Chapter 16

Madam Rosmerta: Hannah Waddingham


In the weeks since Harry's wild time in the woods he had only seen Luna a handful of times and she would always say something weirdly sexual and then just skip away. He couldn't tell if that was normal or their time in the woods broke her. One time she even joked about being bunnies And what it would be like to be bred a hundred times. Desiree didn't seem to understand either which was weird because she was usually right on with what women were thinking.

Other than that weird little outlier he had spent weekends with Fleur and almost every weekend they would have some wild {not as wild as the forest} sex. They seemed to be growing closer and that wasn't just because of the sex. They spent time talking to each other with Fleur even teaching him a little French. It was slow going but if this relationship was as serious as he was hoping the French would come in handy. Sometimes during her more powerful climaxes she slipped back into French and Harry didn't know what she was screaming. If she wanted it harder, faster or maybe to stop.

One time he even had a quick meetup with Daphne Greengrass an hour before he met Fleur in her carriage and Fleur could smell it. Fleur then demanded to know the details. He thought she would be upset but as he told the story he could see that she was reacting the dirtier the story became. It quickly led Fleur pushing him on her bed and just unzipping his trousers before sucking the remnants of Daphne's pussy on his cock. She cleaned his cock with her mouth and throat before climbing on him and riding him until both their bodies seized in climax over and over.

Laying on the bed Fleur once again said, "Shag who you feel like Harry but if any of them are serious I would like to meet them." After a couple more moments of catching their breath she started again, "When I leave I don't want you to be alone. It could be a while before I see you again and I need to know you are taken care of." As she talked she loved to drag her fingers up and down his cock trying to get him hard again for more sex.

Harry just looked at Desiree who was floating nearby. 'Don't worry Fleur, I already have someone looking out for me.' Desiree smiled at her master. She truly loved her job with this master. "Want to go again?"

Fleur smiled, "My asshole is ready for you mon amour." Fleur let Harry stay on his back while climbing on him and slowly dropping her puckered hole on his cock.

'Fuck I love my life.' Harry thought as he brought his hands to her hips before he started to really give it to her.

Time Skip

The second Hogsmeade weekend was the first week of April and as much as Harry wanted to go with Fleur her Headmistress said no. Fleur needed to increase her training schedule now that spring started and the snow had melted. The French Headmistress had even reserved the quidditch pitch to train Fleur for the day.

Harry understood and like Fleur no one had a clue what the third task was going to be. So it was better to train for everything. From what he heard Viktor was training like it was going to be a dueling match between all the champions. Harry didn't know what Cedric was doing but Cedric has done pretty well not being the flashiest one.

Besides the constant stamina training sex provided Harry had practiced some spell work. His room doubled as a training room so he was testing out spells on dummy's. Desiree had even given him a few tips from warriors she has seen over the years. He even practiced dodging while Desiree shot balls of water at him.

Desiree seemed to be taking his training seriously, wanting him to be the best he can be even if that meant they cut down some of the sexy time. By the time he was done training he usually only had enough for one good fuck or two if he was lying down and she did all the work.

For Hogsmeade Harry tried to find someone to go with and even asked Hermione but she had already promised to go with Ron. The same jerk who didn't thank him for saving him from the lake. He was clearly still jealous of him and probably the fact he had two Veela all over him in thanks. It wasn't a secret Fleur and Harry were closer than just friends and it hurt Ron. Once again he felt betrayed like he even stood a chance with her or that dibs meant he couldn't be with her at all.

Whenever he thought about Ron he became enraged because they have been friends since first year but this year he acted like a complete arsehole. Hermione was caught in the middle and since those two spent more time together she was stuck on Ron's side which meant he couldn't get any closer. Since their first time together they had never really talked about it and she never pressed for it to happen again. If Harry had to guess it was because he pushed too hard for the first time. He was much more possessive and even told her he was going to fuck her in the ass next time when he should have asked if that was something she would be interested in. Looking back on it he didn't know how to act and speak during sex and the only other girl he had sex with was Desiree.

Harry wanted to go with Daphne but since she was in Slytherin there was no way of doing that without her whole house turning against her. Then Harry went through his list of possible girls and even asked Susan but she just blushed and stuttered around him. It was weird but then Desiree reminded him he slept with her aunt so there was a small chance that they talked about it. He even caught Susan checking out his crotch like if she was trying to check if a part of her aunt's story was true, but that could have just been a coincidence.

Going to Hogsmeade stag though wasn't the worst thing in the world. There was always a chance he could pick up a straggler who was ditched from her group or something. Taking the carriage into town Harry looked around for any shops he might have a need for. While there was nothing for him Desiree wanted him to go into the sweet shop and pick her up a few things. Since her sweet tooth came back thanks to Luna's wish Desiree had wanted to taste how far sweets have come in the last couple hundred years. While her human body didn't need food that just meant she could eat and drink as much as she wanted.

Going into Honeydukes, Harry picked up a range of sweets like Chocolate Frogs, Fudge Flies, Sugar Quills, Chocoballs, Acid Pops, etc. All of them Desiree couldn't wait to try out. Thankfully he was able to shrink it all down in a box so he didn't have to carry it around all day.

Besides sweets there was nothing else he really needed. So to spend the rest of his time he decided to get a drink at The Three Broomsticks. If he wanted to find a girl to talk to, that was his best shot. Walking into the almost dark bar he took a look around the room and spotted many of his classmates. All who seemed to be in groups talking animatedly to each other. There were a couple small groups of girls he could talk to like Katie, Angelina and Alicia or Lavender, Padma and Parvati. Turning to the bartender he quickly noticed her very large bust being pushed up by a corset. While the woman wasn't as stacked as Amelia Bones it was still a little bigger than Desiree's natural set.

Madam Rosmerta just sighed as the boy stared at her chest. She had gotten used to it and it was why she dressed this way during Hogwarts weekend in hopes of more tips. Clearing her throat she saw his head snap up to look at her as if he wasn't just openly staring at her tits. "Can I get you anything?"

