Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake - Chapter 01

----Chapter 01----

Written by

David Kenneth Lacey

Far away, in another solar system called "TRAPPIST-1" which has seven planets, the year is 2041 "After Gleen" (A.G). At some time during the night of January 30th, a single massive space colony that's shaped like a large cylinder with no windows is seen in low orbit of the planet called TRAPPIST-1F. This enormous structure is called "Mainland", and as the scene moves inside of it, many buildings for civilians surround a large black building called the "Black Block". Inside of this building, a single woman with natural pink skin is seen sitting in a throne room, which is set up like a command room. She is dressed like a queen, with a long white dress and a small makeshift crown on her head, as she then proceeds to send a message out to the planet below, called "Gleen".

As the message goes out, the scene will quickly move from Mainland and go down to the planet's left side, where several islands and two large land masses above and below the islands can be seen. This area of the planet is called the "Divided Islands of Columbia", where in the far east, a cluster of islands is shown, along with one larger island called "Appledale". Each of these islands will have something called an "Umbrella" positioned within the middle of the island, with huge cities for its lower-class citizens; while the "Stem" of the Umbrella houses the middle-class citizens, and the upper-class citizens live above them on the top. In the middle of the top area, a different-colored building similar to the previous one shown within Mainland will be seen, as it is called the "White Block". Inside, the President and a few other men are seen in the room, as they listen intently to the message that the Queen sends out.

Queen Alexandra Ascension (monitor)

...Greetings, President Sacha Luisant. My name is Alexandra Ascension, and as of right now I've decided to claim myself as "Queen" of the Ascension race. I have also decided to call ourselves "Ascension from Above" from now on...similar to how your people call themselves citizens of the "Divided Islands of Columbia".

President Sacha Luisant


Men in the background


Queen Alexandra Ascension (monitor)

During these past 3 years, we Ascension have explored this great technological marvel in great detail and discovered stockpiles of mechanical soldiers dubbed "AndroIs", as well as two powerful classes of pilotable robots called "Superior Splendors"-as well as several battleships.

Brief images of this statement are now shown. Queen Alexandra continues.

Queen Alexandra Ascension (monitor)

With these weapons, we chose to declare our independence from the Divided Islands of Columbia and the Confederation of Pioneering Uniforms...despite the fact that you carry a "cure". We also chose to proclaim that we as a people will not accept death for your schemes and will instead focus on creating our own new interests. That means we will be using Mainland as a base in order to leave behind Gleen, so that we may take the planets called "Grissom" and "Schirra" for ourselves.



Queen Alexandra Ascension (monitor)

And once we control those planets, we will then prepare to leave behind the TRAPPIST-1 solar system entirely-while using Mainland as a stepping stone to reach planets beyond the stars. With this, we bid you farewell...I pray that our paths won't ever cross again.

After the message ends, the President speaks.

President Sacha Luisant

...Just as we planned for, our creations are rebelling against us.

Vice President ???

Indeed, Sacha. Now is the time to put into action the next part of your "Grand Plan".

President Sacha Luisant

Yes...Codename "Operation SEED".

President Sacha then takes out a special document that is titled "Operation SEED" and he then puts the document onto the desk in front of him. As he does, the other men around the table then pay attention, as the scene fades to black...

A few hours later during the same night that President Sacha and the men in the White Block received the message from Queen Alexandra, a small strike team in one small spaceship is seen to be launching from a space port in a snowy area of "Old Columbia". The spaceship does not use conventional thrusters, as it changes color and then rises into the air rapidly due to a process called "EffectPhase" armor. After this brief transformation, the ship soon leaves the atmosphere and begin approaching Mainland, which is situated in low orbit above the planet Gleen. As they approach, the men inside are shown in each of their individual spacesuits-silent, as they know what they are going to do. Once they get close enough to Mainland, they have their ship land on the exterior of the superstructure, to which the people inside then prepare to leave the ship. The nameless Captain then speaks to his men-

Nameless Captain

...Alright, men. I'll give you all a recap of our mission as soon as we set up our temporary base inside.



After saying this, the dozen or so individuals then hop outside into space, and using their jetpacks they then manage to land onto the outside of Mainland. One of these individuals is seen to be carrying a spare spacesuit in a suitcase, to which as they come into contact with the exterior of Mainland, their boots automatically magnetize to the metal and they then proceed to walk across its surface. As they go, they soon get to a secret entrance, and after punching in a series of codes into a small console, they are then let inside of Mainland. After getting into the airlock and pressurizing the area with air, they then appear within a secret part of a military prison, which they then use as a temporary base. The Nameless Captain of the group then takes out a small map, to which he then explains to his men-

Nameless Captain

...We are currently 2 blocks away from the Black Block, which is where Alexandra and her 3 daughters are currently living-along with several other Ascension. To get there, we'll be using a certain vehicle which has already been prepared for us just next door, where once we get to the Black Block using it, we will then quietly infiltrate and apprehend one of the daughters and bring her back to our ship outside.



Nameless Captain

Remember-failure is not an option. ...Follow me.

After explaining their mission, the Nameless Captain proceeds to lead his men out of the prison area. As they step outside, the prison area is shown to be within a small military base-with the Black Block just a short distance away. The interior of Mainland is indeed dark at this time, to which the men will then walk over to a hanger nearby. Once there, the Nameless Captain will then take out a small datacard and swipe it across the side of a wall, which will then revel-

"Hidden Garage"

Nameless Captain




Inside of the hidden garage, a large black sheet will be seen covering a small truck inside. As the Nameless Captain approaches the sheet, he will pull it off to reveal-

"Black Truck"

Now, a jet-black truck will be reveled, to which the men will then get inside and start up the vehicle. As they do, the truck will not make a single sound, as the Nameless Captain will then adjust the mirror, before driving it forward.

- 027 - As the truck full of soldiers leaves the military base, no one will be in the streets, which allows for the truck to head directly towards the Black Block with no opposition. Once they get as close as they can to the Black Block without drawing suspicion, they will then quietly hop out and then jump over the security fence. As they rush towards the building, they will then lean up against the outside walls of the first floor, to which they will then peer inside to see-

Nameless Captain


Inside of the Black Block, several humanoid machines called "AndroIs" will be seen patrolling around. As the Nameless Captain sees this, he will silently signal to his men by demonstrating several hand gestures-

Nameless Captain

..."Hand Gestures"



Upon seeing this, the soldiers will then brace themselves, as the Nameless Captain will then take out a special device from one of his suit's pockets. As he does this, he will then point the device in the direction of the AndroIs inside, to which they will then react-

AndroIs #1


AndroIs #2


As this happens, the Nameless Captain will then speak into the Device, saying-

Nameless Captain

...AndroIs. Please come back the way you just came and open this window so we may enter.

AndroIs #1


AndroIs #2


As if being controlled by the signal sent out to them, the AndroIs will then cease their patrolling and then come back the way they just came. They will then proceed to open the window, to which as the Nameless Captain and his men enter, the Nameless Captain will then ask-

Nameless Captain

AndroIs. Could either of you tell us where the daughters of Alexandra are right now?

The Nameless Captain asks, to which one of the AndroIs states-

AndroIs #2

...Princess Azalea, Princess Fayola and Princess Media are all within rooms #71, #72 and #90 on the third floor of the Black Block.

