Chapter 51


The day after Harry's wild anal filled night Harry awoke to both Hermione and Desiree giving him a wake up call for the ages. Both girls couldn't tear their eyes from him as they licked up on either side of his cock and even took his balls into their mouths. Both girls sucked on a ball each before switching off on his blowjob.

It was moments like these Harry was happy that Hermione just decided to embrace that sexy side of her. He always knew she could do it and now she had no problem letting him bugger her in front of the entire dorm or suck his cock in the most lewd and vulgar way possible.

Harry gave them an endless stream of compliments as they worked him closer and closer to his climax. Desiree was the one to put the final touches on the blowjob and accepted his massive ejaculation. The only difference was after a few gulps Desiree then let his seed fill her mouth and puff out her cheeks. All before grabbing Hermione's head and bringing the bookworm's lips to hers.

The two girls then swapped his cum between the two and Harry couldn't believe how hot it was. A few stray drops fell from their mouths but the majority was shared with Hermione who swallowed it with zero complaint. Even Hermione had a secret sweet tooth this early in the morning.

After their little show Harry then dragged the two of them to the shower before starting the morning with a deep and thorough shag for each of them. From bending over and bracing themselves against the tile to just picking them up and slamming them down it didn't matter. What mattered was that both girls had the biggest smiles on their faces when they left the shower. They deserved it for starting out his morning like that.

It was then time to get ready for the penultimate day of the year or at least the last full day. Tomorrow was the day they would get on the train and would cap off what has been an interesting year to say the least.

Besides Voldemort the school had to deal with a tyrant who was a blood supremacist and a miserable cunt in general. Then there was their little fight club that helped prepare them for the final fight in the Ministry. It was all a crazy series of events that no one could have predicted.

Great Hall

Harry was actually smiling at breakfast. With Voldemort taken care of it really gave him a new lease on life. He found himself to be enjoying the little things more. Eating and laughing with friends no longer feeling like it was just prolonging the inevitable. He was now just free to be a semi-normal wizard who just happened to have a harem. There was no more grim reaper walking behind him threatening him with certain death the second he dropped his guard.

While Harry was lost in thought he soon found a giant bundle of letters being dropped in front of him. Hedwig had flown in, weighed down by the biggest bundle of letters he had ever received. There had to be a pound of just parchment that landed in front of him.

Said owl looked to be very frustrated by that fact and landed on the table for some much needed snacks. Without waiting she started pecking at Harry's plate, swiping up all the bacon before doing the same to Desiree.

Desiree tried to wave the bird off but Hedwig was faster and grabbed the prize before taking off. "Can you please get a new owl?" Desiree whined. Besides the angry glared and having her food stolen she just knew the owl hated her.

Harry would never replace Hedwig and Desiree knew that. "You two just have to learn to like each other because I'm sadly stuck with the both of you." While he loved them both it was moments like this when he didn't want the headache. It was hard enough sharing a room with them over the summer. You could just cut the tension with a knife as the two had glaring matches for hours at a time. Sometimes he even swore Desiree shagged him in reverse cowgirl so she could stare at Hedwig perched on his desk like she was rubbing it in his owl's face.

Harry just tried to shake off that problem for later and untied the bundle of letters. "That's a lot of mail." Harry said looking at the fifty or so letters.

There was a note on top that read:

Dear Harry,

These letters were sent to the paper and it's all people who want to thank you. The public support outpour from your victory has been staggering, but this is just the beginning. There are still bags of fan mail coming in right now and for days to come. Let me put it this way if you ran for Minister tomorrow you would win.



P.S There were a few howlers from the dark families but we burned those for you. Just enjoy this but don't let it go to your head. You are cocky enough already.

Harry put the note aside and opened up the first letter. It was a letter with the words "thank you" written on it twenty times thanking him for ending the war.

The next letter was thanking him for killing the death eaters from a child of a murdered mum. Said child said that the dark mark was cast above his parents house when they came home. The letter also went into detail about how their mum was killed and it was very graphic.

That letter had Harry a little choked up because that was what happened to him except he was a baby.

Hermione and Desiree both picked up a small stack of letters and started reading. All the letters were overly thankful or asking for autographs and the like. There were even a few drawn from what were clearly children calling him their hero.

All this praise made Harry feel awkward and a little bad. He did what he did out of selfish reasons not realizing it would mean so much to so many different people. It was hard to believe his actions had such a big effect in the world like ripples in water.

The trio spent the rest of the breakfast reading letters. Hermione made a list of people he needed to send autographs to and which ones he should respond to. For Harry it reminded him of that arsehole Lockhart. That ponce spent hours answering fan mail and obsessing over his public image. Harry didn't want to care about any of that bollocks. Not to say he wouldn't send something back to be nice.

Harry was now going to have to carve out some time to write all of these letters and sign them. Hermione cut in and said she wasn't doing anything today and could do that while Harry did whatever he had planned.

It was at that point Luna joined them and sat across from Harry. "Hello." Said blonde looked as quirky and sexy as ever. While some didn't like her weird charms and far out attitude Harry fell in love with it.

Hermione just gave Luna a nod, still feeling a little intimidated after seeing her most private moments in Harry's scrapbook. "Hello Luna." It was still awkward to talk to her as if she hadn't seen everything she had seen. Hermione hoped she could slowly get over it because they were going to be spending a lot of time together.

Desiree knew what Luna wanted and kissed Harry on the cheek. "I will help Hermione with your letters while you take care of your second favorite pet." Desiree said. It was easy to tell what she meant by that.

Luna just smiled wider as she tilted her head, "Oh yes. I am looking forward to today but not as a pet. I have something else in mind." Luna had the little sexy glint in her eyes that meant Harry was in for a wild ride.

"Okay Luna whatever you want." Harry said. While he was supposed to be in control he liked to give her the choice on the scenario while he took control when it came to the sex. She had plenty of ideas and Harry tried to make them all possible because when it came to sex she was downright magical.

"Then let's go." Luna stood up and started to skip away. Harry didn't realize that Luna meant right now until she started to leave. "Wait up Luna." Harry said as he tried to keep up without bumping into anyone.

Hermione and Desiree just looked at each other and cracked a smile. Hermione soon fell head first into Harry's life and this was just part of it. "Luna certainly is spirited." Hermione awkwardly said.

Desiree cackled, "You have no idea. Just wait until you are in bed with all of us. I imagine you are going to fall in love with her." Desiree really thought Luna could win anyone over in the bedroom. She was able to do whatever anyone wanted and was an expert in pleasure. Desiree still didn't know how Luna was so good at pleasing men and women but she was happy Harry had found her. "So I guess it's just you and me writing letters for some kids and crazy fans."

Hermione nodded, "Mostly kids and some adults. Harry was famous before but this is going to easily make him more famous than Dumbledore or Merlin." She just hoped the fame didn't warp him. It hadn't yet but it was only going to get more famous as time went on.

Desiree had heard of Merlin and asked about the story because all the wizards swore to him. Desiree found it refreshing that the wizards didn't believe in God or any of the other major religions. In her time she has seen people's religious beliefs start long and bloody wars. With the wizards everything was about blood purity which was a little more tangible. While it was stupid she could at least understand how they wanted to protect their magic. "Well we have plenty of time because Luna is going to be hoarding Harry all day."

Hermione shook her head still confused as to how that cute little innocent girl was able to handle the monster in Harry's trousers. There was also the fact she would go bigger and more exotic. "I'm trying not to think about it." Hermione didn't want to turn her stomach thinking about that little blonde doing anything too crazy.

Desiree just let out one of her famous cackles at Hermione. "Get used to it Hermione because if you want to be with Harry we all will be sharing a big bed eventually and you will be around it more and more. Girls like Luna, Tonks and I like Harry's more exotic cock choices." Desiree planned to introduce all of the girls to his more animalistic side including Narcissa and Fleur. Mostly Narcissa because Desiree thought she deserved a big reward for helping them and nothing was better than a giant cock helping to breed a baby into you.

Hermione loved Harry with all of her heart but it still worried her being in this harem with so many women. "Are you sure Harry will still want me if I don't do anything like...that?"

Desiree rubbed Hermione's arm, "You aren't giving yourself enough credit Hermione. You have come a long way and with time you will come the rest of the way. Don't worry, we will be gentle with you." Desiree was tempted to kiss the bookworm but they were in public and it might have garnered some unwanted attention. At least from people who weren't in their dorm and didn't know what they got up to behind closed doors.

Hermione did visibly relax because Desiree was right; she had come a long way. When the year started she would have never thought of having Harry bugger her and here she was having done it close to five times and loved it every time. "I guess I will just have to see." Hermione just knew she didn't want to become a pet like Luna. She didn't want to be relentlessly shagged by everyone at any time. The dorms were tough enough being with one partner but she didn't want to turn into Lavender who spent some nights with a cock in each hole while screaming for more.

Desiree could see the conflict on Hermione's face and wrapped an arm around the girl. "Don't worry about anything Hermione. Mama Desiree will protect you."

Defense Classroom

Luna hadn't taken "No" for an answer as she dragged Harry to the defense classroom. Harry thought she would have wanted her last shag of the year to be in the Room of Requirement but she had other plans.

