Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake - Chapter 10

----Chapter 10----

Written By

David Kenneth Lacey

As Andy's Blockade erupts onto the ground, the explosion of it and the Blockades around the area are seen-


In the area, Sophia and Chole will all see the explosions from within their Blockades-

Sophie Madison


Chole Madison


A moment later, Bijou will be seen in her Liberty ErotiCake, as she slams her hand against the controls in front of her in frustration-


Bijou Luisant

Dammit!!!...Now even...Andy...has been killed...

Bijou says, frustrated at losing yet another friend and not being able to do anything to save Andy. Across from her outside, the Blockades piloted by Bell and Lucy will be seen. Inside of one of them, Bell's eyes are a daze, as she can't even move her Blockade after seeing Andy being killed in front of her-

Bell Noa


Next to Bell, her Co-Pilots try to talk to her, but she doesn't respond-

Co-Pilot #2

...Hey, Bell...?

Co-Pilot #4 need to move the Blockade! The enemy might...attack us...

Bell Noa


Upon hearing the word "enemy", Bell will react and then look up in front of her. The AA Blockade that killed Andy will now be seen to retreat back towards the jungle in the distance. As it goes, Bell's eyes will track it, with an intent of destruction-

Bell Noa


A second later, Bell will start to move her Blockade, as next to her outside, Lucy's Blockade will be seen. Inside, Lucy is still crying-

Lucy Autumn


But as she notices Bell's Blockade moving, on her comms, Bell's voice will speak to her-

Bell Noa (comms)

...Lucy...come with me, as we'll get our revenge on that bastard who did this.

Bell says, as she walks past Lucy's Blockade, heading towards the jungle. As she goes, Lucy is surprised, as she watches her go-

Lucy Autumn


Bell's Blockade doesn't stop, as next to Lucy's Blockade, the Liberty ErotiCake then stands and Bijou's voice then comes out of her comms-

Bijou Luisant

...Lucy, let's follow after Bell, as she'll need our help to bring down that Blockade...

Bijou says this with a tone of sadness, as she did care for Andy and didn't want him to die in front of her as well. In response to this, Lucy will then wipe her tears away and then speak-

Lucy Autumn

...Ok. I'll be right there...

Lucy says, as she prepares to move her Blockade as well. Behind her and the Liberty ErotiCake, Sophie and Chole standby in their Blockades, and while Chole does raise up her Blockade's hand towards Lucy's Blockade, Sophie then has her Blockade catch it's hand-



As this happens, both Chole and Sophie speak to each other-on a private comms channel for a moment. Chole says-

Chole Madison

!...But, Sophie-

Chole whines, as Sophie just had her Blockade catch her Blockade's hand. Sophie then speaks on a private comms to her younger sister-

Sophie Madison

Leave her be, Chole. Right now...right now, both she and Lucy are going to be much different people-at least until we bring out the persons inside those Blockades who...killed Andy just now. Because of that, we should remain focused on using these kinetic blasters as best we can...alright?

Chole Madison


After a moment of hesitation, Chole replies-

Chole Madison

...Alright...Big Sis...

She says, as she then moves her Blockade forward-ahead of her Big Sister. As she goes ahead of her, Sophie takes one more look at the area where Andy's Blockade was, and then closes her eyes-

Sophie Madison

...May the eternal waters of the Goddess revive you someday...Andy...

She says, as she then opens her eyes and then moves her Blockade forward. As this happens, Bijou and Lucy then have their Blockades move, as around them, many more Blockades follow after Lucy, as she leads them towards the jungle in the distance.

As the DIC Blockades arrive at the jungle, they leave behind a city that was consumed by nature to a scene that is fully nature. Here, they have to navigate through dense bushes and trees, along with tall grass that reaches up several meters into the air. The DIC Blockades are able to make their way through this tough setting, as they then begin to reach an open area-which is situated near to the Stem of the uncomplete Umbrella. As the DIC Blockades file into this area, the Liberty ErotiCake is seen with them, as inside, Bijou speaks-

Bijou Luisant

Hm? An open field?

Bijou says, as she takes in the scenery around her. As she does, against the side of the Stem of the incomplete Stem of the Umbrella, the AA Blockade leans over-just out of sight of the DIC Blockades below.

Inside, the AndroIs speaks-.

