Chapter 49 part 3

Back with Harry

The world went black for Harry but suddenly it was filled with light as he was brought to a blinding white replica of some house. It was a place he had vague memories of like he had been here before but he didn't know when. Looking around he was about to call out before two forms started to take shape. If he had his wand he would have got into a defensive stance but now that he was dead there was nothing he could do.

The forms had taken the shape of his long lost parents who were smiling and near tears seeing their son again after all these years. Harry felt his heart break seeing his mum and dad. They looked just like they did in the Mirror of Erised. "Mum, dad!"

Lily Potter extended her arms as Harry ran into them as a child would. Lily took the moment to just hold her teenage son and take in her only chance to do so. "My baby boy."

James was smiling seeing his son and wife embrace each other. "Hey son. Funny seeing you here." The Marauder jokes.

Harry pulled away from his mum who sadly didn't have any motherly warmth in the afterlife. "I tried to save Sirius. I just couldn't watch him die. He is all I have left." Harry wouldn't have been able to take his godfather's death. While this wasn't any better it was just sinking in that he left Desiree and all of his girlfriends behind.

James smiled, "All you have left. From what we see you aren't that lonely." James said with obvious pride in his voice.

Harry would have been scarlet if he could blush at the moment. "You see that?" That was the most embarrassing thing he could think of. His parents were watching him shag from behind the grave.

Lily decided to cut in, "We try not to but it's a big part of your life apparently. We would be having an entirely different conversation if we were still alive or if we had the time." There were many things she wanted to comment on but they were running short on time.

Harry dropped his head feeling a little embarrassed. If they saw everything then they would have maybe seen the things he wasn't entirely proud of. Unable to help himself Harry asked, "Are you two proud of me?" Harry asked.

James was very proud of his son despite some of his wife's misgivings about the situation he was in finding that genie bottle. "Of course we are, son. At least I am if not a little jealous, you sure know how to enjoy life, that's for sure." That earned him a smack on the arm from his wife. "Ow!"

Lily didn't want her son to feel bad despite her objections to a few choices he has made over the last year. "Harry...I am proud of you but I won't lie and tell you that was the life I envisioned for you. As much as I would love to smack around this Desiree for this harem idea...if it makes you happy then do it. We gave our lives for you to be happy. That's all we have ever wanted." Having her son be happy was all she could ask for now. While she didn't agree with the harem it looked like she was going to get many grandchildren out of it.

While it was sad they weren't there to enjoy it she could watch from afar. That was more than she could ever hope for. Lily just wanted the best for her son and on the bright side multiple women might be the firm hand he needed to keep him in line. By in line she meant not so reckless with his life in his attempt to throw it away.

Harry looked up and smiled at his parents hearing them be okay with his possible harem. "Wait, if I'm dead then what does it matter about my harem?" Harry asked.

James stepped in, "You aren't dead yet. You are currently in between worlds as you make your choice on whether or not you want to go back." James thought that option was an obvious one.

Harry was shocked he got a say in what happened to him. "So I can go back?"

Lily nodded, "Yes. There were two souls inside you, one was a soul piece from Voldemort. You can stay with us but I think you know what you have to do." Lily wanted nothing more than to be with her son but she knew if he chose them the wizarding world would be doomed. He was the only one to finish Voldemort for good. There was also the fact she wanted him to have plenty of babies and live a very fulfilling life.

Harry nodded, "I know I have to go back. I want to finish Voldemort once and for all. I need to do that for my girls." Harry couldn't bear the thought of failing Desiree, Daphne, Fleur, Astoria, Narcissa, Tonks, Hermione or any of the other girls counting on him.

James gave his son a hug, "Give this to Padfoot and Moony for me. And tell them to stop blaming themselves for my death. Oh and don't forget to tell them to track down the rat and feed him to Hermione's cat."

Lily then took her moment to give her son another hug. "Be a good man, be a good husband and be a good father. I hope you find your true happiness but don't forget that. Don't fail your wives and children. And you better marry all those girls before they start having babies."

Harry let out a small unexpected laugh as his mum patted him on the back. As they broke the hug he gave his parents one last look before he made the decision to live. Soon his parents faded back to black before his eyes shot open and he was back in the Death Chamber.

Sirius was sobbing when in the span of a minute Harry came gasping back to life. "Pup! Pup! You are alive!" It was a relief seeing his godson's eyes open when he thought he was gone for good.

Nobody could believe that Harry was still alive even Desiree who was by his side thought that was the end. "Master." Unable to hold back she wrapped her arms around Harry and tackled him back to the ground as she kissed his cheeks and neck, shocking everyone around Harry who didn't know.

Sirius and Moony we're both shocked and confused as to why Desiree would call him master. As for Daphne, Fleur, Tonks and Hermione they just kept silent. They were all happy Harry was alive but Desiree had a deeper connection than anyone could have imagined.

Harry pat Desiree on the back as she started to cry now that he was breathing again, "It's okay I'm not going anywhere. I love you." Well that was partly a lie because he still had to confront Voldemort. But now that he knew there were no do overs and that this was everything he was going to give it his all.

Without Voldemort's soul piece in his head Harry was renewed with a new energy. He felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders for the first time in his life, his head felt clear. "Let me up."

Everyone crowding Harry soon spread out a little more so he could get to his feet. Harry grabbed his wand off the floor and looked at all of his loved ones. "Just one more to go." Harry wished he could enjoy not being dead for two minutes before facing Voldemort but he had no time to rest.

Sirius and Remus knew he had to finish the plan but after watching him nearly die they didn't want him to go it alone. But they also knew Dumbledore was going to join him which was better than either of them. "Go get him pup." Sirius said.

Desiree kissed Harry on the lips before saying, "Don't you dare die and leave me alone here without you." For the minute she felt alone was the worst pain her heart had ever felt. She couldn't imagine going through it again.

Harry reassured her that he wouldn't and that went for all of his girls. Daphne had even taken off her scarf so her face was finally visible to get a goodbye kiss with the rest of his girls. All of them received a kiss before Harry saw Moody and Neville walking up towards them. "What happened to you?" He asked Neville who looked like he got the worst of it. His friend was covered from face to chest in blood and looked like he needed a shower. Looking down he also saw that Neville was carrying the sword of Gryffindor.

