Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake - Chapter 08

----Chapter 08----

Written By

David Kenneth Lacey

After the prior battle, things have settled down on the island. The sun now starts to peek through the dark clouds overhead, which then revels many hundreds of ruined and destroyed DIC Blockades below in the city. The scene is harrowing and foreboding, and then, back at the edges of the island where everyone first landed, rows and rows of DIC Blockades are seen in their Block modes. They are all seen to be bunched tightly together, lined up side-by-side, and as they are seen, a Blockade with a comms unit on its back is reveled at the edge of the pack. Its pilot sits in the cockpit and is reveled to be a young man in an actual military uniform, who is seen contacting the Midnight via comms. As he speaks into his comms from his command seat, his conversation is heard-


...And so, after we landed on the island, we were seemingly forced to split up into groups, where our Blockades moved on their own-without our input. When we got to the destination, we were soon assaulted by the enemy, of which we all struggled to fend them off-due mostly in part to how inexperienced a lot of were during that skirmish.

The man says, as on the comms, Fleet Captain Andrea's voice comes out. She replies-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

I see. I still can't explain how your Blockades were under that kind of influence, but rest assured that I will personally look into this issue in more depth after we leave this area. What are your estimates of the total loss of Blockades, Comms Specialist Andy?

Fleet Captain Andrea asks, reveling that the man's name is Andy and his position in the military. He replies-

Andy ???

...I don't have the exact number, Ma'am, as I'm only assuming right now. Out of the 200 Blockades that launched from the Midnight a little over one hour ago, possibly only around 90 Blockades remain. Of the ones that are left, many of them have been damaged, but with the Superior Drones that you sent to us a little while ago, we are making some repairs.

He says, as several Superior Drones hover over some of the more damaged Blockades in the area. While they can't replace any limbs that some of the Blockades have damaged or lost, they can issue minor repairs and restock the ammo of their weapons.

After this is shown, Fleet Captain Andrea replies-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)


As the scene transitions, Fleet Captain Andrea is then seen back on the Midnight with Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue. They speak to each other-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Over half of the ground forces that we sent out were destroyed...just to bring down a single enemy unit and determine that there are two more...?!

Grid Arbiter Alexia says in disbelief, as she can't believe that so many were killed, just to accomplish so little. Fleet Captain Andrea then speaks to her, as she puts the left side of her head against her hand, as it rests on the arm rest next to her. She also uses her right hand to cover her face in shame as she speaks-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

This really goes to show just how unprepared for combat these fresh Privates are turning out to be. ...What could the President have been thinking, to allow something like this to happen?!

Fleet Captain Andrea says this in frustration at the situation, as the civilians are horribly outmatched. Grid Arbiter Alexia is quiet, as she thinks to herself-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


A moment later, Grid Arbiter Alexia will then speak up, saying-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

...Could all of this have been...intentionally set up?

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Grid Arbiter Alexia now explains herself-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

It's just a thought...but maybe the President intentionally made us accept these kinds of people for a specific reason, as I can't imagine why he'd normally allow for civilians to get involved like something like this-without some kind of ulterior motive. Especially when we know we have far more experienced pilots all over the DIC-most of whom could've been flown to Appledale yesterday before we left this morning.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

That would make sense...but, what is that "ulterior motive", and why put the civilians of Ecogon through this nightmare?

Fleet Captain Andrea asks, but neither her nor Grid Arbiter Alexia can answer those questions. Suddenly, Andy's voice comes out of the comms next to Andrea, breaking her conversation. He asks-

Andy ??? (comms)

...Uh, Fleet Captain? Are you still there? What are our next orders?

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


Now alerted to Comms Specialist Andy, Fleet Captain Andrea returns to talking to him over the comms-but just before she does that, she speaks to Grid Arbiter Alexia-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...We'll continue this talk later, Alexia.

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


The scene then transitions back to the island, where Andy is still waiting to hear back from Fleet Captain Andrea from his Blockade's main seat. Now, her voice comes out of his comms-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

...Comms Specialist Andy Nex?

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

Yes, Fleet Captain?

Comms Specialist Andy snaps to attention as he says this. Fleet Captain Andrea explains-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

For the moment, I want you and the remaining forces that are with you to get some food to eat and rest up for at least another hour. After you have rested up as best you can and checked your ammo with the Superior Drones, you will then move out and find the remaining AA Blockades on that island and then eliminate them through any means necessary.