Nameless Captain many more AndroIs are also active within the Black Block tonight?

The first AndroIs replies to this question, saying-

AndroIs #1

There are currently 38 AndroIs besides these two present within the Black Block-all of which are patrolling different floors at this time.

Nameless Captain


After a moment of thought, the Nameless Captain finishes with this-

Nameless Captain

Remain here and wait for us to return. After we come back, you will delete this entire interaction from your memory and continue with your patrols.



Both AndroIs say, to which the Nameless Captain then waves to the soldiers behind him-

Nameless Captain




Without a word, the men then proceed to make their way upwards, going through the stairway close by. As they get to the third floor, they carefully open the door to see-

Nameless Captain




The area is deserted, to which nearby the stairway is room #90, which was detailed to be the room belonging to Princess Media. With their target almost within their grasp, they slowly approach the door leading to Princess Media's room, to which as they quietly open her door, they are met with-

Princess Media Ascension


Nameless Captain




As the Nameless Captain and his men peer into the room, a lone pink-skinned girl in a night dress is seen to be combing her hair with her eyes closed further in the back. Her bed is near her on her left, while a bathroom is shown to be open to her right. As the girl continues to hum to herself, she doesn't notice the men directly behind her approaching her back, to which once they are close enough, the Nameless Captain steps forward and speaks-

Nameless Captain

...You are Media, third daughter of Alexandra, correct?

Princess Media Ascension


Princess Media is startled and startled by the intrusion and immediately turns around in her seat. The Nameless Captain then speaks to her-

Nameless Captain

My apologies for startling you while you pamper yourself up for bed, Princess, but right now we have orders from President Sacha to apprehend one of Alexandra's children and take her back to the Divided Islands of Columbia, alive.

Princess Media Ascension

...Apprehend?! Are you going to take me hostage?!!

Nameless Captain

That is correct, Media. You will be our hostage so that a special kind of "Operation" between the DIC and the Ascension may begin. As such, you will be coming with us. Now.

The nameless Captain then nods to his subordinate's, to which they then come over to get Princess Media into the spare spacesuit that they were carrying. As this happens, Princess Media is seen to not resist, so the Nameless Captain responds to her.

Nameless Captain

...You seem to be unwilling to resist us, Princess...?

The nameless captain says, to which Media then instantly responds to him.

Princess Media Ascension

Doing so right now is useless, especially when you've already dealt with the AndroIs downstairs somehow...and I can't sound the alarm for help without getting past you brutes-

Princess Media says, as the men around her then help her into the spare spacesuit. She continues-

Princess Media Ascension

Mph...besides, I'm confident enough to believe that my mother and older sisters will rescue me from your clutches.

Nameless Captain

Indeed. But that won't happen until much later.

The Nameless Captain mentions, to which Media grows curious, asking-

Princess Media Ascension

...What is the DIC planning to do?

In response to this question, the Nameless Captain replies coldly to Media, saying-

Nameless Captain

That is none of your concern, Media. Now, come with us.

The nameless Captain says, just as his subordinates finish getting Princess Media into the spare spacesuit. As this happens, they will then take her back the way they just came, as the Nameless Captain will then take out a letter from another part of his suit and place it onto the table where Princess Media was just sitting. The letter President Sacha's signature, to which with their hostage in their hands, the men will then leave back the way they just came.

As the men get back to the truck, they will get inside along with Princess Media, who does not attempt to scream, as everything is happening too quickly for her to react. As the Nameless Captain gets back into the driver's seat, he will drive everyone back to the base and then as the scene transitions, they will be shown to be back at the military base. As this happens, Princess Media will think to herself-

Princess Media Ascension

...*, that's how they got into Mainland, it seems... This empty base has a secret entrance that leads into space...*

Nameless Captain




As Princess Media thinks this to herself, she will take note of the location that she is in and will see exactly how the soldiers who are taking her away from Mainland got inside in the first place. The soldiers, nor the Nameless Captain will notice her doing this, as they will just proceed to leave back the way they just came, to which as they get to the airlock, the Nameless Captain speaks-

Nameless Captain

----Alright, Princess. Hold onto me tightly...

Princess Media Ascension


Now, the Nameless Captain will grab ahold of Princess Media's right arm, which she is slightly distressed about. Her face behind the spacesuit mask is shown to be disgusted by being touched by the Nameless Captain, but he doesn't notice, as he grabs ahold of her. A moment later, the airlocks open, and as the air is sucked out into space, the Nameless Captain and his men then proceed back to their waiting ship.

As the scene transitions, the Nameless Captain and his soldiers put Princess Media into a small detention room, as they then get back to their seats and then the ship proceeds to detach from the side of Mainland. As the ship flies back to the planet Gleen, Princess Media is shown inside of the room to have a very small window, to which she looks out at Mainland. Now, she speaks to herself-

Princess Media Ascension

...Mother...sisters...please, come and rescue me...

She pleads, as the scene transitions to the next day. Now, Queen Alexandra and her two remaining daughters rush into Princess Media's now vacant room. As they bursts into the room, one of them speaks-

Princess Azalea Ascension


Princess Fayola Ascension

Are you alright?!

Queen Alexandra Ascension


As the three burst into the room, it is empty, and so, Princess Azalea and Princess Fayola look around the room.

Princess Azalea Ascension

...She's not here?!

Princess Fayola Ascension

Where could she have gone?!

Queen Alexandra Ascension


As the two sisters look for Media by looking through her closet and the bathroom, Queen Alexandra approaches the desk, as she sees the letter on the table. She then picks it up and reads its contents-

Queen Alexandra Ascension


As Queen Alexandra is just about to finish reading the letter, her hands are shown to be shaking. A moment later, both Fayola and Azalea come up to her and notice her shivering, to which Fayola then asks-

Princess Fayola Ascension

...Mother? What is that letter?

Queen Alexandra then speaks-

Queen Alexandra Ascension

...Those damn humans kidnapped Media last night...and just before we were supposed to leave this wretched planet behind, too!

Princess Fayola Ascension


Princess Azalea Ascension

How did they even get into Mainland without being detected by someone?!

Queen Alexandra Ascension


Queen Alexandra has to think to herself as her daughters voice their concerns. A few moments later, she mentions this-

Queen Alexandra Ascension

...It really does seem that what "she" told us before is starting to come true...

Queen Alexandra mentions this to herself, as Azalea then asks-

Princess Azalea Ascension you mean...?

Alexandra now turns to face her children, to which she then speaks.

Queen Alexandra Ascension

Azalea. Fayola. Follow me back to the command room. I will contact the DIC and speak with the President right now.

Queen Alexandra says, as she turns around without another word to her daughters. As she heads out the door, both Azalea and Fayola will chase after her, saying-

Princess Azalea Ascension

!...Hey, mother!!!

Princess Fayola Ascension

Wait for us!!!

They say, as they follow after their mother. As the scene transitions, the three are now seen to get to the command room where Queen Alexandra delivered her message to President Sacha yesterday, to which as they enter, a silhouette of a woman dressed in a black costume with a mask is seen close by, working on some of the monitors. As she hears Queen Alexandra and her daughters enter, she will stop what she's doing and face them, saying-

Lady in Black

...Alexandra. What happened to Media?