Once she dragged Harry into the familiar defense classroom Luna sealed the door and put up all the privacy charms possible. All before turning back to her prey. "Hello professor."

Harry was struck silent as he realized what Luna wanted. She was dressed in her uniform and wanted to be a student while he played the role of her teacher. "Hello Ms. Lovegood, what can I do for you?" Harry was still trying to figure out how to act given his new role.

Luna pushed Harry back until he had his back to the teacher's desk before Luna pushed him on it. Now he was sitting on the teachers desk as Luna gave him her sad doe eyes. "I know I haven't been performing well Mr. Potter but I'm just not good at defense. I don't want to fail so I am hoping there is something else I can do for you."

Harry's mouth went dry as his bulge in his pants was now rock hard to the point he was expecting his button to come popping off. "What do you mean Ms. Lovegood?" Harry gulped from the way she looked at him.

Luna smiled before dropping to her knees and rubbing her face against his clothed erection. "I think you know, professor. I know this is all I'm good for. All I know how to do well is suck and fuck big cocks."

Harry groaned as Luna worked her slutty magic on him. Her hot breath was managing to make his cock harder and harder. He was also sure he was leaking a copious amount of precum right now. "Ms. Lovegood, this isn't appropriate." He tried to say.

Luna shook her head, "I think it is, professor. I have seen you checking out my bum before. Why do you think I wear my short skirt for this class. I even wear sexy knickers for you so what would you say if I told you I would let you fuck my bum?" Luna was nearly using a baby voice as she waited for him to answer.

Harry groaned again not believing how good of an actress Luna was or how hot this situation was. "I guess I can give you some extra credit if you let me fuck that tight bum of yours."

Luna smiled in victory, "That's perfect, professor. I really need an O in this class so how about you just shag me until I earn it. It can take as long as you want. I promise I'm good for it."

Harry moaned as Luna started to undo his trousers while stroking the length of his cock at the same time. "Well you better be ready because it is going to take a lot of work for you to earn that O." From personal experience he knew her bum was O material the second he entered it. If he was a real professor he would crumble under the weight of this seduction.

Luna was so wet and if she was wearing knickers they would have been ruined. "You can finish wherever you want, professor. I don't mind where you cum as long as I get my O."

Harry couldn't hold back any more and hopped off the desk before ripping down his trousers and in one swift move he pushed Luna to her knees. The permanent smile on Luna's face had to be the most attractive thing about her in this situation. "Suck my cock Ms. Lovegood. Suck it good and don't neglect the balls. Get it nice and wet before I stick it in your arse."

Luna rubbed his precum dripping cock all over her face this time making a big mess before saying, "I never neglect the balls, professor. A good slut knows how important the balls are." With that said Luna went lower and brought one of his hairless balls into her mouth and gave it a big suck as well as a tongue bath to remember.

Harry groaned, never getting over how good Luna was at this. 'Fuck holy fuck she is so good at this.' Harry looked down at her as she looked back at him before she switched to his lonely left ball. All the while his cock dwarfed and laid on her face. "You are better than I expected Ms. Lovegood. Now I wonder what you can do with my cock."

Luna was internally soaring at how well this was going. 'Harry really is the one for me.' While she never doubted the fact it was times like that it just reinforced the idea. She knew no one besides Harry could please her but when they roleplayed he went above and beyond for her. Letting the final ball pop free of her mouth she then went to the tip of his mighty cock and licked the tip free of precum. All before she opened her mouth in a big O shape and plunged forward and in one move throated his entire ten inch cock.

Harry wasn't expecting Luna to deepthroat him so soon. "Oh Ms. Lovegood. I wasn't expecting this." Never taking his eyes off of her he stroked her face with his thumb. "I have never had a woman go that deep before. Oh I might have to keep you around to be my personal cock sucker. Would you like that?"

Luna nodded frantically before she pulled her mouth completely off of him so she could speak. "Oh yes professor. I love your cock and could suck it everyday. Please just use my mouth anytime you wish."

Harry loved how eager Luna was even in the roleplay she plays the part perfectly. Taking her up on her offer his fingers threaded through her blonde hair and brought her back down on his cock with her nose hitting his stomach in a split second. That was when Harry started to thrust in and out of her mouth like he was prone to do. "Oh Ms. Lovegood! Your mouth feels perfect. So tight, wet and warm it has to be the best mouth in the school. I can't wait to cum down your pretty little throat and make you drink it all."

Luna was now just surrendering to the vicious facefuck Harry was giving her. Some hot tears had started leaking out of her eyes but she didn't mind. The face fuck was her favorite ways to give blowjobs. She had to thank Desiree for making this wish possible because without it she would never be able to do it. With her hands having nothing to do all Luna could do was play with her pussy which was a mess. She could feel she was now making a mess on the floor. Bringing three fingers to her weeping slit she didn't hesitate to give her clit a few rubs before jamming all three fingers inside of her and trying to find her G-spot. It had been a while since she had only used her fingers. If it wasn't the real thing it was a toy.

Harry kept the facefuck going for as long as possible and Luna's face made it all worth it. That and the wet gurgling coming from her mouth as her mouth poured hot saliva all over his cock. "Shit, your mouth is going to make me cum Ms. Lovegood. Get ready because I cum buckets. You better not spill a drop or I will drop you a grade."

With one final thrust Harry blasted all dozen or so hot ropes of spunk down her gullet. Never taking his eyes off Luna's reaction he saw her eyes go wide for a split second before they started to roll back and he heard the telltale sounds of her fingering herself. 'Only my Luna.'

When Harry was finally done cumming sweet buckets down her throat and he was sure Luna swallowed them all he pulled back for Luna to gulp down some much needed air. "Sorry Ms. Lovegood, was that too much?"

Luna hastily caught her breath and shook her head, "No professor. I like to be used for what I'm good for. In fact I am thinking after Hogwarts I will just become a whore. Do you think I would make a good whore?" Luna's sexy voice was one that made that statement so believable. You could tell she really enjoyed being used like a cheap whore.

Harry growled at the image of Luna being fucked by anyone other than him but played along anyway. "We will see, one good blowjob isn't enough to be considered a good whore."

Luna stood up off her knees and nodded, "I understand professor." She then walked over to a desk and flipped up her skirt exposing her pale almost ghostly white ass. "A good whore needs to be able to take a good buggering. So why don't you bugger me and see professor." Luna put her head on her hands which was resting on her elbows on the desk as she presented her bum for the fucking.

Harry quickly stripped out of his clothes so he was completely naked before stepping up to do just that. With his cock nice and hard he brought it inches away from her tight but closed asshole. "Should I go slow or do you want it the way I shag real whores?"

Luna grinned to herself and shook her bum at him, "Treat me like a real whore professor. Go as fast as you want. I promise my arse can take it" Luna knew she could already take it and in this fantasy she wanted to earn her grade the right way.

Harry brought his saliva and cum slicked cock to her asshole and started to push in. As always her tight ring of muscles put up no fight as he easily pushed into her tight ass. Luna was right up there in having one of the tightest bums. Right besides Veela and Desiree. "Oh Ms. Lovegood this ass is perfect. I would pay a lot of gold for this bum in Knockturn Alley.l" Harry was now balls deep in her bum letting her get used to this depth for a second before pulling back and stuffing it all back inside of her again.

Luna was being pushed and pulled on the desk and she had to claw and grip the edges of the desk to try to stay still. Harry was not holding back and his thrusts would have broken a lesser woman in half. Luna couldn't stop her smile knowing that she was special. It didn't matter what cock he had, she was able to take it all. "Mr. Potter, harder! Fuck my arse harder! I love it! I love it so much!" She adopted a more vulgar word for her bum hoping it would inspire him to treat it rougher.

Harry loved hearing Luna's slutty confessions about how much she loved a hard shag. Even though Harry was already close to his maximum speed and power he dug deep to find another level and give it to his precious little slutty moon.

The new speed and power made Luna fall face first on the desk so her head was half hanging over the edge of the desk as Harry gave her one of the roughest buggerings of her life. For sure the most powerful with his regular cock, nothing could quite beat the stallion cock she loved so much.

Harry heard moans and screams coming from Luna as he gave her bum everything he had and he wondered how she was going to walk after this. "You are doing so well Ms. Lovegood. I'm getting close. I'm going to cum so fucking hard in your ass." He was lying if he didn't think she could be an excellent whore. This was worth any price she fictionally charged.

Luna had already cum once but just didn't announce it. She wanted him to keep going and not stop for anything. There was also the fact her head was swimming in so much pleasure she didn't think she could vocalize the words clearly if she wanted to. 'My head is dizzy. Dizzy from so much cock, fuck I love cock.'

The hard and loud shag lasted a few more minutes with their loud skin smacks echoing around the room like fireworks. Harry was finally at his limit as his hands gripped Luna's hips so hard he was sure to leave purple bruises on her sides. "Fuck I'm gonna cum."

All Luna could say was one word and that word was, "PLEASE!" Luna wasn't disappointed when she felt a familiar sudden wave of hot spunk enter her and flood her guts. She loved all the creampies Harry gave her but for her the anal creampies were special. She craved his cum and when he came up inside her bum she felt that they had a special connection. She had talked about it with Desiree who told her she felt the same but that was at least until he would start breeding them. That was when Desiree expected it to change.

