
"The all-virtual game "Tianyun" jointly developed by Z, M, Y, F, D, R and other countries officially began to open after three days. "Tianyun" concentrated the new scientific and technological strength of each country and replaced the traditional Keyboard and mouse, using the virtual device to let brainwaves enter the game, let the player truly experience in the game world, more real and more exciting. The person in charge of "Tianyun" claimed that this has been separated from the concept of the game. Players enter the virtual In the world, not playing games, but experiencing games and experiencing life inside.... "Tianyun" has started selling virtual devices today. You can see the long queues at the sales point. Use the hot to describe it.... If you like it too, then be sure to buy a virtual device into the game to experience a new life."

Looking at the screen advertisement on the building, Chu Rui's mouth could not help but reveal a sneer.

A slight shock came from the pocket of the clothes and escaped to see a special symbol on it.

"Don't you think about it?"

Turned on, it was silent for a while, and finally a voice came out, a touch of light, but enough to make all men enough crazy female voice.

"I have already considered it!"

Chu Rui smiled lightly, and did not become obsessed with this voice, said faintly.

"This is the case!... Can you tell me what you are going to do?"

After a while, the woman at the other end of the phone asked.

"What?" Chu Rui looked up and looked at the huge screen that was playing the advertisement of "Tianyun". He whispered softly: "Maybe enter Tianyun"! It's so tired for so long, it's easy to go down. ""

"This way, I understand!... Goodbye, **** ghosts!"

Upon hearing the blind voice from the phone, Chu Rui raised his head and gave a soft breath. The killer career of so many years is finally over.

Yes, Chu Rui, is a killer, named the super killer of **** ghosts! He is currently the supreme killer of the world, the task completion rate is 100%, even the Secretary of State of State M, R domestic ministers have been assassinated the king of the killer. However, all this has become a thing of the past. The current Chu Rui is not the killer king of **** ghosts, but just an ordinary person who has longed for ordinary life. It became a killer only for some reason. Now, finally, he is free, he naturally thought about ordinary life. After completing his last mission, he immediately returned to his home country.

Close the phone and throw it into the trash can. Now that he is no longer a ghost, then there is no need to keep this call. The woman who just called was the middleman who was in charge of contacting him. The promise has been done, then he has also regained his freedom and wants to do something, it is up to him.

With a suitcase, Chu Rui came to a real estate sales center, where money can make a ghost, and he quickly settled his own home.

A community, an ordinary two-bedroom and one-bedroom, Chu Rui set up furniture, left a little living expenses for himself, and donated all his savings. He was an orphan at a young age and was accepted by an orphanage before he was alive. He is still grateful for it today. After so many years of killing, killing so many high-ranking officials, the rewards are very rich. The amount he donated is at least 100 million, and it is US dollars. However, he does not care about these. What he has experienced, he knows how desperate he is as an orphan. Now, he has food and shelter, which is enough. It is more meaningful to donate the money than to use it in the bank.

After fixing certain operations, Chu Rui looked at the five-digit savings on his account displayed on the computer, and smiled lightly. I took out a golden card, glanced at it and placed it at the bottom of the drawer. This is a Swiss bank's overdraft card that can overdraw up to $1 billion. However, as long as he uses this card, it is estimated that many people know his position.

"Right, Nima has game equipment and tuition. Rub, is this enough money?"

Suddenly thought of two things, Chu Rui could not help but take a forehead, his face slightly twitched. He has been a killer since the age of fifteen, and now he is 18 years old. He has not really experienced the life of the school. This time he returned to the motherland, he did not want to leave regrets for his life, so he wanted to experience college life. However, it is now more than a month after the start of the next semester, but there is still some time. It is imperative that it should be solved, that is the game equipment.

Thinking of this, Chu Rui went out immediately after putting on his clothes.

Going to the bank to take 10,000 RMB, rushing directly to the gaming equipment sales point.

Looking at the long dragon in front of him, Chu Rui couldn't help but sweat on the spot. Is there such an exaggeration in wood? The grass has caused traffic jams. Nima, SH has so many people?