The woman says in a calm tone, to which as Queen Alexandra replies-

Queen Alexandra Ascension

She's been taken by the DIC, just as it was described in that document you gave to me. ...However, while this situation has happened just as you informed me beforehand, I'm still not truly convinced in believing the next events that were outlined will really happen just yet.

Queen Alexandra says, indicating that the kidnapping of Princess Media was known to her, but due to the ludicrousness of that thought she didn't believe it. Despite that, she still wants more proof before she will comit further to the Lady in Black's advice, to which she replies with-

Lady in Black

I can assure you, Alexandra, that what I provided to you is going to happen. Now that your daughter has been taken by the DIC, the first phase of his "Grand Plan" is just about to begin with you contacting them right now.

Queen Alexandra Ascension


Queen Alexandra will not reply to this, as the Lady in Black will move the monitor that she was just working on to show a contact that's just about to be established between Mainland and the White Block within the DIC. The Lady in Black continues to speak-

Lady in Black

If you can believe me-the person who threw away her oath to her country, her entire family and even her pride...just to ensure that you and your race survive this upcoming war with the DIC, then please, listen to my warning and continue to play along-just like the document outlined you should.

Queen Alexandra Ascension


Queen Azalea will continue to be silent, as she is deep in thought. In response to this silence, both Princess Azalea and Princess Fayola will speak up-

Princess Azalea Ascension

...Mother, I think we should give her a chance to prove us wrong. Just because she's human doesn't mean we should discriminate against her or ignore her warnings-especially since she is the sole reason we are all even here in Mainland in the first place.

Princess Fayola Ascension

She wouldn't have gone to this extent just to deceive us-especially since she's even given us that unfinished document in the first place. I believe that because she did all of that, she has proven that she cares for our people and want us to succeed.

Just before the contact is established, Queen Alexandra is faced with mounting evidence to listen to everyone around her. In response, she says-

Queen Alexandra Ascension


Queen Alexandra says, as she then takes her seat in front of the monitor. A moment later, the contact is connected, to which Queen Alexandra stiffens up and speaks to-

Queen Alexandra Ascension

President Sacha Luisant.

She says, as the man from yesterday is now shown. He replies to her in a calm and collected tone, saying-

President Sacha Luisant (monitor)

Ah, "Queen" Alexandra. After your previous message to us yesterday, we had thought that you and the 10 million Ascension would've left already-along with our Mainland.

President Sacha says this in a confident tone, to which Queen Alexandra replies-

Queen Alexandra Ascension

Believe me, we do still intend to do just that.

President Sacha Luisant (monitor)

...Then, may I ask why you are still in our orbit?

President Sacha asks, acting blissfully ignorant, to which Queen Alexandra then gets to the point, saying-

Queen Alexandra Ascension

Where is my daughter?!

Queen Alexandra demands, to which President Sacha replies-

President Sacha Luisant (monitor) can rest easy, Alexandra. Your daughter, Media, is currently being held comfortably somewhere within the DIC at this time. We couldn't have you all leave Gleen's orbit with Mainland, as we've invested a vast number of resources, time and money into creating you and the Ascension for a specific purpose.

President Sacha says this in a sinister tone, to which Queen Alexandra replies-

Queen Alexandra Ascension

I've already made it clear to you yesterday that we Ascension will not accept how you want us to end, didn't I?

Queen Alexandra blurts this out, to which President Sacha continues to speak to her in a kind-but sinister tone. He says as he chuckles slightly-

President Sacha Luisant

"Chuckle"-Indeed you did, Alexandra. However, does that mean you wish to walk away from that "cure" that you said we have?

Queen Alexandra Ascension


As Queen Alexandra flinches, President Sacha continues-

President Sacha Luisant

If you leave now, then you wouldn't learn the truth of this cure. And besides, you wouldn't dare leave behind your daughter-whom if you continue to refuse our..."invitation" to war, then we will not be able to guarantee the safety of your daughter.

Queen Alexandra Ascension


Surprised by this comment, Queen Alexandra's face will drop in terror, as President Sacha continues-

President Sacha Luisant

Yes...we did create the Ascension after all, so we of course know how to turn your kind back into genetic paste-if we must. Or, perhaps we could "transform" Media into what you saw back then...

Queen Alexandra Ascension


President Sacha Luisant


As President Sacha smirks, behind Queen Alexandra, her daughters and the Lady in Black will watch the situation. The faces of Azalea and Fayola will be shown, as they becoming disgusted and outraged at what President Sacha is saying, while the Lady in Black remains silent behind her mask-

Princess Azalea Ascension


Princess Fayola Ascension


Lady in Black


Back with Queen Alexandra, President Sacha continues-

President Sacha Ascension

Do you need us to get to that point, Alexandra? Or, are you willing to start a "war", just to get your daughter back into your arms?

President Sacha asks this innocently, to which Queen Alexandra grits her teeth in anger. She then speaks-

Queen Alexandra Ascension

"Grits teeth"...Of course...

President Sacha Luisant


President Sacha smiles, with an evil face. Vice President Georges and two other men are also seen inside of the room, and on the table inside of the White Block, a chess board can be seen with the white queen under the black king. Queen Alexandra then lowers her hands from her face and speaks.

Queen Alexandra Ascension

...In order to reclaim my daughter from your grip...and find the cure, we will use the military weapons that we found here in Mainland to ravage the DIC until we find my daughter, Media. Starting on Febuary 6, 2041, there will be war between us, President Sacha...just like you want.

Queen Alexandra announces, to which President Sacha replies with glee in his tone-

President Sacha Luisant

Excellent. Naturally we, the people of the Divided Islands of Colombia, will respond to your threat of war in earnest on February 6th. I wish you the best of luck, Queen Alexandra of the Ascension.

With that, the transmission ends, and then, Queen Alexandra slumps back into her seat-

Queen Alexandra Ascension


She then looks over to the Lady in Black, who speaks to her-

Lady in Black

You did well, Alexandra.

Queen Alexandra Ascension


After thanking the Lady in Black, Queen Alexandra will then pull open a drawer in front of her and take out the document that the Lady in Black gave to her. As she looks at it in her hand, she will say-

Queen Alexandra Ascension

...This document that you gave to us isn't the final version, like the one that President Sacha has, correct...?

Queen Alexandra asks to the Lady in Black, to which she replies to her, saying-

Lady in Black

That's true. But don't worry about it, as when this war begins, we will all start to see if the events truly follow what was described or not. And from there, I hope you and your daughters will come to trust me, as I am here solely to ensure that you and every Ascension living here in Mainland survive this war with the DIC.

Queen Alexandra Ascension


Queen Alexandra looks down-away from the document in her hands. She will want to trust the Lady in Black, but she can't do so just yet. In response, the Lady in Black will continue speaking to her, saying-

Lady in Black

Now, you'd best prepare the "AndroIs" so as to meet the DIC's challenge by the 6th of next month, as hardly any of the civilians living here have any sort of combat experience with Superior Splendors yet.

Queen Alexandra Ascension

Just then, Azalea and Fayola speak up.

Princess Azalea Ascension

Mother! Please let me lead those machines into battle!

Princess Fayola Ascension

I also want to help her, mother!

Queen Alexandra Ascension


Queen Alexandra is surprised by the suddenness of her daughters, as she is now approached by the two of them. They will continue, saying-

Princess Azalea Ascension

Please...let us go down to Gleen and fight against the DIC with the AndroIs!!!