Harry just quickly blurted out, "Butterbeer please." He knew he was caught looking but he knew that was the point of her having her tits pushed up by a corset to the point her cleavage was practically at her neck.

Madam Rosmerta grabbed a chilled mug from behind the bar before putting it to the taps and filling it to the top. Once it was nice and full she slid it over to the boy. "That will be two sickles."

Harry looked in his Gringotts bag and he didn't have anything less than a galleon so he just took one and slid it across the bar. "Keep the change." That made the woman smile as she took the coin and dropped it into the tip jar that was near her.

Madam Rosmerta didn't think much of the boy before but tipping her in addition to sitting up straight and looking her in the eyes as he overpaid was more of a turn on than she was expecting. She gave the boy a smile and said, "Let me know when you need another." With that said she had to get back to work for the three other kids that walked up wanting to order. And of course there were the couple boys who tried to purchase something stronger than Butterbeer.

There was a time when she was allowed to serve students firewhiskey and rum but that was a long time ago. Main street was a sight with children puking and nearly passed out after two strong drinks. McGonagall had come down and yelled at her so hard she changed her policy. While it was an unpopular move it was easier than defying Minerva.

Harry was sitting on his stool looking around but Desiree was talking to him silently. 'Master if you are looking for a girl to have sex with I think your best bet is behind the bar.' Desiree openly oggled the woman's deadly curves for a woman of her age. Desiree could see she was still a woman who could still fuck like she was in her twenties.

Harry looked back at the bartender and he was looking at her face instead of her chest. The woman wasn't unattractive and despite her age she was still very much in his range. His oldest so far being Narcissa and she was just as good as a girl his own age. 'How do you propose I do that?'

Desiree looked at the woman up and down. 'Just butter her up for now and wait a while. I bet before you leave if you just ask to take her in the back store room she would accept.' Desiree knew a fellow slut when she saw one. If Desiree had to guess Madam Rosmerta had slept with many of the customers.

Harry did as his genie recommended and ordered three more Butterbeers every time tipping a full galleon and each one her smile kept getting bigger. Harry was starting to see what Desiree saw which was a chance at this working.

Once some of the other students filed out of the bar there were only a few groups of boys left. Harry was now the only one sitting at the bar when he made his move. Calling over Madam Rosmerta he worked up all of his courage. She was a little intimidating and he was a little worried about making a fool of himself. "What would you say if I asked to come in your back room for a shag?" He tried to ask with his smoothest voice and not have a tremor in his voice despite her intimidating attitude.

Madam Rosmerta wasn't expecting this but she didn't let it slip her up. Leaning her elbows on the bar she looked at Harry and saw that he was a confident boy who seemed to know what he was doing. This wasn't a stupid bet or a boy desperately trying to lose his virginity and would ask anyone. "Is that supposed to be a euphemism for something?" She loved teasing the young boys to see them flustered before they ran away in fear.

Harry cleared his throat not expecting for her to hit it back to him. "I was wondering if you and I could sneak away for a little shag." He tried to focus so his voice didn't crack because she was giving him the most stern look he had ever seen while trying to make a move.

Madam Rosmerta turned around and picked up a bottle of firewhiskey and quickly poured herself a glass and downed it as she thought about his offer. 'He is young but clearly experienced. He is also famous and I have never shagged someone famous before. Let's just hope he can actually please me first.' Pouring herself another glass she turned back to Harry and leaned towards him so only they could hear the next part of the conversation. "If we do that I want to know if you will be able to please me. So tell me what you are working with."

Harry saw her taking a sip of her whiskey and he said, "Ten inches." He didn't miss her eyes going wide before she turned her head to react.

That made Madam Rosmerta spit out the mouthful of whiskey she just had and thankfully looked away so she didn't spray it all over Harry's face. Turning back she tried to keep quiet, "You are kidding me?" She had never been with a guy bigger than eight before and if the kid really had that then she would be willing to drop to her knees right now.

Harry shook his head, "All real I swear and I promise you I know how to use it." He felt his cock starting to press against the front of his trousers as Madam Rosmerta was now openly flaunting her chest at him.

Madam Rosmerta narrowed her eyes, "We will see about that. How many sexual partners have you had?" If it was as big as he said then he should have a line of witches in school wanting to fuck him. When she was in school all the girls knew all the blokes cock sizes.

Harry shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know...a lot but I will have you know I can fully satisfy a Veela." He was proud of that accomplishment even though technically he could satisfy multiple Veela's at once.

Madam Rosmerta knew about him taking the Veela champion to the ball and it was clear something happened afterwards like all fancy dress balls. All the papers had done a good job of subtly suggesting that anyways. "Okay last question, have you shagged an older woman before?"

Harry smiled as he finished his last Butterbeer. "A couple here and there. I can tell you I love the look of an older woman. The confidence, the way they can expertly ride my cock and show me things schoolgirls can't do." Harry didn't have a specific type. He had a very open view about sex with anyone but now he was trying to butter her up like Desiree suggested.

Madam Rosmerta was dying to know the older woman he was talking about but just downed the rest of her drink. "Delia." At that moment a house elf popped into existence next to her behind the bar. "Delia man the bar for a little bit." The next part she whispered to Harry, "Go towards the bathrooms. The first door on the right is my store room. Meet me there in a couple minutes." With that said she strutted from behind the bar to the back room even taking a look back at Harry as she added a little extra sway to her hips.

Harry impatiently waited and after a minute and some change he stood up from his stool and followed her. No one seemed to notice him getting up and heading towards the back of the bar. Down the hall he could feel his cock start to press against his zipper. If anyone were to walk out of the bathrooms right now they would have seen the massive tent in his trousers. Quickly finding the door to the back room he opened it to see Madam Rosmerta sitting on a giant crate. Still fully clothed but staring at him with more lust in her eyes. Her corset was off and her shirt was loose but he could still clearly make out her breasts and even saw she wasn't wearing a bra.

