

  Fu Hua was stunned, this voice...who is it?

  Why does she feel so familiar and so... sad?

  She seems to have forgotten one very important thing.

  [This answer is over, the next answer will be held in five days]

  Accompanied by a familiar white light, everyone was sent out from the question and answer space.

  "Huh, the question and answer this time is quite short." Himeko picked up the beer on the table and took a sip with a relaxed expression.

  "But this time the harvest is great." Bronya said.

  "That's right." Theresa nodded and looked at Fu Hua, "Fu Hua, I'll leave it to you to deal with Grandpa."

  "Yes." Fu Hua nodded absent-mindedly.

  "By the way, Principal, I suddenly remembered a very important thing." Mei said suddenly at this moment.

  "Ah? Mei, what do you remember?" Hearing this, everyone looked at Mei curiously.

  "I suddenly remembered just now. In the scene of backstabbing the squad leader, Bishop Otto said that human beings possess the power of a Herrscher. This has been confirmed by the Third Herrscher and the Fourth Herrscher."

  "At that time, all we attention was on Kiana, and i didn't pay much attention to this information, but now i thinks about it, who is this Fourth Herrscher?"

  After being reminded by Mei, everyone also recalled this point one after another.

  That's right, when did the Fourth Herrscher appear?

  "Mei is right. This news is very important. It means that the Fourth Herrscher has appeared before Grandpa carried out his plan."

  Theresa frowned, "However, we have not received any information about the Fourth Herrscher so far. It may take some time before the news of the latter appears."

  "Theresa, we have to step up our vigilance. We must get the news as soon as the Fourth Herrscher appears," Himeko said.

  "Well." Theresa nodded, "You're right, but now our main goal is to develop St.Freya. Only when we become stronger can we truly have the power to change the future."

  Afterwards, everyone discussed again and then dispersed.


  Ten minutes later, Fu Hua walked on the path in the garden, her expression was a little confused, too many things happened today, even she couldn't help feeling Some are at a loss.

  Before today, she never thought that people's hearts would be so complicated and dark.

  Her previous impression of Otto was not too good, but it wasn't too bad either.

  She thought that although Otto had some shortcomings, he was indeed working hard to fight against Honkai, so she was willing to help him.

  But now it seemed that the man was clearly insane.

  His purpose is definitely not to fight against the Honkai, or in other words, the fight against the collapse is just something he did conveniently in order to accomplish his purpose.

  After seeing the man's true face, Fu Hua believed without doubt that if joining Honkai could achieve his goal, then Otto would definitely choose this path without hesitation.

  This is an extremely dangerous person, even the former Mebius is not as dangerous as him in some respects.

  But what can she do now?

  Her body had already become extremely damaged in the incident five hundred years ago, and her strength was constantly declining.

  The broken sword heart even needs to burn Yu Duchen to cast Taixu Sword God, but with her current situation, how many times can she burn it?

  Fu Hua was thinking like this, while walking around aimlessly, her heart was a little messed up.

  And at this moment, a familiar voice came from behind.

  "Squad leader, so you are here."

  Fu Hua subconsciously followed the prestige, and saw that familiar white figure running towards him.

  "Squad leader, you made it easy for me to find."

  "Student Kiana..."

  "Squad leader, what's wrong with you? Why is your expression so ugly?" magnificent.

  "I...do you have an ugly expression?" Fu Hua touched her face, she didn't know what kind of expression she had now.

  "Well, squad leader, are you thinking about Bishop Otto stabbing you in the back?"

  Kiana was not stupid, and quickly guessed the reason for Fu Hua's depression.

  "...." Fu Hua pursed his lips, not knowing what to say.

  "Squad leader, don't think so much, it's something that will happen in the future anyway, aren't we all doing well now?" Kiana smiled and patted Fu Hua's shoulder, comforting her.

  "I just... feel very sad."

  Fu Hua sighed, looked up at the sky, his eyes seemed to be recalling the past.

  "Maybe my luck is indeed very bad. From the very beginning, I have been experiencing all kinds of failures and betrayals."

  "I should died long ago, but I still survived because of fighting against Honkai. Being bad is my mission, but my failures are seldom due to Honkai, but more from human beings."

  "Kiana....I can't help but start to wonder now, can human beings really defeat Honkai?"

  Fighting against Honkai is the only motivation that supports Fu Hua along the way.

  But countless betrayals and failures pushed her to the edge of the cliff, and Otto's backstab became the last straw that crushed her.

  She is no longer the powerful Immortal Jingwei, she is just a Fu Hua who can't change anything.

  "...Squad leader, human beings can definitely defeat Honkai."

  Kiana looked at Fu Hua with a confused face, this was the first time she saw such an expression on Fu Hua's face.

  She took a deep breath, held Fu Hua's hand, and passed the warmth of her palm to her.

  "Teacher Himeko said that even if we can't do it now, as long as we don't give up and pass on this spirit from generation to generation, human beings will defeat Honkai one day! Even if our ending is not happy, it is Have no shame in your heart, and live a frank life."

  "Squad leader, I don't know what you have experienced before, but I assure you, I will never betray you!"

  "People have good and evil, and the world also has beauty and pain, like two sides of a coin, light and shadow are inseparable, the difference is only which side you want to see."

  "Squad leader, I believe you have received goodwill and blessings from others in your life, right?"


  Fu Hua stared blankly at Kiana, as if she was meeting the girl in front of her for the first time.

  She suddenly understood why her future self would choose to guard by her side.

  Yes, not all human beings are like those who have betrayed themselves.

  There are selfish people, and there are also selfless people.

  There are malicious people, and there are good and kind people.

  This world has never been beautiful, but there are people like Kiana who will go to make this world a better place.

  Maybe.... I can try to believe it again.