Princess Fayola Ascension

We have been studying how to control Superior Splendors lately with her help, so we can use that knowledge to take back Media!!!

Queen Alexandra Ascension


Upon hearing her daughters say this, the shock of the situation will wear off, to which Queen Alexandra will then reply to her daughters in a dark tone-

Queen Alexandra Ascension

No, you two! I have already lost Media to the DIC-I don't need to have the two of you out of my sight in this war and in harm's way, as the AndroIs should be more than enough to handle them!!

Queen Alexandra claims, but there is a hint of suspicion in her tone as she says this, as while she does have a sizable fleet of AndroIs in her wing, entrusting them to fight against the entire DIC will worry her, as they are woefully outnumbered. Princess Azalea will then retort by saying-

Princess Azalea Ascension

That is why we are asking for you to let us go down to Gleen and find her ourselves.

Fayola will then speak up, saying-

Princess Fayola Ascension

While the Superior Splendors we have can be operated by AndroIs, they will still need generals to lead them properly into battle against the DIC. Myself and Azalea would make perfect generals, as we could use the "other" class of Superior Splendor to command them into action-while remaining out of harm's way. So again, please let us go and find Media so we can bring her back to your side!

Queen Alexandra Ascension


Lady in Black


Queen Alexandra Ascension is about to turn her daughters' requests down again, but after seeing the serious looks in her two daughters faces, she slowly starts to change her mood and then replies-

Queen Alexandra Ascension


As Queen Alexandra let's out a deep sigh, her daughters will take that as her deciding to let them do as they please. They will say-

Princess Azalea Ascension


Princess Fayola Ascension

Does this me-

But before Fayola can finish asking her question, her mother will cut her off, saying-

Queen Alexandra Ascension

This doesn't mean anything, my daughters!

Princess Azalea Ascension


Princess Fayola Ascension


Now, Queen Alexandra replies to her daughters in a caring tone, as she then says this-

Queen Alexandra Ascension

...All I'm going to that you two will have to be careful down there, as the DIC seem to have even thought of this senario playing out as well-considering what we've read in that document.

Princess Azalea Ascension


Princess Fayola Ascension

Oh-of course, Mother!!

Queen Alexandra continues-

Queen Alexandra Ascension

From now on, you two will become "Generals" in our military, but you will still have the title of Princess to your names. Rely that to all AndroIs' and then prepare them for war against the DIC by the 6th of next month.

Princess General Azalea Ascension

Yes, Mother!

Princess General Fayola Ascension

Yes, Mother!

With that, the two leave, and then, Queen Alexandra speaks to the Lady in Black.

Queen Alexandra Ascension

Now, let's begin this "war" of his...

Queen Alexandra states, as time then proceeds to fly by over the course of the next few days. During that time, it is seen that the Ascension are mobilizing their Superior Splendors, which are divided into two separate tiers of machines. The first, the "Blockade", is a 55-meter-tall humanoid war machine that are piloted by several AndroIs, while the second, the "Frontier", is an aerial humanoid war machine piloted by a single AndroIs. There is also a bigger successor briefly shown off in the background, but for the most part the view just shows off how the Ascension are preparing for war with the DIC, as because 99% of their forces are AndroIs, they merely have to analyze many kinds of tactical and strategical situations, which allows them to develop years of experience worth of military combat experience in just a few hours. Both Azalea and Fayola are also seen during this time to be under some training by the Lady in Black, as she instructs them in how to command their forces during this montage. The two Princess Generals take their training under this woman very seriously, as time slowly approaches the day that the war begins between the AA and the DIC.

On the 6th day of February, the war between the AA and the DIC begins with several huge pods launching from Mainland and flying down towards the planet below. As they enter into the atmosphere, the inside of the pods will be shown, as many "AA Blockades" are seen inside. Their pilots are all AndroIs, to which as they fall into the atmosphere, the pods will then soon open up and they will continue to descend downwards-heading towards a large island below. As the battle beings above the island (Ecogon), its Umbrella is seen in the middle of the island and serves as the divide between social classes. The rich and Nobility live in the bowl of the Umbrella above the common people below in the dark below, to which as the AA Blockades fall from above, they are soon met with attacks from the DIC Blockades on the island. However, the AA Blockades are now shown to be encased in a powerful 360 energy barrier called a "Curtain Barrier", which repels all external attacks that come from the DIC Blockades below-but allows for all of the weapons inside of the Curtain Barrier to come out of the barrier as normal. As a result, many DIC Blockades below are soon destroyed. As this scene plays out, time moves forward to just before nighttime elsewhere.

Far to the east of Ecogon is another island that is the motherland of the DIC, called "Appledale". Here, a young woman, who is dressed in an open jacket, shirt and a skirt, is seen with two of her friends, whom are going to an open night concert for a musician group called "Stage Fright". As they go inside, the young girl at the front is seen to have a large bust, sexy dark-black skin, long bright-red hair and a very noticeable right pupil that's blue and a golden left pupil. As they get inside, the three girls then easily get front row seats and sit down, to which elsewhere, security is seen to be watching this trio of girls via a few hidden security cameras within the concert hall. As the play kicks off, the five male members of Stage Fright are shown off on stage in front of an audience of thousands, who cheer their names-

Adoring Audience


A moment later, the lead singer will speak-

Lead Singer (Callius Maverick)

Welcome everyone!!! We hope you all enjoy our newest song!!!!

Adoring Audience


As the lead singer says this, the crowd will go wild, cheering the name "Stage Fright". As the crowds of adoring fans cheer, one of the singers behind the Lead singer will look to his left to see the young girl with long red hair in the middle of her two friends, to which he then winks at her while smiling-



This makes the young woman blush and smile at him back. As the scene plays out, elsewhere, the security people begin to talk amongst themselves, as they watch the young woman from another room full of security monitors-

Secret Service Agent #1

...Is it really safe to have the President's daughter going outside with a war beginning today?

One of the Secret Service Agents asks, to which an older SS Agent replies to him-

Secret Service Agent #2

its the President's orders. He wants his pampered little daughter to have as much fun while he has his two sons fight against the Ascension instead.

This SS Agent says in a cool tone, to which another SS Agent asks-

Secret Service Agent #3

Is that rumor true? That Sebastian and Cesario are going to be fighting against the Ascension with "that" ErotiCake?

The previous SS Agent replies-

Secret Service Agent #2

That's what I heard as well. Apparantly, the President wants them to fight in this war due to them both having received strict military training-something that Bijou has not really bothered with in recent years.

Secret Service Agent #1

That makes sense...

The SS Agent says, as he then looks out to the monitor. He sees how happy Bijou and her friends seem to be, to which he then speaks-

Secret Service Agent #1

...Bijou seems to enjoy Stage Fright quite a bit...

He says, as he can see how much Bijou is enjoying the show. The third SS Agent then replies-

Secret Service Agent #3

She's been a huge fan of this specific musician group for the past 12 years. That's not to mention that Bijou is even dating one of the members of Stage Fright...that one there!

The SS Agent now points out to the individual who just winked at Bijou. He continues-

Secret Service Agent #3

His name is Cassius Maverick-the younger brother of that lead singer, Callius Maverick. His age is 21; blood type AB and place of origin is Ecogon.