Madam Rosmerta saw when Harry entered the room that he was ready to go. His supposedly ten inch cock was showing itself. Harry quickly tried to close the distance but she stopped him with her foot to his chest. "Un-uh mister first you are going to drop those trousers and show me you weren't just lying to get me back here. I want to see that ten inch cock." She would have come back with him even if he was fudging the details a bit but she was all hot and bothered thinking about a cock that big stretching her out. Harry looked down between her legs and saw she wasn't wearing any knickers and what looked to be a freshly smooth pussy. He didn't know the spell girls used for that but he loved the baby smooth skin and feeling it produced.

Harry found the button of his trousers and undid it before unzipping his fly before just dropping his trousers the rest of the way in addition to his boxers. He loved seeing the older woman's eyes go wide at the sight of him. "That big enough for you?"

Madam Rosmerta nodded with her mouth salivating at the sight, "Oh yes. I think I'm going to enjoy this very much." She already felt an adoration for the monster that was swinging between his legs. She had never been so excited to please a cock before. If she could take that big snake it would be one of her biggest sexual accomplishments. Even more so than the time she blew three blokes on a stag party who stayed until closing and were all very charming. She even let them all finish on her big tits. They gave her the biggest tip for giving them a stag party to remember.

"Can we start with you using your tits on me? I have been staring at them for the last couple hours and am dying to feel them." Harry was a touch impatient wishing she would already be touching him by now.

Madam Rosmerta shook her head because all the boys wanted to get off first and some lacked the stamina to pleasure her. Sorry to say it but her titfuck was legendary and did a thorough job of milking boys dry. "I will give you one after you satisfy me. That shouldn't be hard with a cock that big." Harry advances and tries to flip her over only for Madam Rosmerta to resist. "Harry, I can't tell you how many times I have been bent over this crate. Why don't you do something different?"

Harry nodded and thought of a wish, 'I wish I could lift her up like a toy.' If she wanted something different he was going to show her something different. She was a tall woman and he was sure she had never been picked up and fucked like a toy. He had done this enough with Desiree to know exactly how to maximize the pleasure in the standing positions.

Desiree cackled and granted his wish and as soon as it was active she saw her master's hands go to the older woman's waist and started tugging her skirt off before lifting her up.

Madam Rosmerta wasn't expecting Harry to put her legs on his shoulders and have the strength to lift her up like this. While she wasn't a heavy woman she was for sure top heavy with her triple D cup she was also a little taller than the average schoolgirl. His hands were strong and didn't even shake as he brought her off the crate and held her in the air. Warping her arms around his neck she felt his hands go from her ass to her hips. Looking down she saw that his cock was pointing up at her ready to penetrate her deeply. With both of his hands on her waist he couldn't line it up with her now soaking pussy. Reaching down herself she wrapped a hand around his personal wand and it felt like a powerhouse. It was thick and unyielding, it was not going to have a problem satisfying her. As she moved it around she quickly found his bulbous tip touching her wet lips. Looking back at Harry she saw he felt it and just gave her a confident and sexy smile.

Once lined up Harry pressed the woman down on his cock and with just the first three inches alone he felt her pussy fluttering around him. "Cumming already?" She kept sucking him in deeper and deeper making him want to shove the rest of his cock in.

Madam Rosmerta's face went red at that but it was true. She was worked up and after seeing his massive cock she was already halfway there. Just as he entered the first few inches she felt him brush a special spot inside of her that pushed her body over the edge. "Shut up and keep going." She wished she chose her words a little more carefully because he decided to keep going by dropping all of her weight on his cock. Within a second she felt all ten inches impale her in the most glorious way she had ever felt. The feeling of his tip pounding her cervix made her orgasm triple in size. Letting out a loud slutty moan it was at that moment she realized she hadn't put up any privacy charms. The entire bar could have just heard her response to having her pussy filled with ten hard inches of cock. "Harry put up some privacy charms." It was hard to talk as her legs were trembling from her orgasm.

Harry just wished for privacy charms through Desiree and said, "I put them up before I walked in so be as loud as you want." Harry wasn't able to reach his wand with his hands full so he had to be sure by wishing for it.

Desiree had granted the wish but quickly went back to watching Harry fucking this bartender. The woman seemed to be a high judge of her sexual partners and if she knew Harry he was going to get high marks by the end of this.

Madam Rosmerta kept loudly moaning the more Harry dragged her wet cunt up and down his hard cock. Loud wet noises could be heard as he brought her down on every thrust with such force it was as if she was fucking something more animal than man. "Yes fuck my cunt. Keep making me cum and I will do whatever you want."

Harry liked the sound of that. Bringing the woman up until just the head of his cock was remaining in her heat before slamming her down was breaking down all of her defenses. "Anything?"

Madam Rosmerta had to try and find words in between moans and saying "Fuck" over and over the faster and harder he shagged her. "I love this cock." She had no problem openly admitting that because her body didn't lie. She knew he knew that he was very effective.

Harry never stopped thrusting up as he brought her down on every thrust making sure his cock went as deep as it possibly could. "When I cum where do you want it?" He wasn't close yet but he wanted to hear her say where she wanted it.

"Inside. Inside me cum inside me." She was ranking the more and more she felt the thrusting massive piece of meat come in and out of her cunt. She was past her brat making years so she had no problem letting him cum inside her. In fact that was her usual for her because she normally had to get back to the bar and couldn't afford the time it would take to clean her face and reapply makeup. Plus there was the added benefit for the rest of the shift she could feel the warmth inside her or dripping down her legs. Taking orders while she felt cum slowly dripping out of her was one of the biggest thrills she ever felt.

Harry had a wet sheen of sweat on his forehead as his hair started to stick from all the force he was putting into this shag. While Madam Rosmerta was lighter his body still had to drag her up and down his length over and over with an increased intensity. "I can't wait to fill your pussy up."

Madam Rosmerta moaned out at just the thought of being filled up by Harry. If his cock was this big then what did his ejaculations look or feel like. "Cum in me. It's been so long since I felt a hot load of cum in my cunt." That was partly a lie because it wasn't a month ago when she took one of her regulars back here. It was just one of her favorite feelings and even a month felt like an eternity.