AndroIs #1

...Fools. Walking into that open space like this just shows how unprepared you all are-

It says, as it readies it's long-range weapons to attack the DIC Blockade coming into the area below. As it does, back with Bell, she is then seen to suspect something-

Bell Noa


Now, Bell notices the openness of the area they are all walking into and then screams over the comms to everyone-

Bell Noa




Bell says, as she has her Blockade move its arms up, prompting everyone behind her to move. All the way back at the AA Blockade flying against the side of the incomplete Stem of Umbrella, inside, the AndroIs says-

AndroIs #1


A second later, it then fires it's weapons at dozens of DIC Blockades in the distance. As the beams travel, Bell screams out again-

Bell Noa




In that instant, Bell moves her Blockade outside of the range of the AA Blockade's many beam attacks. Most other Blockades around the area will also manage to move out of the way of the sudden attacks, while very few will take some damage. Bijou will also move her Liberty ErotiCake out of the way, and as Sophie and Chole also manage to escape, back with the AA Blockade, inside, the AndroIs speaks to itself-

AndroIs #1

...Impressive...that Blockade there was probably able to deduce what my action was just now...!

It says, complementing how fast Bells' Blockade moved and then makes sure to keep an eye on it by targeting her Blockade specifically. It also targets several more Blockades in the area, as it then remains in it's current position. As this happens, back with the DIC Blockades...

Back with the DIC Blockades, Bell speaks, as she readies her Blockade's weapons and aims her Blockade towards the incomplete Stem. There will be several buildings further closer to the Stem, which would provide enough cover for the DIC Blockades to hide behind them. Upon seeing this, Bell will speak over her comms-

Bell Noa

Everyone!! Use those buildings over there as cover and help me take down that monster!!! Sophie!! Chole!! Use those kinetic blasters against it, while we draw it's attention!!!

Sophie Madison


Chole Madison


As Bell snaps this order towards everyone, she will also direct the same fury at both Sophie and Chole. Surprised, the two will be momentarily stunned for a few seconds, until Bell speaks towards them again-

Bell Noa

Sophie!!! Chole!!! Get your asses in gear and start using those kinetic blasters already!!! We can't win this without your help!!!!

She screams, as both girls then react-

Sophie Madison

Oh! Sure thing!!

Chole Madison

We'll get these set up over there right away!!

They say, as they then prepare to set up their kinetic blasters near the old buildings nearby. A few other Blockades will also do the same-not wanting to aggravate Bell any more than she already is. After this is shown, Bijou is seen inside of her Blockade, getting the Liberty Blaster charged up-

"Beep Beep Beep"

Bijou Luisant

...Alright, it's starting to charge up. When it's complete...I'll be sure to avenge you, Andy...!

She says, as she then has the Liberty ErotiCake wield it's assault rifles and then head over to where the cover is. As she gets there, dozens of DIC Blockades are already among the buildings and firing at the enemy above...

As the attacks from the DIC Blockades below intensify, the AA Blockade wisely remains stationary-using the incomplete Stem as a shield to protect itself from 70% of the attacks coming from below. It returns fire at the DIC Blockades below, but it's attacks are limited, as now it is reveled that it's Curtain Barriers are heavily damaged from the battle before. Inside, the AndroIs speaks about this-

AndroIs #1

...How is it that this Blockade has it's Curtain Barriers in such a damaged state? It wasn't like this before...we began fighting...?

It says, seemingly confused about how it's Blockade's Curtain Barriers are so destroyed. However, it can't think about this for long, as a series of kinetic blaster strikes now hit it's Blockade's side-


AndroIs #1


Taking advantage of the AA Blockade being stationary in the air next to the incomplete Stem, the DIC Blockades below will start to move around the buildings in the area, where they can soon more easily shoot at the flying AA Blockade. Among them, Bell is seen leading the charge, as she grits her teeth fiercely as she fires her weapons at the enemy above-



Bell Noa

Come down here already!!!

Bell says, as her intense face is now shown. As she continues firing her weapons at the AA Blockade above, she focuses solely on bringing it down. As this happens, inside, the AndroIs speaks, as more explosions occur around it-


AndroIs #1

Ugh...Position compromised. Continuing to engage enemies, while requesting a regrouping...!

It says, as it then pushes it's Blockade off against the wall of the Stem and then aims it's weapons down at the DIC Blockades below. As this happens, Bell is about to react, when suddenly, a Blockade with a kinetic blaster starts to move around next to her Blockade. Bell reacts with surprise-

Bell Noa

Grk?! What the hell??!