The Secret Service Agent points out and also details some of his information. The first SS Agent then replies-

Secret Service Agent #1

...No wonder Bijou likes Stage Fright so much...

The second SS Agent then replies, saying-

Secret Service Agent #2

Indeed. its because you're a new Secret Service Agent that you haven't seen how many times Bijou has went and watched their concerts in the past. We've done so ever since back then, so we know just about everything she likes and hates.

Secret Service Agent #1

I see...

The secret service Agents continue to watch Bijou and her friends have fun, and the after the success of the concert, the show is a hit with the fans. Afterwards, Bijou is seen to be holding two signed autographs of Callius and Cassius Maverick, as they are her personal favorites. She continues to buzz about the concert with her friends, as she then hops into a limo with her friends, and as the limo drives off, she speaks-

Friend #1

Another great concert by our favorite musician group, Stage Fright!

Friend #2

Thanks for inviting us out again, Bijou! its always great to get front row seats for the concerts in Appledale.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou speaks in a French accent, as she now takes a look at her two autographs in her hands. She then looks out the window her friends speak again.

Friend #1

And don't forget-in just a few more days, Stage Fright will be having another new song and appearance over in Hilayornia.

The friend says, giddy about the next show for Stage Fright. Bijou then replies, saying-

Bijou Luisant

I haven't forgotten about that, as I make sure to have their schedules memorized 6 months in advance...

Bijou says this while leaning against her hand, as she looks out the window to her left. One of her friends notices her mood swing and speaks up, asking-

Friend #1

Hm? ...What's wrong, Bijou?

Friend #2


Bijou then says this-

Bijou Luisant

...Well, its just that sometimes, Cassius tells me that having their schedules memorized like I do takes away the element of surprise that everyone else has to wait for. He even tells me that I should broaden my horizons, which gets me thinking about the day when I'll have to run this country along with my older brothers.

Bijou Luisant

When that day comes, I probably won't have the time to enjoy going to these live concerts anymore, as I'll be too busy with my new duties running this proud nation of ours...

Friend #1


Friend #2


Bijou says this in a somewhat worried tone, as the idea of maturing and running the country with her older brothers will force her to have to abandon her current way of life. The two friends in front of her fall silent, to which Bijou then notices and then immediately replies-

Bijou Luisant

But, those days are still many years away for me, so we'll just have to have as much fun as we can before we need to step up to that plate.

Bijou says while looking innocently at her friends, waving her hands quickly and trying to cheer herself up. Her friend then replies-

Friend #1

...You're right, Bijou. Soon, we won't have the time to play around anymore, but that just means we should strive to do as much as we want to before that time comes.

The friend says this resolutely, as the limo continues onwards. As it is shown to drive, Bijou now changes the subject by first asking about-

Bijou Luisant

Did your parents actually buy that famous ocean liner in the Confederation, the "Widowed Elizabeth" and its sister ships that you were talking about last week?

Bijou asks, to which her friend then replies to her question by saying this-in a confident tone-

Friend #2

Of course. We needed them to continue capitalizing on trades to the West Islands, as with the need for more expansions over there, companies here in the East Islands and even Old Samada just can't keep up with the high demand for supplies. That's where families like ours can easily step in and secure business deals with the people over there, as by buying large ships for cheap from the Confederation and using them to deliver the resources that they need, that increases our influence every day we are out there.

Bijou's friend explains how capitalizing works in the West Islands, to which the other friend then speaks.

Friend #1

And because the Confederation is run by your father's sister, Francoise, and how we've known you personally for several months now, he might welcome our family into the Luisant family one of these days-just like how you guys joined with the "Pinnacle" family to unify the Old Confederation, over 300 years ago.

The Friend says, to which Bijou then replies with-

Bijou Luisant

I look forward to you two becoming a part of my family, as it'll be nice to have friends when its my time to shine...

Bijou now smiles a little, as she then speaks up about-

Bijou Luisant

...Fran...I haven't seen her in a while, as I can't stand the cold over there in the Confederation for more than 5 seconds. Its almost a running joke these days as to how the Confederation is the complete opposite of the DIC-especially here in the East Islands, where its nice and sunny almost all year round. Everything over there is just one large icebox for most of the year, which is made worse with the landmass being divided between four nations.

Bijou mentions, setting up the Confederation of Pioneering Uniforms and a small bit of their culture. One of her friends replies-

Friend #2

I know. I remember back last year when the entire country experienced a powerful ice storm, which caused a lot of snow to pile upwards of nearly 7 feet. Thankfully, the power grid didn't shut down for the weeks that storm occurred, or else everyone over there would've been frozen solid.

Friend #1

It takes nerves of steel to live in that kind of place...

Recalling this, Bijou will shudder a little, as she will then comment-

Bijou Luisant

...And that is why I'm happy that we live here in Appledale.

As the limo continues to go, Bijou sees the White Block coming up in her window. Behind her, three other black cars are seen, which are the security detail, and then back inside the limo that Bijou and her friends are in, she speaks-

Bijou Luisant

Mmm...almost back home.

Bijou says, as the limo then arrives at the front gate that leads to the White Block. As they get past the guards at the gate, the limo then drives up to the front door of the White Block, where several maids are already waiting to meet Bijou.

As Bijou gets out of the limo with her autographs in her right hand, she then looks back into the limo and speaks to her friends, who are still sitting inside. They say to her-

Friend #1

Thanks again for inviting us out, Bijou!

Friend #2

We'd be happy to come with you again whenever you like!

Bijou Luisant

Thanks, you two.

Bijou says this with a gentle smile on her face, as she then picks up the phone that's attached to the inside of the door she is holding onto. She then speaks to the driver through the phone-

Bijou Luisant

...Driver. Take my friends back to their homes now, please.

Driver #1 (Phone)

Yes, Ms. Luisant.

Bijou then puts the phone back into its holster and then closes the door behind her. As the limo leaves, she is then greeted by-


Welcome back home, Bijou!!!

Bijou Luisant

Thanks, everyone...I'll be going back to my room to rest up, so come with me, please.



Bijou says in a laid-back tone, as she then proceeds to walk inside. The scene will then cut back to the SS Agents in the cars, whom pull over close by. Inside, one of the SS Agents is seen talking on a comms device to-

Secret Service Agent #1

...And she has just come back to the White Block, Mister President, Sir.

The SS Agent says, talking to the President of the DIC himself, Sacha Luisant. The President then replies-

President Sacha Luisant (monitor)

Excellent. The maids inside will take over your duties for today, so you all have the rest of the day off.

Secret Service Agent #1

Yes, Sir! Thank you, Sir.

The SS Agent says, happy to have the day off now along with his colleagues. With that, the scene then transitions into the inside of the White Block...

Inside of the White Block, Bijou is seen to be empty handed and her jacket is missing, but it is then shown that two of the maids behind her are just carrying these items for her at the moment. As they continue to follow behind Bijou, she walks past several people, to which she notices something odd about them-

Bijou Luisant


Bijou now starts to overhear some of what the people around her are saying, as they whisper to each other while she walks close to them. Bijou tries to listen as best she can, as she continues walking forward-

Passerby #1

.....heard that t...

Passerby #2't believe that....

Passerby #1

.....hey could be coming here toni.....