Harry felt her wet pussy start to flex around him as she tried to hurry him along. She had already cum multiple times and was just enjoying the hard shag. "I'm gonna cum." That was all the warning he gave before he felt his balls tighten as cum shot forward out of his cock inside of the older woman. He saw her give a sharp intake of breath as the first rope painted her womb. He would never forget the look in her eyes as he filled her up with one of his enhanced loads. He wanted to fill her to the limit with hot batter. The look in her eyes wasn't shock like most girls hers was pure lust almost as if she was asking for more.

Madam Rosmerta moaned deeper and deeper the more seed he pumped into her. After the first seven shots she felt her smile get wider as he felt him keep going. Throwing her head back she let out a deep guttural moan when she reached her limit and from feeling the more hot seed he shot inside of her had triggered another climax for her.

Harry felt the bartender tighten up again just as he stopped cumming inside her. Just from being filled with hot cum she came just as hard as she did before. "Again? You really are just a cum slut aren't you?"

That was a word she had never been called before but in this situation it was very accurate. "I can't help it. This feels so fucking good." Now she just remained stuck in the air with his cock pressing against her cum filled womb. Once he pulled out it was going to come rushing out. Just as she was thinking that Harry laid her back on the crate as he dragged his cock out of her brushing her G spot for good measure on the way out. The way he stared at her when all of his seed came rushing out was by far one of the sluttiest things she ever experienced.

Harry watched as his seed came rushing out of the bartender. With his cock still standing erect and ready he smiled, "So was that good enough for you?" From her red cheeks, hand prints around her waist and cum pouring out of her he liked to think that was enough to satisfy her.

Madam Rosmerta was still trying to catch her breath after that amazing fuck. The look of pure cockiness that was on Harry's face made her scowl. "No one likes a smart ass. And if you must know, yes that was good enough." After a few more heavy pants she added, "It was great in fact. I have never cum so hard and that fast before."

Harry approached her again but this time he got close enough to lay his cock on her clothed chest as he started popping buttons to reveal her massive tits. "You were good too. To be honest I was looking for a girl my age today but there was something about you I couldn't resist." As he said the last part he cupped her bare tits that were braless under her shirt. "You have amazing tits so soft and smooth but I'm sure everyone says that."

Madam Rosmerta was still feeling the effect of her last orgasm leaving her but the feeling of his hard cock laying on her stomach was riling her up again. "Well I guess I couldn't resist either. I usually go for sixth year students and above but you were so sure of yourself I had to see for myself. Then you told me about this and I couldn't resist." As she said "this" she grabbed his cock and lightly stroked him. When she reached the top she felt a few drops ooze over her hand and she couldn't resist bringing it to her mouth. When her tongue came out of her mouth and touched the cum she was expecting something salty and a little bitter but instead it was sugary and sweet. She almost didn't believe what she was tasting. "What the fuck is that?"

Harry blushed and was a little embarrassed that he forgot about Luna's wish. Now he just had to come up with a valid excuse why his cum tasted so good. ""

Madam Rosmerta dipped her hand to her dripping pussy to get more on her fingers to see if she was crazy. Tasting some more it tasted like a sugary sweet. "Is there a potion I don't know about that makes your cum taste better? If I had this in Hogwarts I would have let more boys finish in my mouth." During her time at Hogwarts she was very popular but after the first bitter mouthful of cum she just let boys finish on her chest.

Harry went with her explanation. "Yes, it is a potion I'm working on. Why do you like it?" Luna and Desiree seemed to love the wish but Luna was still a little childish and Desiree usually sucked him off everyday.

Madam Rosmerta nodded, "This is so much better than the salty taste blokes usually have. With this I would even let you finish in my mouth and I never allow that." She had a strict no swallowing policy but this tasted so good she would suck it directly from the tap.

"Okay well I guess the potion was a success then." While he tried to lie all he heard was Desiree cackling in his head. He was trying to act like this was all normal because he hadn't worked out a cover story for his magical cum. Since having sex with Fleur she hadn't sucked him off lately but had been giving up her bum more often.

Madam Rosmerta patted the spot next to her on the crate. Harry picked it up and hopped on the crate ready for what she had promised earlier. Getting up off the crate she felt that her legs were almost jelly and just like she was expecting she felt his cum start to run down her legs. Sliding over in front of Harry he had laid back on the crate letting his cock stand tall for her. "Sit back up. I want to try something."

Harry sat back up and before he could ask what her hand went to the back of his head and pulled him in for a kiss. He held back his shock and did his best to snog the woman. His tongue fought back against hers and explored her mouth as he brought his own hand to the back of her head trying to pull her deeper. On her tongue he could taste of himself but thankfully it was sweet and not salty like he had tasted on Desiree's tongue a couple times.

Madam Rosmerta did this as a test she didn't expect him to pass. She never expected him to be this good of a kisser. But it had made sense that he had a lot of practice if he could shag as good as he did. 'Fuck why does he have to be so fucking perfect.' During their make out session she felt his hands go to her breasts and started groping them. When his fingers found her nipples she gasped in surprise not expecting him to be so rough.

After a few minutes of the hottest snogging session Madam Rosmerta had ever had she pushed him back down. "Enjoy this." Without another word she leaned down and wrapped both of her big breasts around the tower of fuck meat between Harry's legs.

Harry couldn't help but compare her to Amelia and while Amelia had bigger tits Madam Rosmerta was more confident in her movements. More like a woman who has given plenty of titfucks over the years. The tight seal of soft skin around him was perfect. She even took to licking his tip every time it peeked out of her cleavage.

Up and down her she stroked his pulsing and twitching manhood with her breasts which was the best part of her body. Within minutes she heard Harry's breathing get harder and with the twitching of his cock she could tell he was getting close. "Tell me when you are about to cum. I want to swallow it all this time."

Harry was now bucking his hips up as his hand went to the back of Madam Rosmerta's head ready to push her down at a moment's notice. Close to thirty seconds later he pushed her head down and felt her lips seal around the tip of his cock as spurts of cum started to fly out of the tip.

