Chapter 9

Genie 9 Fleur

Fleur Delacour: Katherine McNamara

Daphne Greengrass: Sydney Sweeney

Susan Bones: Sophie Turner with DD or DDD bust.

Hermione: Emma Watson


The Yule ball finally arrived at Hogwarts and Harry was a nervous wreck. To be honest the entire school was nervous, the boys and girls alike all for very different boys were afraid of making a fool of themselves while girls worried about what to wear and possible after dance activities. The more Harry thought about it the more it sent him into a deep spiral of self-doubt. He was going with the prettiest girl in three schools and was also the center of attention. The champions had to open the dance in front of the entire delegation from all the schools. He could trip or mess up and be even more of a laughing stock than he already was.

The morning of the dance Desiree went to wake up Harry with her standard deepthroat blowjob but he stopped her and said he wanted to save it for later. Desiree grumbled in sexual frustration but eventually agreed with him. Despite her best wishes for her master she wouldn't mind if he struck out with Fleur and he only had her to warm his bed tonight.

As Harry dressed himself in the finest robes Desiree could make. Looking in the mirror with a look of pride. He filled out his robes nicely and Desiree had made him look like royalty with the quality of his dress robes. With all the sex and training he had gone through in the last couple months his body had changed. Much more lean muscle and chiseled muscle. Another wish was for her to take care of his hair and glasses. His hair was now tamed and looked styled with lots of hair gels and potions. His glasses were gone and for tonight he was able to see perfectly without them.

Desiree liked to think she outdid herself with his makeover and how any woman would be lucky to have him. While he made the final touches on his robes like attaching a flower to his lapel Desiree transformed back into her human form in an equally stunning dress.

Harry saw her in the mirror and turned to see her in a shiny blue almost silver dress. Smiling at his genie she wasn't exactly subtle in what she wanted. They had been practicing ballroom dancing for the last few weeks and it was clear she wanted one last dance. Closing the distance between them Harry slid into position and his hands found hers. It was at that moment Harry heard a tune start to play as he started to move as they practiced.

Desiree was melting in her master's green eyes as she felt his body against hers as their feet glided around the makeshift dance floor without a sound. When the song was done she kissed his cheek and said, "Just like that and that Veela's legs are going to be wrapped around you tonight."

Harry hoped she was right despite his good luck with the ladies. Recently he wanted Fleur above all. While Sinistra, Skeeter, Katie and Hermione were fun girls like Fleur and maybe Daphne just lit a different fire in him. One that made him want to shag them all day and night for the rest of his life.

With all the preparation said and done Harry made his way to the hallway outside the closed Great Hall. There was still about two hours until the dance started but Harry had nothing better to do. Ron and some of his old friends still thought he cheated even with Skeeter's article coming out. Then there was Hermione who was getting ready with all the other girls in her dorm.

Pacing in front of the door people slowly started to arrive. There were a few Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs who were the type of students to be ten minutes early to class everyday. The reason Harry was early so he didn't get tempted and shag Desiree before the dance. If he stayed in that room any longer he wouldn't have been able to hold back.

'I heard that.' Desiree said over his shoulder.

Harry flinched at her reminding him he was right behind him. 'Sorry I promise to make it up to you tomorrow.' If he could dull her frustration with some good old fashioned oral tomorrow he would do it.

Desiree knew what he meant by that and thought it was an equal trade. Since the first time of his tongue touching her he had become an expert in oral sex on a woman. He even had this nifty hissing tongue technique that made her cum like a fountain everytime. 'I will hold you to that.' With that taken care of she let her master pace around for another half an hour before she spotted a familiar face walking down the steps. 'Harry look.'

Harry flicked his neck in every direction until he found what had caught Desiree's attention. Daphne Greengrass was walking down the steps in the most beautiful green dress he had ever seen. It was form fitting and even did a wonderful job of pushing her big tits together and making her look like every boy's wet dream.

Daphne saw Harry's reaction to her and smiled. 'Well that's a good sign. If I can make Potter's jaw drop I can at least tie that French tart.' It was clear Fleur was going to be the hottest girl at the ball but if Harry's reaction was anything to go by she was tied for first or a close second.

Harry was trying to get his flopping tongue under control as Daphne sexily walked up to him. She added a little shake in her hips which made a few boys' eyes wander to her backside.

When Daphne was close enough to smell and touch Harry she needed to have him. "I'm glad you are here. What would you say if I wanted to drag you to an empty room and try something I didn't do last time?"

Harry smiled at her suggestion, "What would your date say about that?" He couldn't imagine any bloke going to be okay, maybe kissing her after she had just blown another bloke.

Daphne ran her hands over his silk soft robes, "My date is my best friend Tracey and she already knows about what you did to me last time." Leaning closer to his ear she whispered, "Who knows maybe after I let you fill up my mouth with your spunk maybe I will go kiss her."

The image of Daphne kissing Tracey with the taste of him still in her mouth made Harry grab Daphne by the hand and quietly drag her down the hall until they reached a broom closet. When they closed the door Desiree complimented her master on his quick work.

Once inside the broom closet Daphne casted a cushion charm on the floor before dropping to her knees in front of Harry. He was already about to drop his trousers by the time she made it to her knees but she slapped his hands away. She wanted to do the honors. She had seen his monstrous cock before and she wanted to greet it face to face.

Harry was now rock hard and as she tugged down his trousers and his cock sprang free it was millimeters away from slapping the bottom of her chin. 'Bloody hell this is so hot." It was at that moment he heard the imaginary clicking of a camera and looked away from Daphne who was now establishing her grip on him to Desiree who was snapping pictures.

Desiree just stared back at her master with a smug look on her face knowing this is what he would have wanted. After all this was every boy's dream.