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou comes up to one group of passer byers, she almost overhears what they were talking about, but can't pick out any specifics. Now halfway to her room, she suddenly stops and turns around to ask one of her maids a question. As she does this, the other maids behind her then stop in their tracks-

Bijou Luisant

...My Servant. Can I ask you a question?

Servant #1

Of course, young lady. What would you like to ask me?

The Servant asks, with a kind smile on her face. Bijou then asks-

Bijou Luisant

What is going on around here? Everyone that we've passed by thus far seems to have been scared of something...coming to Appledale. Do any of you know what that could be about?

Servant #1


The Servant now winches a little, indicating that she knows a little of what is about to happen. Bijou sees this, but allows for her Servant to reply to her. She says-

Servant #1

Well...we might know a little about that topic...but...

The Servant starts to slow down her responses, which only serves to make Bijou more curious. She leans in closer to her Servant, saying-

Bijou Luisant

Go on...

Servant #1


When it seems that this Servant will reply to Bijou, she suddenly jolts to attention and declares-

Servant #1

!...I'm terribly sorry, but...your father gave us strict orders to not tell you anything about that. I...I am deeply sorry about being unable to tell you...

Bijou Luisant

I see. Then, I'll just go over and ask my father directly!!

Bijou says, as then, without warning, she dashes off back the way she came-going past the bewildered Maids-



As Bijou goes, she then takes a hard right, racing down the hallway at blinding speeds. The Servants are all left behind in the dust, to which they then have to begin chasing after Bijou-


...Wait Bijou!!! Hold on a second!!!!

They shout, but Bijou is already long gone. As Bijou continues to run down the hall, she then thinks to herself, as her high heels clack against the floor beneath her as she goes-

"TAP!!!" "TAP!!!" "TAP!!!"

Bijou Luisant

*...Father. What could you be hinding from me this time...?*

As Bijou thinks this to herself, she continues to run down the hall, until she gets to a large set of double doors. After bringing herself to a stop here, she then lets herself inside, and...

Bijou Luisant


Inside of the room, her father, President Sacha, is seen with another man in a similar suit. This individual is seen sitting next to President Sacha, behind his desk, while two younger men are seen sitting in front of the desk. Two large monitors with two older men on each one are also seen to the left of the desk, to which as they all look behind them to see Bijou standing in the door, Bijou then coolly walks inside. She speaks to herself-

Bijou Luisant

...Everyone is here, so there must be something big going on...

Bijou says, as she continues to approach her father's desk. As she comes closer, both the two younger men will slide their seats away from her, thus allowing her to soon lean on the table against her hand. Before Bijou does this, her father will speak to her-

President Sacha Luisant

Ah, welcome back, Bijou. I just heard that you came back from your concert. Did you enjoy yourself?

President Sacha says this calmly, to which Bijou replies with-

Bijou Luisant

Yes, father. I enjoyed myself as I always do...

Bijou says this with a hint of contempt in her tone, to which the two men who just moved out of her way instantly notice the shift in her tone-

Sebastion Luisant


Cesario Luisant


In response, they move away a little more, as Bijou then gets to the front of the desk and then puts her hands on the front side of the table-


Bijou Luisant


Bijou now gives her father a fierce glare, to which he instantly notices-but does his best to remain calm. Beside him, the Vice President straightens himself up while starting to sweat a little, as he already knows how Bijou and her father argue is braces himself. On the monitors next to them, the two men in them are shown to press a button, which then shows a "Mute" line on the bottom of the monitor. President Sacha then says-

President Sacha Luisant

...Bijou...I can see that you are a bit tired from having fun at your concert. Why don't you go back to your room and get some rest, as I'm in an important meeting right now with everyone...

President Sacha says, trying to get Bijou out of his face so that they may get back to their meeting. Bijou then replies-

Bijou Luisant

Certainly, father. I can do that...but before I do, I would just like to know something from you.

Bijou says, clearly wanting to hear a proper answer from her father, President Sacha, undauntingly, soon replies to her-

President Sacha Luisant

...And what might that be?

Bijou then gets straight to the point-

Bijou Luisant

When I came back just now the people who passed by me seemed to be worried about something coming here. They weren't like that earlier before I left to go to the concert, so my question is...what is the meaning behind that?

President Sacha Luisant


President Sacha's eyebrow is seen to twitch now, which indicates that he does know something. Bijou sees this and now grows even more curious-

Bijou Luisant

Based on your expression, I'd say you know what is making people so worried. So, tell me.

President Sacha Luisant


For a moment, it seems as if President Sacha is going to tell Bijou everything that he knows, as she is in a pose that reminds him of someone that is long gone-his wife. But, she is not the person that he is thinking of, and so, he lowers his hands and speaks back to her.

President Sacha Luisant

...Bijou. Under no circumstances are you going to know anything of what is about to happen in this nation. You are still just a child, so I ask that you once again to leave us and return to your room, while we handle "adult" affairs.

President Sacha says this while raising his hands to emphasizes the quotations around "adult". In response, Bijou replies with-

Bijou Luisant


Bijou then starts to get visibly angry, as she leans forward to yell in her father's face-

Bijou Luisant

I bet you'd tell me if I was mother, Father!!!

President Sacha Luisant


Suddenly, everyone in the room covers their ears, as each of them know exactly what is about to happen. The two men on the monitors simply watch, as President Sacha suddenly snaps and stands up. In a blind fury, he shouts back at Bijou's face-

President Sacha Luisant


Bijou Luisant


Bijou now takes a step back, while still looking at her father in his angry face. She is surprised, but doesn't show it, as she continues to glare at him. He continues-

President Sacha Luisant


President Sacha shouts, forcing Bijou to look at him-

Bijou Luisant


Bijou grunts, as she closes her eyes in disgust towards her father. as she walks away, President Sacha continues to look as her back with a frown, to which once Bijou has walked away enough from him, he then lets out a small sigh-

President Sacha Luisant


Bijou doesn't respond to her father's sigh, as she just continues to walk away. As she does, she nears the open doors that she had just entered into from and then walks to the right. A few moments later, the Servants then catch up, to which one of them speaks while slightly out of breath-

Servant #1

Hah..Hah...O-oh my goodness! We're terribly sorry for not being able to catch Bijou in time, Mr. President.

The Servant blurts out, as she and her colleagues bow in apology. President Sacha then replies to them, as he sits back down into his seat-

President Sacha Luisant

...Its alright. Could you please close the doors so we may resume our discussion in peace?

President Sacha asks, kindly enough, to which the Servant replies-

Servant #1

Of course, Sir.

With that, the Servants then close the door in front of them. Afterwards, Sebastion and Cesario speak up to their father, saying-

Sebastian Luisant

...Father, was it really necessary to shout at her like that again?

Sebastion asks innocently enough, to which his brother also adds to his question by saying-

Cesario Luisant

Especially when we were in the middle of talking to Granduncle and Grandfather about the current situation?

Faced with this, President Sacha will reply to his sons by saying-

President Sacha Luisant

...That was the only thing I could think of to get her to stay out of our business, my sons. Afterall...we cannot allow her to know of anything that's about to happen...

President Sacha says, as just then on the monitors nearby, the two men are seen to have unmuted their sides by now, as they then speak-

Pierre Luisant

Some things never change between the two of you, my boy?