She says, as she and her Co-Pilots look at the Blockade in front of them. This Blockade is controlled by Sophie, who is struggling to aim the kinetic blaster in her Blockade's arms at the moment. She will be doing so while standing perfectly still, as the AA Blockade in the air continues to fire it's weapons down below at everyone else.

Inside, Sophie speaks-

Sophie Madison

...Damn it...why can't you just stay still?!

She mutters, as from her perspective, she struggles to aim the kinetic blaster at the AA Blockade, as it continues to move around constantly in the air-while still firing it's weapons at the DIC Blockades around her. After a few moments, it then notices her standing around, and fires several beams at her Blockade, causing her to react with shock-unable to move away-

Sophie Madison


Next to her, one of her Co-Pilots cries out in fear-

Co-Pilot #4

Watch out!!!

Sophie Madison


He says, as the beams fly towards her Blockade. Before they damage her Blockade or the kinetic blaster in its arms, another Blockade from behind comes in and knocks Sophie's Blockade to the ground-saving her from the beam attacks that slam into the ground around them-


Sophie Madison




They scream, as they are knocked out of the way. As the explosions behind them subside, another group of Blockade approaches Sophie's Blockade, which lays on the ground on it's back. One of them is piloted by Chole, who cries out-

Chole Madison

Big Sis!!!

Chole screams out, desperately wanting to know if Sophie is alright. Inside of Sophie's Blockade, she is reveled to have hit her head pretty hard, but she's alright, as she rubs the side of her head and then speaks-

Sophie Madison

...Ugh...gah...I'm...alright, Chole. How is everyone else?

She asks, tilting her head to look to her left at some of her Co-Pilots. They reply-

Co-Pilot #2


Co-Pilot #5

That was...a pretty close call. Were it not for that Blockade, we'd be...dead...

Sophie Madison


As Sophie hears this, her face will go pale, as the thought of dying just now will stick with her. Just then, Bell's Blockade will step near to where Sophie's Blockade is laying on the ground, and her irritated voice is then heard over Sophie's comms-

Bell Noa (comms)

What the hell do you think you were doing, you bitch??!!!

Sophie Madison




Sophie and her Co-Pilots are surprised by this sudden outburst by Bell, as she has her Blockade already back on it's feet. Bell then says-

Bell Noa

Standing there out in the open like that is like asking to be killed, as you need to be constantly moving-especially since you have a kinetic blaster!!! What if I wasn't there to save your dumbass and your kinetic blaster was destroyed just now?!!

Sophie Madison was just-

Bell asks a very serious question, as without the kinetic blasters, none of them can truly defeat a single AA Blockade. In response, Sophie can't respond, as she struggles to find an answer to tell to an irate Bell. Bell then moves her Blockade closer to Sophie's Blockade and snatches the kinetic blaster and cable from her Blockade-tearing it out of it's socket. Bell then speaks, as her Blockade attaches the cable to it's own socket along it's belt-

Bell Noa (comms)

Without these weapons, we are all going to die out here, you know??! Don't just stand around in the open like that and use some damn cover, for crying out loud!!!

Sophie Madison


Bell screams at Sophie harshly, as she then moves her Blockade away from Sophie's, leaving her bewildered and confused. Around Sophie in her cockpit, her Co-Pilots look at her with piercing glares, as she then looks downwards in shame and frustration.

Sophie Madison


A moment later, another Blockade and the Liberty ErotiCake help her Blockade to stand back up. As this happens, Chole speaks to her big sister via the comms-

Chole Madison (comms)

Sophie?! Are you alright in there??!

Chole asks, innocently enough, to which inside, Sophie replies, calmly-

Sophie Madison

...Yeah. I'm alright...Chole...

She says, in a tired tone, as Bijou then speaks to her-

Bijou Luisant

Try not to let what Bell just said get to you...I'm sure she's just upset about what happened earlier...

Sophie Madison


Sophie takes a minute to regain her composure, and then, she replies to Bijou, saying-

Sophie Madison

...While that was harsh...she was right to say that, Ms. Luisant. Instead of moving, I was too focused on firing at that Ascension Blockade...I shouldn't have been like that back there, as it's not just my life in this Blockade at the moment that I have to be mindful of...