Madam Rosmerta moaned at the warm and sweet cum hitting her tongue. She had to quickly swallow to keep up with the flow of hot cum he shot into her mouth. After the first three gulps she finally felt his flow start to wane. When he was done she gave him one last hard cock to make sure she got everything before she let him go with a pop. Standing up she watched his eyes look at her up and down as if he was trying to memorize the moment. 'I still have it. In my fifties and still can score with a younger man.' Madam Rosmerta lied about her age to everyone and always claimed to be younger than she really was. No one wants to shag a fifty year old. They would much rather shag a desperate forty year old.

Harry couldn't tear his eyes away from her body, especially her heaving breasts. His cock was still hard though, "So are you ready for more."

Madam Rosmerta couldn't believe what she was hearing and seeing. He wasn't soft yet and he still wanted more. When she wanted stamina she didn't mean this much stamina. "What more is there?"

Harry just looked down at her groin and said, "Why don't you turn around and I'll show you."

Madam Rosmerta wasn't stupid enough to let that comment fly over her head, "You can't be serious?"

Harry nodded, "I promise I will be gentle." He tried to give her a little reassurance.

Madam Rosmerta had to draw the line there, "I have never done that before and your cock would tear me in two." She had been asked many times to do that but thanks to her breasts she could always settle for a titfuck instead.

Harry thought she would have jumped at the chance. "Really? I thought you would jump at the chance to take this back there." He would have guessed she would have done this before because even though her breasts stole the show her bum was still a piece of art.

Madam Rosmerta had the decency to blush. "I would need a lot of practice before I even attempt taking that thing back there." She looked at his cock up and down and the thought of taking it in her virgin hole looked like too big of a task.

Harry hopped off the crate, "How about you practice and the next time Hogsmeade rolls around we can give it a try." Next Hogsmeade was fifth year so that would give her plenty of time to practice.

Madam Rosmerta couldn't believe he wanted to do this again. "You would want to shag again?" She thought maybe he was just horny and looked to her as a quick and easy fuck. She never imagined he would want to do it again when he could easily find another girl his own age.

Harry nodded, "Of course didn't you have fun? I had fun and I never turned down a fun shag." Harry had come to love shagging no matter who with as long as they caught his fancy. Madam Rosmerta had caught his fancy in a major way and if he could convince her to take his cock up her bum it would make his domination of her body complete. Harry loved to claim every inch of a girl and know that he forever marked them with his big cock.

Madam Rosmerta looked away for a second and thought about making this promise. If she had until next school year she was sure she could practice enough to try it. "Okay next Hogsmeade during your fifth year I will be ready to give you my ass." With the promise made she closed the distance between them. "But that is only after you fuck me like you did today."

Harry suffered at her seductive voice in his ear. "I can definitely promise that." Madam Rosmerta then climbed on the crate with him and started to roughly ride him with her cum slick pussy. Feeling him stretch her out one last time could keep her satisfied for the next month. While she rode Harry his hands found her tits and even his mouth which greedily sucked from them like she was his personal wet nurse. "Ah Harry you suck so hard." She was sure to have purple nipples by the end of this. That was when she felt his fingers start swirling around her clit before he started to gently bite and pinch her nipple in a way that made her explode.

Harry felt Madam Rosmerta cum from having her tits played with as well as her slamming herself down on his cock over and over. He was still a little ways away. "I'm going to need a few more minutes Madam Rosmerta so I hope you have another in you." With that said his hands went to her wide sexy hips and started to drag her up and down his cock at a much greater pace and depth. Now he lifted her up until just the tip was remaining before slamming her down. He could still feel her thighs shaking as he fucked her through her orgasm.

Madam Rosmerta almost couldn't breathe as she was experiencing a big orgasm while Harry was shagging her just as hard as he did in his arms. While her orgasms were normally short and sweet he was extending this orgasm by the minute. It never fully went away as he just kept shagging her harder and harder. By the time it finally started to wane she felt another building. "Oh fuck I'm gonna cum again. You are making me cum too much." She never thought those words would come out of her mouth but she didn't think she could walk by the time he was done with her.

Harry didn't respond and kept grunting as he kept inching closer to the cliff. "Here it comes." That was all the warning he gave her before he came again but this time he came with everything he had and didn't hold back. Her pussy was just so inviting and with his previous cum shot it was so slippery and warm he slid in and out with no issue. Her pussy molded around his in just the way which made him cum the hardest. 'I have yet to find a pussy I haven't liked but there is something special about doing it with an older woman.'

Desiree smiled at that, liking to think her adult body has something to do with that. He learned to please a woman with her adult woman body and learned every trick and secret of her body. She was proud of Harry for not discriminating like some of her old masters who wouldn't fuck a girl who was over the age of twenty. Men who would just replace women as if they had no meaning. Harry cared for every woman in a special way. Even Draco's mother affected him in some way that made him treat her with a loving affection instead of giving her his roughest shag possible as a form of revenge. While it might be considered rough for Narcissa, Desiree knew it wasn't a third of how rough he could be. Those were lessons she loved teaching because it always ended with her getting her brains shagged out.

Madam Rosmerta let out a final wail as she felt her cunt being filled with another cup of hot spunk. In her head she called it her cunt because he had fucked it like he was paying for it. Even with her on top he dominated her in such a way that made her feel so dirty. She nearly collapsed in his arms but instead rubbed her stomach almost not believing how full her womb felt. Her midsection had a little jiggle to it and now that she was feeling it with her hands she felt self-conscious about it. Had it been jiggling in front of Harry the whole time she was riding his cock. All these thoughts were running through her head and she nearly forgot about the wonderful orgasm she had just had. 'Focus on this feeling, Elizabeth. Savor the feeling of all this cock and spunk filling you up because it's going to be another year before you feel it again.'

Harry pushed some of her sweaty hair out of her face before bringing her in for another kiss sealing an end to what was the perfect shag. Both parties kissed the other with a deep passion for the moment and how they made the other feel. Madam Rosmerta was thanking him for the multiple orgasms and Harry was thanking her for just being her and giving him access to her body. While he didn't get her bum he was more than happy with the way this turned out.

