Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake - Chapter 32

----Chapter 32----

Written By

David Kenneth Lacey

Back in Delaraba, as the sun rises the next day, the secret facility known as Catalyst will be seen-



The entire area will be a desolate wasteland. Piles of AndroIs bodies and dead Ascension Failures are scattered across the floors of this place, to which back in the hole caused by the Ascension Capital Dreadnought, two figures will be seen returning to the ship-

Princess General Azalea Ascension


Princess Media Ascension


Both Princess General Azalea and Princess Media will be seen leaving behind Catalyst, with a body bag in her arms. This will contain Princess General Fayola, to which the two will be accompanied by a small group of AndroIs.

As they walk, they will soon get into the waiting ship, which will then raise itself up and begin to take off the ground. It will then aim it's weapons towards the large metal sheet, which has many impacts within it from the bottom-indicating that Captain Esyllt has been trying to escape from this trap ever since it was activated-

Ascension Capital Dreadnought


This time, the Ascension Capital Dreadnought fires a tremendous energy blast from its bosom, which then impacts the metal sheet with enough force to puncture a hole large enough for the transformed ship to rise up and escape-

Ascension Capital Dreadnought


As this occurs, the Ascension Capital Dreadnought then heads back into space, as the scene then transitions-

"Scene Transition"

Sometime later, Mainland is shown off, with the last remaining Ascension Capital Dreadnought returning from Gleen. Within the throne room, Queen Alexandra is seen along with Rhapsody behind her. Queen Alexandra looks to her children, as behind them, the body bag with Fayola inside is seen-open, with Princess General Fayola inside.

Princess General Azalea Ascension


Princess Media Ascension


Both Azalea and Media have their heads bowed in front of their mother, as Alexandrea looks at them with tears falling off her face-

Queen Alexandra Ascension


Queen Alexandra sees the gunshot to her daughter's forehead, which has been cleaned up by now, as she asks-

Queen Alexandra Ascension did this happen?!

Princess General Azalea Ascension


Azalea now has tears in her eyes as well, as she then slowly raises her head to look at her mother in the eye. She then speaks.

Princess General Azalea Ascension

...I'm....sorry....mother, I.....back in the Ascension Laboratory, we....

Queen Alexandra Ascension


After waiting for a moment, Queen Alexandra now coldly walks past her daughters, to which she then comes up to Fayola's body and then looks at Fayola's face. Drops of tears then fall onto Fayola's cold face, as Alexandra rubs her hands on her now dead daughter's face. Queen Alexandra speaks again-

Queen Alexandra Ascension

I'm still waiting for you to tell me how this happened, Azalea!!!

Princess General Azalea Ascension


Queen Alexandra now yells at Azalea while crying at the same time. This shocks Azalea, as she then turns around and speaks. Media does the same, while keeping ever quiet.

Princess General Azalea Ascension

Th-there were these monsters in the Ascension Laboratory!! They attacked us as we then desperately made it to the cells where Media was!! But, as me and Fayola got inside and locked ourselves in, Fayola was hurt by those monsters, so...

Queen Alexandra Ascension

!...Did you leave Fayola alone??!!!

Princess General Azalea now replies, nervously-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

...I-I-I didn't think there was anyone in there, as there was only the AndroIs with me and-

Queen Alexandra Ascension


Queen Alexandra now turns around and-


Queen Alexandra delivers a hard slap to Azalea's face. The blow is strong enough to knock Azalea off her feet and flying to the left-while spraying her own tears into the air. Media takes a step back in fear, as the Lady in Black sees what's going on-but hesitates to get involved. Before she can speak, Azalea speaks while on the floor-still crying.

Princess General Azalea Ascension

"crying".....Someone.....shot her.....

Queen Alexandra Ascension


Princess General Azalea Ascension

I don't wasn't one of those we were the only ones in that area. The AndroIs that I left with Fayola were destroyed by the time me and Media returned, so it had to have been someone else!

Queen Alexandra Ascension


Azalea continues to cry on the floor, to which Queen Alexandra then comes closer to Azalea and now picks her up in her arms. As she does this, Alexandra now gives Azalea a gentle hug. As Azalea's head is in her mother's bosom, Queen Alexandra speaks.

Queen Alexandra Ascension

Thank you for telling me that, Azalea...

Princess General Azalea Ascension

I'm sorry...I should've been more careful...