The idea of Harry knocking her up was the next frontier. When that was going to happen she had to come up with a special scenario of him to knock her up in. While other girls would want a bed of roses with slow lovemaking she wanted him to fuck a baby into her as hard as possible. But still she knew that would be a long time from now.

Harry came with a strangled scream and was now just panting while laying all of his weight on Luna. "That was amazing Ms. Lovegood. You would make an excellent whore."

Luna giggled, "Thank you Mr. Potter. You would make the perfect client. Maybe when I go pro I will let you come around for free. I don't think anyone could top that performance." Luna knew enough to feed into Harry's ego. It usually meant the next shag was going to be even better. Once again it was a trick Desiree had taught her when talking about the role of being Harry's pet. In fact she was dreaming of the day where she would be used by all of Harry's girlfriends before he finished her off. 'Like a true whore he finds me well fucked and just keeps going until I'm a cum filled slutty mess.' The fantasy was making her even wetter if that was possible.

Harry quickly pulled out of Luna's now cum gaping asshole and flipped her on the desk so they were face to face. Without hesitation he gripped his slick hard cock and brought it to her pussy and pushed in. "Let me test out this pussy and see if you are as well rounded as I think you are."

Luna moaned as her back arched off the desk. She loved getting her pussy fucked right after anal because the anal orgasms increased her sensitivity. Now when he slid in she had a mini orgasm as he brushed her G-spot and hit the door to her empty womb. "Ah professor you are so rough."

Harry pulled back and this time thrust in harder, "That's what you like isn't it? You like being fucked hard." Harry knew Luna liked it rough and that she was in pure bliss right now. He could feel it the way her body kept trying to swallow his cock whole.

Luna nodded at the truth of the statement. "I do. I love it. Don't stop, just fuck my pussy and fill it like you did my arse." Luna loved getting the trifecta of Harry finishing in each of her holes.

Harry was now shagging her pussy just as hard as he did her bum and could see her small chest bouncing up and down. There was also her dropped jaw as she moaned and cried out from his rough treatment. She looked like an angel or what he hoped angels looked like. "Such a good girl. You are on your way to earning that O. Just keep squeezing my cock with your pussy and I will cum in no time."

Both Harry and Luna heard how wet she was and how every thrust made a wet sound as ten inches of cock penetrated it over and over. At minute seven Luna couldn't hold back anymore and let out a scream as her orgasm struck her whole body with lightning. "I'm cumming!"

Harry felt her pussy tighten like always but that didn't stop him instead he just kept using her hard and fast. "I'm getting there Ms. Lovegood but you have to wait."

Luna couldn't wait as her orgasm tore through her and her arched back went flat on the desk and she was breathing heavily. Harry wasn't stopping and she was sure he was going to get her to another climax and it would be the end for her.

Harry kept thrusting for another five minutes and by this time Luna had resumed moaning but it was clear to see she was at her limit. "I'm going to cum Ms. Lovegood. I'm going to fill your slutty pussy up."

Luna just braced herself as rope after hot rope started to fire inside her womb and within seconds she felt him completely fill her womb. With her petite size it didn't take much but as he kept cumming it filled her womb even further. While not as much as the Avraxen it was just enough to trigger a tiny orgasm that burned this feeling into her brain.

Harry was sweating at the end of this wild role play and fell forward on Luna molding his sweaty body with hers. Luna hugged Harry's more muscular body to hers at the same time she noticed they had a visitor. "Hello professor." Luna said, looking away from Harry.

At the top of the stairs Nymphadora Tonks was standing and watching as two of her students were shagging in her classroom. One was even her own boyfriend. "Hello you two. I have to say, that was pretty hot."

Harry suddenly felt embarrassed he was being watched. While he has shagged in front of other people with Luna's more weird fantasies he always had a little embarrassment. Turning his head to the sound of his girlfriend's voice he asked, "How long were you standing there?" He hoped it wasn't too long because that must have been really embarrassing to watch.

Tonks barked out a deep belly laugh at the caught and red face of her boyfriend. "I was standing there while you were buggering the poor girl professor." She said the last part sarcastically.

Harry just wanted to crawl in a hole and die from embarrassment. "It was her fantasy not mine."

Tonks walked down the stairs and was getting a better view of her students naked body. Luna was just as beautiful as Tonks imagined. Such a lithe and pale body built for sin. "Oh professor, don't blame sweet and poor Luna for this."

Harry blushed redder being caught in this situation. Luna on the other hand had no pink in her cheeks besides the one already there from the sex. While sometimes he loved her free spirit he worried it was going to get him in trouble.

Luna motioned Tonks to come closer. Tonks walked over and put her head near Luna's as the little blonde cupped her ear and whispered, "Harry is the professor and I'm trying to earn a good grade. Why don't you turn into a student too. We can both try to earn an O together."

Tonks didn't hate the idea and hadn't used her teenage form with Harry yet. With a small nod Tonks then focused her body as she waved her wand changing her robes to her old Hufflepuff uniform. Soon she was exactly how she looked when she was sixteen including her bigger breasts. The breasts she loved to have before she became an Auror.

Harry wasn't expecting this turn of events but was very excited. Tonks always looked beautiful but seeing her as a sixteen year old was a treat. She had much more pronounced curves with a set of tits he wished she used more often. That with her odd hair color of bubblegum pink made his cock throb harder. Even after three climaxes he was ready to go again.

Tonks saw Harry pull out of Luna and his wet shining cock was soon pointed at her. With her smaller stature of five foot one she was a head or so shorter than Harry. "Professor, can I get an O too?" Even her voice sounds higher pitched and more childlike.

Harry shuddered and nodded, "Of course Ms. Tonks but it's going to be difficult. As you can see Ms. Lovegood had to earn it the hard way." Harry knew Tonks could handle anything but he wanted to make this school girl squirm.

Tonks pretended for this to be a hard decision. By shifting nervously on her feet as she looked to the ceiling before looking back to his cock. "What do I have to do?" Tonks asked.

Harry stepped closer to Tonks and saw her take a quick breath. "Don't be nervous Ms. Tonks." His hands then went to her robe and pushed it off her shoulders before pushing a hand under her skirt. "Oh you are already wet."

Tonks was soaking wet having watched the two of them from the stairs. "Yes professor. I'm so wet for you." She then felt Harry dig his fingers into her clit through the top of her knickers and rub it in small circles. "Mmmm!" Tonks tried to hold back her moans at how good that felt.

Harry smiled at Tonks as he ripped his hand away from under her skirt as he started to undo her tie and unbutton her white shirt. "Ms. Tonks, let's see these beauties before we begin. I can't stop staring at them while you are in class. When I'm sitting at my desk I just stare at them wishing I could suck and lick them all over. Sometimes I even get hard thinking about them."

Tonks moaned as his hands became hotter now that her shirt and bra were off and his skin was touching hers. "Yes Mr. Potter. I have a huge crush on you. If you asked, I would let you do anything you want to them." She would have loved it if she had a professor like Harry when she was in school. She would have seduced him in a second especially if she knew what he was working with.

Harry liked how these two were acting like the sluttiest students ever. Now that he was looking at Tonks's big breasts out in the open he was staring at her light brown nipples which were nice and hard. "Ms. Tonks, you have to have the best breasts in the school."

Tonks didn't feel awkward being back in her teenage body and loved the big reaction she was getting. As he just gawked at her chest she slid down her yellow Hufflepuff skirt and yellow knickers so she was completely nude to the room. While she had already done this for Harry she hadn't been naked in front of Luna before but the little blonde didn't seem to care. In fact Luna didn't even make a move to cover up when she entered the room. "Professor, can I show you what I do for special boys in this school?" Tonks said in a sweet voice.

Harry just nodded, "Yes but first let me do this." Without asking, Harry's head shot forward and latched onto her right nipple and gave it a hard suck while his tongue swirled around it. He felt her hand go to the back of his head to hold him there.

Tonks knew Harry loved big breasts and this is how he showed them love. Right now he was just using his normal mouth and not his parseltongue ability. That was the thing that could make her cum even if he just used it on her nipples. "So dirty professor, but I don't want you to stop. Keep sucking my tits."

Harry then switched breasts but this time he did start hissing as his free hand dipped between her legs. As soon as the hiss started to make contact with her sensitive nipple he felt her wet pussy gush even more arousal. Tonks's scream was also a clear indication she was really enjoying it.

Tonks wished she could push his head down to her needy and greedy pussy but this was his power fantasy. Pushing Harry's head away she said, "Professor I can't take it anymore I need to worship your cock before you fuck my slutty pussy." Tonks then dropped to her knees and wrapped her massive chest around Harry's cock which was slick with arousal and cum. The lubrication made it easy to slide the hot pipe of flesh up and down.

Harry looked at Luna and moaned, silently thanking her for convincing Tonks to join them. Luna looked back at him looking like a cum filled mess but with a look of pure euphoria. Not a word needed to be said before Harry turned back to Tonks to see her massive tits swallow up his cock. "Ms. Tonks, you are a natural. But I have to ask, do you plan to swallow my seed or let me paint your face?"

Tonks looked up and smiled as she jerked off his throbbing cock with her tits. "A good slut always swallows, professor." She watched Luna's performance enough to know how to act. She could tell this act was clearly working well on her boyfriend.