Comms Specialist Andy Nex


Surprised by these new orders, Comms Specialist Andy will reply with surprise in his tone, as he tries to explain their current situation-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

...But, Fleet Captain. It took over half of our current numbers here just to bring down a single AA Blockade-and even then, we took more damage than the remaining enemies. While I have military training, almost everyone else here are still Privates, so they will be wary of having to go back out there for another battle...especially the President's daughter, Bijou.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)


Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue (comms)


After a bit of silence, Fleet Captain Andrea speaks-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

I am well aware of the lack of experienced personal in our entire fleet at the moment, Andy. Clearly almost everyone out there today should've never joined the YES Military yesterday in Appledale, as I personally know of many experienced pilots that could've replaced each of you today...but we were denied accepting any of them for this mission.

Fleet Captain Andrea says, hinting that she has also gotten in contact with Captain Carlos, Captain Tatianna and Captain Miracle and heard of similar troubles from them. Comms Specialist Andy remains quiet-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex


Fleet Captain Andrea continues-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

However...all of you should've known the risks of fighting in an actual war from the moment you all chose to sign the papers back in Appledale yesterday. While my orders are strict...and even seem cruel, even I know that the only way of getting any of you out of this place alive is for the remaining enemies to be destroyed.

Comms Specialist Andy Nex


Comms Specialist Andy falls silent, as Fleet Captain Andrea continues.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

And as for Bijou, I've already made it clear to her that just because she's the daughter of the President, that ultimately means nothing in this situation. She is now a Private-just like the rest of the people out there with you on that island, and so I must look at her as such...until this mission is over.

Fleet Captain Andrea mutters that last part, to which Comms Specialist Andy doesn't hear that part. Back on her bridge, she is briefly seen to grip her hands tightly together as she says this, hinting that she does truly care for Bijou-but she can't show it. She then starts to wrap up the conversation by saying-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

Once again, once you've rested up, you are to head back into the island to find and destroy the remaining 2 AA Blockades. I won't be able to send any reinforcements your way, as if you all fail to destroy the remaining enemies...then I will need a back-up force to resume the operation in your place. Is that clear?

Faced with this, Comms Specialist will take a while to reply-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

....Yes, Fleet Captain. I understand.

Comms Specialist Andy says this quietly, as he looks downwards. Fleet Captain Andrea then finishes up by saying-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

I wish you all the best...and...I apologize.

With that, Fleet Captain Andrea cuts the comms on her side. As Comms Specialist Andy slumps over in his seat, suddenly, a voice speaks to Andy from outside of his Blockade-


...So...the Fleet Captain herself wants us to head right back into the fire as "expendables", huh?

Comms Specialist Andy Nex


The voice says this nonchalantly, as Andy now looks outside his Blockade. Here, two women poke their heads into the Blockade where Andy is sitting down. He sighs, before replying to one of them-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

*Sigh*...I honestly don't know what I was expecting from that conversation. I couldn't really expect reinforcements, as she does have to be cautious at the moment. But, this is the job that we signed up for, so we'll have to go back out there with the rest of these "expendables".

Comms Specialist Andy says this worryingly, as he speaks to the two girls. He then says-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

But, first things first. Bell, could I ask you to use my comms here to contact everyone's Blockades? Just ask those who want it if they'd like some food from our chefs, before we move out in just over an hour.

Bell Noa

...Just one hour?

Andy replies-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

Yeah. It's not a good idea for all of us to be bunched up like this for too long, as we don't know how long our enemies will stay quiet for. We should move out in that timeframe-after everyone's had a bit of rest and some food to eat.

Bell Noa


Bell says, as the girl standing next to her then speaks-


...What about me, Andy?

Andy now looks over to this woman and then speaks-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

Lucy...could you go check with the radar Blockade teams and tell them about what we are about to do? I think one of them is named Lucas Murdocks, so look for him over there, please.

Comms Specialist Andy says, to which Lucy replies-

Lucy Autumn

You want them to keep watch over us?

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

That's right. While we eat and rest up, we'll be vulnerable to an attack-like what happened earlier, so it's important to have some of our allies looking out for our backs.

Comms Specialist Andy explains to which Lucy then says-

Lucy Autumn

Ok. I can do that.