Queen Alexandra Ascension

...Don't be sorry. We will figure out who did this to Fayola, as a family.

Princess General Azalea Ascension


Queen Alexandra Ascension

And, I'm sorry for hitting you like that. I just wanted to know what happened.

Princess Azalea Ascension


As this scene unfolds, Azalea then hugs her mother back, to which the Lady in Black sees and begins to grow reminiscent, as she longs for the times that she spent with her daughter, Bijou Luisant. She has a short flashback of a time where Bijou was hurt from playing with her brothers one day, to which Rhapsody then scolded both Sébastian and Raphaël, and then took care of Bijou by playing with her. After the flashback is over, Queen Alexandra then let's go of her daughter and then speaks to the both of them.

Queen Alexandra Ascension

...We will give Fayola a proper burial on the planet that we will take for ourselves after this war. As such...I will take her body back to her room.

Princess Media Ascension


Queen Alexandra Ascension

...Rhapsody. Could you please accompany me?

Rhapsody Luisant

Of course, Alexandra.

With that, Alexandra then moves Fayola's body bag towards the doors, as the two then are about to leave. But before they leave, Alexandra turns around slightly and speaks.

Queen Alexandra Ascension


Princess Media Ascension

Yes, mother?

Queen Alexandra Ascension

The last part of the Operation that wasn't covered in the document Rhapsody gave to us is about to begin. Please begin watching it and tell us what happened when we return, alright?

Princess Media Ascension


Quickly, Media then prepares to tune into President Sacha's speech, as Alexandra and Rhapsody then walk out of the room.

As they walk, both Alexandra and Rhapsody soon enter into Fayola's room and then as Alexandra places her daughter Fayola into her bed, she will then speak.

Queen Alexandra Ascension

...Rhapsody? Didn't you mention before that you have a daughter too?

Rhapsody Luisant

!...Yes, Alexandra. I do indeed have one, along with two sons. But, after all of this I'm not sure they will accept me as their mother anymore.

Queen Alexandra Ascension

...I can understand. Afterall, whatever happens next...I'm going to use that last ship outside to destroy the DIC for what happened to my daughter...

Queen Alexandra says this with a strained look on her face, as deep down, she won't really want to do that. However, she will secretly be seething with rage at the DIC, to which she will then look at her daughter's body in her arms. As she looks, she will then begin to cry again, to which some of her tears will fall onto her daughter's face again. She will then speak.

Queen Alexandra Ascension

Fayola was always the fighter of our family. While selfish and greedy back in the Ascension Laboratory, she was always so headstrong and could take on any challenge that came her way.

Queen Alexandra says this as she then gently rubs her daughter's face. Afterwards, she then turns to face Rhapsody, to which Rhapsody then sees her face.

Rhapsody Luisant


Now, Queen Alexandra has a look of pure determination-mixed in with hatred. In response to this, Rhapsody then speaks.

Rhapsody Luisant

...My daughter is also headstrong, but from the last time I saw her, she was timid and didn't really have the space to show her energy that much...I wonder what kind of person she is today?

Queen Alexandra Ascension

She probably hasn't changed much, as children need time in order to mature properly-without too much influence from their parents, I feel. That way, they can discover the world through their own eyes-not through the opinions of someone else.

Rhapsody Luisant


Now, Rhapsody will be seen to be smiling behind her mask. Queen Alexandra then finishes up.

Queen Alexandra Ascension

I'm saying all of this to you that I'm determined to use that dreadnought to destroy the may not have a place to return to after I do that...

Rhapsody Luisant

I know.

Queen Alexandra Ascension

...Do you approve of my decision?

Rhapsody Luisant


Now, Rhapsody is shown to display some emotions. She speaks.

Rhapsody Luisant

...There are currently 1.3 billion people within the DIC-all of whom will be affected by the decision you make. With what you are about to do, you will be silencing all of those innocent civilians-all of whom did not have anything to do with the death of your daughter and were only caught in the crossfire.

Queen Alexandra Ascension


Rhapsody Luisant

However...were you to leave them be, they may return to Mainland after the upcoming final battle with another plan to wipe us all out. Thus...I will continue to stand by your side and see this through...with you.

Rhapsody says this with commitment in her tone, as she now accepts her fate. In response, Queen Alexandra smiles, and then reaches for Rhapsody's mask. She speaks.