Harry let out a loud groan at that and pushed her head down so her mouth went around the tip poking out of the top of her cleavage. Her words went straight to his cock and made him want to cum as soon as possible. With no warning and as soon as he felt her lips close around the tip of his cock he let everything go.

Tonks didn't expect Harry to cum so soon but her teenage form must have really got him going. She was going to need to break this out on special occasions. Sucking on the tip of his ccok she soon had burst after burst of warm but sweet seed fill her mouth. She had never tasted cum this good before Harry and wouldn't want to swallow another man's seed ever again. But for Harry she would swallow it all with a smile on her face and even ask for seconds.

Harry just pumped his hips into Tonks's mouth until he felt his large orgasm come to an end. "Oh Ms. Tonks, that was worth an A for sure." Harry loved playing the role of the teacher especially when the setting was a real classroom.

Tonks pouted as she got back to her feet, "An A? Come on, professor, that had to be worth more than that." It was faux outrage knowing that she had a lot of work to do to get that fictional but coveted O grade.

Harry felt so much power over these two and he spared a thought for Aurora and Septima who must have felt the same power when shagging him. "Well how about you get on that desk like your friend Ms. Lovegood there and I will work my way up to an O."

Tonks was about to ask him to use her pussy first because it was throbbing, wet and craving her attention. Just as she hopped on the desk next to the blonde and laid back with her legs spread she quickly felt Harry or Mr. Potter the professor get into position. Once he did he slapped his massive ten inch cock against her wet pussy lips making her moan. His hot cock brushed and slapped her clit which caused her to let out a very whorish moan. "Professor, I have never had anyone as big as you before."

Harry smiled at Tonks still playing along, "That's nice to hear. I would love to show you how good a big cock can feel." With all of that out of the way he dragged the tip of his cock up and down her slit and even pressed down on her clit hard with his slick tip making Tonks shiver. All before he started to thrust inside of Tonks's sweet teenage pussy. While Tonks was always tight due to her metamorphmagus ability in her smaller teen body it felt even better. "Oh Ms. Tonks your pussy is definitely going to earn an EE."

Tonks wanted to thank her fake professor for the compliment but instead was just moaning as he rapidly started to plunge all ten inches inside of her. His full balls were slapping against her bum with force as he started to shag her slutty cunt with all the force he could manage. Tonks didn't have a complaint in the world because Harry knew how to shag flawlessly. Tonks's mouth was open and moaning out in praise of these hard thrusts that jolted her body back and forth on this desk that was sure to give her a few splinters.

Luna was next to Tonks and Luna just watched Harry give his magnificent cock to another "student". Tonks was a beauty and there was no doubt they would be seeing a lot of each other. With Luna being Harry's personal sex pet and Tonks being his girlfriend they had to get along. Reaching over her hand Luna pinched one of Tonks's swinging breasts.

Tonks wasn't expecting to feel a hard pinch on her nipple and looked over to Luna who had a devious smile on her face. She was just about to open her mouth to say something when Luna said, "I'm so glad you found us Nymphie. So we can experience the professor's cock together. I think we will be doing this a lot in the future. I know I can't get enough of it."

Tonks wanted to respond but then she felt Luna's other hand go to her clit and start rubbing. Arching her back off the desk Tonks screamed as she came with a thundering explosion. "AAAHHHH!"

Harry wasn't expecting that loud scream accompanied by her climax but he could feel her pussy reach a tightness he hadn't felt from her before. "So naughty Ms. Tonks cumming before your professor." Harry was playing his part but with her pulsing and tight vaginal walls his climax was quickly approaching also.

Tonks could barely hear Harry and just closed her eyes and tried to enjoy the moment of Luna's fingers dancing on her clit while Harry shagged her pussy better than he ever had in the past.

A few minutes later Harry hadn't slowed down and in that time he managed to string Tonks along with Luna's help so she was still having mini orgasms. Her pussy remained tight until he was ready to blow. "I'm cumming Ms. Tonks."

Tonks loved getting the biggest creampies from Harry. She was never disappointed as she felt a cup and a half of potent spunk get shot into her aching womb. 'Fuck it always hits the spot.' Tonks thought to herself. Part of her even wished he was able to give her a child. Being around Harry was giving her massive baby fever as she wanted to have a bunch of his little brats. Even being a teacher didn't turn her off from the idea of having children soon. Part of her was worried that dealing with all of these snot nosed kids would turn her off of being a parent forever.

Luna seemed to sense her thoughts and rubbed Tonks slightly puffed out tummy. "Soon." Luna said cryptically.

Harry didn't even hear it, instead just focusing on Tonks's sweaty face with her pink hair matted to her face as well as her heaving tits. She looked like a goddess and it was a shame he didn't get a better look at her while he was in first year. "Ms. Tonks your pussy is an EE for sure."

Tonks could feel a small ache in her muscles all over her body but knew they weren't done. It was only a couple days since the raid on the Ministry and she was still recovering from that. Besides the duels she had to work all night that night questioning Voldemort with Amelia, Moody and Shacklebolt. Then there was the fact that she had to arrest the little prick Draco Malfoy for using an unforgivable in Hogwarts and in front of hundreds of witnesses. "What do I have to do to get an O like Luna?"

Harry smiled as his hands massaged her round and perky backside. "Ms. Lovegood so kindly gave up her bum for the O and it wouldn't be fair if you didn't do the same."

Tonks knew that was the next step and it was a step she was looking forward to. "You are so naughty professor wanting to stick that big cock up my bum. How are you going to fit, professor?" Tonks was acting like she hadn't taken his cock up her bum before. She had in fact had taken a Abraxen sized cock up the bum before courtesy of Desiree.

Harry felt his cock jump at the role play of her being an anal virgin. "Oh you are an anal virgin? I guess I will just have to be extra careful. So do you want to be bent over like this slutty Ravenclaw or do you want me to pick you up and fuck you like a true little Hufflepuff whore." Harry would happily have flipped Tonks over on the desk but had something else in mind.

Tonks knew how good Harry's standing fucks were. While she didn't mind being bent over she much more enjoyed being held with nothing more than a big cock and two big arms. "Pick me up and fuck my bum like a true Hufflepuff whore." Tonks didn't know where he came up with that description but it was accurate. In her house there was a lot of sex since everyone got along and the whole house was built around teamwork. She had been in the middle of numerous "team building exercises."

Harry grabbed Tonks and brought her to her feet before turning her around so she wasn't facing him. That was when his hands went to her hips and easily lifted her off the ground. From there it took a little hand adjustment until he had her legs in the crooks of his elbows as he put his hands locked behind her head. This position was so much easier with her smaller size. "You ready Ms. Tonks?"

Tonks knew this position and knew she was in for a wild ride. With Harry's hands behind her head she couldn't nod but said, "Yes I am professor. My bum is all yours." Tonks was excited to be buggered in this position. But she felt embarrassed being in front of Luna as Luna's doe blue eyes watched her pussy pour Harry's seed all over the floor.

That was when Luna jumped forward to help angle Harry's cock into Tonks's "virgin" asshole. "Here you go Nymphie."

Tonks wanted to be upset at Luna for calling her that again but feeling Harry peel her asshole apart made it impossible to be angry or focus on anything else. "Fuck professor Potter your cock is stretching my tight little ass so much." For Tonks it really did feel like she was an anal virgin again but without the pain.

Harry was loving the way today turned out. He had Luna in every way imaginable and now he was doing the same to an aged down Tonks. "Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff have the best sluts in the school." He did feel Tonks's asshole stretched wide around his girthy cock but received no actual complaints, just moans.

Tonks agreed with that statement. Ravenclaw's were known for being upright but kinky with Luna being a prime example and Hufflepuff's we're known for being a little easy. The rest of the houses had their own quirks with Slytherin's being into pain during sex and Gryffindor's being the best shaggers. Which is something Harry proved every day. "Yes professor. We are. We are your sluts. Fuck, just keep fucking my ass please don't stop."

Harry wouldn't stop if Minerva McGonagall walked through the door. Tonks was in top form as her ass was so tight and just the perfect hole to fuck in this position. "Ms. Tonks your ass is perfect. It definitely will deserve an O when I finally cum inside of it."

Tonks felt happy about getting this fictional nonexistent grade. "Thank you professor." Moaning louder she felt him speed up and all ten inches reached even deeper. "Your cock gets an O from me professor and you can have my ass whenever you want it."

Luna decided to jump in as well, "Yes professor I give your huge cock an O as well. Maybe we can stay after class everyday."

Harry was having trouble keeping his thoughts in check because he was imagining if he was a real teacher and these two were his students. He wouldn't be able to hold back and every free moment he would be shagging them rotten. "You two are my favorite students. I know you are addicted to this cock and I promise to give it to you whenever you want."

Tonks was being thrust up and down Harry's hard cock with an intensity and speed that she had never felt before. 'He really likes this. We will have to include more roleplay in the future. I'm sure Desiree will be very interested in the development.'

Harry kept buggering Tonks with everything he had and had felt her cum twice during that time. As well as feeling it Luna clapped her hands and commented on her climaxes because he made her squirt. "I'm gonna cum Tonks."

