiana's video was played last time, but this time the protagonist was replaced by Otto.

  In the picture, Otto was talking with a white-haired girl in a room.

  "Otto, come on with me! Let's go and steal that old man's gold coins!"

  "Old man?"

  "That guy Victor must have stolen a lot of property with the atonement roll. I'll steal it back and pay it back. To the common people, let him know that there is still justice in this world!"

  "This...isn't that good?"

  "Otto, help me, let me become an excellent monster thief!"

  "... Hey, really, if this is the case, let's start with the clothes, after all, if you wear this clothes to steal things, everyone will know that you are the most outstanding Valkyrie, Karen Kaslana."

  Otto He sighed in distress, as if he was very troubled, but he looked at Karen with full of pampering.

  "Karen? Is this really a scene from 500 years ago?" Raiden Mei was shocked when she saw the scene, "Bishop Otto really lived 500 years..."

  "Mei, don't be too surprised , There are always many things in this world that are difficult for us to understand, and when you get in touch with more in the future, you will understand." Teresa said, "Let's continue to watch the video. By the way, I didn't expect to see the grandfather five hundred years ago. At this time, he feels more human."