Queen Alexandra Ascension

...May I?

Rhapsody Luisant

Of course.

Rhapsody now allows for Queen Alexandra to remove her mask. Once it's off, Rhapsody's face is then still hidden behind her hair, to which Queen Alexandra then moves forward, and-


Rhapsody Luisant


Now, Queen Alexandra gives Rhapsody a gentle kiss on her lips. The move at first surprises Rhapsody, but she then calms herself and then embraces Queen Alexandra in her arms. After a moment, the two separate. Queen Alexandra speaks.

Queen Alexandra Ascension

...Thank you so much, Rhapsody. You have been extremely helpful to us Ascension and we wouldn't have gotten to this point without your help.

Rhapsody Luisant

...Don't mention it.

Rhapsody says, with a smile on her face. Queen Alexandra then finishes up.

Queen Alexandra Ascension

You are more than welcome to stay here...with me. Afterall, my daughters will be leading our people after this war ends in our favor...I'd like it very much if you would be there with me to see that...

Queen Alexandra now reaches out to Rhapsody. Without even a moment of hesitation, Rhapsody takes her hand in her own, and then speaks.

Rhapsody Luisant

I look forward to it.

Now, Rhapsody's face is reveled to be none other than Rhapsody Luisant herself, who is the mother of Bijou Luisant. The two then leave Fayola's room, hand-in-hand, to which they then head back to the throne room.

Back in the airspace close to Wippertan, the Cerberus Midnight is seen to be arriving at the edges of Appledale's Umbrella from the air. As this happens, Fleet Captain Andrea is seen on the bridge, as in a brief shot it shows that it is exactly noon, as she then speaks to the pilots through the comms-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...Attention all pilots. Please tune into comms channel #140 so as to hear the President's speech. Afterwards, change it back to channel #96.

With that, many people inside of their Blockades are seen to change the comms channel and then listen to the President's speech. As this happens, below a huge number of people are seen cheering in the streets, as the President and Vice President are seen giving them a speech. He speaks towards many cameras in front of the White Block, as the Cerberus Midnight approaches-

President Sacha Luisant (comms)

...And so, by tomorrow afternoon, we will bring this costly war to an end this by taking the fight directly to the Ascension from Above!!! Using our new B3 Blockades, I will personally release the White Block from it's shackles for the first time since it's creation, and lead a handpicked fleet to defeat our enemy!!!!

Crowds of people


Crowds of people




As President Sacha says this, many people across the DIC are seen to cheer and applause the notion, as for them, the end of the war means a return to normalicy.

Back on the Cerberus Midnight, some random pilots are seen happy about this news, as they say-

Pilot 01 (comms)

Incredible...the President himself is saying this war is about to end!

Pilot 02 (comms)

This is wonderful news, as this means we can go back to how things used to be!!

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


While this news seems cheerful, President Sacha quickly puts to rest the idea that things will go back to normal, as he says-

President Sacha Luisant (comms)

While I'm certain most of the pilots who have been fighting all this time believe things will go back to normal, for all of the civilians who lived in the hell known as the Understructures, we know better. We all now know that we can never be as complacent as we were before this war began, as now is the time to start building our space-and the future!!

To which the masses respond with a resounding-

Masses of People


Which surprises some of the random pilots in their Blockades on the ship. Fleet Captain Andrea then speaks up-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...I guess this is his end goal in all of this...but, to expect such an conclusion for Bijou is...

Fleet Captain Andrea doesn't say what is expect of Bijou, as the scene then transitions to a room inside of the Cerberus Midnight-

"Scene Transition"

Inside, the room will be shown to be a new living room for VIPs, to which Bijou, Chole and Isaac are seen to be listening to the announcement while sitting on the sofas in the room. As the speech continues, Isaac speaks up-

Isaac Carter

...Hey, Bijou...?

Bijou Luisant


Bijou, who has been staring into space in front of her, now looks beside herself in worry. Concerned, Chole asks-

Chole Madison

...You don't look to good,'ve been like this ever since you came back from talking with Andrea.

Bijou Luisant


Concerned, Chole will ask again-

Chole Madison

...Was what you three discovered really that upsetting to you?

Bijou replies-

Bijou Luisant

...It was. What my father now expects of me is...something that I can't come to terms with...epically when I have to do something else before that...