Before Daphne leaned forward and tasted her first taste of this glorious cock she looked up to tell Harry. "Don't touch my hair, it took two witches and a lot of time to perfect."

Harry just nodded and put his hands up as she lifted his cock up and kissed each of his testicles before kissing the tip of his cock before engulfing the first five inches in her mouth. Right away he noticed her lipstick was smearing all along his shaft and around her lips. She was going to have to reapply the lipstick and he was going to have to clean himself up before the dance started. Fleur couldn't see his cock smeared with another girl's lipstick.

Daphne steadily increased her suction and depth and took the first half of his cock like a champ while her hand worked the bottom half as best she could. While she normally could take him deeper she couldn't have her eye makeup run from the few tears that come out when his cock fucks the back of her throat. 'Come on Daphne make him cum.' She wanted his first memory of the dance to be her on her knees while he waited for his date.

Harry was mesmerized by the dark red ring of lipstick she left at the halfway mark of his cock. There was nothing he wanted more than to shove her head down the rest of the way to leave a mark around the base. It also made him think of Rita Skeeter's blowjob where she had on lipstick but it never left a mark.

Daphne used her tongue to trace the veins on the underside of his cock before flicking the bottom of the head which made him twitch. She kept that up, doing her best to push him over the edge. She even used her left hand to reach up and cup his balls which were scorching hot ready for release. Lightly she squeezed and massaged them and wanted to milk everything out so the Veela wouldn't have anything after the ball. Daphne knew there was no way even a Veela could resist Harry. Just for the fact that when they dance she would be able to feel the massive snake he had in his robes.

Harry was so close to blowing his load and the small hand cupping his balls wasn't helping. His cock now wouldn't stop twitching as he felt the buildup of spunk ready to be released. "I'm cumming."

Daphne wanted to smile at her victory but couldn't due to the flood of warm spunk quickly filling her mouth before coating her entire throat on the way down. It took three big gulps to get it all down before she gave him a few more hard sucks to make sure she milked everything from his balls.

Harry let out a sigh of relief when she let his cock go with a pop from her mouth. While he could definitely go again he was able to let his cock go back to its flaccid state. "That was amazing Daphne."

Daphne smirked at Harry as she stood back up and conjured a mirror to reapply her lipstick. "That's what I was going for. And if that French prude won't let you do anything tonight, come find me because I would be happy to let you have all the holes you had last time." Last time anal was a first for her but she actually liked the stinging sensation the next day. Everytime she sat down she was taken back to Harry buggering her and the massive orgasm she had.

Harry made a note of her offer, "I will do that if Fleur doesn't want to be anything more than friends." Having a back up plan was nice so that way he wouldn't waste the best night to get laid. Word going around it was almost expected for every boy to get lucky with their date and Harry hoped that was the case.

After casting a few dozen cleaning charms Harry's cock was now lipstick free and clean as could be ready for Fleur. Both Harry and Daphne snuck back to the waiting area in front of the Great Hall. Now they pretended not to know each other as they waited for their dates.

Daphne arrived first with Tracey Davis who dressed a little more conservative than Daphne did. While Tracey had nice breasts they were smaller than Daphne's so she didn't highlight them with big cleavage. Instead Tracey seemed to highlight her waist and big bum. Daphne noticed the look he was giving it and just to mock him she rubbed her hand on her date's bum in front of him.

Harry had to look away before his body reacted. Now his eyes scanned the growing crowd and started to see dates together. Hermione was with Krum cozily talking and holding hands. Surprisingly Ron had even found a date Padma Patil who already looked like she was regretting it when she saw the rags her date called dress robes.

Then there was Cedric and Cho who looked like the perfect loving couple. They were giggling and chatting away like they were in their own little world. They had been dating before the year started and odds are they were already very familiar with each other.

It was minutes away from the start of the ball and his date still hadn't arrived. Just as he was about to freak out and set out to look for her he heard Desiree gasp. Looking to his genie he saw that she had a face that he had never seen before. Following her eyes he saw what had blown her away. Fleur Delacour was walking down the steps in a white dress with silver accents that made her look like the Queen of Winter. Her hair was even put up and looked like she should have been wearing a crown. His eyes found her to see her taking in all the stares as the chattering stopped and every eye was on her.

Harry looked down from her angelic face to see she was wearing the necklace he wished for her. The silver and gemstones went perfectly with her dress almost like they were made for each other.

When Fleur reached the bottom of the stairs the sea of people parted as she made her way to her date. She spotted him at the top of the stairs and he had the same expression as everyone else. The closer she came to Harry she saw him trying to straighten up and get his mind back in the game.

Harry extended his hand, "You look lovely." It was a cheesy thing to say but he couldn't think of anything better. When she put her hand in his he brought the back of her hand to his lips.

"That's all? I thought I looked better than lovely." Now she was teasing him since she could see pink flush across his face. She knew the effect she was having on the male population. This dress was skin tight and showed off every one of her curves.

Harry was about to say something but the Great Hall's doors opened and Professor McGonagall walked out, "The dance is about to start so stand near your dates in a single file line and be ready to make your way inside after the champions and their dates. So champions come to the front."

First in line was Cedric and Cho followed by Krum and Hermione then Fleur and Harry. As they walked inside the Hall it looked different. The whole room had a winter wonderland theme which made Fleur's choice of dress even more appropriate. Once all three dates took their position at center stage it was announced that the music would start and for everyone to watch as the champions had their first dance.

Harry hadn't been able to take his eyes off of Fleur since they walked into the room. When the music started to play his hands tightened on Fleur's hand and right shoulder. Not painfully so but just a little because of the nerves. Harry made the first move and started to lead her around the dance floor.

