Chapter 1

Both of Boss's sons were known for being handsome. While the older son, Yao Jianguo took more after Boss himself in appearance and temperament, the younger, Yao Fang reminded everyone all of his wife's beauty.

His attitude, however, was questionable.

"Yao Fang is sure to get expelled this time!" A female classmate exclaimed dramatically.

"What did he do this time?" Another asked. "Why are we so unfortunate to be in his class? Everyone knows he's some delinquent's son, why don't they kick him out already?"

Usually, hearing such things about yourself would bother a person to great extents, they could get depressed, or angry perhaps. But Yao Fang belonged to the shameless species of human beings. Not only did he ignore all badmouthing about himself while rudely rolling his eyes, he also took pride in causing trouble for his family.

"A-Fang, don't stir trouble with small gangs. They're all school kids." His brother would speak on the phone, just like his father, he too was used to their Young Master's antics by now. The Principal was bribed every time he sent someone to the hospital, so being expelled was not a problem. Yao Fang glared at anyone and everyone who dared to ruin his mood and important point to be noted, his mood was almost always terrible.

"Brother, when can I move to C City?" Yao Fang asked hopefully.

"Soon." Yao Jianguo sighed on the other side of the phone. "Father would arrange for it soon. It's not safe here yet, A-Fang. You know Father worries for your safety. But you'll manage, won't you?"

"Soon is when? You both never come to meet Mother and me... Don't tell me father has found another woman-"

"A-Fang no! Father loves our mother!" Yes, father loves their mother and yet he hasn't seen them in years. Yao Fang didn't get upset when his classmates badmouthed him and he didn't mind when small gang members picked fights with him, just because he was MinYao's Young Master. 

Yes, he was MinYao's Second Young Master, and yet he hadn't ever seen what MinYao looked like. No matter how unruly he acted, Yao Fang was just like any other student who came from a rich family, and he had never seen any of his Father's work. It frustrated him to be excluded from it all, but that wasn't his biggest concern. It hurt him the most when his family wasn't together. and as he saw the situation, it was mostly his fault. 

Just to keep him away, his Mother moved away from C City years ago and raised him in secret. She gave away her older son to be taught all about MinYao, but demanded to keep Yao Fang hidden from the underworld. That was her condition and the Boss agreed happily. 

"I didn't start the fight. You know that right, Brother?" He demanded. He could have maybe avoided it if he tried, but he didn't actively start it. That still counts.

"Yes, I know you never start it, A-Fang. I'll... I'll do something about it. You don't have to fight, just focus on school." 

"Okay, I'm hanging up now." And he hung up.

MinYao's Young Master to just focus on school. Wasn't that embarrassing? Sure, he didn't aspire to become the next Boss, but he should've been involved in the mafia business sooner. He wasn't a child anymore, his brother at this age was already leading meetings on their Father's behalf. And he's stronger than his brother, what harm could come to a brute like him?

"Yao Fang, aren't you shameless?! Why do you keep fighting upperclassmen?" His teacher shouted immediately after he hung up on the phone.

"I didn't begin it! They came to challenge me! They even dared to insult my brother!" He walked away rudely and ignored the further screaming coming his way. Yao Fang didn't feel upset with people under him, since they weren't important enough.

He walked up to the rooftop and hid there for a while. He'd skip today's classes as compensation for dealing with those hooligans earlier.

'I wonder what brother is gonna do next. He can't bribe all the smaller gangs to not pick on me. I hope he doesn't start getting me home-schooled. That'd be annoying.'

Wind flowed softly over his fluffy hair and an old memory came up.

"A-Fang! Don't climb any higher! If you fall, you'll hurt yourself!" His brother was seventeen then, and he couldn't even climb the tree. Or maybe he wasn't immature enough to climb trees with a child.

"Why don't you tell Chen Dulan to come down too? He's climbed up even higher than me! Do you want your brother to be weaker than him?!" He had pouted like a little kid while glaring at Chen Dulan. He was always the gloomy extra kid they both were accompanied with. He never even smiled or cried like A-Fang himself.

"Young master, I'm only getting down the kite you got stuck up there. Both of us need not climb for the same thing... Please get down before you hurt yourself." Chen Dulan's eyes shone like blue gemstones. He was annoying because he was always right, wasn't he? He would give worried glances to A-Fang, making A-Fang look like a fool.

"Shut up! I'll climb where I want to!" They were so childish back then.

Even if the three were together only for a few months, they never got along. His brother Yao Jianguo seemed to like Chen Dulan's mature behaviour far more than his own childish little brother.

When their Father decided to call his brother to C City, they took Chen Dulan with them. He hadn't heard of the boy for seven years, he could've asked someone but he never liked the boy enough to ask about him. Why would his father and brother bring Chen Dulan with them and leave Yao Fang behind in the countryside? Yao Fang was left with his mother in S town, where he'd lived unknowing of MinYao. He was tired of being asked to wait for things that would never happen. He didn't want to remain an outsider anymore.