Bijou now looks away, as she is about to cry once more-as Isaac then confirms what is truly worrying Bijou-

Isaac Carter


Bijou then explains, as she takes out her phone from before. She still hasn't gotten a call from Rebecca, to which now that she is back home, she has to admit the truth-

Bijou Luisant

...I still haven't gotten a reply from much as I don't want to admit's probably time to stop running away from the truth and accept it...

Bijou Luisant

That's why, I have to see Georges and tell him what happened to her...!

Upon saying this, Bijou stands up solemnly and then heads towards the door, leaving behind both Isaac and Chole. She looks back to them, with eyes of sadness, as she says-

Bijou Luisant

I'll be taking the Liberty ErotiCake down there, so just wait here for now. I'm sure we'll be together again for the final battle in space.

Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


With that, Bijou then leaves the room, and as the doors close, the scene will transition-

"Scene Transition"

At this exact moment, all the way back at the Mainland, Queen Alexandra and Rhapsody open the door leading back to the throne room. As they enter the room, Alexandra speaks to her children.

Queen Alexandra Ascension

...I see you two are already watching that speech being given by Sacha...

Princess General Azalea Ascension

Yes...I think it's about to wrap up by now.

Queen Alexandra then takes her seat, as Rhapsody stands behind her. Alexandra then speaks.

Queen Alexandra Ascension

...What has he said so far?

Princess Media Ascension

So far, he's confirmed that the DIC will achieve victory over the Ascension, by bringing a fleet of those new Blockades and the White Block to our doorstep.

Queen Alexandra Ascension

!...I would've been worried about that-were it not for us having a backup to that...

Queen Alexandra says, in a confident tone-indicating that she is expecting this. Then, Rhapsody is seen to look at the monitor and sees the Liberty ErotiCake departing from the Cerberus Midnight-

Rhapsody Luisant

!...The Liberty ErotiCake seems to be moving...

True enough, the Liberty ErotiCake does move, as it flies off of the ship and then glides over the people. As it does, it then comes to a stop next to the White Block on a landing pad-while in the front of the White Block, Sacha and Georges are still delivering their speech.

Rhapsody instantly notices the area and speaks-

Rhapsody Luisant

That landing is usually reserved for VIPs only. I wonder who Sacha has piloting the Liberty ErotiCake...?

Princess General Azalea Ascension


Realizing something, Azalea speaks-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

Oh...that's right. I never told you who the pilot of that Liberty ErotiCake is...

To which Rhapsody asks-

Rhapsody Luisant

...Isn't it my sons, Sebastion and Cesario? They were mentioned to be the pilots from the document that I gave you.

Azalea replies-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

No, they weren't who I met earlier. The pilot of the Liberty ErotiCake is...

Rhapsody Luisant


"Scene Transition"

A screen transition then cuts Azalea off from telling who is piloting the Liberty ErotiCake to Rhapsody.

Then, back with Sacha, he finishes his speech-as a storm approaches Wippertan-

President Sacha Luisant (Intercoms)

Truly, this is the beginning of a new age for us all!!!!!

Crowds of people


With that, the speech concludes-and just in time, as a storm approaches Wippertan. As thunder and rain begin to fill the air, President Sacha speaks-





President Sacha Luisant (Intercoms)

!...Looks like we have a major storm coming, so we might as well end things here. If all of you would please return to your homes, we'll end this war tomorrow and move into the future-together.

With that, the people begin to slowly disperse, as the storm covers Wippertan. As this happens, President Sacha then speaks over a private comms to Fleet Captain Andrea, whose ship is seen around the Barracks from before-

President Sacha Luisant

...Andrea? Are you there?

Back on the Cerberus Midnight, Fleet Captain Andrea puts the call on the monitor for everyone to see. She then speaks-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Yes, Sacha. I can hear you...

President Sacha then begins by saying-

President Sacha Luisant (Hologram)

...I trust you've seen what is expected of my daughter by now, Andrea. It's a request most wouldn't knowingly do...which is precisely why I tried so hard to stop her from getting involved 7 months ago.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...I know.

President Sacha continues-

President Sacha Luisant

Do you resent what we've planned for over 2 decades, Andrea?

Fleet Captain Andrea now asks-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...Do I have your permission to speak truthfully, Sir?