Moody answered for the boy, "This lad finally put an end to Bellatrix Lestrange. You should thank him for avenging you Potter." Moody barked out a laugh at his own morbid joke.

Harry smiled at his best male friend. One who had been with him thick and thin with his undying loyalty. "Thanks for avenging me Neville although I'm sure your parents would say the same thing." Harry was proud of Neville for doing what he came here to do. Now it was just left for him to do the same.

Neville nodded, still unable to speak with the emotions still hitting him. The shock of killing someone was secondary to the shock of his life nearly being over and coming out on the other side. He had stared death in the face and survived by pulling a sword out of who knows where.

Harry smoothed out his clothes before gripping his wand and saying, "I will see you all soon." Looking at all of his friends and girlfriends this is what he had to fight for. This is what mattered and filled Harry with a renewed purpose.

A chorus of, "You better" to "Love you" and "Kill the bastard" were all said as Harry walked towards the hallway to the atrium.

Walking into the empty atrium Harry felt a cold wash over him as the hair on the back of his neck stood up. Walking out into the middle of the atrium he could feel he wasn't alone. With a quick flick of the wand behind him he turned around to see Voldemort shield himself from his quick bone breaker.

Voldemort was surprised Harry was this quick. "I see Lucius has failed. Give me the prophecy now and I will let you live." Voldemort held out his hand expectantly.

Harry raised his wand ready for a fight, "Lucius is dead and he broke the prophecy." The widening of Voldemort's eyes made it all worth it. Voldemort failed and had fallen into his trap. He just didn't know it yet.

Voldemort snarled, wishing Lucius was still alive to punish later. He could tell Harry wasn't lying but sensed something was different now. "No matter. I guess I will just have to kill you here and now." Without another word he sent a quick flurry of spells at Harry.

Harry saw the spells coming before he harmlessly batted them away and out of the air. "Come on Voldyballs I expected better." Harry taunted.

"Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort shot off a killing curse hoping to wipe the smug look off of Harry's face.

Harry quickly dodged the spell before launching a stream of purple fire from his wand trying to cook Voldemort alive. He kept up the stream for close to twenty seconds before he felt something coming his way. With a quick roll out of the way he just barely dodged a nasty looking blue spell.

With Harry back to his feet he saw that the bottom of Voldemort's robes were burned and his face was dirty as he was snarling at him. Harry then realized that the fire spell took more out of him than he realized.

Just before Voldemort was about to strike, the roar of the green flame from the Floo filled the room as Dumbledore stepped out with his wand drawn. "It was foolish of you to come here tonight, Tom. The Aurors are on their way"

Voldemort took a step back to reposition himself, "By which time I shall be gone and you...shall be dead." Voldemort then gave away the game as he scrunched up his face before he attacked. Voldemort changed targets realizing that Dumbledore was the bigger threat at this moment.

Dumbledore saw it coming and quickly shooed Harry away with a magical push before engaging with Voldemort. A beam of white and pale blue came from both of their wands and connected as one tried to beat the other in a contest of power. He also saw it as an opportunity to shoot some bolts of lightning at Harry who was just getting to his feet. Harry blocked the bolts before sending a blood boiling curse his way.

Voldemort saw it coming and quickly used the opening to turn his spell into a giant flame basilisk to block Harry's spell and to finish Dumbledore for good. Letting out an evil laugh Voldemort thought his victory was assured as the basilisk raced towards his two enemies.

Dumbledore saw the giant snake coming and when it got close enough he cut his wand through the air before the snake lost its form and he redirected all of the fire back at Voldemort himself.

Voldemort had to let loose a gale of wind to blow away the flame before it reached him. With the fire blocking his view he was unable to see what spell Dumbledore used next. Before he knew it water rushed around him and he was stuck in a water prison.

Harry was hoping Dumbledore would just drown him here and now and watched as the giant ball of water was crushing Voldemort. 'I keep forgetting we need the fucker alive.' Getting caught up in the moment Harry just wanted to put Voldemort down like Neville did Bellatrix.

Said dark lord was struggling to breathe completely submerged in the water and with everything he had he casted a blasting spell that made the ball lose the shape which made it crash to the ground. With no time to waste Voldemort jumped to his feet and cast a dark spell at Dumbledore and Harry which was a blast of pure black.

Harry shielded himself behind Dumbledore which was a smart move because he had never seen this spell before. Dumbledore used everything he had to block it before repelling it back to Voldemort. The battle was now clearly showing Dumbledore's age as these dark spells were making him react slower and just in the knick of time.

The dark lord absorbed the blowback and contained it into a ball of pure black energy. All before letting the force explode shattering all the glass in the entire Ministry. Voldemort was still left standing while Harry and Dumbledore were blown back off their feet.

With his hands clasped above his head Voldemort focused his magic to gather these millions upon millions of glass shards and direct them at the downed forms of Harry Potter and Dumbledore. "Argh." Voldemort groaned. It took a considerable effort to control this many moving objects with just magic. While he was powerful it was taking a lot out of him.

Harry was a little quicker on his feet and before Dumbledore could react Harry swiped his wand and the tiled floor shot up to provide a barrier between them and the flying glass. Harry made sure it was extra thick so the glass would either bounce off or shatter upon impact.

Voldemort wasn't expecting this and watched as every piece bounced off the solid black rock and tile barrier. Once everything was spent and all the glass was gone Voldemort was ready to blow away the barrier before the barrier shot out at him.

Harry was behind the barrier and with all of his strength he blasted the barrier outwards so the spikes of tile shot out towards Voldemort. With the barrier gone he saw that it did hit Voldemort and that the dark lord was blasted off his feet with the wind knocked out of him as well as a few cuts.

Dumbledore didn't know how much longer he could last and knew that he didn't have enough energy to beat Voldemort himself. Seeing Harry be the aggressor and take everything he had learned to fight Voldemort made him realize he was wrong. He was wrong for dragging this out and trying to hide Harry. Clearly he was ready to fulfill the prophecy. "Harry, disarm me and take my wand." He said in a rush.