It was soon very clear that they were the stars of the show because they both could feel all eyes on them even over the other dates. By the time the song ended there was a massive applause from the people watching especially when Harry dipped Fleur at the end.

When Harry dipped her Fleur expected a kiss to end the perfect dance. She had taken ballroom lessons her entire life and she never danced with someone like that. Their bodies were in sync and they were dancing like they had been partners for years.

Once the first song was over the rest of the student body joined them on the dance floor. Neither Harry nor Fleur let go of each other and just continued where they left off when the next song started.

Desiree was giving her master space to work his own magic but she was close enough to snap a few pictures. While she normally just did this for his sexual acts she was sure he was going to want some of these pictures. A few even looked like works of art with everyone staring as Harry twirled Fleur around before dipping her. Magical photos were so nice in this regard able to capture a few more precious seconds than a standard single frame.

The dance went on for a half hour before it was announced dinner would be served. By then Fleur and Harry both took a break to sit at the champion's table.

They were barely in their seats for three seconds before the others started rattling off questions. Cho was asking Fleur about her dress and what it was like dancing with Harry while Hermione was asking Harry how he could dance like that.

Harry answered that he spent his alone time practicing but that was a lie. Although he couldn't be honest and say I wished to be an expert dancer from a magical sex genie. Speaking of Desiree he hadn't seen her around since they came into the Great Hall. Looking around he eventually found her floating over Daphne's table eagerly eavesdropping on their conversations.

"Can I have a dance, Harry?" Hermione asked, bringing his attention back to the champions table.

Harry barely heard her but his ears perked up when he heard his name. He was too busy looking at Desiree who was smiling like a madwoman as she listened to Daphne who was whispering in her date's ear. "I am sorry what?"

Hermione just sighed at Harry's lack of attention. He has been like this a lot lately but it was forgivable with all that was going on. "Can I have your next dance?" Harry smartly looked at Fleur who nodded before he turned back to his friend. "As long as you can keep up." He teased his friend knowing she could. She always seemed to pick up everything she ever set her mind to and he was sure dancing was no different.

After they finished their light chicken entrees Harry took his friend's hand and led her to the dance floor. When they started moving to the music he saw Hermione get a small blush, "What's wrong?" He asked, wondering if his friend was thinking about more than dancing.

Hermione hoped he wouldn't notice. "Nothing...I was just thinking about the sex we had a while ago." It was hard not to think about it when she could feel his bulge when their bodies met.

Harry smiled, "You never mentioned it again so I thought it wasn't up your alley. So to speak." Hermione didn't come begging like most of the women in his life. Professor Sinistra couldn't wait to find a way to maximize her time on his cock. Even Rita wanted more, not including Daphne. Katie wanted more but only wanted it if she could share him with Alicia and Angelina.

Hermione's blush was now all pink like her dress. "You are just a lot. Not in a bad way but I don't think I can be the sole focus of your... attention." She liked Harry but sex with him left her sore the next day and it took another week before she had the thought about more.

Harry smiled at his innocent friend. "It's fine Hermione, I have my attention elsewhere." While it could be assumed he was talking about Fleur it could also be applied to all the other girls in his life so far. Desiree's plans were far reaching and would have loved him to have a fifty person harem. Although that was after he talked her down from a hundred girl harem. No one had the time in the day, month or even year for that many women.

Hermione nodded, "I can see that but I just hope this doesn't change our friendship." She was worried he was pulling away since he didn't spend any time with her other than in classes. He didn't even come to the dorm anymore after Ron led the charge to kick him out for being a "slimy snakes cheater" his words.

Harry waved off her concern. "Of course not. You are still my best friend. I just needed a little space this year. Once this tournament is over things can go back to normal." He was just looking forward to next year when he didn't have to worry about the tournament and just have fun.

When their dance finished they went back to their table where a line of witches had gathered and from what Harry could guess they all were in line to talk to Fleur.

Fleur turned to Harry, "These girls would like a dance with you." Fleur had a devilish smile seeing all these girls beg her for a dance with her date. It made her feel quite popular.

Harry looked at the first witch and saw it was Susan Bones. "Would that be okay with you?" He had wanted an excuse to talk to Susan and charm her. She had the best tits in the school and after playing with her aunt's Harry fell in love with the famous Bones Bust.

Fleur just nodded, "One song each and I get the last dance." Harry nodded and took Susan by the hand to the dance floor. Fleur wasn't a jealous person but it had surprised her how much it turned her on to watch Harry dance with another woman. His moves were so smooth and sensual she could tell he was going to be an amazing shag. The more she watched the more damp her knickers became.

Harry was unable to help himself from holding Susan a little closer than necessary so her big beautiful breasts were pressed against his chest. Thankfully she wore a dress that showed them off. If Fleur hadn't said yes to be his date he would have asked Susan in a heartbeat. If Amelia was Susan's future then that was a future he wanted to be a part of even in the smallest way of shagging her.

The longer the dance went the more he could tell he was having an effect on her. By the end he was sure he could have hiked up her dress and had her right on the dancefloor and she wouldn't have protested. This pattern went on with every dance partner: Padma, Parvati, Lavender, Alicia Katie, Angelina and even a few girls from Fleur's school. By the end Harry was dead on his feet and the final dance couldn't come soon enough.

When Fleur joined him for the final dance she was even more flirty than she had been in the beginning and was now very obviously now just grinding every body part she could against his groin to make him as frustrated as he made her. He even had to warn her to stop or else everyone would be able to see his reaction. By the end of it she could feel how big he was and she was ready to drag him off for a horizontal dance.

Harry had to just slowly hold her in front of him and get his body under control before they made their exit. Fleur was leading Harry back to her carriage giggling and laughing on the way before a voice cut their fun short.

