

Definitely BOSS!

Seeing the giant wolf, Chu Rui's heart jumped out quickly, and he was so excited that he almost screamed out on the spot!

The rear is the mountain, the front is the three wolves guarding the three positions, this kind of arranging, plus the head of the giant wolf, is definitely BOSS is right!

This wolf is definitely a wolf king!

Looking at the three guardian wolves, Chu Rui was excited and excited.

Even the guards are elite gray wolves. Needless to say, the dragon is definitely a wolf king.

Pressing the excitement in his heart, Chu Rui forced himself to calm down. Now, although he has changed his guns, he has no pressure on an elite gray wolf in the district. However, the three elite gray wolves and a wolf king BOSS who do not know the strength, this Nima is a bit pitted. Without the help of the Wolf King, the three elite gray wolves will be able to tear him into pieces. Fortunately, the distribution of the three-headed wolf is a bit far away. You can use the blind zone of the warning range and seduce it with a head. However, today's Chu Rui has been practicing for six hours in a row, and in the middle of the battle with the elite gray wolf, it is a little tired. This place should be no one to discover. If you are your own, you will never run. If you are out of greed, the failure may be great.

Forget it, if you can't bear it, you will be confused!

After seeing the Wolf King and the three elite gray wolves, Chu Rui decided to evacuate. Now he, the attack is okay, the speed is also good, but the defense is a bit poor, no problem to deal with the general monster, but the elite monster or even BOSS, then really can not help.

Going back to make the gray wolf skin into clothes, and then replenishing the potion is the right way.

Sharpening the knife does not miss the firewood!

Taking a deep breath and glanced at the Wolf King, Chu Rui quietly retreated according to the original route.

All the way to fly, rushed down from the hillside, because the speed is too fast, has been rushing to the end even can not stop the car, if his body coordination is extremely abnormal, it will definitely fall a dog to eat. However, this is so, can not help but twist the body, let the system give a damage, cut the health of 20 points.

I laughed and stunned. This Nima is too exaggerated, and the game has such a judgment to hurt. That is to say, if you make a high-intensity action that you can't afford in the future, you will be hurt, even if you fall, you will be cut back! However, this is also good! This kind of setting makes the player forget that this is a game, but a real world.

All the way down the hillside, once again returned to the plains. At this time, the gray wolf has already been refreshed. Chu Rui did not hesitate to raise the wolf's dagger and rushed over.

"Hey, congratulations, you have reached level 6! Please choose the attribute point allocation method! Mode 1: Add all the four basic attributes, and get an additional two points to freely assign attributes! Mode 2: Get 5 points freely assigned attributes!"

Looking at his own attributes, Chu Rui decisively chose the second mode, and obtained 5 points of freely assigned attribute points, all of which were added to the agile, which became 30 points and the speed increased by 1 point. .

Opening the body of the gray wolf, Chu Rui suddenly found a long sword from below.

Fine iron sword: ordinary equipment, attack 8-12! Requires level 3, lasting 3/15!


The gray wolf, which has been playing for nearly five hours, is the most explosive copper coin. Now killing a gray wolf will raise the experience of 99% to the apex, but it is Nima's weapon. Rub, this world, too TMD drama, right?

Exploding equipment, naturally is good. After the fine iron sword was stuffed into the backpack, the upgraded Chu Rui did not pay attention to the gray wolf, and quickly walked outside the gray wolf area with a quick speed. When I walked to the edge of the gray wolf area, I saw a lot of people. After several hours of upgrades, a lot of players have been able to team up and even single players to enter here to compete with the gray wolf.

Low-key, you can live longer!

This is the motto of Chu Rui! But under such circumstances, how can it be low-key. There are people everywhere, you can see it in all directions, he is not a ghost, you can ignore all the passing. However, it is only a game game in the end, it is not so particular. However, even with great care, Chu Rui still caused a lot of people's ideas. No way, let alone a person coming out of the gray wolf area, followed by a few big tail wolves are chasing, that is, the daggers and shoes under his feet are enough to attract attention. Those who can come here are all organized or powerful people, and there are still scattered people who already have equipment. However, there is really no such thing as Chu Rui, which has colored equipment (except for whiteboards).

As soon as it appeared, it was noticed by everyone. Chu Rui is also some egg pain. After picking up a few gray wolves that followed, I walked toward the direction of the novice village.