Harry didn't think and casted a nonverbal Expelliarmus at Dumbledore before his wand landed in his hand. He didn't know why Dumbledore told him to do this until he felt a new energy from Dumbledore's wand. Once the cold wood touched his hand he felt a calming cool come over him as well as a new power that tripled his own. 'Oh I like this.' Harry thought before he sent a blasting spell to the ground in front of Voldemort. "Bombarda."

Unable to block the attack Voldemort felt himself being blown back as the ground in front of him exploded. His wand flew from his hand as he landed a few dozen feet away from the Floo. He knew he was beaten and he had to get out of here before he was killed by Harry Potter. He didn't expect this turn of events and didn't know how he was caught so off guard. As he made a crawl slash run for the Floo to escape, Aurors started coming out with their wands drawn at him before the gates came down behind them.

Amelia Bones walked through the Floo with her wand raised at Voldemort. "You aren't going anywhere." This was the moment she had been waiting for. To have the bastard trapped like a rat.

Just as Voldemort was about to try and apparate he felt that he couldn't. "Anti-apparition wards?"

Amelia smiled and nodded, "Yes. It's over. I would tell you to drop your wand but it seems you already have." With all that said, she and the Aurors started to advance while the Order started to run into the room. Amelia only had seven trustworthy Aurors with her and she hoped it would be enough.

Voldemort felt like a caged animal and was snarling at everyone as he tried to back up to find a way out of this trap. "You haven't won anything. I am Lord Voldemort. Even if you think you have caught me I will just escape and then I will find you and murder your entire family. I have death eaters everywhere. We purebloods will not be denied our victory."

Amelia saw that Harry was slowly coming up behind Voldemort to cut him off. "That very well might be true but I promise we will be flushing out all your followers. I made a promise that they will all be killed to make sure this never happens again."

Voldemort laughed at Amelia Bones and everyone who was flowing into the atrium. "I am immortal. You think that I will die here or in Azkaban? No, I will live forever. I have found immortality, no one can kill me." As he was speaking he had his arms outstretched while his eyes searched on the ground for his wand. That was his only way out of this.

From behind Harry saw what Voldemort wanted to do as he slowly walked back towards him. Once Harry saw his opening he took it. When Voldemort spread his arms into a cross position Harry casted two severing curses right at his wrists to make sure Voldemort never held a wand again. That also destroyed any chance of him escaping.

Voldemort felt his hands be severed and with a quick burst of pain he fell to his knees as he tried to grab his hands but all he had was stumps. Looking around he saw that his hands fell next to him dead and unusable. Crying out for the first time since he was a child he felt blood shoot out from his stumps. "Aahhhhh! What have you done?"

Amelia wasn't expecting that level of brutality from Harry or to see the terrifying dark lord on his knees looking so weak and beaten. "Aurors secure the prisoner and make sure he doesn't bleed to death." Amelia was now briefed on the situation of Voldemort's "immortality." If you could call it that, it was more of an abomination if anything.

Aurors soon tackled Voldemort to the ground and secured his arms before beginning field first aid which was cauterizing the wounds with a high flame. With Incendio charms they made sure to stop the bleeding while Voldemort screamed out in pain.

Voldemort's screams were ear piercing but no one felt sorry for the monster. He had tortured and murdered who knows how many people. Harry couldn't take anymore and casted a silence spell on Voldemort so he could talk to the others. "We need to question him on his soul pieces."

Dumbledore was back to his feet and after picking up Voldemort's wand. He felt a kinship for his phoenix's feather. "Yes, Harry is right. Voldemort has created soul anchors and to end his immortality we need to find and destroy them all."

Dumbledore was still in shock that this plan of Harry's had worked so well. Voldemort was now rendered useless as he no longer had hands and was unable to pick up a wand ever again. It had gone just like Tonks had said. While he tried to keep Harry out of the fight for as long as possible that was clearly a mistake. He underestimated his strength and his ability to take on his responsibility. Forced to grow up so young and the events of the year before had clearly changed him. Now Harry was a true fighter and a duelist worthy of the Elder Wand.

Dumbledore never wanted to give it up but knew Harry couldn't have beaten Voldemort without it. Their wands were brother wands and couldn't kill the other while his wand might have been the only one that could have done the job. Now that Voldemort was captured and would soon lead them to the other soul pieces he felt that the hard part was over.

Just as the Aurors got Voldemort to his feet one of the Floo's roared into life before the Minister walked through after raising the gates. "What is going on here?" The short man waddled through the atrium demanding to know what was going on. Next to him was Percy Weasley and Rita Skeeter.

Harry smiled at seeing Rita again and giving her a little heads up to be ready for this moment. While he didn't go into specifics he was sure she was going to be very happy getting to scoop before any other reporters.

The Minister had stomped his way towards Dumbledore and Harry but his steps had become smaller and more terrified as he saw the bald, snake faced dark lord. ""

Harry couldn't believe people voted for this ineffectual weakling. Stepping forward he decided to take over the answers. "Oh you mean the dark lord you said was dead. The same prick you decided to rake me over the coals for all year. Why yes, that is Voldemort." Harry was furious that he had to do all the dirty work. "Don't worry though, Minister, I did your job for you."

Raising his voice Harry said loud enough for everyone to hear, "I have captured Voldemort and we have killed his inner circle of death eaters. A group of school children lured the dark lord here and with the help of Amelia Bones we laid a trap for them. It is because of us that the wizarding world will sleep safe tonight."

The Minister was gaping like a fish trying to think of a retort while everyone whispered and Rita wrote down everything Harry Potter said. As he was formulating a response Percy stepped up, "That's enough Harry. You have broken the law by breaking into the Ministry and waging a war here breaking who knows how many laws. Madam Bones, we want Harry Potter arrested at this time."