"Going off to shag that creature Potter." A familiar grating voice said.

'Of course.' Harry thought as he stopped in his tracks before turning around ready at any moment to hex him to pieces. "What was that Malfoy?"

Draco scoffed at Potter's tough guy act, "You heard me. Go enjoy fucking that thing. That's all they are good for right?" Draco was angry partly at Potter and part because he didn't have a date as pretty as Fleur. He asked Fleur and Daphne and they both turned him down. He had to go with Pansy who wouldn't even let him shag her. She said the only way he could shag her is if they was a contract for marriage signed.

Fleur was furious at being called a thing and wanted to kill this stain of a wizard but just tried to drag Harry away. "Let's go, my love. Let this loser enjoy his hand tonight." It was clear he was jealous because she turned him down like so many others. This just went to show her how she was viewed by some of the pureblood contingency in this country. She was a creature or play thing in their eyes.

Harry made the mistake of turning around and following Fleur because he didn't see Draco pull his wand. Draco was even more furious with that Veela's comment about him pointing out his single status. With a flick of his wrist he sent a cutting curse at the Veela's pale and smooth back only for the spell to ricochet off and hit Potter in the back instead.

Harry felt the cut across his back and it was just deep and hard enough to send him flying into the floor.

'Master!' Desiree screamed out wishing she could kill this little boy from attacking her master. In her limited time with her master in his head she saw that he hated this Draco boy and she could see why it was a struggle to not kill him. This kind of attack shouldn't be allowed to go unpunished.

Fleur felt the spell voice off the shield from her enchanted necklace. If Harry hadn't given this to her she would have been hurt and worse maybe had a big ugly scar across her back. Turning around she pulled her wand and started sending every spell she knew. The first spell was a cutting spell which Draco dodged but the second was a bone breaker which hit his non-dominant hand. Stifling a scream he tried to send a few spells in return but their skill levels were too vastly different. Fleur batted each of them away before sending a spell that sent him flying into a stone wall with a sickening crunch. The force alone made his head hit the wall so hard it knocked him out when he hit the floor.

Harry was trying to get to his feet to help his date but she made quick work of Draco without his help. Soon he felt her arms around him as she helped him to his feet. She quickly asked where the nurse was and Harry had pointed the way.

On the way Fleur promised to make it up to him for the necklace since it saved her from taking a nasty spell in the back.

Hospital Wing

Madam Pomfrey planned to have a quiet night while everyone was at the ball. There were no injuries tonight but maybe a few hangovers in the morning. She was very surprised to hear her door open, much less to see Fleur Delacour supporting Harry who was leaving drops of blood behind him.

Madam Pomfrey nearly shrieked before pointing to a table while she grabbed her wand and a few potions. When she went over to Harry she saw that there was a nasty cut across his back. "Oh dear what happened?"

Harry just gritted out, "Malfoy tried to curse Fleur but it bounced off a shield and hit me." Before he knew it he felt his robes and top half of his clothes vanish before he felt a warm wand tip press against his back trying to mend the skin.

Madam Pomfrey was upset to see it was a dark spell. It resisted the mending but she was at least able to stop the bleeding. It was going to leave an ugly jagged scar for sure. Handing Fleur a potion she said, "Make him drink this while I go get some more supplies. It's a blood replenishment potion."

Fleur took the potion and fed it into Harry's mouth and saw him wince at the sour sock flavor. Madam Pomfrey soon returned with Murtlap Essence and soon started pouring it all over his back.

Harry groaned feeling the pain slowly start to fade the more it soaked in.

This went on for the next ten minutes before Albus Dumbledore and Auror Tonks burst through the doors. Harry groaned as more people entered the room but Fleur had jumped in and started to explain the situation while he just focused on healing.

Fleur was more angry than she had ever been talking to the headmaster. He seemed to not even react when she told him that boy had attacked Harry with such a dangerous spell. Fleur even went so far as to look at the Auror and demand she arrest the boy.

Albus knew he wasn't going to win this and just put his hands up. He would have to talk to Harry later to make him forgive Draco. But Fleur was angry and if he denied her then Headmistress Maxine could find out and they might try to extradite Draco to face French justice. Attacking the French Minister's daughter could be death by guillotine. For whatever reason the French seemed to keep that instrument of death around. 'Much kinder to just push someone through the veil than the bloody mess that came with a decapitation.'

Instead Albus told Tonks to just hold him in one of the empty classrooms until he could smooth this over with Harry. Since the spell hit Harry the decision was his if he wanted to press charges. He hoped Harry would see this as a moment to forgive instead of vengeance.

Once those two left the room Fleur was finally able to return to Harry's bedside to see that the cuts were nearly healed although it was going to leave a rough scar. "When is he going to be healed?"

Madam Pomfrey was good and it wasn't going to be long but she still wanted to keep him here in case it did reopen like some other dark magic cuts. "I would normally keep him overnight but if you can promise he won't be alone tonight and that you will come right back if it reopens I can let you leave tonight." This wasn't something she usually would have done but she didn't want to ruin these two young people's nights. She had also come to know Harry Potter pretty well and knew he had been through worse.

Fleur almost let out a squeak with excitement. She was afraid her night was ruined but now she had a second chance to end the night the way she wanted. And she wanted to end this night in her bed.

Harry was listening and was happy for the news but Desiree was floating next to the bed yelling at him to be more careful. He just had to sit there and take it because he deserved it. He was thinking with his cock instead of his head. If he was he would have put Draco down before following Fleur.

Madam Pomfrey handed Fleur one more potion, "This is a pain relief potion just in case he is a little….you know afterwards." Fleur took the potion gratefully before helping Harry to sit up. Although now he was shirtless. They had to cut his robes off him to heal the cut. There was no way he could make it to her carriage with no shirt in the winter. Taking a sheet off the bed next to his she transfigured it into a cloak that he could wear for the time being.