Perhaps because of Chu Rui's calm and hidden momentum, perhaps because of his equipment, even if many people pay attention, but no one came to disturb. A piece of equipment may be able to give an advantage to the early stage. But for a piece of equipment to offend the mysterious and powerful people, this is not worth the candle. Those who can come here to fight monsters are not fools. This is a natural understanding.

"This person, isn't that the person who just entered the gray wolf area?"

Looking at the back of Chu Rui, the young man who had just persuaded him not to enter the gray wolf area was a bit stunned.

"I really, he, rely on, really fake? A person rushed into the gray wolf area did not hang, but got equipment, look at the dagger, or colored equipment."

The short man next to the youth said with envy.

"Oh, it really is a master."

The youth smiled a little and there was some movement in the eyes.

"Boss, do you want to get in touch? See if you can buy his equipment."

A thin man next to the short man asked softly.

"No. This kind of person is best not to provoke, to be a friend, not to be a friend and never to be an enemy. A piece of equipment is not worthy of offending such a powerful potential enemy. Contact is necessary, but to express goodwill, See if we can pull into our team, even if we can't, it's good to mix faces."

The young man waved his hand and refused to say that the man was thin.

"Okay, don't waste time, continue to blame! With this sword is not the same, it is easier to play the gray wolf."

With a light smile, the young man raised a black iron sword in his hand and took the lead to kill the gray wolf not far from the front. The one behind the high and one short man had no choice but to smile, and he took the weapon and rushed over. The grey wolf on the sad reminder began a brutal encirclement.


"Big brother, accept me as a younger brother? Let the tea pass the water, run the leg and pass the letter, absolutely let you be satisfied!"

"Mighty man, take me to practice level, I am still level 0, those animals, the knife moves faster than the TMD killer, I have not seen the chicken and the bunny Zhang what they were killed!"

"Handsome guy, when I am a boyfriend. Just take me to practice leveling, give some equipment, I have special rewards."

"Brother, equipment is not sold? I use RMB to buy, the price will open with you!"

"Man, look at you is a fertile man, how, plus my team, *** BOSS, soak my sister. There is a brother's game, it is the real game."

"Master, is there any intention to come to our studio? There is a fixed salary every month, the task is simple and easy, and there are five risks and one gold. What kind of good thing to look for?"


Just appeared in the novice village, Chu Rui was surrounded by a group of novice players. Seeking to level up, seeking equipment, courtship, seeking to join, all kinds of envy of jealous enchanting voice filled in his ears, almost did not let his head down.

Opening the smart wind, escaping into the village in general, wiped a sweat on the forehead, Chu Rui hearted and looked at the pile of people gathered, this Nima is really terrible!

It is safe to go to the village. If someone is obstructed, it will be fined by the militia in the village. If you can't pay the money, you will be closed. This made Chu Rui temporarily safe.

"Slim's wristband, defense 2 points, crit rate increased by 1%, only for sale, the last ten minutes!"

When passing through the tailor shop, Chu Rui suddenly heard a voice shouting.


Chu Rui slightly stunned, crowded the crowd, saw a tall woman wearing a leather armor and a cool woman in the middle, slightly frowning, coping with a group of wolves who did not change equipment and wanted to talk to her. Slightly looked at it, this woman is really beautiful. No powder, but there is a natural beauty, facial features, especially the small mouth, it is even more imaginative; the body is perfect, the concave place is concave, the convex place is convex, against the leather armor It is even hotter; a pair of slender and round legs, showing the entire leg and part of the thigh because of the leather. This body is like a primitive man's dress, full of wildness, it is no wonder that the men around him are both eyes. Behind her is a long ponytail, holding a white long sword, which looks like a heroic, pretty girl.

"I have a long sword for soldiers and weapons. Can I exchange?"

Without paying attention to the men around the group of Mimi, Chu Rui squeezed directly and said to her.

"Long sword? What attributes?"

The woman frowned slightly and asked.

"Attack 8-12!"

Chu Rui briefly reported the attack of the iron sword that had just been obtained.

"I rub, attack power 8-12? The blacksmith sold in the weapons store is only 5-8 attacks!"

When I heard Chu Rui, many people on the side were drooling.

Looking at the white long sword in his hand, the attribute should not be as good as the fine iron sword. This woman is also really free and easy, and the transaction application is directly opened without saying anything.

"Hey, the player is asking to trade with you, do you agree?"