Amelia and all of the gathered Aurors looked around and let out a small chuckle at the idea of arresting Harry Potter. They literally had Voldemort wrapped in chains three feet away and the Minister and his pet wanted to arrest the person who made this all possible. "Mr. Weasley that is the most idiotic thing I think I have ever heard. Mr. Potter had the backing of me and the Aurors to be here to set this trap. The trap that worked and just prematurely ended a war. You and your boss should be on your knees thanking him. So don't expect anyone in my department to arrest him." Amelia received a chorus of agreements from other Aurors as well as the Order and Harry's friends.

It was at that moment Fudge noticed Sirius Black was in the atrium. Pointing with a surprised look on his face he yelled, "Sirius Black! It's Sirius Black! Arrest him before he gets away."

Harry quickly stepped between Sirius and the Minister with his wand raised. "Don't you fucking dare. He isn't a death eater you moron. Why would he be standing here if his master was being captured. He is my godfather and not the one who betrayed my parents that night."

Fudge was scared of having Harry Potter's wand near him which was now almost glowing. Fudge didn't expect things to go this poorly when he got word there was a break in at the Ministry. "Well then who did? Who betrayed your parents that night?"

Harry rolled his eyes, "It's the same person I told you about my third year when you didn't listen to me, you idiot. Peter Pettigrew. He was the secret keeper and let Voldemort in to kill my parents. Now that it is cleared up I expect a nationwide manhunt to be started tomorrow for that rat." Harry wished the rat was here tonight but the man was a coward and would never be on the front lines.

Fudge was stunned into silence and could feel his job slipping away. His time in office was always middle of the road but once these stories were printed his life was over. "Says you. We can't very well just take your word about what happened tonight." Fudge kept trying to claw back the narrative.

Dumbledore was about to say something but was cut off by Amelia Bones who had lost all composure. Amelia walked over the Fudge before grabbing him by the collar of his suit. "Listen to me Fudge no one will be arrested here but you if you don't shut up. I am starting to think you might be involved with this entire thing. Lucius Malfoy is your biggest supporter and you seemed dead set on squashing the truth of Voldemort's return. I swear tomorrow I am going to be combing over everything you have ever done and every deposit into your vault to see if there is any connection so I can arrest you myself." With her threats served up personally Amelia pushed Fudge back and added, "Get out. I am in charge of this investigation and as of right now acting Minister."

Fudge stepped back, "You can't do that."

Amelia took a menacing step forward, "I can when you are suspected of crimes and corruption. Since you fired the Chief Warlock and we were in the process of finding a new one the job goes to me. It's over Fudge." Amelia had always disliked Fudge and this was her and the nation's time to finally get rid of him.

Dumbledore didn't expect Amelia to take charge of the situation like this but wasn't opposed to it. Amelia was a good woman and would make a fine interim Minister as they investigated Cornelius. Dumbledore knew the man was a corrupt politician and took plenty of bribes from the dark faction.

While all of this was going on Voldemort was wrapped head to toe in chains still under a silence spell as he kept trying to break it. 'This wasn't how it was supposed to end.' He thought not knowing how a teenager outsmarted him.

Rita had made her way towards the front of the crowd forming and snapped pictures but also shouted out, "Harry what does it feel like to finally capture Voldemort?" The reporter asked with a flirty smile. To be honest she was very attracted to him at this moment and was more than a little wet watching him take control of everything.

Harry smiled at his favorite reporter, "I will feel better when he is dead forever but it's a start. I just want to thank my friends, the Order of the Phoenix and Amelia Bones, along with all the Auror's who made this possible." Harry was starting to feel the exhaustion set in.

Rita Skeeter followed that question up with, "What are the status of the other death eaters?" Rita had a feeling she already knew seeing one of his fellow students covered in blood.

Harry smiled, "Dead. In battle I killed Lucius Malfoy myself. But I'm far from the only hero here. My best friend Neville over there finished off Bellatrix Lestrange on his own once and for all." Harry hated to shift the attention but Rita and some of the other Aurors wanted to ask Neville a bunch of questions about his victory. While Voldemort was the biggest fish of the night Bellatrix was the next best thing. A woman so dangerous it took seven Aurors to capture her the first time.

As Neville was being swarmed by camera flashes and questions Sirius, Desiree, Fleur, Tonks, Daphne and Hermione surrounded Harry in a victory formation. "You did it, pup." Sirius said with tears in his eyes. He had never been so proud than seeing Harry triumph after he thought he was dead for good.

Fleur hugged Harry, "Mom amour. You scare me." Fleur was happy to be involved in this plan and while she didn't think it at first it was now the best thing she has ever done. This beat the Triwizard tournament and her coming in last place. This was what was going to be part of her legacy. In all the papers she was going to be photographed with the love of her life after ending a war.

Harry hugged Fleur back, "I'm glad you were here. In case things turn for the worst, I wanted to be able to see all of you girls one last time." Harry didn't mean to be morbid but it was a thought he had.

Now that the danger of being found out was gone Daphne removed her scarf and revealed her face to the group. Jumping in on the hug Daphne embraced both Fleur and Harry. She was happy to see the Veela again. "It's finally over. Now we can be one big happy family." Daphne couldn't wait to start her new life with Fleur, Harry and this harem.

Fleur chucked and took a hand off Harry to wrap it around Daphne, "Oh yes. Poor Harry is stuck with us forever." Fleur was now imagining moving here permanently and spending a lot of time in bed with Daphne and Harry again.

Harry was more than happy with that deal, "I can live with that." Fleur had missed the most and he was sure she was going to fit right in with the rest of his harem. 'I can't wait to see her with Luna or Hermione and of course Tonks. Fuck I am so lucky.' His father's jealousy was understandable in this situation.

The hug dragged on for longer and longer as other girls started to join in. The first being Desiree followed by Hermione until it was a giant group hug with Harry at the center.

Remus walked up to the display of affection and stood next to Sirius, "What a lucky bastard." Moony joked with Padfoot.

Sirius barked out a laugh, "That he is. Bloody deserved it too. I will be a free man because of him and now we won't have the threat of war looming over our heads. All because of Harry." Sirius also was eternally grateful for Harry hooking him up with those Veela. Even now he was reminded of that day and now he was a free man he had half a mind to write those two and invite them to his place for a repeat.

Moony nodded, "There is still the rat out there."