President Sacha replies-

President Sacha Luisant

I wouldn't be asking if I didn't expect that from you right now, Andrea.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...Then, my answer is yes...and after reading what you planned in private several times, I can easily find elements that could've been altered so as to avoid this level of distaste that I have for you right now. Especially when I read how we've had AI-controlled Blockades created prior to the war with the Ascension, of which I'm certain could've been utilized earlier on.

President Sacha Luisant

...You might be correct-but just to be clear, it wasn't just me who came up with these calculations. SYSTEM-DESTINY, Oberon, Georges and the heads of the Pinnacle family were also involved, of which they played their roles just as I did in this Grand Plan.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I read about that as well, Sacha. And that's why I have this case finally ready to bring everything into the light...but, just because we are still friends, I am going to hold back on presenting this to the NJD-until after you have seen what you have wrought onto this world.

Sacha closes his eyes for a moment, and then a moment later, he then opens his eyes and then speaks.

President Sacha Luisant

...I can't thank you enough for your hesitance, Andrea. While there were some oddities that we didn't account for, I'm happy that you have given me the chance to see the world change-through my own actions.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

!...It's funny that you mention that, as there were actually a few things you didn't account for that happened in New Columbia.

President Sacha Luisant

Oh? Whatever could you mean by that?

Fleet Captain Andrea says this in a haughty tone, which causes President Sacha to question her in a curious tone. Fleet Captain Andrea then replies-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I'll let Bijou explain to "him" what happened, as what she's about to say is something everyone involved in this plan didn't foresee ever happening...


With that, Fleet Captain Andrea will then cut off the comms with President Sacha, as he is left genuinely confused at what Andrea could've meant.

President Sacha Luisant


As this happens, back with Bijou, she is seen rushing into the White Block, as the Liberty ErotiCake is left behind her-

Bijou Luisant


As she runs into the White Block, she heads through the halls to go towards the front entrance, where Vice President Georges and President Sacha are. They are seen just coming inside to avoid the downpour of rain, to which as Bijou approaches, she stops in her tracks in front of the two men-

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou sees Georges and her father in the doorway, he looks at Bijou fondly-not knowing anything of what occurred in New Columbia. He speaks kindly to her, at first-

Vice President Georges Luisant

Ah, Bijou. Welcome home. I'm happy to see you made it back safely.

He says, nicely enough, while Bijou will remember what happened to his wife Rebecca. As she recalls these memories in her mind, she will start to move slowly towards him, while holding onto the phone in one of her hands-

Bijou Luisant

"Tap" "Tap" "Tap" "Tap"

Bijou moves almost as if she is a zombie here, to which once she's just a few steps away from Georges, she then drops the phone she was holding onto all this time-



As this occurs, she will then stop just a few feet away from Georges, as he now looks confused at Bijou's odd behavior. He asks-

Vice President Georges Luisant

Bijou...? What's wrong?

He asks, as he takes a second to look back at President Sacha with a curious look. President Sacha is just as curious, as Bijou starts to explain-

Bijou Luisant

I'm sorry...I'm so sorry, Georges..."cries"

Vice President Georges Luisant


President Sacha Luisant


Seeing Bijou starting to cry, both Sacha and Georges come closer to Bijou. Georges then asks her firmly for answers-

Vice President Georges Luisant

!...Bijou?! What happened to you?

Bijou Luisant


Bijou continues to cry, as she is about to say what she's been meaning to say. She then speaks.

Bijou Luisant dead.

Vice President Georges Luisant

...Eh? What did you just say?!

Bijou Luisant


Now, Bijou explains, as more tears fall from her face-

Bijou Luisant

...Back in New Columbia, when we went to confront the Blights and bring peace to the and Rebecca went into the Castle there to try to find information pertaining to your plan...Operation SEED.

President Sacha Luisant


Vice President Georges Luisant


Bijou continues-

Bijou Luisant

Earlier, I learned from her that she was looking into this on behalf of Andrea...but, she was really acting on behalf of Howard, as he approached her just before he created the RF and asked her to look into a clue, he got that could help Andrea with her investigation...

Vice President Georges Luisant


Bijou continues-

Bijou Luisant

Because none of us knew of what you two were planning...I agreed to help Rebecca get that information, which led us to fighting against the Blights and their automated Superior Variants. While that occurred, the two of us entered into the castle, only to find the information was a fake...and then, an attack from the outside caused me to black out for a short time...

