Chapter 7

"I thought I'd help you out a little, you seemed worried in class." A girl in his class had given him a copy of her notes, he hadn't even asked. "If you need any help with any of the subjects, you can ask for my help, I'll do my best to help you."

Now, some problematic things came up with that. The girl, had a popular air around her, so he had caught the attention of many classmates. Some girls were giggling among themselves and some guys were glaring holes into him. Considering that she was actually a good student, why would she waste her time on someone like him? He guessed it, maybe the girl had a fancy for him? This was bad.

Even Young Master looked at him with an unreadable expression, as he shifted uncomfortably and accepted the help he was offered. He thanked her without smiling, and she looked somewhat disappointed.

Even as classes kept going, he did pay attention, sometimes his mind drifted off to other things. He thought of his workplace. Maybe Young Master would go into the karaoke less frequently now that he had started working there. Yao Jianguo should be pleased, right? There hasn't been any trouble for him to stop yet, but it hasn't been a week since he arrived. Yao Fang couldn't cause trouble everyday.

And he was wrong. The next time Young Master leaves for restroom, he doesn't return.

'Of course he has to disappear when everything seemed to be going smoothly.' They were both skipping class now, together. It couldn't look good to any teachers. He checked the canteen, and the playground. He was nowhere.

Chen Dulan hoped that Yao Fang hadn't run off outside the school premises. Why was he hunting for him like a lost child? He ran up the stairs and met familiar amber eyes.

"You've got some guts to walk up here alone." Some senior students snarled at Yao Fang, who was cornered by five people at once. He really had some guts to stand there with his arrogant facial expression.

"You challenge Yao Fang, and you get him. Back off if you're scared now, I will let bygones be bygones." He really was a crazy guy.

"Young Ma- You!!" Chen Dulan shouted with a frown. "Get back to class, the teacher is calling you!" Avoid trouble at all costs.

"Chen Dulan. You really think you can order me around, don't you?" Yao Fang smirked with something akin venom and spat on the concrete.

He walked closer to Young Master, ignoring the guys surrounding them. "Did you really just accept a stupid challenge, to only test me? And you tell your brother that you don't cause trouble? You lie to him so blatantly!" Chen Dulan retorted.

Yao Fang punched him in the face and for a second, his vision had faded into nothing. That was a good punch, Chen Dulan had to accept. "If my brother thinks someone so weak can guard me, then he needs to see how badly I cripple you. Maybe then he'll know who's more useful to MinYao."

The five senior students crept away slowly at the tension, they sensed the angry expression off of Yao Fang. The mention of MinYao was the last call before they ran away hiding their tails. These two were important people, even if they could be outnumbered for now, associating with MinYao was never beneficial.

"You can't stand up at that little punch?" Yao Fang pulled him by the collar and placed another harsh kick on his ribs. Young Master was truly one crazy bastard. Why would such a brute require protection? "Won't even try fighting back? Are you that pathetic? Or do you also think I'm too weak for you to fight back? You can pretend all you want that it doesn't hurt, but I know you're gonna get badly bruised." Something dark lingered in Yao Fang's eyes.

"Stop pretending you're better than me!"

"It hurts!!" Chen Dulan cried out. His next words came out as whispers, as he held himself in pain. "I C-can't hit Young Master- Your brother would... kill me-"

"You still dare bring him up?" He hated Yao Fand to the guts.

"I don't want to be here either!" He threw himself away forcefully. "I didn't ask to be sent here! I didn't ask to be put under your brother! I didn't even join MinYao on my own will! What the hell do you want me to do?! Should I kill myself? Will that satisfy young master?" His nose had started bleeding. He was too weak to be a delinquent even. "You're cruel to me for no reason and I have no choice but to tolerate it. You're really great, Young Master, such a reasonable man."

Yao Fang stared at him for some time and then left. What a bastard.