Sirius nodded as his mood soured, "I'm sure we can sweet talk Amelia into letting us in the hunting party. Peter needs to get what's coming to him." Remus nodded at that and agreed that Peter deserved to die for what he did to James and Lily not counting the fact he also resurrected Voldemort.

Shacklebolt and Moody had grabbed Voldemort by either arm and were instructed by Amelia to take him to the most secure part of the building. Amelia then ordered Tonks to gather all of the Veritaserum she could because tomorrow morning she planned to clean up the Ministry. Everyone was going to be subjected to some questions and arm checks before they were allowed in. If they were found to be supporters of Voldemort then they would be arrested and put on trial. Now that she was Minister she was going to rule with an iron fist.

Besides finding these soul anchors Amelia planned to ask about every crime Voldemort committed and to answer every disappearance. She wanted to bury anyone involved and if people were found out to be murderers there would be no second chances. It was going to be life in Azkaban or the veil.

Amelia then took notice of Harry with his friends and felt a pang of pain in her heart. She had promised herself that she would hold off on telling Harry about his son until the threat of Voldemort was gone and here it was. While it wasn't her ideal setting she needed to just do it.

Walking over to the laughing and happy group of kids she saw Harry and asked, "Can I talk to you for a moment alone?" Amelia asked, her heart beating out of her chest.

Harry nodded but not before he gave each of his girls a kiss. Walking away from the large groups of people the two of them walked to the end of the atrium where no one was. "Everything okay, Amelia?"

The redhead nodded but then changed her mind and shook her head, "I don't know. It's wonderful for me but I don't know how you are going to react." She hoped he wouldn't be too angry with her for keeping this secret. It was a big secret and one that was going to change everything.

Harry smiled and took her hand in his, "I'm sure it's fine Amelia. I mean I just took down Voldemort. I'm pretty sure nothing could bring me down now." Harry was on a high one that was better than the high he got going top speed on his Firebolt for the first time.

Amelia sighed and gathered everything inside of her to say, "You remember my questions after the first task?"

Harry smiled and remembered them very well because that led to some wild sex that was very early on in his sexual development. "Oh yes I remember them very well. The questions on the desk, the questions in my chair, the-"

Amelia cut him off, "I get it. Let me just skip to the end. That day I wasn't on the potion and it resulted in me becoming pregnant." She suddenly saw all the color drain from his already a little pale face. Gripping his hands tighter she didn't want him to pass out and fall backwards. She could feel him teetering a little, probably feeling a little light in the head from the news.

Harry's brain was going blank besides the word baby repeating over and over. "I have a...child."

Amelia nodded, "A son named Edgar. I wanted to keep him a secret until Voldemort was no longer a danger." She saw Harry's eyes darting back between her face, breasts and stomach.

Harry was oblivious to the fact he had a child and now he had one. "How old?" He looked for signs on Amelia's body but she was still just as curvaceous as he remembered with very little fat besides where it counted.

Amelia answered, "Eight months give or take. He has my red hair but it's a little rat's nest. He also has your eyes along with your sense of adventure." She watched Harry smile as he was clearly deep in thought imagining his new found child. "I am not pressuring you to be involved any more than you want to. I know you are still young and might not want to be a father while you are still in school."

Harry shook his head, "No it's okay. I always wanted a big family so this is perfect. My girls are going to love this. Maybe you can come around more often so I can get to know my son. We could be a little family." Harry liked the idea of being a father a lot. This was now the kick he needed to push the other girls into motherhood to give Edgar some siblings.

Amelia could sense that this was going to already be more than she was expecting. "What girls?"

Harry smiled, "Desiree for one but then there is Fleur, Tonks and Daphne for starters. Then there are my other girlfriends who will possibly live with me." That was putting it mildly because he had many girls like Luna and Gabrielle who wanted to be his live in sex pets. That might take some getting used to from Amelia.

Amelia heard about his multiple girlfriends but it sounded even weirder coming from him. "Will this be okay with all of them?"

Harry nodded, "They all know I want a family. They all plan on having multiple children once we are out of school in a house big enough for all of them." Harry and Desiree had given it a lot of thought and planned his life after Voldemort. She had liked the idea of a lot of children running around as much as she did about having a whole house to themselves to shag nonstop.

Amelia just took a deep breath and tried to calm her nerves. She didn't expect Harry to be taking this so well, much less top it by saying he wanted a bunch more. "Well let's just not get ahead of ourselves too soon. How about during the summer you just meet him." While she wanted to take things slow she imagined she was going to fall head first back into Harry's bed. Even now she was so attracted to him and with him taking on the responsibility of being a father it made her heart swell.

Harry nodded, "I can do that. Shit I have a son. I can't believe how crazy today has been." Harry was so happy and didn't think it was possible to be even happier than he was after beating Voldemort, but he was wrong. Finding out he had a son was an even better feeling.

Amelia agreed, never expecting the day to end like this. When Tonks first told her about this plan she thought it might have been a bloodbath hearing that students were going against full grown death eaters. Instead it just seemed like a bloodbath in the other direction as no one on their side lost a life. "I have to get back to work but I think you have to get back to Hogwarts soon anyways."

Harry nodded and leaned in to kiss Amelia which she wasn't expecting but accepted as his lips hit hers. Both soft and hungry just before Harry used his tongue to enter her mouth to deepen the kiss.

Amelia had been horny beyond belief since her last shag with Harry. Pushing him away Amelia said, "Stop that. Not here." She hated that she could already feel her body heat up as her pussy felt tingles. It was so strong it was a miracle she didn't drag him to a random office to shag him raw. Her body needed a good shag and better than what her toy could do.

Harry loved the little pink blossoming on Amelia's cheeks. "I promise to give you as much as you want when I come to visit over the summer. I have to thank you for taking care of my son after all." In his mind he imagined worshipping her body and all of those glorious curves all night long.

Amelia felt a shiver go down her spine when he referred to his own son. He was taking responsibility like a man and was going to be the best father he could be. Her knickers were now hopelessly wet and she still had a long night ahead of her. 'Merlin, help me. It's going to be so embarrassing to do my job with wet knickers.' She still had to question Voldemort and find the locations of these so-called soul anchors.