With that, Lucy then leaves to do the task that Andy asked of her. She goes down the ladder and heads off towards another row of Blockades with radar equipment on them nearby, to which back with Bell and Andy, she now hops inside of Andy's Blockade to use his comms. In turn, Andy himself hops out just as she gets in, and then, Bell calls out to him, as she sits down in his seat-

Bell Noa

Andy? Where are you going?

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

I'm just going to go check up on Ms. Luisant in the Liberty ErotiCake. I heard from a little girl earlier that she had it pretty rough earlier, so I want to see if she's alright.

Andy's reasoning sounds sincere, but Bell thinks that Andy might have a different reason for going to see Bijou. She asks-

Bell Noa

...Are you sure that's the only reason you are going over there...all by yourself...?

Comms Specialist Andy Nex


Comms Specialist Andy stops in his tracks and looks behind him, to see that Bell is now giving him a suspicious-but playful look, as she smiles subtly at him. Andy now stutters a bit as he tries to explain himself-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

I-It's not like that, Bell!! I'm just concerned about her and I won't even be staying that long with her. Besides, she's the President's daughter, which means that she's way out of my league anyway!

Bell Noa


Bell rolls her eyes, as she seems like she's about to laugh. Bell likes what is happening and smiles, as Andy then speaks in a serious tone-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

*Clears throat*...Anyway, when you have all of the names of the people who want some food and drinks, meet me over in the Liberty ErotiCake, as I'm sure that Ms. Luisant is also going to be hungry for something as well.

Bell Noa

Got it, Andy...

Bell then leans upwards as she says that to Andy. Andy then gets the message that Bell is giving to him and they soon share a kiss. Their kiss lasts for a good minute or so, and then they separate-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

...Bell...after we get back to Ecogon...we should...

Bell Noa


The two then kiss again, and after that, Andy then goes on over towards the Liberty ErotiCake, which is a short walk away from his Blockade.

As he walks on the ground, Andy gets to see the faces of some of the people who remain. They are the faces of people who now realize that they made a horrible mistake in riding the hype bandwagon and are horribly in over their heads. However, Andy knows that he too made a huge mistake in joining up as well, but there is nothing he can do about that now. He knows that the words of Fleet Captain Andrea are true, so now, he must rise up to this challenge in order to get back home-alive. Andy now remains headstrong, as he soon gets to the Liberty ErotiCake-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex


Andy looks up from the ground and can barely see that Bijou has left the hatch to the cockpit of the Liberty ErotiCake open. Thus, Andy calls out to Bijou-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex


Bijou Luisant


There is no reply, but the ladder going upwards is hanging near where Andy is on the ground. Andy then decides to grab ahold of it, and as it goes up, he soon makes it to the top-where the entrance to the Liberty ErotiCake is. Here, the cockpit is open, to which Andy then peers inside to see-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex


Bijou Luisant


Andy now sees Bijou slumped over next to the right side of the Liberty ErotiCakes' main command seat. She is completely silent, but Andy speaks to her anyway.

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

...Hey there, Ms. Luisant.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou is unresponsive, as her eyes are in a haze. Comms Specialist Andy notices, but still tries to spark up a conversation-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

...Me and my girlfriend Bell always thought about how nice it must be to live in the tops of the Umbrellas, were the nobles, politicians and wealthy people like yourself live. But, all we could do was dream on because we lived in the underside of the Umbrella back in Ecogon, where it's always dark and hard to see above to the sky sometimes. I always pictured meeting the daughter of the President to be a grand event, but-

Bijou Luisant


Bijou now covers her head in-between her knees, in order to cry about what happened to her friends. Andy stops himself from talking anymore and sees that his small talk isn't making Bijou feel better, so he then kneels down and slowly speaks to her-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

...Ms. Luisant, I-!

Bijou Luisant

I failed them...

Bijou mutters-loud enough for Comms Specialist Andy to hear her. He replies with surprise, asking-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex


Bijou now speaks, in a sorrowful tone-

Bijou Luisant

...As we were flying towards the island, I told them that I'd protect them from dying in this war all by myself. I told them that I could take on the Ascension singlehandedly...because I'm the pilot of the Liberty ErotiCake....but...they all still died...Abigail, Amy, Devion, Harold, Dr. Ludwig and Zoen...they are all dead...because I was.....too weak......*cries*.....

Comms Specialist Andy Nex


As Bijou cries, Andy stays perfectly still, as he then gently places his hand on Bijou's back and rubs it softly. Bijou doesn't mind this, as she cries until she can't cry anymore.

