Who is the unlucky one?

  "Ahem, now that the question about the squad leader has been solved, Bronya will continue to analyze."

  Bronya coughed a few times and continued.

  "The last is the third screen, which is also where we enter The first question answered in the question-and-answer space."

  "In this image, we can clearly see that Kiana has indeed defeated the Herrscher's consciousness, controlled the Herrscher's power as a human, and saved a whole People in the whole city."

  "Otto's plan succeeded after all, using Kiana's feelings for Teacher Himeko to overcome the Herrscher consciousness."

  "Bronya believes that this should be Otto's plan In the second stage, as for what his ultimate goal is, it is still unknown."

  After listening to Bronya's detailed and clear description of the timeline of the entire future event, everyone suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

  "Grandpa must have some ulterior secret. If it's just to fight against Honkai, wouldn't Mei, a more stable Herrscher, be more manipulative? Why does it have to be Kiana?" Theresa frowned.

  She was puzzled, if Otto was for Herrscher's power, how could he let Mei go?

  Does Otto also have a plan for Mei? It's just that the question-and-answer space hasn't been exposed yet?

  "Perhaps, all he wants is the power of the Second Herrscher, the Herrscher of Void." Fu Hua said.

  Although her memory is incomplete, she can roughly feel that Otto seems to be very important to the power of the Herrscher of the Void.

  "Fortunately, that's just a matter of the future, and it hasn't happened now. In other words, we still have time to make preparations." Himeko said.

  "That's right." Theresa nodded, "Although we already know part of Grandpa's plan, the strength of St.Freya Academy is still much worse than that of Destiny Headquarters. If Grandpa insists on doing something If not, we may not have the strength to resist."

  "St.Freya Academy needs time to rise, but what we lack most now is time, because we don't know when that future will be, maybe it will be a few months later, maybe it will be a few days later."

  "So, there is only one way to change the future at present."

  Theresa looked at Kiana with a serious expression,

  "Kiana, you must overcome the consciousness of the Herrscher in your body, and use your own consciousness to control the Herrscher's Power, just like what you did in Arc City in the future."

  "I know it's hard, but Kiana, you should know that this is your calamity, and you will face her one day."

  "I...I will do it."

  Kiana clenched her fists, looked directly into Theresa's eyes, and said in a deep voice.

  Although she has not experienced the hopeless situation of Kiana in the future, but she wants to protect the hearts of those around her, she is absolutely worthless!

  It is precisely because of the loneliness she has experienced before, and precisely because she has seen the despair and sadness in the future, that Kiana will strengthen her belief even more.

  She wants to protect everything she has now.

  Theresa, Mei, Bronya, Teacher Himeko, the class monitor, and the students and teachers in St.Freya Academy...

  The beauty and warmth they brought has always been with her in her heart, so she absolutely does not allow anyone to dare to destroy it!

  "Kiana, come on, I will always be by your side." Mei gently held her hand.

  "Thank you, Mei." Kiana grinned, and showed a big smile at Raiden Mei.

  "As long as Mei is here, I have the strength of a hundred people!"

  "By the way, Principal, just now I think this reward can also be used in St.Freya Academy."

  At this moment, Fu Hua seemed to suddenly think of something, and took out the secret book of the six naval exercises from his pocket.

  "The ability recorded in this cheat book is very useful. If the Valkyries in St.Freya Academy can learn it, then their strength will be greatly enhanced."

  "Really, let me see"

  Theresha's eyes lit up, and she took the book from Fu Hua as if she had found a treasure.

  "Hmm... It's really good. Although they are simple skills, they are very practical and easy to learn." Theresa flipped through a few pages and couldn't help but nod her head in admiration.

  Although the Valkyries have special training courses, these training courses will not teach them skills like Yue Bulan's feet.

  In short, although the upper limit of this book is not high, it can guarantee the lower limit, which can just strengthen the strength of a wave of St.Freya Academy.

  "Wait, if I let all the Valkyries of St.Freya Academy learn it, then grandpa will definitely know it too. What should I do?" Theresa was happy for a short time, and soon became frowning again.

  "It's okay, principal, if Otto asks you, just say I taught you." Fu Hua said lightly.

  As a Shenzhou Immortal and a master of martial arts, it is normal for her to teach some skills, right?

  "That's good, I'm relieved now." Theresa smiled again.

  But being reminded by Theresa, Fu Hua also suddenly thought of what would happen if he taught Kiana and the others the Edge of Taixu?

  But she thought about it, Edge of Taixu is not so easy to learn, and they are too old now, and she doesn't have the key to control... Forget it, try it if you have the chance.

  [Question 8: Among the following candidates, who has the worst luck? ]

  [A: Fu Hua]

  [B: Raven]

  [C: Walter Yang]

  [D: Bronya]

  The voice of the system rang in everyone's ears. Hearing this question, everyone's expressions were a little weird for a while .

  This...who has the worst luck?

  How do they know?

  By the way, can such an illusory thing as luck be used as a problem?

  "This question...is a bit interesting. It's about who has the worst luck." Himeko dragged his chin and said with a smile.

  "Squad leader and Bronya's names are in the options, who are the other two?" Mei asked puzzled.

  "Raven? Walter Yang?" Theresa thought for a while, "I've never heard of the name Raven, but Walter Yang... If I'm not mistaken, this name should belong to the anti-entropy leader Name."

  "Well...why is Bronya in there?" Bronya puffed her cheeks, and said a little unhappy, "Bronya's luck is obviously very good, when playing games Good equipment is often revealed."

  "Squad leader, are you unlucky?" Kiana looked at Fu Hua and asked curiously.

  As a European, Kiana has never understood what it means to be unlucky.

  "...It's okay." Fu Hua's expression was a little stiff, he pushed his glasses and said.

  "I have always felt that things like luck are meaningless. The so-called good or bad luck is just an excuse for people to fail."