Tonks's eyes were rolled into the back of her head and she was close to her limit. "Just cum!" She couldn't take it anymore. It was too good and she was so sensitive. Looking down she had made a big mess. Besides Harry's seed being splattered on the floor, her own ejaculations had covered the floor. All in front of a teenage girl who was just smiling at her while touching her own pussy. Using her hands she covered her face in embarrassment. Just before she felt Harry unleash another tidal wave of hot spunk like only he could.

Harry felt Tonks's bum perfectly massage his cock and it did it's best to milk everything out of him. He somehow still felt like he still could go again but knew he had pushed Tonks to her limit. She was nearly limp in his arms and her head was rolled forward. Walking towards the desk he set her down gently as she was able to get into a seated position after he pulled out of her perfect bum.

Tonks felt full and tired. She had taken a large cumshot in every hole and had cum multiple times. "Harry, that was amazing." She had even forgotten about the role-play and was back to normal.

Harry wanted to punish her for forgetting they were still in character. "It's Professor Potter to you."

Tonks blushed, forgetting about the role-play, "Sorry Professor. Thank you Professor, that was amazing."

Luna chimed in as well, "I'm so glad you gave us the opportunity to earn those O's Professor. I would much rather do that than study."

Harry smiled at Luna with her charming slutty attitude. He wouldn't doubt if he was a professor for real she would be all over him trying to trade grades for sex. It would be impossible to say no with that tight body and no limits. One anal shag from her and he would give her a permanent O for the rest of her school career. "I should be thanking you two. I have been very stressed lately and that helped me out a lot. I hope I wasn't too rough with you two."

Luna giggled, "You could have been a little rougher with me." Luna couldn't resist teasing Harry again and again.

Tonks still had trouble believing this cute little innocent looking girl was this much of a whore. While she was teaching the fourth years Luna never struck her as that girl. Turning back to Harry she answered, "I don't know how you could get any rougher professor. My bum is going to be stinging for the rest of the day."

Harry closed the distance between them and kissed Tonks full on the mouth. He loved that she played along for today and did such a good job. Putting all of his love into the kiss he then brushed some of her wet hair out of her face.

When they finally broke the kiss Tonks had her arms wrapped around him. "Thank you Tonks for playing along with Luna's fantasy. I promise over the summer if there is anything you want to do in bed I will make it happen." He believed in equality so when a girl did something nice for him he wanted to give it back to them anyway he could.

Tonks gave Harry a soft smile loving his selflessness despite his selfishness in the moment during sex. Outside of sex he was selfless willing to give his life for others and inside bed he just wanted to cum by any means necessary. "Oh Harry, I will have to think of something to get my payback."

Harry now got the same chill up his spine that he got when Desiree called in her wagers or favors. She had done so much for him in bed when she needed something he did without question. The worst being the time she wanted his mouth to eat her pussy for hours on end. That led to the worst jaw pain and his tongue feeling numb for two days. "Just think about it. I'm sure Luna might be able to help you if you need it. I'm glad you two got along because you will be seeing a lot of each other."

Tonks turned to Luna, "Thank you for including me and I hope we get to know each other better." Tonks extended her hand for a shake as the blonde grabbed it and shook it back.

Luna smiled at the bubblegum pink haired teenager and just said, "Do you want me to eat your asshole?"

That made Tonks nearly fall off from the desk in shock and for Harry it almost made him fall back in shock. "What?" Tonks asked in a raised tone.

Luna was just calm and collected, "I can lick up the mess Harry made and we can get to know each other better." Her reasoning was sound in her mind because it worked with Desiree so well.

Tonks didn't know why or even remember saying yes but the next thing she knew she had the blonde soon pushing up her legs and spreading her cheeks before dipping her tongue inside her gaped asshole.

Harry just watched as Luna ate Tonks's soiled asshole and decided he should just leave these girls to it. He didn't want to get in the middle of their bonding. Both were going to be a part of his life and the sooner they got along the better. Slowly gathering his clothes he swiftly got dressed to the sound of Tonks's heavy breathing.

Tonks was struggling to not react to Luna's tongue. It was doing an excellent job of soothing her red stretched out hole. That and the sounds of Luna slurping out the copious amounts of seed was the hottest thing she had felt. Tonks was massaging the girl's head trying to let her know she was doing a good job. That was when she heard the door open and shut. Looking back she saw that Harry left the room. 'That little fucker.'

Now Tonks was stuck in a room alone with Luna and she knew that she was not leaving until Luna had tongue licked her clean. 'Oh Nymphadora, what have you gotten yourself into.' By dating Harry, Tonks had also entered into a relationship with many other girls which meant having a girl's head in her lap was going to become much more common.


Harry had headed to the library to check on Hermione and Desiree who seemed dead set on answering all of his fan mail. Walking through the library he soon found Hermione at a table with a stack of letters and parchment two feet high. "Hermione?"

Hermione looked up from frantically writing her last few letters to see Harry standing in front of her. "Oh Harry, perfect timing you have to sit down and sign all these letters." Hermione then pushed the stack over to the other open chair across from her.

Harry sighed and sat down, "Where is Desiree I thought she was helping you?" Harry picked up a spare quil and dipped it into an inkwell before he started to sign his signature at the bottom of every handwritten letter. Hermione did an excellent job with them and he could see the care that went into crafting them.

Hermione rolled her eyes remembering that Desiree was no help. "She said she was bored and went to find professor Vector."

That perked Harry up, "Really?"

He was ready to get up to go join them but Hermione glared at him and said, "No mister you are going to sit there and sign every letter personally before you run off." She spent all of this time and today was the last day of Hogwarts. That meant it was the last day they had access to all the school's owls to send these off.

Harry groaned in frustration but continued to sign, trying to get it done as soon as possible. "So anything interesting in these letters?" Harry tried to make small talk as he signed.

Hermione continued writing, "There were a few marriage proposals. Fathers were offering their daughters to be your bride and there were quite a few women who just sent you dirty pictures."

Harry perked his head up, "Can I see them?" Harry had a love for female nudity in general and could spend hours just looking and admiring the female form.

Hermione sighed and knew that her boyfriend was helplessly addicted to sex and the like. Reaching down she pulled the photos from her bag. "I was planning on destroying them. While I am showing them to you now I am telling you, I am destroying them tonight." She decided she could let him take a pic before she threw them in the fireplace in the common room.

Harry didn't want to fight with her and just agreed, "I just want to see. Call it my reward for taking down the most fearson dark lord ever." He tried to give her one of his charming smiles but Hermione was unmoved.

Hermione just continued to write, "Your reward was last night when you buggered every girl in the dorm including myself."

Harry scoffed, "Come on, Hermione live a little."

Hermione sighed realizing she was being a little uptight. The problem was that some of these letters were from children or parents of kids looking to Harry as a role model. If they knew the truth about what he got up to in the bedroom they might rethink that. Putting her quill down Hermione gave Harry a serious look. "Harry, look at me." Once she had his undivided attention she said, "I have spent the last two hours writing to your fans and people wanting to thank you for what you did. Some are parents who have young children who want their kids to grow up to be you. I know you are just having fun and we have a special relationship but I need you to be careful. I need you to start acting like a role model. Kids are looking up to you now."

Harry didn't think about that. "So what am I supposed to do?" He didn't want to be a disappointment for people.

Hermione leaned back in her chair, "That means you shouldn't be keeping those naked photos or be requesting them. That also means you should also be more careful and not shagging every girl you meet. I know you and Desiree like to seduce women but you have to be careful from now on. Women are going to want your child for fame and monetary reasons." Hermione knew this was the moment everything changed. Harry was officially the most powerful and most sought after wizard ever. There was going to be a line if women everywhere he went that wanted to shag him.

Harry paused and thought about it, "Fuck. That blows." He didn't know what else to say hoping to start shagging even more girls out of this. "So I should really trust a girl before I have sex with them?" He knew he already had a harem but thought it was always fun to add more to his already impressive list of conquests.

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Yes Harry. Trust them and think with more than just your cock. You don't want children right now when you are still in school." Hermione didn't want to think what would happen if Harry didn't have her looking out for him. She bet within a year he would have a hundred children.

Harry suddenly felt two inches tall knowing Hermione was about to be very upset. "I forgot to tell you and Desiree...and the others but Amelia Bones had my child already."

Hermione couldn't believe what she just heard, "I'm sorry Harry I don't think I heard you right. Did you just tell me Amelia Bones? The new Minister Amelia Bones has a baby and you are the father?" This was lunacy what Harry was saying.

Harry nodded, "And I also promised Narcissa a child for helping us beat Voldemort so she is probably pregnant right now as well."

If Hermione was standing right now she would faint. "Have you lost your bloody mind! What on Earth were you thinking, knocking up Narcissa Malfoy? And Amelia Bones for fucks sake Harry, oh now I remember her from that bloody book." Hermione was now very upset because while she knew they had sex she didn't realize it was more serious than that. "I swear Harry you are going to give me a heart attack."

Harry knew Hermione had every right to be upset. "Hermione, I have been thinking a lot about it and I don't think I will be coming back to Hogwarts next year."

"Harry, what are you talking about?" Hermione didn't understand why he wouldn't want to come back especially since this entire year they were having crazy fun orgies every night. As much as she hated to admit it she actually had fallen in love with their nightly routine.