After a short while, Bijou has finally stopped crying, to which Andy is seen to be sitting down next to her now. Andy then takes out something from one of his pockets and then brings his hand closer to Bijou's face. Bijou then slowly takes notices, and reacts-

Bijou Luisant


Comms Specialist Andy Nex


Andy is now seen to wipe away Bijou's tears with a handkerchief. He then gives her his handkerchief, which upon closer inspection has his intitules on it-which Bijou notices-

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou now looks at Andy, he then speaks to her-with a look of gentle appreciation on his face. He says-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

...Ms. Luisant, please listen to me. What happened to your friends today isn't your fault, as what happened is due to almost everyone here being inexperienced in comparison.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou just listens, as Comms Specialist Andy continues speaking to her-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

If we had known how bad things would get out here beforehand, most of us would've never signed the papers to join the first wave back in Appledale...myself included. Then, more experienced pilots could've signed up to come out here instead...just like Fleet Captain just said to me recently. I'm sure that if that happened, then none of our inexperience's would be an issue, as we'd have more experienced people to cover our weaknesses while out here.

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou listens to Andy, she looks at him with a slight look of confusion, as his words do start to speak to her. Andy continues, but now he starts to try to change the subject to discuss-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

...I'm sorry if my words are kind of lame, Ms. Luisant. I got the same look when I was trying to cheer up my girlfriend this one time in our past. She was sad that she lost her cat, so me and my childhood friend, Lucy, agreed to help her look for her back then. We looked all day and night, and when we did find her, it was past midnight when we found out that Bell's cat had given birth to a litter of 3 kittens under a rose bush.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou now feels a bit better inside, and then, Andy asks-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

Are you feeling a bit better now?

Bijou Luisant

...A little. Thanks for saying that...umm...

With Bijou now speaking to Andy, he now introduces himself to her-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

Ah, yes. My name is Andy Nex, Comms Specialist of Ecogon's 19th Comms your service.

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou says this, just then, a knock comes on the hatch-

*Knock Knock*

Comms Specialist Andy Nex


Bijou Luisant


Andy and Bijou look behind them, and they see...

Bell Noa

Hey there.

Lucy Autumn


Comms Specialist Andy Nex

Ah...Bell, and Lucy is here too...

Andy says, nervously, as he looks over to where Bell and Lucy are standing. Both now appear to have been standing there for a while now, to which Bell then hops inside and speaks to Andy-in a superior tone-

Bell Noa

...I distinctly remember asking you to watch my cat that day, Andy, but you lost sight of her when Lucy came over to our house-while wearing a very reveling dress from a dance she went to that morning, remember?

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

Oh! Is that how things began that day...?

Andy asks, in an embarrassed tone, to which Bell replies-

Bell Noa


Bell says in a strong-yet still playful manner. Lucy then speaks-

Lucy Autumn

...It was pretty windy that day, so I probably should've changed into something different when I came back from dance practice that one time...

Lucy admits, to which the mood inside the Liberty ErotiCake seems tense. However, Andy starts to smile and laugh out loud, as both Bell and Lucy also join in and laugh with him-



Upon seeing these people laugh in front of her, Bijou will look fondly at them and even manage to smile a bit, as she laughs a little too with them-

Bijou Luisant


After this, Bell speaks up.

Bell Noa

Anyway, Andy. I got all of the names of the people who want a bite to eat for you. Not many people are hungry at the moment, so I then asked around for some chefs outside, to which I was directed to two individuals: Ayden Miller and Brandon Westcoat. They are already cooking up some food with some of their buddies, so we all can expect something soon-before it rains.

Bell explains, as Andy then says-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

So, it'll be like home delivery on a Sunday night with rain outside? Ok. Lucy, did you check things out with Lucas?

Lucy Autumn

Yeah. He said that they have the entire city on their radar at the moment, and the enemy isn't anywhere nearby. They will sound off immediately if the enemy come out from the jungle, so we can believe in them while we rest up here.

After Lucy explains this, Andy will smile at her, as he then says-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

*Smiles*...You two did a great job. Now, let's get ready to get some food to eat, Ms. Luisant.

Bijou Luisant


Surprised by Andy's tone, Bijou will be slightly surprised, as he then looks over to here-with a big grin on his face. He will then extend his hand out to Bijou, as if wanting to pick her up, and as Bijou sits, he will say to her-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

Even though we are in this hopeless situation, it's always good to remember how to lighten the mood, even if just a little. Having food and something to wash it down will help us to keep a level head and think more clearly in the near future, after all. Right?