Slowly Madam Rosmerta pulled herself off Harry's cock with a small whine because her body was gripping it so tight it almost didn't want to let him go. She took pleasure that he also made a small groan and they were both probably thinking the same thing. Standing in the center of the store room Madam Rosmerta stared as Harry slowly stood up and his cock bobbed up and down. 'Any girl should count themselves lucky to feel a cock like that at least once.'

Now with the fact there was no more sex to be had he felt his cock slowly start to go back to normal. Madam Rosmerta started to get dressed and had to cast a few well needed cleaning charms on herself. Harry followed suit and by the time he was dressed he added, "I will see you next Hogsmeade." With a turn around he silently wished for a exact replica of his cock in sex toy form in a gift wrapped box.

Desiree came through in a second and he turned around and presented her the box. Madam Rosmerta gave him a curious look before unwrapping her gift like an excited child on Christmas morning. Opening the box after tearing the gift wrapping off she saw what looked like a cut off piece of anatomy. She nearly dropped the box but she realized that it was an exact replica of Harry's cock and it looked to almost be life-like. She swore she could see a pulse through the big veins that crisscrossed down the shaft. Picking it up she could feel it's warmth and she gasped, "How is this possible?"

Harry smiled, "Let's say when you have a cock like mine girls want to have it all the time. I'm giving this to you to practice so you are ready for the next Hogsmeade or when you just feel lonely and want a reminder of my big cock." Harry smiled wider as she gave him a small glare at his cockiness.

Madam Rosmerta didn't know what to say but she was going to put this to good use as soon as possible. This might even curb her need to bed customers which she only did when her wand didn't do the job or was super horny but now Harry had set the bar so high she didn't know if she could go back. Half of the blokes she shagged couldn't make her cum anyway at least with their cocks or tongues. Most just played with her clit until she came, which was almost cheating. "Thank you for the gift. I can assure you I will be using it regularly." She hated the smug smile that had washed over him as she knew he was picturing her using it when she felt lonely. Madam Rosmerta smiled back at him, "Will now get out of here it's suspicious enough already. I'm sure people are looking for you." The Hogsmeade trip had to be close to ending soon. Students were already leaving by the time they came back here.

Harry gave her one last small peck on the lips before heading out of the room first with Madam Rosmerta waiting in the room for a few minutes so they didn't come out together. Madam Rosmerta blushed red at the peck because it was almost hotter than some of their other kisses. It was almost like they were a married couple leaving for work in the morning. 'That boy doesn't know how he affects a girl's feelings. An afternoon with him and I am tempted to get down on one knee and ask him to marry me. Who wouldn't love to have that stud in their bed every night for the rest of their lives.'

Harry quickly left the bar and made it out on main street and barely took two steps before he heard. "Mr. Potter, where the bloody hell have you been?"

Harry turned to see Professor Vector come storming up to him clearly upset. "" Harry stammered out not knowing how to answer. He wasn't expecting to be yelled at so soon and when he was feeling so happy a second ago.

Professor Vector looked at Harry Potter and saw he was sweaty and his hair was more messed up than usual. As she stormed closer and closer she could smell the smell of sex on the boy. It was so shocking to her that she tried to not even address it. "You are the only student not back at the castle and I have been looking for you for the last fifteen minutes. I have been in every shop."

Harry pointed to the bar, "I was just having a drink in there." He kept his answers short trying to not anger the woman anymore than she already was. He hadn't seen a woman this angry at him since his aunt Petunia whenever he burned the food.

Septima looked to where he was pointing and saw it was The Three Broomsticks and she knew for a fact that was one of the first places she checked. When she walked into the bar Madam Rosmerta wasn't there and neither was Harry she even went and checked in the bathrooms. Narrowing her eyes she wanted to be more inquiring but at the same time she didn't get paid enough to delve into the sex lives of students. It was bad enough when she patrolled and she caught students in broom closets. "We just need to get back to the castle, dinner is starting soon."

Professor Vector led him to the last carriage at the edge of Hogsmeade. Once inside Septima could definitely smell what she knew to be sex on the student. Part of her wanted to tell and scold the boy but with her running late for dinner with Aurora it wasn't worth the trouble. The most she said after a few minutes into their ride was, "Skip dinner and go take a shower."

Harry had the decency to blush. Desiree was also in the carriage and was talking to Harry through their link, 'This is your chance master.' Desiree wanted to steer her master into the arms of this woman. She was a dark haired beauty that was someone Desiree felt an intense attraction to. She knew her master felt the same but he didn't have many opportunities to make a move. If he was in her class he could stay after and work his charm that she cultivated.

Harry saw the look in the Professor's eyes and saw she wasn't in the mood for any shenanigans. It was not the receptive mood he was hoping for. "Thanks for the advice, professor. I must have forgotten to take a shower before coming down here."

That made Septima angrily tap her first on the floor of the carriage as she held back from saying anything. This was the longest carriage ride of her life because she was holding back from yelling at the boy. She had a good idea of what went on in that bar in being friends with Madam Rosmerta or at least acquaintances. Sitting in silence the rest of the ride back to the castle once back in the courtyard they went their separate ways without another word said between them.

Aurora Sinistra was waiting for her best friend Septima Vector to join her for dinner in her classroom which had a perfect view of the night sky and the school grounds. The elves had already brought the food and it was under stasis as she waited. As far as she knew Septima had Hogsmeade duty but the students should have been back by now. There must have been a lollygagger who needed a kick in the butt to get back to the castle.

Another ten minutes went by before Septima burst through the doors undoing her scarf and throwing off her thicker robes. "Sorry. Sorry I'm late." Septima was polite and overly apologetic.

Aurora poured the woman a goblet of wine that she looked like she needed, "It's fine. Long day at Hogsmeade?" She said the last part sarcastically as Septima took the goblet and started sipping the wine. The teachers always drew straws on who would chaperone and this was Septima's second loss in a row. It was at that moment Aurora joined her in partaking of the wine.