Madam Pomfrey didn't even blink at the loss of one of her blankets; instead she just wished them a good night as they walked off hand in hand.

The long walk to the carriage in the cold had soothed Harry's cut and before he knew it he felt as good as new. By the end of their walk Harry had wrapped himself around Fleur and they were walking arm in arm.

When they finally made it to her room which had its own bathroom she had asked for a moment alone to get more comfortable. Harry obliged and waited as she changed in the bathroom. Following her lead Harry also threw off some things so he was just left in his boxers on the bed. Just thinking about what Fleur was doing in the bathroom had made him harder than he could have ever imagined.

Desiree had kept her distance during their walk but now that she had a moment alone with Harry she said, 'Don't let her lead. Take control and show her where you want to go. Don't get blinded by her beauty. She doesn't want a weak willed little boy, she wants a man to take what he wants.'

Harry trusted the genie's advice and planned to do just that. Before he could answer, the bathroom door opened and Fleur stepped out. First thing he noticed was that she still had her makeup on but her hair was down and looked like she just rolled out of bed. The second thing was that she was stark naked and her body looked even better than he ever could have imagined. Her breasts while not as big as Susan's were a good handful topped with the pinkest nipples he had ever seen. Her body also looked perfect with not an ounce of fat. Her flat stomach leading to her pussy made his cock twitch and the twitching increased when he saw her dripping slit.

Fleur smiled at his reaction, "Why do you still have clothes on?"

Harry just nodded and pulled his boxers off revealing his fully hard cock to her. Just like him he saw her eyes staring at him. "Like what you see?" He teased her.

Fleur teased back, "You clearly do too." He had a magnificent penis and she had seen plenty at the nude beaches in France but his was bigger than most. Slowly walking to the bed she made the first move and wrapped a hand around him. She had touched a cock before but the last one she could fit her whole hand around. With Harry her middle finger and thumb barely touched. If she wasn't wet before she was now thinking about what he was going to do to her. "I know just what to do with this." Leaning forward she stuck her tongue out and licked the tip of his cock before trying to take him to the base.

Harry wasn't ready for a deepthroat this early much rather one like Desiree who could throat his entire cock. Fleur was only an inch or two away from matching the genie. Harry's hands went right to the back of Fleur's head. "Yes, keep doing that." To him it almost felt like Fleur had a longer magical tongue that almost wrapped around his cock like a snake. There was also the gagging noises that came with taking a big cock like his down to the base which was helping Harry along to his climax. Looking down he saw the perfect creature that was a Veela doing what she does best.

Glurk glurk glurk was the only sound in the room besides Harry occasional moans from her intense blowjob. She was shocked he was able to hold out so long when she gave blowjobs in the past boys never lasted more than a minute. At minute three she felt the familiar twitch of his cock and tightening of his balls in her hand. Looking up at her date she held his eye contact as she slammed her head down one more time so he could dump that thick load of spunk down her throat.

Harry knew that's what she wanted and he complied with a strangled groan he gripped Fleur's head and held her in place as he let loose down her throat. Harry decided to give her one of his enhanced loads and fired what seemed like an endless supply of ropes of hot cum down her gullet. Around the eighth shot he saw her eyes widened, almost struggling to take that much.

Fleur was almost happy when she felt his climax coming to an end after she felt like she drank a big cup of hot tea. Pulling away from his cock strands of saliva still connected them as she coughed and tried to catch her breath. While she was gasping for air she felt her legs clamp together seeing his cock never lose its hardness. She thought he might have needed five to ten minutes to go again but Harry was one of those wizards who didn't need that. That was usually reserved for ultra powerful wizards. "Before our night was ruined I was going to tell you how wet you made me watching you dance with all those girls. Seeing their desire for you and having the satisfaction of taking you to bed myself. To do things those girls could only dream of." Fleur laid down on the bed and folded herself so her legs were bent so her feet were locked behind her head. It gave Harry a very intimate look at her pussy but she wanted to present him with his reward for the perfect night. "Do what you want to this pussy."

This was the first time Harry had a good up close look at Fleur's pussy and it was a work of art. Two plump little hairless lips looking like they were ready to be split by his pole. The sheen of moisture that was built up on her lips like dew also caught his attention. While he wanted to just plug the hole and get to work fucking her into submission there was something he wanted to do. Leaning down he put his hands on her spread lips as he dragged his tongue from the bottom of her slit to the clit. Her almost honey taste made him want to spend the next two hours eating her pussy but his cock desperately needed more. So to compromise he used his parseltongue ability and hissed on her clit to completion.

Fleur let out the loudest scream of her life when she felt his wet tongue on her clit start hissing. This was so much more than she was expecting. She has had a few girls and boys lick her there before but no one made her explode so quickly. Within a minute she almost felt ashamed that he lasted longer in her mouth than she did with his mouth.

Once Harry had left her legs quivering as her voice went hoarse. Before she could come down from the incredible orgasm he gave her he climbed up her body and thrust all ten inches inside her warmed up pussy. With one thrust he felt her entire pussy clamp around him as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. If he had to guess she just had another climax.

Fleur was still sensitive from her first climax and then when Harry thrust back into her she couldn't stop her body from having another. "Ahhh you are so big." She had never even put any toy this big into herself before and now when she actually felt this big cock tear through her she felt an incredible pressure against her cervix. There was also the fact that he touched every sensitive spot inside of her that a regular boy would have trouble hitting. "Don't stop. Pound my pussy all night long."