With Andy's hand extended, Bijou will be hesitant, as she will envision these people as if they were her prior friends from before. Nonetheless, Bijou will still reach out her hand-but stop halfway to think for a second-

Bijou Luisant


After some hesitation, Bijou then fully extends her arm and then grabs ahold of Andy's hand. After making contact, Andy then proceeds to gently hoist her up onto her feet. Now, Bijou speaks-slowly-

Bijou Luisant

Yeah...Andy. As thanks for cheering me about the three of you join me in here for when the food arrives?

Andy Nex


Bell Noa


Lucy Autumn


Upon hearing this come from Bijou-the President's daughter, everyone else will react with surprise. Andy will ask-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

Ar...are you sure that's alright, Ms. Luisant?! Afterall, we are pretty much underclass civilians, despite us being in the military...and this is the Liberty ErotiCake-which was created for the Luisant family, after all!!

Andy says, in utter surprise and trying to downplay him and his friends even being in here. In response, Bijou will reply to him in a modest tone-

Bijou Luisant

Don't mind that, as it's the least I can do. It's no trouble at all...really...

Bijou says this while giving Andy and his friends a sly smile while waving her hand in as kind of a tone as she can muster. She is still straining herself due to her prior feelings for her friends deaths, but she will manage to put off her emotions, to which Andy will notice-but not press the issue, as he says-

Andy Nex

...Ok, Ms. Luisant. We certainly can't turn down such a generous offer-especially from you, now, can we...?

Andy asks, as he looks over to both Bell and Lucy. They nod acceptingly towards him-

Bell Noa


Lucy Autumn


To which Andy then says-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

Alright, then. The three of us will accept your offer, Ms. Luisant.

Andy says, in confirmation. Bijou then replies-slightly relieved, and then tells him-

Bijou Luisant

Thanks...oh, and everyone? You can...just call me Bijou from now on, ok?

Bijou says this slowly, to which Andy then says-

Andy Nex

...Alright, Bijou.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou nods with a smile on her face, as the scene then transitions to the outside of the Liberty ErotiCake.

As the clouds continue gathering in the sky above, it soon begins to rain on the island. As it does, outside the area of Blockades, many people go around from Blockade to Blockade, handing out food and drinks to the people who asked for it earlier. They carry a big basket of food packages that hold the food and drinks inside, and once they are done with a couple of Blockades, two individuals then hop on over to the Liberty ErotiCake. As they approach the cockpit, waiting for them is Andy-who stands near the wide entrance. He speaks to the men as they get closer to him-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

...Hey there. Are you two Ayden and Brandon?

Andy asks, to which one of the men replies-

Ayden Miller

That's right. I'm Ayden and he's my friend, Brandon.

Brandon Westcoat


The two men say, as Brandon then speaks-

Brandon Westcoat

I guess you must be Andy, right?

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

Yeah. Do you have our meals?

Ayden Miller

Of course.

Ayden then proceeds to take out four bags of food that appear to be bigger than the rest that are inside of his basket. Andy notices and then speaks up-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

...Aren't those packages a little bigger than the rest, Ayden?

Ayden now explains himself-

Ayden Miller

We heard that the President's daughter, Bijou Luisant, is the pilot of this Blockade, so we made sure to make this meal and the meals of her friends extra special to suit someone of her status.

Ayden says, as he then holds out the bags of food, which also have drinks inside of pouches for the four. As Andy takes the food, Ayden is about to turn around, but before then, Andy asks him a question-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

Thanks, Ayden. Hey, can I ask you guys something before you leave?

Ayden Miller


Brandon Westcoat

What's up?

Ayden says this rather suspiciously, while Brandon is calmer about being asked a question. Andy doesn't notice their demeanor, and then ask-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

Since you've been going around the Blockades giving food to the people inside them, how is morale around here?

Brandon now speaks up-

Brandon Westcoat's certainly getting better, now that some people are getting some good food to eat around here. However, while those people are in better spirits, the rest...aren't holding up so well...

Comms Specialist Andy Nex


Andy now looks worried, as he silently holds the bags of food and drinks in his hands. Ayden then speaks-

Ayden Miller

We just came from the Blockade right next to this one, which had two sisters inside-who were some of the pilots that carried the kinetic blasters. They seemed pretty depressed about something that happened earlier, as they didn't even come over to get their food...even though they requested some. We ended up leaving their food in one of their command seats, as we still have many more requests for food around here.