Septima finished half the goblet before saying, "There was one student who held me up Harry fucking Potter. He was supposed to head back to the castle close to an hour ago but no one could find him. I searched all the shops on the street and was about to message Dumbledore but the little shit came out of The Three Broomsticks with his hair all messed up and reeking of sex." That made Aurora nearly choke on the sip of wine that she took. Coughing up the wine that had gone down the wrong pipe she needed multiple coughs to clear the problem. Septima had run around the table and put a hand on her back and checked she was okay. "Aurora, are you okay?"

"I am okay...I just wasn't expecting that." She didn't know what to expect to be honest. Part of her knew that Harry Potter was too good at sex for him to not be getting practice elsewhere. There was also the fact that if what Septima said was true he didn't have sex with a student. "Are you sure you aren't being a little paranoid?"

Septima leveled a serious look at her best friend, "Yes. I can even guess who it was with." Taking another big sip from her goblet she prepared for the big reveal. "Madam Rosmerta."

Aurora gasped, "No way she is like in her early fifties. Harry wouldn't go for someone like that."

Septima tilted her head at the familiar tone her friend used when talking about Harry Potter. "She is a well known slut with giant knockers. I think that is every boy's type." Her friend had a look of disbelief so she continued, "You know the rumors about her. There are a bunch of students over the years who have said they shagged her. Remember Bill Weasley? The rumor with him was that he was tipsy on nine Butterbeers and asked her for a blowjob and she took him to the back and dropped to her knees. That isn't counting all the other rumors we hear about. All I know is that I checked the bar and her elf was behind the bar and neither of them were to be found." While she was friends with Madam Rosmerta didn't mean she had to like all of her choices. Septima couldn't imagine putting it out in the open how easy she was.

Aurora just wanted this conversation to end. "Let's just eat dinner and talk about something else." Septima agreed as Aurora waved her wand over their meal, cancelling the stasis charms.

They quickly dug into their meal and talked about other school related topics. As they talked both of them had started drinking more and more wine. Within the meal they had finished a bottle of wine between the two of them. Septima had made the decision to call an elf to get them another bottle.

By the time they made it halfway through the second bottle of wine their meal was finished on the table and Aurora and Septima were sitting in the classroom part of the room. Funny enough Aurora had chosen the desk where Harry had shagged her their first time together. Her mind went back to that moment and she felt her face and body get hot remembering the feeling of touching his big cock.

Septima was staring at her friend who had gone silent and was lost in her own little world. She also swore she could see a little blush pushing through her dark complexion. "You okay Aurora? You look a little lost there."

Aurora couldn't stop the next words from coming out of her mouth. This was her eleventh goblet of wine and she was well past tipsy. "I had sex with Harry Potter." The words fell out of her mouth so fast she couldn't put them back in.

This time it was Septima's turn to start choking on her sip of wine. Septima kept coughing while her brain tried to comprehend what her friend just said. Once she got a hold of herself she put down the goblet. "Are you taking the piss?"

Aurora put her head down feeling her best friend judge her. 'Good job Aurora you couldn't just keep your mouth shut.' Trying to think of a lie or an out she realized there was no use running from it now. Looking up into her best friend's green eyes she said, "It's true."

Septima was tipsy also and didn't know how to react to that news. Part of her wanted to be angry and another part felt for her friend. "Why would you sleep with a student?" While it was true she had a few cute students over the years she never thought of sleeping with them.

Aurora shifted in her seat. "The first time I couldn't tell you. He had an erection and he couldn't get rid of it so I just helped him out." Thinking of that day she just attributed it to her being so sex starved she had a major lapse in judgement.

Septima rolled her eyes at that explanation, "You wanted to help him take care of an erection. Come off it Aurora just wait a few minutes and it would have gone down on its own."

Aurora put her hands up in defense, "You didn't see it Septima. He is so big I just couldn't help myself." She wasn't that big of a slut but when she saw that big bulge her mind quickly let it happen.

Septima couldn't believe it, "How big could it possibly be, he is a fourth year?" She had caught many students mid sex and they are all just average at best. She had never once seen a cock that she would want.

Aurora spaced her hands out about ten inches or maybe a bit more, "He is big Septima and he really knows what he is doing. He did it so well I let him keep doing it."

Septima then picked up her goblet and downed what was left inside before pouring more in. She needed a drink to make this make sense. "You let him do it more than once?" She could almost forget this being a mistake and this was her best friend's confession but if it was ongoing then it wasn't a mistake.

Shamefully she nodded her head, "I couldn't help it, Septima. I even let him shag my ass and he made me cum so hard." The last part she revealed because her mind couldn't stop it due to the alcohol. That wasn't something she wanted to reveal to her friend.

Septima was in the middle of a drink but spit it out hearing her friend confess to being buggered. "Aurora! What has gotten into you?" Septima never thought her friend would like something that dirty.

Aurora felt humiliated the way her friend looked at her, "Don't judge me. You don't have him as a student so you don't see him everyday. This year I have seen his house turn his back on him and half the school is wearing pins that say he stinks. Add on top of that he is in a tournament that could kill him so excuse me if I might have felt bad for him and wanted to cheer him up." Her stern friend was taking this just as hard as she imagined.

Septima couldn't argue with what her friend said and she knew that Harry had a hard life, certainly harder than any other student. "Okay, setting aside the why, let's talk about how it was."

Aurora definitely blushed now and couldn't wait to go into detail. She had been dying to talk about this with someone. "It is amazing Septima. He has this charm that is boylike but also he has a confidence that he knows what he is doing. I promise you if he did shag Madam Rosmerta then she has never had it better than she did today."

Septima couldn't believe her friend was talking so highly of a student's sexual prowess. "He is a fourth year student, how good can he be?"

"He is good, almost too good. I don't know who taught him but they did an excellent job. I have a deal worked out with him that he can do other work in my class and I will pass him on every test if he shags me at least once a week." Aurora could feel her knickers start to get wet talking and thinking about all the times Harry took her in this room.