As Sophie says this, she will now look remorseful towards her Co-Pilots next to her, who take immediate notice of her sorrowful eyes-



A second later, Sophie will finish up by saying-

Sophie Madison

I'm sorry for not thinking more of you guys in here with me back there. I'll make sure to be better...I promise.



As Sophie says this, her Co-Pilots soon stop looking at her with daggers in their eyes and then lighten up, as they then smile and nod their heads-



Sophie Madison

Thank you-




Suddenly, an explosion will draw everyone attention to their front. Ahead of them, Bells' Blockade will be seen moving wildly across the battlefield, while firing the kinetic blaster in it's hands. It's much heavier than Bells' Blockade can manage, but even still, Bell doesn't seem to mind, as she's seen inside of her Blockade and screams-

Bell Noa


She screams, as she fires all of her weapons and the kinetic blaster at the AA Blockade hovering in the air. Most of her attacks miss, but the few beams from her kinetic blaster do manage to hit the Curtain Barriers, causing more damage to them.

Inside, the AndroIs takes notice of this-

AndroIs #1

!...That might be controlled by an actual pilot.

As this happens, the AndroIs takes notices of Bell's mad firing at it, and then aims it's weapons at her. As this happens, another voice calls out to Bell from the sides-

Lucas Murdocks (comms)

Bell, that's enough!! Get back into cover and let us take over for you!!!

He says, as many more Blockades around the area in cover fire at the AA Blockade. As their attacks connect with the AA Blockade's Curtain Barriers, they cause little damage, as the AA Blockade then fires it's weapons around the area where Bell's Blockade is standing-


Bell Noa

Grk!! ...Huh?!

Now, the explousions around Bell's Blockade will subside, as around her, huge craters will be seen in the ground. They are large and wide enough to prevent any escape, as Bell then notices this-

Bell Noa


As Bells' eyes move back to the air above her, a concentrated beam will be inches away from her cockpit, as a second later, the beam will then connect with the armor and instantly melt. As a flash of light envelops Bell and her Co-Pilots, they are soon vaporized, as Bell is then seen one more time before being engulfed in light-

Bell Noa


As Bell is being vaporized, she now thinks about how much she enjoyed having Andy chase after her in her past. She remembers having him constantly try to woo her over and all the times she playfully rejected him-and while she was just acting stuck up, she was just teasing him, as she enjoyed playing around with him because he would seemingly never give up on her.

As the beam gets brighter and brighter around her body, she mutters one more sentence-

Bell Noa

A second later, Bell is also vaporized, as the concentrated beam then subsides after leaving out the back of her Blockade's cockpit. As the hole is seen, the Blockade then falls backwards and down into the crater, and then exploudes-


As pieces of Bell's Blockade fly and then land against the Blockades in the area, some of the pieces knock against the Liberty ErotiCake, as inside, Bijou is speechless, as her mouth hangs wide open-

Bijou Luisant


Now, tears start to form in Bijou's eyes, they fall off her face, as she cries at what has happened. Across from her, Chole and Sophie in their Blockades look remorseful, while Lucas lowers his head. A moment later, he then speaks over the comms to the Blockades in this area-

Lucas Murdocks

...Everyone!!! We can't stay in this area any longer, as we should try to regroup with the other groups come up with a new strategy. Follow me!!!



As Lucas says this, he tries to move his Blockade to run back the way everyone came. However, a series of beam attacks cut him off, as he brings his Blockade to a quick stop-


Lucas Murdocks


As Lucas's Blockade stops, he then has it look behind it to see another AA Blockade hovering next to the AA Blockade they were just fighting against in the air. As the two loom over everyone, Lucas is seen-terrified of the sight of another enemy-

Lucas Murdocks

No...the other groups couldn't take that one down either??!

He says, horrified of what he is seeing. A moment later, both AA Blockade then prepare to fire at everyone below, before being interupted by-

AA Blockades

"Weapons charging"






Now seeing that they are under attack from their left, the two AA Blockade will look to their left to see the other two massive groups of DIC Blockades running into the area. As they arrive, they flood around the buildings in the area at the base of the Stem and fire their weapons blindly at the two AA Blockades, as two more voices come over the comms-

Ayden Miller (comms)

...Sorry we are late, everyone. We couldn't take down that Ascension Blockade, but we did damage it's Curtain Barriers-to the point that we could possibly destroy it if we work together...

Ayden says, as back inside of the Liberty ErotiCake, Bijou reacts to his voice-

Bijou Luisant

!...That that Ayden?