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

...I see. After we eat, we'll try to go over to that Blockade and cheer up those girls, then.

Andy says, eager to eat and then see these two girls. Ayden sounds happy, as he and Brandon reply-

Ayden Miller

Thanks. I'm sure they'll appreciate meeting the President's only daughter.

Brandon Westcoat

If you hurry, you might catch them without their Co-Pilots inside, as they were alone in there when we came by just now.

Andy then says-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

Thanks for the update. And thanks for the food as well.

As Andy turns around with the food, Brandon then tells him this-

Brandon Westcoat

...Enjoy it, as we made it "special".

Comms Specialist Andy Nex


Andy is about to walk back into the Liberty ErotiCake, when something makes him stop and ask Brandon what he meant by that-

Andy Nex

...Brandon? What do you mean by that?

Brandon Westcoat


Brandon looks down, as if what he is about to say hurts in a way. But then, he soon speaks-

Brandon Westcoat

I'm sorry if I sounded rude or anything. It's just father used to be a professional chef while serving in a maximum-security jailhouse down in Nakoba. He was always in charge of giving the inmates who were on death row their last meals there, before they were killed for their crimes to society.

Comms Specialist Andy Nex


Andy doesn't reply, as Brandon continues speaking-

Brandon Westcoat

When I looked at him when I was young as he came home, I remember him having a look of sadness after those events-like he had just seen a ghost. He always had that face on him each time he went to give people their last meals before leaving this world. Now, when I look at the people around here, most of them look exactly like how my father used to if they know that a lot of them aren't going back home in one piece today...

Comms Specialist Andy Nex


Andy looks pretty sad now, and then, Ayden speaks-

Ayden Miller

Now that we are out here, it feels as if we are doing just like what Brandon's father has done in the past. It's a terrible feeling, giving food that we poured out hearts and souls into for people to enjoy, only to then see them die as if we all really are on death row ourselves.

Ayden holds out his hands, which shows that he is shivering a lot. Brandon is also shivering, which then prompts Andy to speak up-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

...I...I don't think I could ever understand how you guys must feel right now, as I never had parents in that kind of work. But...I don't think that this is goodbye...

Ayden Miller


Brandon Westcoat


Andy now tries to be positive, as he says-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

After we eat our food, I will work with some of the other guys to try and get a plan together, so we can all go home after this. We will just need to work that much harder in order to make it out of this situation alive, so don't be so negative...please...

Brandon Westcoat


Ayden Miller


Brandon and Ayden both close their eyes in disappointment, and then after opening them back up, Brandon speaks-

Brandon Westcoat

...Thanks, Andy. When we were going around handing out the food, some people around here thought of you as leader material, as you are one of the very few people around here with some actual military experience. However, even though you're really nice, I honestly don't think that those words are going to help anyone in this situation...

Comms Specialist Andy Nex


Andy says nothing, as Ayden then finishes up talking to him-

Ayden Miller

...I think we've taken enough of your time, as I'm sure that you must be famished by now. Please, forget we said anything and enjoy your meals with the President's daughter.

Ayden and Brandon then take their leave, while Andy stands at the front of the Liberty ErotiCake cockpit-watching the two men go off...silently-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex


After this, Andy then goes back into the Liberty ErotiCake, with shadows over his eyes as he walks down the stairs. As he soon gets to the bottom, his feet slowly go over each and every single step, and then as he comes up to the table, Bell speaks to him in a slightly annoyed tone-

Bell Noa

...Man, Andy. What could've taken you so long to talk about with those two chefs outside?

Comms Specialist Andy Nex


Andy then stops suddenly, and then as he slowly lifts up his head, his face is then reveled-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex


Bell Noa


Andy is now shown with a genuine smile on his face, and then answers Bell's question in a carefree tone-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

Oh, it was nothing, Bell. Brandon and Ayden just wanted to tell me about some stuff about one of our neighbors next door, is all.

Bell Noa


Bell asks, as Andy now sets down the bag of food onto the table and continues speaking gleefully-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

Yeah. Apparently, there's a Blockade that belongs to some of the pilots who carried those kinetic blasters earlier.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou is surprised to hear this, indicating that she might know who Andy is describing. Andy continues speaking-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

I just learned from Ayden and Brandon that two of the 10 pilots are sisters, so I was just talking about going to meet them after eating. I think they could even use the same PickMeUp story that I used on Bijou earlier.