Harry sighed deeply because the thought had entered his mind yesterday and it wouldn't go away. "I am done, Hermione. I came here to learn magic and beat Voldemort and I have done that. With Voldemort gone and me going to pass my O.W.L.S I just don't see the point of coming back. I will soon have two kids with plenty more on the way. I also want to try and build a business. I don't want to waste anymore time here."

Hermione was taken aback by how much thought he put into the plan. Most of it made sense that he had a child with one on the way. "Okay so you want to be a father but what about us still here?" Hermione was worried about being left behind. If Harry was gone, so was Desiree and probably Daphne as well.

Harry rubbed his head, "I was hoping to convince you and Daphne to join me in leaving school." He knew it was a tough sell for Hermione because she wanted to be head girl and graduate with the best grades in the history of the school.

Hermione was silent for over a minute just staring at Harry, "So am I just living off your money forever? Am I just going to be a breeding cow for the rest of my life?"

Harry shook his head adamantly, "Of course not. But I was giving thought to you, maybe taking over the Potter family seat and helping change our government. With Sirius free I imagine he will take over the Black, Narcissa will have the Malfoy seat and Daphne will hopefully take over the Greengrass. Those along with the light side seats we can finally make real changes."

Hermione was silent again, surprised by Harry's ingenious idea. That was actually so much better than her original plan which was to graduate and try to get an entry level job at the Ministry to work her way up. "Harry, that might be your single best idea you have ever had."

Harry thought he had better personally but he would take the compliment anyways. "You could also help with my future business and we can have kids whenever you want."

Hermione liked the idea but wanted to put off kids until her late twenties or early thirties if possible. "We will talk about it more over the summer with Sirius and the others. We all need to have a big "family" meeting to discuss this before we make any final plans." She put finger quotes around the word family because it was more of a harem like Desiree and Harry wanted.

Harry could live with a maybe, "Of course I want you to think it through. I just think that with Voldemort gone and soon to be gone for good we have a chance to really do some good." While Harry was focused on his future family he wanted to make some real changes to the wizarding world.

Both friends and lovers soon fell back into silence as they went back to the fan mail. Hermione had finished the final letters and was now sealing all of the completed letters to be sent out.

After another fifteen minutes Harry finished his signatures and his hand even felt a little sore. "There, last one. Now what?" Harry asked.

Hermione collected them all and put them in her bag for her trip to the owlery. "Now I will send them out and you are going to find Desiree to go shag I imagine while I think about your proposition." Hermione planned to also write a few personal letters to set up the big "family" meeting. She wanted everyone in Harry's life there so they could get everything planned out.

While Hermione was still a little neurotic and controlling she had realized that she had calmed down quite a bit. Maybe it was the sex or being with Harry in general but she wasn't dismissing his plan outright. If you asked her a year ago she wouldn't have left school for anything but now Harry was right things were different. While there were still things to learn she could learn most things on her own and through books. She was already a competent duelist and while she could always get better it helped to have Harry around as a teacher.

'I can't believe I am actually considering this. I would kiss the head girl position goodbye but maybe when I'm older I can make a run at Minister.' Hermione was letting her daydreams get away from her but now Harry got her thinking bigger than just school.

Septima's Classroom

Harry had quickly walked up the steps to the fifth floor where Septima's Classroom was located. If Desiree was there no doubt there was sex going on. Even with him shagging Luna and Tonks earlier he still felt as if he could go ten more rounds. 'Since dying my stamina has been unreal. Maybe that soul piece in my head was holding me back.' Before he could think anymore about that he had to cast an unlocking charm on Septima's classroom door before slipping inside and relocking it.

Once inside Harry was greeted to the sight of Aurora laying on the desk with a strapon. Desiree was sitting on it sandwiched with Septima crouched above on top of the two women. Harry was immediately hard at the sight of Desiree being between these two mature professors. "Well hello you three."

Septima jumped the most but was relieved it was Harry. She didn't even hear the door open because she was so lost in the feeling of Desiree's ass coiled around this toy, choking the life out of her. It felt as if she was short of breath as her orgasm got closer and closer.

Aurora still had her voice and even though she was enjoying Desiree with her best friend she said, "I didn't know you were joining us Harry but you are more than welcome to."

Harry could t resist in getting naked and walking over to the fucking trio. "Look at you two shagging my girlfriend." He saw Desiree's face was scrunched up in pleasure clearly lost in her own world of pleasure.

Aurora was looking up at Harry's cock which was inches away from her face. She could smell his musk as well as something more feminine. She could smell another girl on him and it just made her pussy gush as she gripped Desiree's bountiful hips as she thrust up. "They called me to join them and I couldn't say no. You have a really good girl here, Harry."

Harry smiled at Desiree and brought her face up to his with his thumb and index finger. "I do have a good girl. Now you better make these girls cum a lot Desiree or else I will let them punish you with twenty spanks each."

Septima felt Desiree's bum tighten up and her climax hit her like a ton of bricks, "Bollocks I'm cumming!" She didn't know how Harry's words affected the tan goddess so much but her bum was so tight Septima couldn't hold back anymore. This was her third orgasm inside Desiree and couldn't understand how she was still standing.

Harry smiled at Desiree and gave her a small pat on the head like a good pet before looking down and angling his cock into Aurora's mouth.

Aurora saw the cock coming and opened her mouth wide open. She had never taken his ccok from this angle but she was willing to try. As he pushed into her mouth she struggled to keep her teeth away from his cock and the best she could do was stretch her mouth as wide as she could as he lightly thrusted his hips.

Harry was only moving a few inches and could see his cock entering the beginning of Aurora's throat. "Oh Aurora you have such a nice mouth." He hadn't heard her gagging yet so getting a little bolder he pressed a few more inches inside her tight throat and that's when he heard her start to gag. "Did I hit your limit?"

Aurora nodded, she had never taken a cock that deep in her throat and couldn't take anymore than that. With a muffled jumble of words Harry seemed to understand as he pushed back in and stopped right at her true deepthroat limit.

Harry was having so much fun feeling Aurora's tight throat wrapped around the tip of his cock but also seeing the bulge in her throat. "Fuck all of you girls are perfect little sluts."

Septima wanted to argue but she was currently buggering a student so she had no room to argue. Instead she just focused on her hips which were getting a little sore. The loud claps of flesh on flesh were music to her ears mixed with the sounds of Desiree moaning. "I love this bum." Septima moaned.

Harry laughed, "I do too. She loves it up the bum but she also wanted to give it to you most of all Septima." Harry confessed hoping she realized what a gift it was for Desiree to lust after someone so hard.

Septima knew Desiree had the hots for her and it was very awkward hearing it from the boyfriend who she had also shagged on her own. "Thank you Desiree."

Desiree was just a stream of moans as she looked at her master who was also looking at her getting double penetrated. "Just fuck me." That's all she wanted. She wanted her master to carry her to bed after this.

Aurora and Septima gave Desiree their best all the while Aurora was trying her best to make Harry cum. The longer the blowjob or face fuck went on she felt the twitching get stronger before he said, "I'm cumming!"

Aurora then stopped moving her hips to focus on the intense concentration of swallowing one of Harry's large loads. She had swallowed dozens over the last two years but never at this angle.

Harry pulled out of Aurora's throat so she was suckling on the tip before another rush of spunk flowed out of him. Looking down he heard loud gulps as Aurora's throat jumped up and down swallowing every drop of his sweet seed.

Aurora tried to savor the taste of Harry's sweet laced cum but had to keep up and quickly drink it down. It was like a forced warm milkshake and by far the best part about having sex with Harry besides the mind numbing orgasms.

When Harry was done he pulled out of Aurora's mouth for her to start inhaling fresh air again. "You did great Aurora."

Aurora started moving her hips into Desiree again she was so close to cumming. "I'm so close. Just one more with your girlfriend before I want a turn with you." She was desperate to have Harry again before the year was over. He was by far her best lover and while she liked it when Septima joined her in bed it was nothing compared to Harry.

Desiree heard the dark skinned professor under her and she started to squeeze her pussy on the strapon to try and speed her along. Desiree was on climax six or seven by now and she still had more to give.

Aurora felt the tan girl on top of her clench her pussy and massage her fake length and Aurora came with a wail. "Aaaiiiihhhh!" It was all too much. Her pussy was soaked and wearing the fake cock was so real. 'And I still want more.'

Septima knew her time was up as well and while she was close to her own orgasm she pulled out of Desiree so her friend could be let up. With Septima off, Desiree stood up next letting the fake toy flop out of her very well fucked pussy. "Have fun professor. Now Septima I want to wear the toy."

Aurora quickly hopped off the desk to only be bent over it. Looking back at Harry she said, "My pussy needs your cock." She was so wet and horny she didn't even want to think of anything else.

Harry brought his saliva slick cock to her wet opening. "Then that's what you are going to get." With one big thrust he had punched through Aurora's pussy to the very back hitting her cervix. Harry then pulled back almost eight inches before doing it again.

Aurora just moaned and melted into the desk, "Yes! That's it! Let it out! Fuck my pussy hard!" She had become accustomed to the hard shags Harry gave her with his oversized cock. She truly loved them and now this was the final one of the year.