Harry gave Amelia a wave as he walked back to the crowd who seemed to be on simmer now. There was just a dull roar instead of the loud pockets of questions being shouted at people. It seemed everyone had answered the pressing questions. Walking up Rita was waiting for him, "Hello handsome. How about an exclusive?"

Harry wanted nothing more than to shag Rita here and now. Beating Voldemort was leaving him exceptionally horny and Amelia didn't help by revealing she was a mother and he was a new father. "I will give you an exclusive later and I plan to really make you work for it." Rita loved to work for a scoop and he was more than happy to give it to her.

Rita smiled pushing her big breasts up, "Can't wait Harry. I will do whatever it takes for it. It's my duty to get my readers the whole story." She said in a sexy voice before bringing it back down to a normal tone. "I think I have enough for tonight. Tomorrow's paper is going to be record breaking. Voldemort is captured by the heroic Harry Potter on the front page. Neville Longbottom kills Bellatrix Lestrange on page two and the Minister is being investigated for corruption on page three. I better get to the office and get to work." Rita said as she snapped one last photo of Harry for herself before going to floo home.

Harry watched the bespectacled witch leave in a short skirt that did little to hide the body she seemed desperate to show off. He knew it was all for him since he invited her to be a part of this moment in history. All of these women he accumulated in his life did hold a small piece of his heart. Even though he knew he wouldn't be marrying them all he wanted to keep giving them everything he had.

When Rita floo'd away Harry went back to the group to see Dumbledore gathering the students up. Walking up Harry asked, "Are we heading back?"

Dumbledore gave a slow nod. It was clear tonight had taken a lot out of the old man. But hopefully he could breathe easier knowing Voldemort was going to be taken care of soon. Looking around all of the students looked worse for wear. Neville being the worst who had a few cuts on his face and looked dead on his feet.

Hermione also looked pretty tired and was just getting her bearings back as Desiree and Daphne looked like they were riding an adrenaline high. They were a little jittery and excited that it was all over and Harry effectively won the war tonight. Just as he was about to say something he felt Fleur come up to him and wrap her arms around him. Just like that Harry felt her allure envelope him and he could just feel his body fight the erection from starting to form.

"I'm so proud of you mon amour. This summer you are going to get a big reward for tonight. I might even have to bring my maman. She will want to give you a hero's reward you will never forget. See you soon. I will go tell my family the good news." Fleur could wait a few days until school was over and Harry was free to have visitors.

Harry pulled away from Fleur's warm hug hoping to hide his growing erection. It was impossible to not react this way when Fleur talked about bringing her mother back into the action. Being in bed with all three Veela mother and daughter with two sisters was a wet dream wrapped in reality. "See you Fleur, thank you for coming tonight."

Fleur wouldn't have missed it for the world. She had crossed wands with a particularly nasty death eater but with the twins help she managed to land an entrail expelling spell that painfully took the death eater out of the fight before the twins finished the man off once and for all. All and all it was a good night for Fleur only made better by Harry capturing Voldemort.

Gathering with all the other students Dumbledore one by one walked them to the floo and sent them through back to his office back at Hogwarts. Harry was the last one and pretty soon everyone who fought in the Ministry was standing in front of the Headmaster's desk.

Dumbledore came through the Floo and stood back behind his desk. "I have a few things to say before you go back to your dorms." With a deep breath Albus Dumbledore felt every year of his old age. "I am proud of all of you. Tonight you did something I didn't think was possible. I have always tried to protect my students sometimes to the detriment of the greater good. I wanted you all to remain children as long as possible but tonight you were fully grown wizards and witches. You fought for this country and put your own lives at risk. I hope people can appreciate what you have done for them."

The twins, Desiree, Daphne, Hermione, Neville and Harry took in the Headmaster's words and did feel a new sense of pride. Neville though was the one clearly the most moved because while he wanted to stand with Harry he joined tonight's battle for selfish reasons. He was clearly still grappling with the aftermath of taking his first life.

The twins had also taken their first lives but we're still in high spirits. They were just proud of themselves for their performance. Together they made easy work of more than a couple death eaters. If they didn't plan on opening their own joke shop they would have made excellent Auror's.

Dumbledore gave all of his students a good nod of appreciation and respect before saying, "All of you should get back to the dorms and get cleaned up. Harry, why don't you stay for a moment."

Neville was still holding the Sword of Gryffindor in his hand. He had the handle in a death grip since he first picked it up in his biggest moment of need. Stepping forward he placed the blood covered sword on the Headmaster's desk before walking out the door with the others.

Desiree wanted to stay with Harry but he motioned for her to leave with Hermione and wait for him at the dorms. Desiree just gave him a silent nod but at times like this she missed their mental connection.

After some shuffling on the stone floor soon only Dumbledore and Harry were left in the room. Dumbledore sat in his chair and sighed, "My boy. I failed you. I failed you and I'm sorry. I tried to protect you for so long only to your detriment. I should have seen you were ready for more responsibility after last year. I tried to keep you in the dark about your scar and the soul anchors but that was my mistake. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive an old man's foolish mistakes."

Harry didn't want to hold a grudge despite how angry he was with Dumbledore all year. "As long as you see your mistakes, Headmaster. In war you can't be afraid to do what is necessary." Harry took a small walk around the room with his body still not relaxed after tonight. "For your information the soul anchor in me is gone. Bellatrix hit me with a killing curse. She was aiming for Sirius but I took it for him."

Dumbledore didn't know about that particular detail but wasn't surprised with how selfless Harry was when it came to his friends. "What did you see?" He had never met anyone who had died and came back before. With Dumbledore's advanced age and death knocking at the door he was worried about what was after this.

Harry sighed, "It was all white and my parents were there. We had a little conversation and they gave me the option to stay in the afterlife or go back. You know the rest." Harry wished he had more time with his parents but wouldn't have changed his mind.