Andy says, trying to shift the conversation to something else. The ploy works, as Bijou says this to herself-

Bijou Luisant

...Could one of them be...that pilot that I helped earlier today...?

Bijou mutters this to herself, indicating that she might know who Andy is talking about. Across the table from her, neither Bell nor Lucy notice Bijou talking to herself, as Bell then speaks up in a playfully irritated tone to Andy-

Bell Noa

You always try that same story with every lady that you come across, Andy. It's already an old tale, so why don't you try to come up with something new for once?

She says, as Andy takes out the food from the bag and puts it in front of everyone. As he sits with his food, he laughs awkwardly, as he then says-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex still has a lot of mileage left, Bell.

Lucy Autumn


Lucy giggles at the scene, as it's now shown that Bell is enjoying picking at Andy, while he laughs it off. Lucy then looks over to Bijou and notices that she has a look of confusion on her face. Concerned, she then speaks out to her-

Lucy Autumn

...Bijou? Are you ok?

Comms Specialist Andy Nex


Bell Noa


Everyone turns to look at Bijou, as she then speaks-

Bijou Luisant

Y-yeah, I'm fine. It's just, I was thinking that maybe one of those two pilots is someone that I helped out...earlier today.

Bijou says, as she explains her prior confusion. Lucy doesn't notice Bijou's depressed tone, as she just assumes that Bijou helped out someone from a sticky situation, as she then asks-

Lucy Autumn

Ah, I see. Would you like to go see them after we eat? I'm sure that they could use the company of the President's daughter-wouldn't you agree?

Bijou Luisant


Bijou now thinks back to when she saw Harold and Dr. Ludwig get killed by the AA Blockades' attacks, which causes her to slightly wince. No one notices this, as Bijou knows that everyone is waiting for her to answer Lucy's question, so she holds back her true feelings and speaks-

Bijou Luisant

...Yeah. I'd at least like to see if it is "her" again, before we move out.

Bijou says, as Andy then speaks-calmly-

Comms Specialist Andy Nex

Alright. If we eat fast enough, then we can catch them while they are by themselves.

Bijou Luisant


With that, everyone begins eating the food in front of them. As they eat, Bell soon notices something sitting on the counter in front of where she is sitting.

Bell Noa


Bell sees that the contents of the bag is cream cheese bread, to which would add to the meal that they currently have right now, as they have meatloaf, lots of spicy sauce, chicken with rice and gravy. Bell then speaks.

Bell Noa

...Hey, is that bread sitting on the counter over there, Bijou?

Bijou Luisant


Bell continues.

Bell Noa

It would add to our meals if we could have some bread to go with all of this sauce, don't you think?

Lucy Autumn

Yeah. That's a good idea.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou looks down, with a face that shows how depressed she really is. Bell notices, and then asks-

Bell Noa

...Is something wrong, Bijou?

Faced with this, Bijou is forced to reply quickly, as she soon says-

Bijou Luisant

No, it's alright. Hold on a second...

Bijou then gets up from her seat and gently grabs the bag of bread that was Abigail's last treat for her. She then carries it back to the table, opens it up and let's everyone have some. As they eat the bread with their food, Bell speaks up again-

Bell Noa

Wow, this bread is so yummy!

Bell says, happy to eat such delicious bread. Lucy then asks-

Lucy Autumn

Did you make this, Bijou?!

To which Bijou then slowly replies-

Bijou Luisant

...No, I didn't. It was made by...someone that I just met recently...

Bell Noa


Lucy Autumn


While waiting for Bijou to explain herself, both Bell and Noa realize what the face that Bijou is making means. Andy was just about to take a piece of bread, but he then stops just before taking a bite and looks at Bijou-realizing what her face means as well. Bijou now looks down, as tears start to form in her eyes again-

Bijou Luisant


Upon seeing this, Bell then asks-

Bell Noa

...Was this bread made by...that woman who first screamed on the comms as we approached this island?

Bell asks, to which Bijou replies-

Bijou Luisant

...Yeah. Her name was Abigail Lemon, and she was the daughter of a bakery family back in Ecogon. She made this whole bag of bread for me to eat before...that happened to her today.

Bell Noa so sorry to hear that...