Harry was more than happy to fulfill that request. While he was fucking this sexy elf like creature he watched her eyes as they kept looking at him before rolling back into her head or how her tongue would keep peeking out of her lips like a panting dog. Even after a strong climax Harry wasn't able to hold himself back as his cock was massaged by Fleur's perfect velvet walls. He was only going to be able to last a little while longer before he had to cum. When he came he planned to fill her womb to the brim with his seed and give her a creampie she would never forget.

Fleur was drowning in an ocean of pleasure; she didn't notice how much Harry was struggling to hold on. She also failed to notice his thrusts getting faster and messier. All she did was moan but the moment she felt him start to shoot another hot load inside of her then her moans reached an even higher pitch. Feeling her womb get filled with such a large load of hot baby batter made her have the biggest climax of the night. It would also create a feeling that she needed more of.

Harry almost had to cover his ears from how loud he made the Veela moan as he ripped orgasms out of her like nothing. "Take all of my cum Fleur. This is what I wanted to give you since the moment I saw you."

Fleur knew that this is what boys thought of when they saw her but now this was going to be the only thing she could think of when she saw Harry. In fact she was going to convince Harry to do this for the rest of the year. 'A Veela knows it's impossible to pass up good sex like this. If Maman could feel this then she would probably try to steal him from me.'

Once Harry's climax finally waned and he had filled her he pulled out to watch it all come rushing out. That was when he saw Fleur let go of her legs and bring them back down before just laying there trying to catch her breath. Harry kissed his way up her stomach to her breasts where Harry spent a few minutes getting to know them. Sucking on her hard pink nipples and groping her silk soft flesh made it so tempting to just slide right back into Fleur's soiled pussy for another round. Deciding against that he kissed his way back up to her face. "So how was I?"

Fleur couldn't believe his audacity to ask that question. It was obvious how she felt after all she did have multiple orgasms and screamed through them all. "I think you broke me Mon Amour." She felt her pussy start to feel numb after the pounding it took.

Harry kissed Fleur and couldn't stop himself from shoving his tongue in her mouth which she sucked on along with massaging it with her own. She could even faintly taste herself in his mouth. All of which made her body ache for more of this treatment. After a few moments of the hot makeout she felt him rest his big cock against her stomach. It still felt so massive and hot laying on her skin and knowing what he could do with it. There was only one thing left to do. Pushing Harry off of her she didn't miss the hurt look on his face which quickly turned as she rolled over onto her stomach. With her hands she palmed her own ass and lightly spread her cheeks. "Since you took a spell meant for me I will give you the one hole I was saving for someone special." She wanted to save this hole for the love of her life but Harry deserved it after everything tonight.

Harry was giddy at Fleur offering her virgin hole. "Are you ready for a cock as big as mine?" He was looking to stretch out her cute little pink hole.

Fleur wasn't stupid and would have never offered it unless she was ready. Since she started masterbating she had always played with her ass, sometimes a finger or two before she moved onto bigger toys. Last time she checked she was able to take a seven inch toy with no problem. "Yes, just make sure I'm ready." It was at that moment she felt her asshole fill with lube as his tip pressed against her puckered hole. As he slowly pushed in as he stretched the hole to fit his giant knob she reached out to grip a pillow as she moaned out like a cheap whore.

Harry couldn't believe how hot and tight her ass was just like her pussy. It was just perfect. He had never fucked holes this perfect that made him want to spend his entire life inside them. "Fuck Fleur I love your ass." Pulling back until just the tip was inside he thrusts back down this time he had more than half his cock inside of her before repeating this until he had every inch inside of her. He was expecting a nice snug hole but nothing this perfect. 'Fuck Fleur has the best ass.'

Fleur couldn't breathe when she felt all ten inches inside of her. Every thrust felt like it was driving all the air out of her lungs. It also didn't help that it felt better than she ever imagined. When she did it herself it felt good but what Harry was doing felt amazing. She could already feel a coiling in her stomach that promised a giant orgasm.

Harry just kept thrusting in and out of Fleur's presented ass. He was thrusting so hard the sound of her metal bed frame and springs were squeaking. Mixed with the sounds of skin slapping together with her moans made it a cacophony of noises.

Fleur was finally able to find her voice and used it to ask for more. "Yes! Yes! Keep fucking me. Keep fucking my ass." The shock of getting her asshole stretched and fucked for the first time had worn off and now she wanted nothing more than him to do this over and over again. In fact she wouldn't mind if this became a regular thing. She usually had a friend who helped her with her urges but he didn't come along on the trip for the tournament but she had found someone better.

Harry wanted to fuck her harder and faster so he pulled out and left her with a gaping hole as he pulled her up and positioned her on her hands and knees before thrusting back into her perfect ass. Now her allure was only fuelling him to work harder and harder giving her everything he had. Liking this position more he built up more speed and power than before. Now he was getting closer and closer to his eventual orgasm.

Fleur was seconds away from the biggest orgasm of her life. Now it felt like her whole body was on fire waiting to be put out by her climax. Using her muscles she clenched down trying to milk his cum from his balls. It soon worked because she felt an equal massive amount of cum like before rushing into her bowels. Just like her pussy and throat her ass was filled to the point where it was only held inside by his cock blocking the way out. With a loud scream she felt her body seize as a load of girl cum rushed out of her coating her top blanket. She had never squirted like this before and was a little embarrassed to have it happen during a rough anal fuck like this. This was also the first time a boy took her this way usually she was doing the fucking but now she was being fucked and nothing ever felt so right.

Harry kept himself buried in her ass for a while longer but he felt his cock finally start to lose its hardness. While he could get it up if he needed to he just needed a rest for a while. Rolling his new favorite blonde he laid on the bed panting just as Fleur's legs gave out and she was back in her stomach laying on the wet spot she had made. Harry was blown away how good that went. It went so much better than he thought it would have. She even offered her ass with no prodding or asking. Looking around the room he noticed Desiree was floating in a corner of the room and was shoving what looked like a toy of himself inside of herself while she watched them. 'Couldn't resist?'