Two feet over Desiree had taken the toy off of Septima and bent her over right next to her friend before spreading the teacher's cheeks. "I have been dreaming of taking you here, professor. I know I'm not the first but I promise you will remember it." Desiree then slowly and gently started to push in the lubed up cock inside Septima's tight asshole. "That's a good girl. All for me."

Septima was white knuckling the desk not expecting Desiree to go right for her asshole. But it was only fair since she did the same even though it was at Desiree's request. Now it was fair play and she was feeling a naughty taboo pleasure bubbling up inside her.

Desiree looked down at the pale body of her favorite teacher. The teacher who caught her eye and was intoxicating. "That's it, Septima take this cock like my perfect little cock slut." Desiree loved talking dirty, a trait she shared with her master.

Harry was stuck between choosing to look down at Aurora's nice big butt bouncing on his cock or Desiree buggering her favorite professor.

Desiree caught her master looking and gave him a big smile before bringing her hand down on Septima's bum hard. A big red handprint appeared as she helped. Desiree cut her off before she protested, "Just a little mark to claim you as mine. I know Harry is going to want a turn with you but I want you to remember this ass is mine." Desiree then sped up her thrusts and made Septima cry out in bliss as she felt even more euphoria rush through her.

Septima never imagined buggering would being so much pleasure and while she prefered to have her pussy fucked this wasn't the worst thing in the world. "Please Desiree!"

Desiree loved hearing her pleas, "Don't worry my pet I promise to fuck your pussy next. I'm going to claim that too before we are over." Desiree planned to keep these memories forever and put them in picture form to create her own scrapbook.

Aurora felt the entire desk shake from both her and Septima getting bent over by a couple students. This was not how she imagined her teaching career going. "I'm cumming!"

Harry felt that she was close and with one more bug thrust he buried all ten inches in one thrust that was sure to leave her weak in the knees. "Cum for me."

Aurora let out one final cry as she came and felt Harry do the same. They came simultaneously and it had never felt better. They were so in sync and this felt better than all of their other times. This was going to be the time she was going to remember the most. This was going to be the memory she touched herself at night too.

Harry pumped his first load into Aurora and laid all of his weight on her. He wanted to fill her slutty womb one final time. Whispering in her ear, "Before we say goodbye how about I shag your perfect bum one last time?"

Aurora was dead and numbed up from a dozen different orgasms but couldn't turn him down. "Just once. I think I might pass out if I keep going."

Harry chuckled in her ear as he pulled out of her pussy and brought it to her tight little rosebud. "Think of this as a thank you for all you have done for me." With that he started to push into her ass from behind. He had already shagged her bum enough for it to be broken in. He didn't need to go too slow as he thrust about half his length in and out of her.

Aurora clawed the desk feeling the slight burning but searing pleasure of having his giant cock in her bum. She never quite knew how he convinced her to do this in the first place but she was glad he did. "Ah it's so good." Aurora then caught the embarrassed eyes of her best friend who was also taking it up the bum at the same time she was. Aurora's bum was burning. The good kind of burning that came from a buggering only Harry could give her. She would have never accepted this from another man but Harry owned her ass.

Septima couldn't complain because she was less than gracious when she was in Desiree's bum but Desiree was holding back from doing the exact same to her. This girl seemed to understand her limits and didn't push her past what she was comfortable with. Even though she was looking at her best friend the words, "Ah Desiree please keep shagging my bum!" Fell out of her mouth freely.

Aurora was shocked seeing her friend like this and couldn't wait to tell Madam Rosmerta about this the next time they all got together. But she couldn't blame her friend because the strapon was modeled after Harry and she had the same cock up her own bum. Aurora was letting the pleasure build in her asshole and she could tell the big analgasm was coming. Harry had a habit of finding this one sensitive spot inside of her that made anal feel amazing. "I'm gonna cum Harry. I swear I'm gonna cum."

Harry smiled and just enjoyed watching her back arch as she clawed the desk. "I know. Just cum cum all over my cock and I promise to give you a nice big load."

Aurora always loved getting a nice big anal creampie for her troubles and the way Harry came had no equal. "Fuck!" It was at that moment she seized and she came with a scream. Soon after she then felt Harry cum and filled her bum with enough cum to be considered obscene.

Septima saw and heard her friend cum and she came right behind her, "DESIREE!" With a final wail she came undone from the magnificent shag from her student.

Desire fell on top of her crush and was breathing heavily. She was worn out and was going on pure determination and force of will. She was tired after the countless orgasms she had between the two horny teachers and now she was ready to go to sleep.

Septima rode the waves of her biggest anal orgasm ever out. While Harry and Aurora were great Desiree seemed to know exactly what she needed. Some thrusts were deep, some pushed against her aching womb and others were fast and deep enough to make her see stars. Her breasts were mashed against the desk under her as she wanted and tried to gulp down air as Desiree pulled that massive cock out of her bum.

Desiree looked at her master, "Let's switch."

Harry shrugged his shoulders and pulled out of Aurora. Just as she was starting to let his cum flow Desiree dropped to her knees and started to lick up the mess he made. It was funny that Luna had done the same thing to Tonks earlier. It was now very clear that these two were cut from the same cloth and that Desiree might have even taught Luna a few things.

Harry stepped a few feet over to Septima and put his hands on the swell of her hips, "Don't worry Desiree already did a number on your bum so I will use the other one."

Septima didn't even think she could go again but once she felt him push into her sloppy pussy all those thoughts left her head. "Oh that hits the spot." She didn't realize her pussy needed attention this bad. "Please keep going."

Harry pulled back and thrust back in making the Raven haired teacher moan just as loud as she moaned with Desiree buggering her. "Just relax and let me please you one last time."

Septima did relax. She felt all of her tension leave her as Harry thrust into her and built a semi fast but firm rhythm. It was just the way she liked and the thing he had picked up from their first two times together. While Desiree used pure speed and strength she did give her a shag she was always going to remember but Harry was giving her a shag that complimented it perfectly. They were two sides of the same coin and were meant for each other.

Desiree happily slurped and sucked all the seed Harry deposited in the dark skinned professor. When she was done she rolled over the professor before sharing the final mouthful with her. Their tongues dueled as they swapped the sweet seed. They then watched Harry shag Septima to completion.

When Harry and Septima were done Harry had cum one final time and Septima had cum twice. By then everyone in the room was so tired everyone just sat in one of the classroom chairs and caught their breaths.

A little conversation started to bloom. Desiree started to comment on how much she was going to miss Septima and seeing her ass everyday. Aurora said the same thing about Harry which sparked a giggling fit had by all. Septima had a permanent blush from the way Desiree stared at her naked body.

"I swear I have never had a student like you Ms. Sultan." Septima said feeling well fucked and more sexually satisfied than any other time in her life. No offense to any of Harry's past attempts there was no matching the enthusiasm of shagging this slutty student's bum. Then you add to that Harry came in and shagged her as well made it ten times better.

Desiree had a serene smile on her face like she had completed her life's mission. "No you haven't, that's for sure. I don't know what the future holds Septima but you are always welcome in my bed or should I say our bed." Desiree looked at Harry to confirm as he nodded.

Aurora was still catching her breath and could live with that deal, "That sounds like a deal. I don't think anyone can please me like you, Harry. Sorry to say you have ruined me for other men and I know Madam Rosmerta feels the same way." Aurora couldn't hope to find another man to replace Harry and it wasn't just the massive cock she was trying to replace. It was the love and passion she felt when he shagged her. There was nothing like it in the world and it energized her every time. When she had lazy days teaching ungrateful students one shag would give her some skip in her step.

Harry smiled thinking about Elizabeth Rosmerta. "I haven't discussed this with Desiree yet but I won't be coming back to Hogwarts next year." Harry said out of nowhere.

Desiree gasped because she liked this school. The dorm orgies were fun and of course this is where Septima was. " Mas...Harry why?"

"Yes Harry, why?" Aurora asked, wanting to know why her favorite shagger was leaving.

Harry sighed, "Voldemort will soon be taken care of and I want to start on making my family and starting to make a life for myself." He had given it a lot of thought and had made his decision.

Desiree understood why Harry felt this way because a family was what he has always wanted. Being in his head she saw numerous fantasies with his harem of women and a gaggle of children running towards him calling him "papa" and "dada". "I guess these two will have to just come to our house." Desiree smiled at the two professors thinking about their future house that would no doubt have a crazy sex room.

Harry nodded, "I will have a house built over the summer and you two are welcome anytime. Even if you don't want a shag from me I'm sure Desiree would love to indulge in your bodies." Harry didn't plan to rule his girls with an iron fist. He knew that his girls had needs like Daphne and Tracey. If his girls wanted to bring other girls into his bed for him or themselves he didn't mind.

Desiree nodded, "So Septima be sure to visit often or I can even floo over here from time to time to play this game again." Desiree was getting wet thinking about coming back into this classroom and getting fucked like she was a student or fucking her like a student who over powered her. Both scenarios were so hot and just built anticipation for their next meeting.

Aurora was upset that her resident sex god was leaving school. "Harry, why do you have to go? I spent most of the year not shagging you and now you are leaving. It's not fair." She was beside herself cursing Umbridge for ruining her year. While she had multiple sexual hookups with Harry it wasn't nearly as many as they had the year before.