Lucy Autumn


Bell then smiles fondly, and then speaks in a confident and calm tone to Bijou-

Bell Noa

...I'm sure that Abigail would've loved to see people eating her bread and smiling, Bijou. In order to honor her memory, how about we do that for her, right now?

Bijou Luisant


Bijou is then shocked, as she then remembers the words that Abigail told her about this bread that she made for her, as a short flashback ensures-


Bijou Luisant

...Hey, Abigail? Did you leave the oven on?

Abigail Lemon

Yes. I had a bunch of bread pieces cooking in there, just in case you were hungry. You can have all of them, as they will be done cooking right about now.

Bijou Luisant

...Thanks, Abigail.

Abigail Lemon

No problem. Thanks for letting me use your oven to make breakfast. Seeing people like you smile while eating the food that I make with my hands is one of the happiest things in my life. Please, enjoy.


After the flashback, Bijou looks up and sees her new friends looking back at her. They are all smiling kindly and waiting for Bijou to speak up. She does so-

Bijou Luisant

...Yes. Let's eat it all up right now. For Abigail.



With that, the four proceed to eat the bread along with their food. They stuff their faces of the bread that Abigail made along with the food that was brought over from Ayden and Brandon, and as they eat, they smile with each bite that they eat.

After eating the food, Bell and Lucy sit on the couch just behind the table, while Andy and Bijou both clean up the table. Bell speaks up, with a full belly-

Bell Noa

Phew...I couldn't eat another bite.

Lucy Autumn

Same here...Hm?

Comms Specialist Andy Nex


Bijou Luisant


Bijou and Andy are both busy picking up the plates and taking them to the kitchen to be washed. Suddenly, Bell and Lucy arrive and help putting their dishes away into the sink as well. As they clean up together, Bell speaks-

Bell Noa

...Hey, Bijou?

Bijou Luisant


Bijou now looks at Bell, as she asks-

Bell Noa

Thanks for letting us have some of that bread. It was a very nice thing of you to do so.

Bijou Luisant

You're welcome. It's thanks to you noticing it, as I didn't even think about eating it until you brought it up. I'm sure that Abigail would've liked it if I could share it was as many people as I could just now, too.

Bijou says, as Bell replies-

Bell Noa

I'm sure that she's happy too...somewhere out there.

Bell looks up, implying that she has her own feelings on the afterlife. Then, a short time later passes on...

After cleaning up the dishes, Bijou sees the empty bag that contained the cheese bread on the table. Bijou decides to save the bag, as it's a bag that has a nice flower design on it, and upon picking it up, a small sheet of paper falls out of it onto the table, and so, Bijou picks it up and reads it-

Bijou Luisant


The sheet of paper is a recipe list of the ingredients that make the bread, which is signed by Abigail Lemon herself. On the back of the sheet of paper are several pictures of Abigail and everyone else as they ate in the Liberty ErotiCake, which makes Bijou slightly tear up, as she didn't even notice that Abigail had taken pictures of them as they ate earlier. Bijou then pins up the pictures onto a wall in her room, and then afterwards, she puts the bag and Andy's handkerchief on her bed, for later. Bell, Lucy and Andy then call out to her from up the stairs.

Bell Noa

Hey, Bijou? Are you ready to go see those sisters next door?

Bijou looks up and sees her friends waiting on her. She then speaks.

Bijou Luisant

Yeah. ...Just, before we do that, can I ask you all to hold on for a second?

Bell Noa


Bijou then goes into her bag, which is under her bed, and proceeds to take out a camera. Bijou now explains-

Bijou Luisant

...How about I take a quick picture of you three together, as I'd like to have this memory for later on.

Bijou asks this as kindly as she can, to which Bell replies-

Bell Noa

Oh...sure thing, Bijou.

Lucy then speaks, as she and Andy then approach, along with Bell-

Lucy Autumn

Should we stand here, Bijou?

Lucy asks, as she, Bell and Andy then stand nearby-just in front of the main control seat that Bijou was sitting in not too long ago. Bijou replies, as she readies the camera in her hands-

Bijou Luisant

That's perfect...say "cheese"...

As Bijou says this, her friends reply-




Afterwards, Bijou says-

Bijou Luisant


After this, Bijou then climbs out of the Liberty ErotiCake, but as she does so, she takes a quick look back inside to see the camera on her bed across from her position. On the wall, several pictures of her friends from earlier are shown, along with one more of her most recent friends. Bijou smiles, as the chapter then ends-

----Chapter END----