Bijou asks, as she never really met Ayden face-to-face. Then, Brandon's voice comes out of the comms-

Brandon Westcoat (comms)

With everyone's sacrifices so far, we have the oppertunity to end this battle, once and for all!!! Everyone, please listen to us and do everything you all can to destroy those two monsters!!!

Now, as the other two groups of DIC Blockades that splited off from the main group fires their weapons, the two Blockades piloted by Ayden and Brandon come closer to Bijou's Liberty ErotiCake, as they then speak to Bijou over their comms. She asks-

Bijou Luisant

...Ayden? ...Brandon?

Ayden speaks to Bijou on the comms, as Brandon then asks-

Ayden Miller (comms)

Ms. Luisant...are you alright?!

Bijou replies-

Bijou Luisant

Y-yes. I'm fine...for the moment...

Then, Brandon asks-

Brandon Westcoat (comms)

...What happened to Andy and Bell? Weren't they with your group earlier?

Bijou Luisant


Faced with this question, Bijou will fall silent. However, a moment later, she will reply...softly-

Bijou Luisant

...Just before you two and everyone else arrived...they...were killed...

Ayden Miller (comms)


Brandon Westcoat (comms)


After hearing this from Bijou, the two men will be seen in their seperate Blockades to look down in guilt. A moment later, both men will reply to Bijou, saying-

Ayden Miller (comms)

...I am sorry to hear that, Ms Luisant. I...really didn't want to see Andy and his girlfriend die I put so much effort into what I told him about earlier...

Bijou Luisant


Ayden then says-

Ayden Miller (comms)

...In order to honor their sacrifices, we should take advantage of the chance they gave us to destroy the Blockades that hide behind a barrier like that. We have damaged them enough by now, so our attacks should start to destroy their armor...and then we can win this battle and go home...

Ayden says, as Bijou then replies-

Bijou Luisant

...I's frustrating to lose them like that and not being able to do anything about it...

Brandon then speaks to Bijou-

Brandon Westcoat (comms)

We know. That's why we should transform that frustration to determination-so that we can work better together to take down those two monsters. Can you help us do that, Ms. Luisant?

Brandon asks, politely, as Bijou then replies-as Chole, Sophie and Lucas then come up to her Liberty ErotiCake in their own Blockades-

Bijou Luisant

...Yes. I have the Liberty Blaster charging as well, so I'll be sure to eradicate at least one of them when I get the chance...

Bijou says, visibly angry at the situation and promising to use the Liberty Blaster the second she gets the chance. Lucas then speaks to Bijou-

Lucas Murdocks (comms)

!-That will help, as our weapons only seem to scratch the surface of those Blockades...just what kind of armor do they even have?!!

Bijou Luisant


Suddenly, a huge explousion will occur above everyone, which draws everyone's attention-




As the AA Blockades continue to be assaulted by the DIC Blockades below them, they will then react to their attacks by deciding to ascend upwards. As they do this, their AndroIs pilots will speak to each other-

AndroIs #1

...Ascending to hide within this incomplete structure...

AndroIs #3

Confrimed. They will have less oppertunity to retaliate against us inside...

They say, as they then raise their Blockades into the structure of the incomplete Stem. As they go, below, the DIC Blockades see this and then start to move towards the base of the Stem. As they go, Bijou notices them going, and speaks-

Bijou Luisant

!...Are they retreating?!

Bijou asks, as she takes notices of the Blockades heading away. A moment later, Brandon then speaks up-

Brandon Westcoat (comms)

No, Ms. Luisant. It looks like we have them on the run-look!

Bijou Luisant


Now, Bijou looks at the rising AA Blockades, as they fly into the top section of the incomplete Stem and then disappear. As this is shown, they do not emerge, to which Ayden then speaks-confidently-

Ayden Miller (comms)

...If they are within the incomplete Stem, then we might be able to corner them inside...let's go!!

He says, as he then moves his Blockade foward. Brandon, Lucas, Sophie and Chole soon follow his lead, as Lucy is then the last person to move her Blockade-along with Bijou in her Liberty ErotiCake. As Lucy passes by the Liberty ErotiCake, Bijou takes notice and then speaks out to her-

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou says Lucy's name, she has her Blockade stop, as she then speaks to Bijou over her comms-in a quiet tone-

Lucy Autumn (comms)

...I'm sorry, Ms. Luisant. It's just...after losing Andy and Bell...I just don't know what to think right now.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou can't respond to Lucy, as she continues speaking-

Lucy Autumn (comms)

...Andy was my childhood friend and I always wanted to be with him, but I could never convey my feelings to him properly like Bell could. She was always on his mind, so I just accepted that and prefered to be the motherly figure in their lives instead.