Harry smiled at Aurora and felt his soft cock twitch hearing Aurora want him so much. "You are always welcome at my house and I promise to make time for you if you really need it. You helped me last year and this year more than you know so I owe you. So anytime you need me and come through the fireplace I will drag you to bed and give you a shag to remember."

Aurora could live with that deal but was now staring at his slowly hardening cock which was still slick from Septima's dripping snatch. With the grace of a jungle cat she slid off the desk onto her knees before crawling over to Harry and bringing his cock to her mouth. "One last blowjob while you are a student then. I want to suck down a big taboo load of spunk." There was something so taboo about swallowing a student's spunk that just did it for her.

Harry just relaxed into the wooden chair as Aurora went to work licking the sides of his cock gathering all of Septima's fluids on her tongue and replacing it with her saliva. "You are my favorite professor for a reason, Professor Sinistra."

Aurora moaned around his cock as she took over half of it into her throat. Those words had hit a chord inside her. 'Damn right I'm your favorite. I don't see Minerva taking this giant cock into her mouth.'

Desiree watched the dark skinned professor suck her master's cock one last time. "So Septima do you want anything more? I am more than happy to lick up anything on your body." Harry had pumped one of his precious loads inside her pussy and Desiree had her eyes on it.

Septima shook her head, "No I'm still shaking from the dozen or so orgasms from before. No, I will just shower all this off. Let me just stare at you and take in that body." Septima had made it known how attractive she thought the olive skinned student was. She had womanly curves that put most women to shame.

Desiree gave the professor an evil grin before standing up and putting her hands over her head. Showing every inch of her Desiree then started to dance to a tune in her head shaking her hips and making her breasts jump up and down. She was giving Septima a dance that she had reserved for her master's.

Septima groaned seeing Desiree give her a private dance like no other. Septima didn't know it was possible to look this sexy and suddenly understood why men went to gentleman clubs. "Oh Desiree you look divine."

Desiree continued to just dance for her professor while loud slurping and sucking was heard. With Harry he started to push Aurora's head down harder and harder with no complaint.

Aurora liked it when Harry was a little more forceful. He didn't try to get all of his cock in her mouth which seemed impossible but an extra inch made her eyes water and her throat get tighter. She could now feel his precum running down her throat. She knew he was inching closer and closer to a climax and she couldn't wait.

Harry looked down in her brown eyes and saw that she was loving this much like all the other blowjobs she had given him. She was always enthusiastic and since Luna's wish she was much more willing to swallow though he did miss painting her face like his own personal canvas. His pearly cum was the perfect pain on her dark skinned canvas. Luckily he already had pictures of that in case he ever wanted to revisit it. "So close Aurora just a little more."

Aurora moved to just focus on the tip while her hand started milking him. She had learned to wank him off with her hands and even though she couldn't get her fingers all the way around him she twisted her wrist enough to touch every inch. She gave a complete handjob as the saliva gave her the perfect lube. With a few more big pulses rippling through his cock she soon felt the sweet warm liquid hit her tongue. With a moan she started to gulp down his cum which was still very substantial given how many times he finished in all of them.

Septima didn't look at her friend's big finish instead she now had her hands on Desiree's big tits after they were thrusted into her face. Septima hadn't felt a lot of breasts but these were the best by a mile. They were much bigger than a handful and so sensitive. With just a few pinches of her caramel colored nipples she saw the girl cross her legs and moan. That was when Desiree demanded she suck them as well as finger her wet pussy.

Septima had no choice but to do as she asked. Now much like a horny fifteen year old boy she was sucking Desiree's massive chest while playing with her wet clit.

Desiree was moaning out as she managed to squeeze one last sexual encounter out of the raven haired professor.

Aurora finally managed to get all of Harry's sweet gift down her throat when she felt him softening again. Pulling away from his soft cock with a pop she smiled up at him, "Now that was a proper goodbye."

Harry brought a hand off the back of her head to her cheek, "I meant what I said. You helped me more than you know so if you ever need anything big or small I will be there." He still felt as if he owed her. When she let him blow off her class work for his own work it allowed him to properly plan and probably saved his life more than he knew.

Desiree finally came after a few minutes of wet rubbing on her clit as well as a hard baby like suck of her nipples. She had Harry in this position a few times. He loved her bigger breasts and she loved pleasing him in any way possible.

With all of the sex officially done the two students quickly dressed and gave a final goodbye. The two professors planned to both go take a shower before the final dinner of the year. It was something they both needed to attend.

Harry and Desiree just casted a few dozen cleaning charms and ignored the sticky remnants from the classroom debauchery. To kill time before the final dinner Desiree and Harry walked around the school with his arm around her shoulders.

Harry really did feel as if this was the end of an era. "I'm sorry I didn't discuss leaving school with you before I made the decision."

Desiree smiled and loved his warm touch as they walked the halls. "It's fine. I understand your reasoning and it isn't like I like school that much anyway. I just like the sex and we will be having plenty of that anyway. If I don't have to do anymore homework I will be a happy girl."

Harry laughed at her joke knowing homework was the thing that annoyed her the most. "I made this decision for another reason that I forgot to tell you about. Do you remember when I made that wish and shagged Amelia Bones?"

Desiree smiled at one of his first wishes, "Oh yes. I was so proud of you for starting to explore my powers." She loved his use of her powers but really enjoyed him learning to seduce on his own.

Harry nodded, "Well as it turns out that got her pregnant." With the shoe drop Desiree stopped walking, making Harry stop walking as well. "Desiree?"

Desiree smiled at her master, "Oh master you have a child. It's just what you wanted. How does it feel being a father?" She was frantic in her questions.

Harry hugged his girlfriend and just said, "Too soon to tell. I haven't even met the kid but there is something else. I also tried to knock up Narcissa." He knew as an older woman she felt the need to have a baby as paramount and he was more than happy to help.

Desiree let out a laugh, "Oh master you are in so much trouble. Daphne and Fleur will be upset they aren't first." Desiree didn't mind her master seeding his future harem a little early but the others might.

Harry thought of that and it will take some big gestures to make up for that. "I know but I promise their children will be my heirs. I promise to make sure they know that they will be my wives and the most important women to me...besides you of course."

Desiree blushed as they resumed walking, "I'm glad to hear that master." She knew she was important to her master but sometimes she was worried about being left behind.

Harry now had a question that hadn't been brought up or at least that he remembered. "What about you? Do you want a child?" He knew she had talked about it before but now that she was human it was actually possible.

Desiree thought about it and for the longest time she did wish for a child. Even with her awful master's she wanted a child that was her own and someone she could raise and teach everything to. "Yes master I do. As soon as this anti pregnancy potion is out of my body I wouldn't mind trying...and trying again."

Harry could only imagine how much seed he was going to pump into her before she was pregnant. "I guess anal will be off the table for a while."

Desiree scoffed, "Of course not master. Just finish in my womb. I wouldn't deprive you of your favorite hole." She liked teasing her master and now it was becoming a little rarer.

Harry loved Desiree and he was reminded every day. "I love you."

Desiree was sent into a giggling fit as her master hugged her and she felt that his erection was returning, "I know master but save it for the dorm. Those girls will need one more shag before we get on the trains tomorrow."

"I don't know how I have the energy but I think I can go a few more rounds after dinner." Harry was amazed his body felt this way.

Desiree saw the reason was because of the soul anchor. "You wished for enhanced stamina but that soul leech from Voldemort was holding you back. Now you are getting the full benefit of the wish."

Harry forgot about that wish. "Well thank you I guess. Oh shit I forgot to leave the girls a gift." He planned to give his professors another set of toys to occupy themselves while he is gone.

Desiree smiled, "Well how about you wish for a nice gift basket for the professors and the girls in the dorms. I will take care of the contents but trust me that they will love it."

Harry smiled at her genius, "Okay I wish for all the girls to get a big gift basket with everything they would like." Harry had already used enough wishes for his perfect life before she turned human. Now that she retained some of her powers after her human transformation it was easy to forget about.

Desiree loved her connection to some of her genie powers. After thousands of years they were now just a part of her but now she wasn't just a slave following orders. Now she was a powerful witch who was using her magic for good. "So you have wished it, so it shall be." With that gift baskets appeared on the desks or in the beds of the girls in the dorms. "All done master."

"You don't have to keep calling me master you know." Harry still felt a little weird about it now that she was fully human and unbound by the bottle.

Desiree smiled softly as they walked hand in hand to the Great Hall. "I know. Part of it is a habit but the other part is that you are my last master and the one I want to be with forever." Desiree knew her choice of words was strange given the circumstances.

"No it's okay as long as you realize you are free. You can do what you want and I will support you." Harry just wanted the best for the ex-genie.

"Well thank you for the support. I don't know what I would do without you. I shudder to think what would have happened to me without you." She saw some of the other kids in this school and it was by chance she found a good master.

Harry didn't like to think about Desiree being found by anyone else. It made him angry to think of her getting abused again. "Don't think about it. It didn't happen and it will never happen again."

Desiree just nodded and kept silent as they walked to the Great Hall for the last dinner of the year. Tonight was the night they would find out the winner of the house cup as well as a small speech before the big goodbye speech tomorrow morning before they boarded the trains.