Dumbledore put his finger to his chin fascinated to hear about the afterlife. Being as old as he was he was thinking about death more and more now and knew it was coming for him. He had put it off for as long as possible with the threat of the war fueling him. Now that it was nearly over he felt a little more at peace. "You made me proud tonight my boy. While I wasn't happy having this plan sprung on me I am overjoyed it worked."

Harry nodded before he held up his new wand, "Why did you make me use your wand sir?"

Dumbledore sighed and nearly forgot that Harry was the new owner of the Elder Wand or the infamous Death Stick. "Your wand was brothers with Voldemort's wand. Both feathers came from my phoenix and therefore couldn't hurt each other. For you to win tonight you needed another wand." Dumbledore saw Harry let out a breath as he took in that information as he stared at the wand. Dumbledore continued, "That wand has chosen you as it's master. That can only happen when it is won in combat."

Harry had never heard of a wand doing that. "Is that why the connection I have with it feels so strong?" Harry felt like the wand was as a part of him like his own hand. The connection was second to none.

Dumbledore nodded, "Yes. The wand is one of the deathly hallows. You might not know the children's story so let me give you the short version. Three brothers met death and asked for three items. One was the most powerful wand in existence nicknamed the Death Stick or Elder Wand. The other was called the resurrection stone. A stone able to bring the dead back to life as a shade. It is said to have driven some people mad which is why it was lost to time. The other is an item you already possess which is the invisibility cloak. It was passed down through the Potter family for generations."

Harry just stared at the wand, "So do you want it back?" Harry just needed it for Voldemort and didn't feel the need to keep it.

Dumbledore shook his head solemnly, "No. That wand has always held bad memories for me. I only kept it to protect it and keep it out of the hands of other people who would do harm with it." Dumbledore was having his mind assaulted with memories of his ex-lover Grindelwald. Shaking those thoughts out of his head he said, "It's now yours and I hope you do good with it. You're already off to a good start by capturing Voldemort but I hope that isn't the end of what you will do."

Harry didn't want to be an Auror anymore but if the need would arise he would happily fight if it meant protecting someone. "I will try. I hope I don't have to go against another dark lord anytime soon."

Dumbledore gave Harry a small smile, "I thought the same thing after Grindelwald but there will always be another evil person out there trying to hurt others. I would just tell you don't make the mistake I made by letting it fester. I truly thought Voldemort could change but alas he was too far gone from the time he was a student here. I was too blind to see it but I hope you aren't when the time comes." Dumbledore didn't want anyone to make the same mistakes he made.

Harry nodded having already taken a few lives himself in the service of the general population. Umbridge and Malfoy were the main ones and both so rotten he wouldn't lose a moment of sleep over it. "I promise sir."

Dumbledore gave Harry a small smile, "Once Voldemort is taken care of and all of his followers are rounded up I will be retiring as Headmaster." It was a thought that just occurred to him tonight but the relief of Voldemort being captured gave him an out. Being Headmaster while fulfilling was getting to be too taxing.

That shocked Harry not expecting the news. "Really, sir?"

Dumbledore sighed deeply and tiredly, "My time is coming to an end and I would like to enjoy the rest of it in peace. Minerva will be my choice to take the position and I'm sure she will do a much better job than I did."

Harry was so angry at Dumbledore these last two years for his treatment but now he felt all of that melt away. Now that they were talking Harry saw that Dumbledore was trying to protect him and even though he made mistakes he was remorseful now. "Then I wish you the best. I know it couldn't have been easy doing this for so long. With just one year I don't think I could do this for the rest of my life."

Dumbledore knew about Harry's little study group and having seen the results tonight he couldn't argue they weren't effective. "I hope you reconsider that position. I have to commend you on your teaching ability. Your methods aside, you helped a group of students go against fully grown death eaters tonight and come out on top. When I first heard this plan I worried about one or more of you possibly dying but those fears were misplaced. You even helped Mr. Longbottom eliminate Bellatrix Lestrange which was an outcome I would have never have foreseen."

Harry let out a small chuckle, "I think we were all a little surprised at that. I had hoped to help him with that but while I lay dying he fought the bitch and came out on top."

Dumbledore looked at the sword on his desk that was used for slaying two monsters. "This sword appears when it is needed for true Gryffindor's. You two are exactly what Godric had in mind when he created that house." Taking a moment to just stare at the sword with blood still caked on it Dumbledore gave his new wand a little flick and the sword was once again shining like new.

Harry noticed how Dumbledore was using Voldemort's wand, "Is it weird? Using his wand."

Dumbledore looked at the bone white wand with a hook at the back. "After years of using the elder wand...a little. As to the wand itself I can feel the pain it has brought into the world. The reason why I took it was that I didn't want it to somehow end up with him again even though you made sure he could never hold it again."

Harry chuckled, liking how he took care of that problem. It seemed like the most obvious answer for someone so dangerous. Now there was no way of him knicking one off an Auror or someone trying to sneak one to him. Unless Voldemort could use a wand with his feet or mouth he was no longer a threat.

Dumbledore continued, "I will watch over it for a time but before I die I will destroy it. I won't let anyone else wield it." That seemed the kindest thing to do. This wand needed to be put to rest before he died.

Harry was more than a little tired, "I think I should get back to the dorms." He yawned as the jitters had worn off and now the magical and physical exhaustion was setting in.

Dumbledore could see Harry was right that it was getting late and he needed his rest. "Go to sleep and be sure to be at breakfast tomorrow for the announcement. You should also be sure to be ready to be bombarded with questions. At least you only have to deal with it for a few days before the year ends."

Harry was thankful for that, "I am letting you know now that I will not be returning to the Dursley's again. Now that Voldemort is done I plan to never see any of them again and I hope you can respect that." With their new respectful relationship he hoped Dumbledore would respect his choice.

Dumbledore knew Harry didn't like his relatives and while he wished it could be different he just nodded, "I understand. I just hope that you will be keeping a low profile until all of his followers are caught. I also hope you don't take this victory as a chance to let your guard down. As Moody would say 'Constant Vigilance'."

"I will. Good night." Harry then turned to leave.

Dumbledore watched Harry leave his office. "Dilpy." With a pop a house elf appeared, "Dilpy can you please Professor Snape to my office please." The house elf nodded before popping away. 'Severus should be happy with this news.'