Pierre states, to which his son then replies to him-

President Sacha Luisant

So it seems, father. Bijou was closer with her mother than I while growing up, so when she...disappeared, Bijou lost that connection and had to find others to share her feelings with. It just pains me that she doesn't see us as being those connections...but, we were neglectful of her during that time, so it is understandable why she's now like this towards us.

President Sacha admits this fault, being slightly ashamed of himself for allowing Bijou to not see him, the Vice President, her two brothers or his father and his brother as the connections she needed while growing up-after her mother disappeared. As he lowers his head to everyone, his uncle then replies to him, saying-

Nicholas Luisant

I wouldn't worry too much about Bijou, Sacha. Though she may appear to be mean spirited nowadays, she does care enough to come back to her rightful home no matter how many times you've argued with her over these years. She could easily buy herself any home anywhere else on this planet, and yet, she doesn't do that and remains in this house with all of you. In short, this is just her way of showing how she is maturing...just like "she" used to be with her parents.

Nicholas says, to which President Sacha replies-

President Sacha Luisant

...Yeah. You're right, Uncle.

President Sacha says, as he starts to raise his head up in satisfaction at his uncle's comment. A small smile develops on his face, but then, something catches President's Sacha's eye, as he then looks over to his right to see a picture of his family on his desk. Due to his outburst, the picture fell over onto its front, so he gently picks it up and puts it back up. As he then takes a look at the picture, a large number of people are seen in the picture. The most prominent people seen right now will just be his wife Rhapsody, who is seen smiling while holding Bijou in her arms. Next to them is Francoise, whom is Sacha's sister. (In the same picture, three other men will be seen-two of which will be Nicholas and Pierre. The third man in the picture will dress nearly identical to President Sacha-but his face isn't seen. This person will run the West Islands to the west.)

After looking at the picture fondly, the Vice President sitting behind President Sacha will now speak up-

Vice President Georges Luisant

...Sacha, how about after this meeting you go and apologize to Bijou for your outburst this time? You can use the chance to also make sure that she doesn't do anything that would complicate things tonight.

Vice President Georges suggests, to which President Sacha replies with-

President Sacha Luisant

Good idea, Georges. I'll do just that-after we get back to our meeting right now...

President Sacha says, as he then looks at the papers in front of him on the table. They are in a slight mess due to his outburst when Bijou was present, to which he then straightens the out and then begins the discussion once more-as he clears his throat-

President Sacha Luisant

"Clears throat"...let's get back to what we were discussing before Bijou came in here, shall we? This morning at 0800 hours, the Ascension from Above's "First Wave" descended from Mainland and began attacking Ecogon.



As President Sacha begins explaining things, a holographic map comes up in front of everyone from the center of the table. It shows several views from Ecogon's invasion earlier today, which is situated cloesby to Appledale from the west, to which President Sacha continues-

President Sacha Luisant

The population of Ecogon was 2.4 million strong as of this morning, but after the Ascension attacked, that number dropped to under 1.7 million. According to these reports, the who survived managed to escape the Ascension's attack onboard several civilian and military ships, and are now heading here to Appledale, seeking shelter.

President Sacha Luisant

By the time they arrive in just over an hour, we will have our Blockades ready to defend us from the AA, as the AA will have the opportunity to use the survivors and their ships as cover to stage a surprise attack against us-just like we planned for.

The map then shows the predicted movements of the survivors and the AA Blockades, to which Sebastion and Cesario speak up-

Sebastion Luisant

...If the Ascension were smart, they would just have all of their Blockades to head northward towards Hilayornia, in order to seize control of the Pinnacle Department immediately...but, they'd still get caught up in those geomagnetic storms up north anyway...

Sebastion mentions, to which his brother fills in by saying-

Cesario Luisant

Yes. That will slow them down long enough so that our own "First Wave" can catch up to them by the day after tomorrow, which goes perfectly in line with the Grand Plan. And according to "her" calculations, if they do attack tonight then we can push our other plans ahead of schedule.

Cesario mentions, not giving context as to what he is talking about, as everyone already knows what he is talking about. The father of President Sacha, Pierre, then speaks up, saying-

Pierre Luisant

And that would be beneficial in the long run, my boy.

President Sacha Luisant


After this confirmation, the uncle of President Sacha, Nicholas, now speaks up-

Nicholas Luisant

On the side of the media, they are currently informing the population of the DIC that Ecogon suffered a massive unknown terrorist attack. But, with communications being shut down just before the AA devastated Ecogon, they can't tell anyone exactly what is going on-which has led to most people in the DIC being confused as to what is going on. As such, the Ascension have just enough time before we announce to the DIC that we are beginning the war with them tomorrow that they can attack us here in Appledale.

Nicholas says, to which he continues-

Nicholas Luisant

By our estimates, the AA will send a small force of 3 "B1" Blockades to attack Appledale tonight. Such a small force is sufficient enough to deal a considerable amount of damage, but its needed for the Ascension later on, as we need them to believe that they have the upper hand over us at first.

President Sacha Luisant


President Sacha now speaks up after looking at the data-

President Sacha Luisant

The Ascension are taking a bold step with this action, but they are still in the bounds of our Grand Plan. Making the Ascension believe that we are disorganized and vulnerable is all a part of the plan early on as well, and now, we need to have our next strategy here prepared.

President Sacha now looks at his two sons, asking them-

President Sacha Luisant

Is everything ready, my sons?

Both Sebastion and Cesario then reply-

Sebastion Luisant

Yes, father.

Cesario Luisant

We have already replaced the blasters that the construction crews use with the "new" models, so should anyone of them try to use them tonight, they will have the opportunity to exploit the weakness of the AA Blockades.

President Sacha Luisant


President Sacha then stands up and gives out his orders.

President Sacha Luisant

Starting right now, we will prepare for a night time attack from the Ascension using our military here in Appledale. Georges, you will be in charge of organizing everything and keeping an eye on our construction crews. If they don't deeply anyone, then switch to our back up plan immediately.

Vice President Georges Luisant

Of course.

President Sacha Luisant

I want everything ready in 30 minutes, is that clear?

Vice President Georges Luisant

I understand.

President Sacha then looks over to the monitor next to him, where his father and uncle are watching him. He then speaks to them-

President Sacha Luisant

After this battle tonight, tomorrow morning I will then address our nation and tell them about the "Beginning" of my Grand Plan. Father and Uncle, please prepare to head back to the West Islands so as to make sure our operatives over there fall in line before we begin this.

Pierre Luisant

Of course, my boy.

Nicholas Luisant

We'll take care of things over there.

With that, Vice President Georges leaves to fulfill the request of President Sacha, while Pierre and Nicholas sign off to do their tasks as well. After this, President Sacha, Sebastion and Cesario are all that remain in the room. The two brothers then speak up.

Sebastion Luisant


President Sacha Luisant


Cesario Luisant

Now that our meeting has concluded, how about you go and apologize to Bijou for your outburst earlier? I'm sure that she's in her room right now waiting for you to come see her.

President Sacha Luisant


Before President Sacha says anything to Cesario, he proceeds to take another look at the picture on his table. As he stares deeply at it, he soon speaks up-

President Sacha Luisant

...Bijou really is starting to act just like her mother did back then, isn't she?