Desiree responded with, 'No master I couldn't especially when she spread her ass for you. I know you like it when I do that for you without asking.' With her trained ass she taught him how to master anal and use every inch of cock she gave him. As she flew around the room taking in this show from every angle she wished she was in Fleur's position so badly. She had also of course captured it all on magical film as well so he can relive the moment again later.

The jagged and mended cut on his back only enhanced the photos and made him look like the dangerous and impressive warrior he was. Harry had a few small scars but this one was big almost as if it was done by a sword and there was something about it that made Desiree even more aroused when thinking about her master.

Harry agreed with that sentiment, 'I didn't know Veela's felt so good. It was like the first time I fucked you.' That's all Harry could compare it too because much like Desiree Fleur had the perfect holes to shag. But wand to his head he might have to give the edge to Fleur.

Desiree heard that little private thought of his but didn't comment on it. While she didn't like being second place she understood that Veela were magical creatures that were only made to be the perfect sexual objects. They were born to be little more than cock sleeves which she could live with since she was worth more than that in her master's eyes.

Harry looked at Fleur, "That was amazing."

Fleur agreed, "Yes it was while I would like to claim all the credit you did most of the work. I never thought anal would feel that good." While she liked anal on her own she didn't think it would feel as good as him fucking her pussy. She also didn't think letting him plow into her with all of his force could be so pleasurable. She was so wrong this cock was just perfect for her in every way no matter where he put it.

Harry reached over and brushed some sweaty hair out of her face. "Minus the minor confrontation after the dance this was the perfect night." They both gave a small chuckle at that statement agreeing that tonight was perfect.

Fleur nodded agreeing with his statement. She had the best sex she probably will ever have along with the feeling of having each of her holes filled to the brim with hot cum. Just the thought of it made her toes curl while she could still feel his seed slowly dripping out of her. "You aren't the leetle boy I thought you were. You are so much more than I ever thought possible."

Harry laughed at that, "Was that or before you saw me naked?" There was no way a woman could call him little after seeing what he was swinging. 'Thanks Desiree.' The genie silently accepted her thanks with just a tip of the head.

Fleur scoffed at his answer as she laid on her side looking at Harry. "I saw it when you went to all that trouble to ask me out. You gave me a very special gift that saved me tonight from having a nasty cut like yours." She expected the enchanted necklace to come in handy in the arena not after the dance being assaulted by an immature child.

Harry felt his fury rise up at that because if Draco did manage to cut her and ruin her perfect skin he would have killed Draco then and there. Putting his hand on Fleur's shoulder he ran his hand up and down her arm just marvelling in the feeling of her skin. "I was worried you wouldn't have gone with me and I would have gone to the ball stag."

Fleur gave a beautiful laugh at his cluelessness. "Harry there was a line of ladies tonight that wanted to dance with you. Any one of them would have loved to go to the ball with you." She didn't know why but Harry seemed to have a low opinion of himself. She hoped that would change soon because he sure shagged better than anything she had ever felt. Some more confidence wouldn't be a bad thing. "Any woman would have been lucky to go with you and I am glad I said yes." She didn't think she would have said yes but the necklace had made her choice easy along with the fact he wasn't a drooling idiot. Why would you want to go on a date with a mindless idiot who can't think for themselves.

Just as he felt himself getting ready for another round Fleur got off the bed and walked to her attached bathroom. She looked over her shoulder before saying, "I'm going to take a shower but you are free to join me." She didn't have to wait long and barely had the temperature of the shower right before she felt Harry rubbing his hard cock in between her butt cheeks. "Still have another in you?"

Harry wanted a million more but would settle for one more. As they fell under the spray of the hot water Harry asked, "What hole do you want it in?"

That was a tough question. Part of her wanted it in her ass again but now that her pussy wasn't numb anymore and she could feel her arousal dripping, that was the hole she wanted filled. "Pussy. Shove that big cock in my pussy." The words were so dirty coming out of her mouth but fell out with ease.

With ease Harry lifted Fleur off the floor with a squeal before dropping her on all ten inches in one fell swoop.

Fleur didn't expect him to still be this forward. Wrapping her arms around his neck as her legs wrapped around his waist she braced herself for another amazing fuck. His hands digging into her ass were tight as he used it as leverage to drag her up and down his cock. She let out a series of expletives, some even in French.

Harry loved hearing Fleur lose it the harder and faster he shagged her. He had done this position in the shower multiple times all courtesy of Desiree who liked to get clean at the same time she liked to get dirty.

This standing fuck went on for over ten minutes which had made Fleur cum twice before she finally felt Harry cum inside her. Once he had drained every drop that could fit inside of her before setting her back onto her wobbly feet. It took her a moment to regain her footing and in the meantime Harry had taken it upon himself to clean her body. Soaping up his hands he rubbed them from her shoulders to her breasts where he spent most of his time before his hand trailed lower and tried to wash all of his seed away. His hands were rough with her breasts but she would have nothing less.

Fleur let Harry explore her body and before long she was doing the same to him. Her hands trailed all over his muscles feeling not an inch of fat on him. After she had her fill of his top half she went lower and washed his cock of all her fluids and remnants of cum. She spent a little more time than necessary on that part but she couldn't get enough of it. Part of her couldn't even believe it had all fit inside of her. Now she couldn't see having another average or small cock again. This one was just the perfect size for her. "You know Harry that this isn't just a one time thing. I want this often." When she said this she shook his cock making it clear what she was talking about.