The secret curse screamed, and Chu Rui also had a long queue of helplessness. Looking at the people in the point of sale, I can't help but envy. I am rubbing, such a hot day, inside the queue, at least TMD has air conditioning, not like the tragedy of the men standing under the sun. Slightly wiped a sweat, the endurance of Chu Rui is still too hot, not to mention those who are poorly ill, crazy to fill the ice in the stomach is no help, and some people even It has already heatstroke.

It took nearly three hours for the egg to finally enter the sales hall. Looking at the twenty sales points, Chu Rui suddenly filled the black line. Grass, so many sales points have been lined up for so long, how many people in Nima are there?

Take a long breath and press your heart. Waiting quietly for twenty minutes, it is finally his turn.

"Hello, what kind of equipment do you need?"

The lady at the point of sale asked with a smile and asked very politely.

"I don't know very well about this, what types are there?"

Chu Rui stunned, and he touched his head and asked.

"The game equipment is divided into three types, the common type is two thousand RMB, the virtual degree is 90%; the mid-range type is five thousand RMB, the virtual degree is 93%; the high-grade type is RMB 10,000, the virtual degree is 95%; the supreme type is RMB 100, the virtual degree 98%. Which kind do you need!"

"Give me a high-end one!"

Chu Rui helplessly smiled and handed over the 10,000 RMB that had just been taken out of the bank.

"Okay! Are you picking up the goods now or waiting for our staff to send you home?"

"Get it now!"

Filled in a table-grid and took a **, Chu Rui left the point of sale with a box.

I took a little more money at the bank, bought some daily necessities, and then returned home.

After putting the purchased daily necessities in the refrigerator and the washroom, Chu Rui returned to the room, turned on the air conditioner, and opened the box with full expectation.

An unusually sophisticated motorcycle-like helmet, silver-white body shape, very gorgeous. Pick up the manual, look at it, according to the above, connected the wire, Chu Rui directly put on, started the power.

In front of a black, Chu Rui seems to enter directly into a dark space, surrounded by a dark night, star-shaped on the top, looks like it is in the endless universe. Floating for a while, the eyes suddenly slammed, and a glare came, which made him unable to close his eyes.

A burst of flowers came, so that Chu Rui's nose could not help but move. Opening his eyes, Chu Rui suddenly found himself in a small valley like a paradise.

"Hello, welcome to the world of "Tianyun", the game is not yet open, you can create your own career!"

A sweet female voice was introduced into Chu Rui's ear, and he suddenly stunned. Although this electronic synthesis sound is very sweet, it is a bit less popular, it is a big landscape.

"What careers are available?"

""Tianyun" is divided into seven regular occupations - knights, warriors, magicians, thieves, archers, summoners, pastors."

With the electronic synthesis of female voices, a seven-star aperture appeared in front of Chu Rui, with seven characters engraved on it. Riding a horse, guarding all the high-ranking knights; holding a big knife, rushing into the **** warrior; a proud magician surrounded by elemental elves around the body; a black body, in the dark, holding the dagger's phantom thief; The archer who is arching and archery between the jungles; the beastmaster who is beside the beast and the flying birds on his head; the white priest, the scepter in his hand, the priest who emits a holy light!

One by one, look at the introductions under various occupations. The knight is good at defense and belongs to the meat shield profession; the warrior is good at charge and belongs to the middle class occupation; the magician is a remote occupation, and even in the later stage, it can even be against the sky, but it is relatively weak; the thief is in the assassin class, come without a shadow. Track, sneak attack, sap, agile class; archer is also a remote occupation, but compared to the magician, the archer is a remote physics, the skill is extremely strong, but also can set their own traps, very powerful; the summoner is to summon the monster through the contract to give himself Combat, its ability is not very outstanding, most of them give their own summoner to increase the ability to give BUFF skills; and the pastor is the nurse, can give the teammates to increase some BUFF, the most important is his treatment ability!

Touching the chin and thinking, Chu Rui turned over the page. When the thief's engraving lights up, he looked up and looked at the black figure that seemed to be alive, and couldn't help but be one of them. The blood-red eyes were staring straight, and the bloodthirsty dagger in his hand seemed to summon him.

It seems that even if it is an improper killer, the body and the heart can't get rid of it!

Helpless smile, Chu Rui decisively chose the thief!

"Congratulations on your choice of career success! The following will be the surface strength of your body, determine the growth attributes!