President Sacha says, remembering thoughts of the past. Sebastion speaks up-

Sebastion Luisant

Yeah. Before she...disappeared...mother was also direct in her intents and always got in your face about policies that she was against back then. The two of you would argue for hours about which of you were right or wrong...back then, we thought those were horrible times...but now that she's...gone...those times seemed so...simple.

President Sacha Luisant


President Sacha mumbles, as Cesario speaks up-

Cesario Luisant

I'm sure that this is just a phase that Bijou is going through, just like Granduncle said. Afterall, I think we all know that she's a lot tougher to let your shouting get to her. Afterall, she had to become strong in order to deal with two jocks like us for brothers while growing up.

Cesario quips about, to which President Sacha soon chuckles to himself-

President Sacha Luisant


He then replies-

President Sacha Luisant

...Then, it'd still be best that Bijou has no part in any of what happens in this Operation. The two of you are already more than qualified to shape this country into the vision that I've laid out with "her", and then afterwards I will gladly accept my punishment for all of the pain and suffering that our Grand Plan will cause.

Sebastion Luisant


Cesario Luisant


As both Sebastion and Cesario nod, President Sacha then walks over to the window behind him, as Sebastion and Cesario both silently watch him. Once he's at the window, he then speaks-

President Sacha Luisant

...Rhapsody would've wanted us to keep Bijou safe from what "she" has planned. Thus, it is our duty as her family to shoulder all of the blame in this war, in order to protect her from what lays ahead.

Sebastion Luisant


Cesario Luisant


With that, the scene then transitions to sometime later that same day...

As the sun begins to set outside a window, the view then pans out to show the inside of Bijou's room, here Bijou is seen laying on her back while in her bed and listening to some music, as she stares up at the ceiling-with the lights off in her room. Her things from before are on the small drawer near her, and as she is seen, she bobs her leg up and down-

Bijou Luisant

"Bobbing leg"

Bijou does this while looking up to the ceiling, frowning slightly. Once the music ends, she then takes off her headphones and then reaches for a remote to the tv in the room near her. Once she grabs it, she presses a button on the remote to turn on the tv, which is all the way across the room. As it turns on, Bijou sees-

Bijou Luisant


Now, Bijou sees that the current channel on the tv screen is just of other musicians preforming, which is just re-runs from years ago. Bijou then cycles through the playlist to find the news, to which after she gets to a news channel, she sees-

Bijou Luisant


Now, whatever Bijou is seeing makes her understand the severity of the situation, to which she then turns off the tv and then gets out of her bed to look out the window from before-

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou stares outside, her gaze will lock onto a "Statue of Liberty", to which she will then say this to herself-

Bijou Luisant

...Ecogon was just attacked by an unknown terrorist group earlier today...? How could any force do such a thing...but, if that's true, then what that person mentioned-"they might show up toni"-...ght"...are they coming here?!

Bijou Luisant

...I should go and see for myself-

After saying this to herself, she will then decide to take action by opening the doors to the balcony and then approaching the guardrails. As she does, a retractable ladder will spring out from the wall after Bijou presses a secret button, to which as she climbs down the ladder, she will then run over to the base of the Statue of Liberty, where she will need to input a passcode. She already knows it and punches in the numbers offscreen, to which once she's inside, the slim legs of a single Blockade that is shrouded in darkness will be seen, standing on a small pedestal-surrounded by the American flag. Bijou then goes up a small elevator and once she gets to the top she then walks up to the Blockade and then enters another code to get inside of the cockpit. Once open, the view shows five seats, to which Bijou then sits down in the middle seat and then turns on the Blockade. As she does, she sees on the monitor-

Bijou Luisant

What?! There are 3 enemy Blockades coming from the west-side of Appledale?!! They must be those terrorists that the news just talked about!!!

Bijou says this to herself. After a moment, she then answers her own question by saying-

Bijou Luisant

But...that can't be the case, as who could ever stand up against the DIC or the Confederation? ...And besides...something as small of this force couldn't have gotten father and the rest of them so worried...!

Bijou says, as she then proceeds to get the Liberty ErotiCake moving by activating the OS and starting up the Blockade.

As Bijou does this, the scene will then move back to the White Block, where President Sacha, Sebastion and Cesario are just about to get to Bijou's room. As they approach, President Sacha is the first to get to the door, as Sebastion and Cesario follow closely behind him-

President Sacha Luisant


Now, as President Sacha stands in front of the door, he is just about to knock on the door, when suddenly, he feels a sudden chill coming from the other side of the door.

President Sacha Luisant


As President Sacha jolts slightly, his son Sebastion notices and asks-

Sebastion Luisant

...Is something wrong, father?

Cesario Luisant


President Sacha then replies to his son by saying-

President Sacha Luisant

There is a draft coming from the other side of Bijou's door.

Cesario Luisant

...Could it be that...!

A second later, President Sacha then opens the door to Bijou's room. As he enters, he, Sebastion and Cesario step inside to find and empty and dark room. President Sacha then calls out-

President Sacha Luisant

...Bijou?! Where are you?!!

President Sacha says, but he does so in vain, as Bijou is nowhere to be found inside of the room. As he, Sebastion and Cesario continue to look around, suddenly, an alarm will go out, which signals an attack-


President Sacha Luisant


Sebastion Luisant


Cesario Luisant


With the alarms going out, President Sacha then gets a contact from Vice President Georges via a comms device, which he takes out of the front pocket of his suit and flips it open. He then speaks into the device-

President Sacha Luisant

Georges? Is it the Ascension?

Vice President Georges replies from the comms device, saying-

Vice President Georges Luisant (comms)

Yes, Sacha. They, along with the ships from Ecogon have just been sighted less than 2 miles away from the west of Appledale!

President Sacha Luisant


President Sacha now takes a look at his watch, to which after confirming the time, he speaks.

President Sacha Luisant

...The AA came about 20 minutes faster than we anticipated, it seems...though, this is exactly what we planned for in the first place...

After muttering that last part, President Sacha speaks again.

President Sacha Luisant

Georges. How is our military? Are they in position yet?

Vice President Georges Luisant (comms)

Yes, Sacha. Our military is already stationed at the beach, waiting for the enemy. And as for the construction crews, there are people staying late tonight-whom I'm monitoring as we speak.

Vice President Georges says, to which President Sacha replies-

President Sacha Luisant

Good. I'll be back there in a few minutes to make sure everything goes according to the plan. Don't wait up for me, Georges. Make sure our military and the construction crews are in place before they arrive. Hurry!

Vice President Georges Luisant (comms)

Of course.

President Sacha then turns to leave, to which Sebastion and Cesario then speak up-

Sebastion Luisant

Wait, father!

Cesario Luisant

What about us?

Both Sebastion and Cesario ask, to which President Sacha then turns to face his sons and then sees that the window is open, with the Statue of Liberty close by. He thinks for a second and then speaks to the boys.

President Sacha Luisant

...Go and get inside of the Liberty ErotiCake, my sons. If Bijou is inside of it, I want you two to get her out of it and pilot it yourselves. She is not to be its pilot under any circumstances-is that clear?

Sebastion Luisant

Got it.

Cesario Luisant

Sure thing.

With that, the men then leave, as a short distance away over the ocean, many ships can be seen, along with three large AA Blockades. The three AA Blockades fly over the many civilian ships underneath them, as they silently head towards Appledale in the distance.

----Chapter END----