Harry nodded as he let her lightly stroke his wet cock which was now soft but still felt very good. "I can do that. Just name a time and place and I will be there." Other than Desiree and Sinistra his schedule was pretty open. Fleur was also impossible to pass up.

Fleur rinsed off her body before starting on her hair, "I am free on the weekends."

Harry could do that, "Me too and I would love to spend them with you." Now he was sad she was leaving at the end of the year. "I can already tell I'm going to miss you when you leave."

Fleur felt the same because Harry was the type of boy she would introduce to her parents before dragging him into her room and shagging his brains out. "We will have to make every moment count and who knows we can even make things interesting."

That piqued Harry's attention, "Interesting how?"

Fleur finished washing the shampoo out before going to work on Harry's messy hair which fell out of its place during their lovemaking. "Well how about whoever does better in the tournament has to do what the other wants."

Harry now thought of tying Fleur and all the things he could make happen with a magical sex genie. "What would you want?" He wanted an insight into her deepest and darkest sexual fantasies.

Fleur looked scandalized, "That would be telling but trust me when I say you would enjoy it." In her mind she was thinking about tying him up and grinding her pussy all over his face until she came over and over. Also in her fantasy was him cumming without her touching him. Him cumming from just the pleasure of tasting her honey pot being dragged up and down his face.

Harry suddenly felt that he could go another round but Fleur saw his cock slowly rising and she put a stop to it, "No Harry you have to leave before you get caught by Headmistress Maxine. She said no guests could be here after curfew, which is in a few minutes." As champion she knew she got certain leeway but her Headmistress would be furious if she caught him well past curfew or in the morning. The curfew was extended tonight being a special occasion but as seen on the clock in her room it was coming to an end.

Harry wished he could sleep here and have another shag in the morning but being caught and scolded by the giant Headmistress was something he wouldn't find pleasant. "I guess I will just see you later." His hands were sure to touch every inch of her exposed skin, memorizing the soft feel. She even cracked a smile when his hands found her breasts again and gave her pink nipples another pinch.

Fleur wanted to laugh at his pouty face. "You are insatiable and I never thought as a Veela I would say those words." He was almost too much to handle on her own. "I am sure you can find someone to hold your attention until next time. That big titted redhead for instance I could tell she wanted more than a dance last night." It was getting her a little hot and bothered thinking about Harry shagging that cow and imagining her big tits flopping up and down. Fleur loved the female form especially those with a bigger bust than she had. While she loved her breasts she had groped a few friends with bigger ones and they felt amazing. She saw why all boys loved them so much.

Harry smiled back at Fleur, "Is that what you want? For me to fuck Susan and while I am thinking of you." Fleur was just the right kind of kinky for him. He didn't know if this was a general Veela trait but it was one he could really fall in love with.

Fleur smiled, "If you think about me that's on you but I don't mind you fucking other witches. I am French after all and am much more free about that sort of thing. You British are so oppressed when it comes to sexuality. Your cock deserves to be shared and inside of as many women as possible." To emphasize her point she gripped his soft cock again and gave it a swift stroke from tip to base before squeezing his balls making him jump. She just giggled at that but continued to roll them around in her hand for a moment just marvelling in their large size and capability to produce so much cum. If she had more time she would even love to suck on them for a while and show Harry how much she loved them.

It was at that point Desiree chimed in, 'See master this one gets it. She is like a woman after my own heart.' Desiree was attracted to Fleur but now she wanted to share her master's cock with her and take turns with him. If she had to choose this was the type of woman she saw her master being with.

Harry ignored his genie and said, "If you say so." With that said the shower turned off and they both toweled off before he got dressed and snuck out of the carriage without anyone noticing. On the walk back to the castle Harry felt all of his energy leave his body. Without sex and basking in Fleur's allure he slowly trudged his way to his private room.

Desiree saw her master's shoulders slump and his steps get slower and she knew that he wasn't going to have enough to finish her off when they got back to the room. After a long night of dancing and sex he was beat. When Harry made it to the room before the door closed Desiree poofed into her naked human form. "Please master."

Harry hated to disappoint her but even with a wish he didn't think he could do it again. "I promise tomorrow morning I will do whatever you want but I am too tired now." Quickly stripping down he just slid into bed and patted the side next to him. Hours of dancing and vigorous shagging had really taken it out of him.

Desiree slid into bed with her master and he quickly wrapped his arms around her like she was a pillow. "I am going to hold you to that. You have no idea how wet I was watching you fuck that pretty Veela. I came so hard when you put her in doggy and fucked her like you fuck me." Leaning into his ear she whispered, "I was so jealous."

Harry just groaned and snuggled deeper into her inhaling her subtle vanilla scent. "Tomorrow. Now let me sleep." Desiree made things difficult if he didn't do what she wanted. While some of it was good fun some of it would wear him out under the guise of building his stamina as Desiree liked to call it.

Desiree did let him go to sleep without further incident which didn't take long. He was asleep within minutes while she stayed up a while longer thinking of how she was going to start the day tomorrow besides the standard wake up blowjob. 'Just go to sleep Desiree you will be up before you know it.' Closing her eyes she just focused on her master's arms wrapped around her as she drifted off.


I hope everyone enjoyed that chapter. I hope it was as fun and memorable as people were hoping for. Trust me when I say things with Fleur and Veela in general are going to heat up even further in the future. The French Veela are just so more free in general and don't believe in any sexual taboos.

I know people wanted Fleur to smell Daphne on him but they didn't have full sex because that would have wrinkled her dress or messed up the looks the girls spent so long putting on. There is going to be plenty of Daphne in the future so don't worry.

Next chapter is going to be pretty fun. Not to give anything away but feel free to guess.

Let me know your favorite parts or who you want to see in the future.