Lucy Autumn (comms)

I was...happy...just being like that, while he went on to try and marry Bell...but now...I wish I could've been the one to say that to Andy instead of letting Bell have that I wanted him to love me like he did her so many times...

Bijou Luisant


Lucy Autumn (comms)


As the two Blockades stand, Lucy then starts moving her Blockade foward once more, as Lucy then speaks one last time-

Lucy Autumn (comms)

...We should catch up to the others...we don't want to be left behind...right?

Bijou Luisant


As Lucy says this to Bijou, she will now take a look at the charge for the Liberty Blaster. It's charge is only at 10%, to which Bijou then looks up and sees Lucy's Blockade heading towards the incomplete Stem. As they go, Bijou then has the Liberty ErotiCake move foward...

A short time later, both the Liberty ErotiCake and Lucy's Blockade stop in front of the base of the Stem in front of them. Around the two, many other Blockades are seen filling into several elevators, to which Bijou then speaks up, as she watches the elevators take people upwards-

Bijou Luisant

...How strange. Wasn't this island supposed to be abandoned? How is there still power left to activate these elevators?

Bijou asks, as she watches the elevators take groups of Blockades up into the Stem. A moment later, a voice calls out to Bijou. It's-

Lucy Autumn (comms)

Bijou? I'm holding an elevator open for you. Hurry up so we can catch up to everyone else...

Bijou Luisant


Upon hearing Lucy's request, Bijou will snap to attention and then move the Liberty ErotiCake closer to where Lucy's Blockade is. She has already gotten inside of an elevator and is waiting on Bijou to get in with her, to which as she gets the Liberty ErotiCake inside of the elevator, Bijou then speaks to Lucy from her perspective-

Bijou Luisant

...Sorry about that. I was just speaking to myself.

Bijou says, as outside of the Liberty ErotiCake, Lucy then lets the elevator doors close and then presses a button to start the elevator. As it ascends, the two Blockades are the only ones inside of this elevator, and as they go, both Blockades are silent-

Liberty ErotiCake


DIC Blockade


As the elevator ascends, Bijou notices the silence coming from Lucy and then tries to spark up a conversation with her over the comms network. She says-

Bijou Luisant

...Hey, Lucy? Are are you holding up...?

Bijou asks, innocently enough, to which Lucy then soon replies-

Lucy Autumn (comms)

...I...can't even explain to you how I feel right now...Bijou. I feel...this whirlwind of emotions right now in my head, so it's hard for me to say exactly how to feel...

Bijou Luisant


Lucy continues-

Lucy Autumn (comms)

I feel...confused...I feel angry...I feel sad...and I feel so many other feelings right now that I can't think of anything else to say to you. But...despite how I feel, I'm still doing my best to remain focused on what needs to be done right now.

Lucy Autumn (comms)

We need to beat those two Ascension Blockades and stop this battle before more people die...that's what I'm doing my best to focus, please...let me focus on just that right now...

With Lucy begging Bijou, she will reply-

Bijou Luisant

I understand...and, I'm...sorry...!

Just as Bijou says this, a rumbling sound will alert them both-


Bijou Luisant


Lucy Autumn




Outside the Liberty ErotiCake and Lucy's Blockade, the rumbling continues and soon becomes stronger and stronger, to which Bijou mentions-

Bijou Luisant

Is that...another battle?!

As she says this, the elevator then stops, to which both the Liberty ErotiCake and Lucy's Blockade turn around to see the doors behind them open. As they do, they see-

DIC Blockade


Bijou Luisant


Lucy Autumn


Now, a single DIC Blockade stands about 10 feet away from the opening to the elevator that both the Liberty ErotiCake and Lucy's Blockade are standing in. After a few more moments, this DIC Blockade will then fall onto it's frontside, and then-

DIC Blockade


Bijou Luisant

!-Look out!!!