President Sacha Luisant


Vice President Georges Luisant


Bijou Luisant

When I awoke, Howard and Stanley came to save me from the building, as it was just about to collapse...without Rebecca. I begged them to help me look for her, as she was my Rebecca...but Howard refused-even though he promised me he'd help...

Vice President Georges Luisant


As more tears come streaming from Bijou's eyes, she then says-

Bijou Luisant

"cries"...I met him and Stanley later on in Truxem-just before the Ascension came, where I got to ask him why he did this. He told me he KNEW that file was a fake and intentionally let Rebecca take the fall for him...just so he could keep the RF safe from future scrutiny.

President Sacha Luisant


Bijou then finishes by begging her father and Georges-

Bijou Luisant

That's why...I told him that I'd make sure to crush his precious RF. I cannot allow him to continue building his group-when he was the reason why Rebecca...died..."cries"

At this moment, both President Sacha and Vice President Georges realize that there were several major variables in the plan they constructed. They will believe that what Bijou is telling them is the truth, to which President Sacha will then move in closer to Bijou and have her look him in the eyes, as she says-

Bijou Luisant


President Sacha Luisant

...You want us to..."crush"...the RF and Howard...? No...that is not what we are going to do to that man for this act, my daughter...

Bijou Luisant


As Sacha says this, he will be seen to be so visually upset that he will now frighten Bijou with just his presence-

President Sacha Luisant


Bijou Luisant


Bijou now looks like a frightened deer that was caught in the headlights of an oncoming car. Her father will have a look of pure malice on his face, though surprisingly, he will help Bijou get to her feet tenderly, as he says-

President Sacha Luisant

...Come with me, my daughter. Let's go back to your room, so you can get some rest until tomorrow...

Bijou Luisant


President Sacha now "gently" presses Bijou to walk to her room with him, as Vice President Georges follows behind them. He too will be just as visually upset at what Bijou said, but he will keep his calm, as the two walk Bijou back to her room.

Once here, Bijou is then let inside and then the two men close the door behind her, which leaves Bijou to sit down on her bed and think about what is going to happen next-

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou sits down on her bed, the scene will transition to President Sacha and Vice President Georges, as they walk back to their office-with darkened eyes. A thunderbolt shows that they are seething with rage, to which as they enter inside of the office, they then turn on the monitor and speak to a woman, who is a machine-


...Sacha...I trust that you are getting ready for the final confrontation with the Ascension tomorrow?

President Sacha Luisant



...Sacha? Can you hear me?

President Sacha Luisant


President Sacha is then seen to cry in front of this monitor, as does Georges-to which the woman on the other end sees.



Then, President Sacha speaks-

President Sacha Luisant

...We planned for so long this Operation, SYSTEM-DESTINY...We sat down for years, planning each and every single step to this plan...and yet...somehow, variables still happen that throw everything out the window...


...What happened?

President Sacha Luisant

...According to Bijou, Rebecca was used by Howard and the RF-and lost her life in the process...



Shocked to hear that, SYSTEM-DESTINY shows genuine shock, and then sadness. She then speaks.


...You two will have your revenge. I can promise you two that, right now. My calculations tell that there is a 98% chance that Howard and Stanley will be in space-to protect the Ascension. After you prepare for the final battle, you two may go with the force and crush them-along with the Ascension.

Now, President Sacha looks at SYSTEM-DESTINY and speaks.

President Sacha Luisant

...Bijou said the same word to us just a moment ago..."crush"...hmhmhm...I don't think so.

Sacha's face is now seen, wretched in anger. He continues.

President Sacha Luisant

I will....bring Howard to his mother in the Confederation...and show her what he has done to my family. I will bring Bijou there as well, along with Sebastion and Cesario and everyone else in our families...where we will all show Howard how much he has hurt us-and we will then leave him be. That will be far more perfect than giving him a simple death.

Vice President Georges Luisant

I agree...Howard must suffer before we kill him...with our bare hands....



Both men now look evil as they say this, as another thunderbolt revels this to the reader. Then, elsewhere, Howard and Stanley are seen to be approaching Hilayornia underwater in their submarine. As they go, inside the hanger Howard and Stanley will both be seen with their friends, to which all of a sudden, both men will suddenly grip their heads for a brief moment. They will then disreguard the heat coming from their heads, as the chapter then ends-