Girl's Dorm

Harry tiredly walked up the girl's dorm steps with it being so late he didn't even need his invisibility cloak since no one was up to see him.

Walking into the dorm he shared with all the girls he was jolted with a loud, "HARRY!" Suddenly every girl was grabbing him and giving him a wonderful big hug. Three sets of breasts mashed against every side of him as he was in the center of a giant group hug. 'Oh no. It seems my night isn't over yet.'

Desiree knew her master was tired and took pity on him. "Girls let him get naked, lay in bed and who wants to give him a victory blowjob." She expected everyone to give it their best. He was a hero after all and he deserved the best blowjobs in the world.

A forest of hands shot up from everyone minus Hermione who felt exhausted herself and was already back in her own bed. She and Desiree had showered when coming back to the dorm. In the showers they regaled the girls with the story of what happened at the Ministry.

Desiree saw a very eager Lavender jumping up and down and knew she could give a good deep throat blowjob which was exactly what her master needed right now. "Lavender, he is all yours."

Harry wanted to go to sleep but he would never say no to a blowjob. Stripping out of his clothes he felt that certain parts of his body were sore. From his ribs and chest to his back. Hitting the hard stone floor after that killing curse was going to probably leave a bruise by tomorrow.

Laying on his back Harry put his arms behind his head as he laid in Desiree's bed. Desiree herself laid next to Harry and started to rub his chest affectionately while Lavender got into position between his legs.

Lavender let her hot breath tickle Harry's cock before wasting no time and pushing it into her mouth. Firmly gripping the base she kept it still as she brought her mouth down the length. She tried to let her saliva pool in her mouth to give him a nice and messy blowjob just the way he liked it.

Harry couldn't resist and grabbed her blonde hair and pushed her head down. He needed this blowjob more than he thought. It was the perfect end to the big day he has had. "So good Lavender." Harry had to admit Lavender was a superb cocksucker and was one of the best in the dorm. Harry tried not to close his eyes as his mind also went to Amelia and Rita. Both looked so sexy at the Ministry and he wanted both of them in this moment.

Desiree smiled seeing her master relax. "Good job slut but I know you can go deeper. Take it all. Let him use that pretty throat until he cums." She knew he needed to cum and while she planned to take care of him in the morning this would help him sleep better.

Lavender was now making very loud gagging noises as she took all ten inches into her mouth. Her gullet was being pounded as she pushed herself harder and harder. Seeing how as Harry was a hero he deserved the best blowjob she could give. 'I can't wait to feel him cum. I bet it's going to taste even better now.'

Harry was moaning as his hand was no longer pushing down on Lavender's head. She was doing all the work herself and he could feel his climax steadily building. "Fuck I'm gonna cum soon. Shit I'm going to give you a massive load." Looking down, away from Desiree he saw that Lavender stopped moving and just gave him a sexy wink before starting up again.

Desiree was happy and overall thrilled with how tonight went. While it would have been even better if Harry could fuck her she knew there would be plenty of time for that later. She was just so happy he wasn't dead. Those few minutes of him dead would haunt her because the love of her life had almost left her alone in the world. 'Now we have a long life ahead of us. I'm so lucky.'

Harry had finally reached his limit around minute four of the blowjob and being the kind person he was he pulled Lavender back so she was able to taste everything. "I'm cumming."

Lavender was now flicking her tongue around the tip of his cock before long warm blasts of cum quickly filled her mouth up. There was so much it slightly puffed out her cheeks before she started to swallow everything down. Moaning she just couldn't get over how wonderful it tasted which was a far cry from other boys. She hoped Harry would figure out how to replicate this so she could give it to any of the future boys she dated. 'It is going to be so hard to find a boy as good as Harry or one who has a cock like this.' Lavender thought to herself as she gulped down his seed.

When Harry finally felt his orgasm wane he let out a groan. "Fuck I needed that." He didn't know how much he needed it until right now. Suddenly all of his pain was gone and all he could feel was the pleasure racing up and down his cock between her lips.

Lavender licked the last few stray drops from his tip before pulling away, "Thank you for letting me do that Desiree and thank you for what you did tonight Harry."

Harry just nodded before letting his head fall back into the pillow. "No problem."

Lavender took that as a sign of a job well done. Climbing out of their bed she wiped some trails of saliva from the corners of her mouth as she walked to her bed. She gave all the girls a mocking smile rubbing their noses in the fact she got to blow him on this historical day.

Harry soon just grabbed Desiree and started to spoon with her. "I need to sleep." He wished he could keep getting blown by all the girls but he was still dead tired. The other girls around the bed groaned as Lavender got all the glory. Now they all just shuffled back over to their beds hoping to get their turn again tomorrow.

Desiree laughed, "Me too. I haven't been pushed like that since you fucked my ass eight times after spending an hour spanking me red. I think you filled my ass to it's limit before I finally had to beg for you to pull out." Desiree had to push herself to fight that hard tonight. Now that she was mortal she had a lot more to lose and she was trying to protect her life as much as possible.

Harry groaned as he thought about that night. Grinding his still hard erection between her big round cheeks he groaned, "Don't say that. I am so tired and I can't do anything more."

Desiree laughed, "Poor master. Just be sure to save your energy for tomorrow. The girls and I already talked and we will be having a victory orgy and you are the guest of honor." While showing off when she arrived back at the dorm she started to plan ways to shower Harry with love.

Harry groaned hoping his body wouldn't be too hurt tomorrow. "Let's just see how I feel tomorrow." From the sounds of it, if he was going to have an all dorm member orgy that meant he was going to have to give every girl one or two orgasms a piece which meant he had a lot of work to do. "Now let's please just go to bed. We have a big day tomorrow apparently." Harry didn't think he had ever been so exhausted.

Desiree didn't add anymore but just relaxed into her master's arms. The feeling of his cock sandwiched between her butt cheeks was also a nice feeling. She was tempted to almost just slide him into her ass and let him fall asleep there. But she could wait until tomorrow. 'Just wait master tomorrow you will be getting a real treat.'