Lucy Autumn


As the DIC Blockade ahead of them exploudes, Bijou will react quickly by moving the Liberty ErotiCake to push Lucy's Blockade to the side of the elevator-as she does the same. As she does this, the eruption from the DIC Blockade passes through the open doors of the elevator, enveloping the space within with smoke and debris. After this subsides, Bijou speaks to Lucy over her comms once more-

Bijou Luisant

...Lucy? Are you ok?!

Lucy replies, as she has her Blockade stand back up-

Lucy Autumn (comms)

Yeah...thanks for the save.

A moment later, Bijou replies, as she has the Liberty ErotiCake lean against the side of the open elevator-

Bijou Luisant

Don't mention it...stay sharp, as it's clear that the Ascension Blockades are attacking everyone in here...!

Just as Bijou says this, she then has the Liberty ErotiCake peer out the side of the elevator, and what she sees is-

Bijou Luisant


Now, many Blockades are seen to flood out from several elevators around the area, and as they take up positions, they will fire at a structure in the middle of the incomplete Stem. Here, both AA Blockades will be hunkered around, as both will be using parts of the center of the incomplete Stem as cover, as they fire back at the DIC Blockades attacking them from the edges of the incomplete Stem. While the AA Blockades will be well-guarded, the DIC Blockades will be too numerous to hide behind enough cover, and so, the two AA Blockades will be more easily able to gun them down. As many explousions follow, the AndroIs inside speak-


AndroIs #1

...The skill level of these pilots is soo miniscule. The Ascension will have no trouble in the future with this kind of resistance-

It says, as it makes it's Blockade fire several more beams at the DIC Blockades ahead of it. The attacks cripple the affected Blockades, to which they then fall over and soon exploude-


As this happens, the other AA Blockade is seen and proceeds to fire several more attacks at the DIC Blockades. As most of it's attacks destroy more DIC Blockades, it speaks as well-


AndroIs #3

Indeed. These people would so willingly give their lives just to try to destroy us, while we are just simple pawns that are meant to delay them all-until our real force gets past the storm up ahead.


As more explousions occur, the AA Blockades will continue to fire their weapons at the DIC Blockades, destroying them by the dozens.

As this happens, another group of Blockades will be seen taking cover behind some of the incomplete buildings within the Stem. They are closeby to where Bijou and Lucy's Blockades are, to which as one of them spots the Liberty ErotiCake and Lucy's Blockade taking up cover near them, it's pilot speaks to Bijou over her comms-

Brandon Westcoat (comms)

...Hey?! You in the Liberty ErotiCake...Ms. Luisant-can you hear me?!

Bijou Luisant


Upon hearing Brandon's voice, Bijou will be confused, as while she will have heard Brandon's voice-just like with Ayden, she will not have actually met him face-to-face either. She responds-

Bijou Luisant

...You are...Brandon, right?!

Brandon then replies-

Brandon Westcoat (comms)

Yes, Ms. Luisant!! Could you use your Liberty ErotiCake to destroy one of the AA Blockades attacking us?!!

Brandon shouts, as more explousions occur nearby-


A second later, Bijou will reply-

Bijou Luisant


Brandon continues-

Brandon Westcoat (comms)

Remember, how you nearly destroyed one of the Ascension Blockades back in Appledale, and then you used it again earlier today to destroy an enemy?! I was hoping you could use it again right now, as we have to do anything we can to end this battle!!!

Brandon asks, to which Bijou is then seen to look at the charge for the Liberty Blaster from within her cockpit-

Bijou Luisant

...I can do that. I've actually been charging it up for a while-to the point that it's at 20% power right now.

Bijou says, which brings some flare back to Brandon's previous sour tone. He says-

Brandon Westcoat (comms)

Fantastic, Ms. Luisant...!

Now, inside of Brandon's Blockade, he takes a quick look around the area and sees the struggling DIC Blockades in the area-desperately firing all of their weapons at the area in front of them-where the two AA Blockades are-




As the battle continues, Brandon speaks-

Brandon Westcoat

...Alright, Ms. Luisant!!! Prepare to use the Liberty Blaster on my mark, as we'll just have to settle for destroying one of those Ascension Blockades. We'll deal with the other one afterwards.

Bijou Luisant

Alright! I'll get it ready right away!!

As Bijou announces this, all the way back at the Midnight's bridge, a brief shot of AI Cody will be seen, as it will react to Bijou saying this-

AI Cody


As AI Cody reacts, the scene will then transition back to the battle in the Stem, as the chapter then ends-