Septima's jaw dropped at that reveal, "I can't believe this." Part of her now was very interested in Harry Potter. Maybe it was the alcohol talking but she could feel her knickers get a little wet at the mental images of Harry Potter shagging her friend. "I want specifics. What does he have that is so special besides his big cock?"

Aurora didn't have to think long, "Everything. He has eaten me out pussy and asshole all and each time he makes sure I cum before he moves on. His power that he puts into his thrusts make it seem like he is going to break you in half but it feels too good to stop. I have had bruises from the desk on my legs from how hard he pounded me."

Septima made a small whine at that description. That was everything she ever wanted but never found a man who could give it to her. "You said he buggered you, how did that feel?" She needed to know how and why her friend let him do that to her.

"I wasn't on board at first but he did enough prep and teasing it was impossible not to enjoy it as he slid it all inside me. It felt weird at first and different from regular sex but you quickly get used to it." She always wondered how he knew about it and how he was so good at it. "Again I don't know who taught him but he clearly had someone who taught him all this stuff because he really enjoyed buggering me."

That was something Septima wouldn't think she would be into. "So he is just a little sex god walking the halls?" It all seemed too good to be true like all the other legends wrapped around Harry Potter.

Aurora nodded, "Yes. I don't know if he goes for girls his own age because even Fleur Delacour was older than him and a Veela. I would put my entire salary betting on the fact that they shagged after the ball." That Veela was always on Harry when they were in public and she was sure that was because he made her purr like a kitten.

"So he needs a woman or a Veela to keep him satisfied?" Septima asked.

Aurora shrugged, "I don't know but it's hard to believe him doing everything he did with me with Hermione Granger for instance." She just couldn't see Harry doing anything with her on a student his own age without breaking them in half. The Hospital Wing would be filled with girls who had trouble walking after one of his shags. She even had a limp after a few and she was an adult.

Septima had Hermione in class and couldn't see her or any fourth year doing the wild sex that her friend talked about. "No wonder he seeked out Madam Rosmerta. She probably didn't say no to anything and let him bugger her all day long."

Aurora nodded, "I don't blame her. His body is pretty incredible when you get the uniform off. You should see his chest and abs." She was almost drooling thinking about the first time she saw him naked. His abs and lean body leading to his enormous cock looked almost like it didn't belong in a body his size.

Septima had seen the second task and saw his body in a tight swim shirt and could see what she meant. "I can see what you mean. I saw him during the second task although I'm sure most people were paying attention to the Veela."

"Have you ever thought about shagging a student?" Aurora changed the subject by asking a prying question.

Septima blushed, "No. No. No." She said defiantly but after an intense stare from her best friend she cracked. "Once he was one of my best students before Hermione Granger. He had a love for Arithmancy and while he looked a little above average I really thought about it." She still talked with that student from time to time and wrote him numerous recommendations. He was hired by the Ministry and kept her up to date with what they were doing in their experiments.

Aurora saw her friend getting a little flustered. "When you were around Harry today did you feel anything?" She was curious to know if Harry was her friend's type.

Septima thought about it and while she was angry she did feel a small pull for him in the carriage ride back. "Maybe but I was already angry thinking I was going to be late for this dinner."

Aurora had an idea and it was a very bad idea. "Septima, I want you to look through my memories. I want you to see what I see."

Septima went wide-eyed at her friend opening up her mind to her. "Are you sure?" Part of her was too curious to turn this down. She wanted to see why her friend was so taken by a fourth year student. 'She says it's the best sex ever so let's see if she is telling the truth.'

Aurora nodded, slouching her shoulders in surrender, "Do it." This was clearly the wine talking but she didn't see the drawback of showing her friend all of her sexual memories.

Septima pulled her wand from her pocket and pointed it at her friend which was something she had never done before. "Legilimens." She soon felt an out of body experience as she was transported in her friend's head. The first memory she entered Harry Potter was laying on a desk with Aurora wanking him off. Septima was blown away by the size of Harry's cock and now seeing it first hand her friend wasn't lying. Then when her friend demanded he cum she didn't expect the quantity of cum that shot out from just her hand. 'Wow that's a lot of spunk.'

When she saw her friend lick her hand she thought 'slut'. Then her friend climbed on top of him and let his giant cock slowly penetrate her. It was amazing her friend was able to take something so big. Septima would have been a little worried something that big could have hurt her. She has never had anything more than an inch or two above average.

As it progressed Harry became more aggressive and even held Aurora's bum in the air as he thrust up and shoved every inch into her as hard as possible. She never thought she would see her friend's orgasm face but she saw it clear as day right now.

The memory quickly changed to Aurora bent over her desk with Harry behind her shagging her slower than he was in the memory before. As Septima walked around she saw why it was slower his cock was buried in her asshole. Slow rhythmic pumps made Aurora moan and even say how much she enjoyed being fucked in the ass.

After a few minutes of this Aurora even asked for him to fill her ass up with his seed. Watching she saw Harry's orgasm face as he pumped a load inside her friend's tight ass. After another minute he pulled out to lay next to her on the desk. Septima had a front row seat to see her friend's asshole gaping and leaking a large amount of cum.

It was at that moment Septima felt her friend push her out. Now back in the Astronomy classroom she felt that her knickers were soaked and she imagined Aurora's were in the same state. Aurora broke the silence first, "So do you see what I am talking about?"

Septima was panting, "Yes. I get it. I have to say I'm even a little jealous." She didn't expect to feel this way but watching her friend lose herself like that was something to behold.

"I know I shouldn't say this but ask him to come by your office after dinner one night. I promise you won't be disappointed." Aurora said. Her friend needed to unwind and personally she never felt more unwound than after Harry paid her a visit.

Septima was a little nervous about openly propositioning a student like that. "I will think about it." She would see if she felt the same way tomorrow when she was sober. Right now she was almost so drunk and she would tell an elf to bring him to them right now if she still didn't have a shred of self control left.

The two professors soon said their goodbyes and Septima went back to her room while Aurora went to her's. Both of them had spent some time with their wands and a strong vibrating charm thinking about the black messy haired student. One feeling then times more guilty than the other.