System first quest

Looking at the screen Grey was quite pleased with the quest , ' it's just like killing two birds with one stone ' Grey thought.

His reason for saying this was quite simple , for one he was going to deal with the trouble in front of him ,anyways wether their was a quest or not , and for two , by dealing with the trouble, the system will even give extra rewards which might be exp which he needs to be able to leave up ,and it even manage to get him excited as he didn't know what his reward could be .' Anyways am going to find out soon ' Grey thought.

" seems like you didn't get enough the other time an you want some more "

the one with the spiky hair was once again the one doing the talking .

From the way he was talking, and all his actions, this only summed up to show that he was the leader of the group.

"Well, if that's what you want , who am I to refuse , guys attack !? " The spiky hair guy said again before giving out the command to he teammates to attack.

Getting the command from their leader ,the others waisted no time as they went in to attack .

The guy with the afro type hair was the first to reach Grey, he sent his fist forward going for a punch ,with full force not even planning on holding back . The attack was strong and fast as it went straight for Grey's face .

Grey seeing the direction of the attack had no problem in escaping it , as he quickly moved to the side .

Grey's attacker , not even awear that his attack would easily be escaped like that was now a victim of his own momentum as he could be seen moving to the floor , but suddenly , he could feel that his hand was being grabbed by someone ." You missed , now it's my turn " He said with a smirk.

Grey holding strong onto his opponents hand wasted no time as he went in for a hard knee kick on to the opponent stomach. "Arrhg!!" his opponent let out a shout as he could feel his intestines bending in a bad manner ,some droplets of saliva could even be seen dropping out from his mouth.

But unfortunately for him , Grey wasn't done , at least not yet , Grey , using the side of his and went in to give a strike to the back of the head of his opponent , knocking him out on the spot as he left the body fall to the floor.

with that done Grey heard a notification in his head ,it was from the system


[one opponent has being defeated , ]

[+50 exp]

Grey didn't even have time to read the notification Infront of him as he immediately turned around and prepared him self for the other opponent.

Surprisingly , Grey could see the other opponent a distance away from him, as he looked at him fear written in his eyes,

His opponent continued to stare at him not even having the intention of coming close to him, almost like they were afraid of him.

It was a normal reaction, in the Earth , the weak were supposed to be afraid of the strong ,the poor of the rich, irrespective of the age , that was the Earth of today , power was what really mattered.

The other attacker was stunned by what he was seeing at the moment .' Nevr had always been stronger than me , but yet this guy took him out with only two hits'

' this guy , his a monster ,' Of courses they were others stronger than his friend , but for him to be able to take him out with two hits' then they had to be of a different level., never in his wildest dream did he think that he will even witness such a thing.

Suddenly the leader seing the hesitation in his teammate to attack, was becoming angry and fustrated , as he too was afraid and impatient at the same time

" what are you waiting for , go get him ",they spiky hair guy said as his words were directed to his teammate. "remember you were the one who made it possible for us to have him in the first place. " The leader said as if trying to give him some fake courage .

And it seemed to have worked ' yeah , his right , Nerv might have been stronger than me , but i was the one who made us catch this guy in the first place ' Grey's opponent thought to himself as he had gathered the courage within him to move forward.

Then waisting no time , he went in to attack , but he wasn't stupid , he wasn't going to commit the same mistake as his friend , as soon as he was at a striking distance , he jumped off the ground and went for a heavy side kick .

Grey seeing this though , remained still , not moving , as soon as the kick was about to make contact with him , he quickly went on to grab it , he held on tight to it , and with his other free hand , he went on to strike the knees .

as soon. as Grey hand had made contact with the knee the sound of bone craking was heard as the victim screamed in pain.

"Dam !!my leg "

But unfortunately , Grey wasn't done , Letting the leg go Grey too quickly went for a kick ,this time it was towards the stomach.

Then he heard another notification.


[an opponent has been defeated]


with the notification, Grey knew that his opponent had passed out , so he stopped hitting him , and turned his face towards the last and remaining one .

"well , seems like you were stronger than i initially thought, why do I have to do things on my own? ? the spiky hair guy said as if he was bored .

Grey's last opponent took a fighting stance as he prepared him self to fight.

"well , let's get this done with then"

he said as he motioned his fingers like he was calling Grey .

This time Grey was going to be the one attacking , He ran forward , towards his opponent with his fist ready to give out a hit, as soon as he was in a striking distance , he waisted no time and sent his hand forward for a punch , this hit was heavy as the momentum behind it had a good effect , but unfortunately as the hit was about to make contact with the opponent , a wall of earth suddenly rose from the ground ,blocking the attack.

But the wall was too weak compared to the strength and momentum behind Grey's punch .And soon as his hand made contact with the wall it was shattered , his opponent was only lucky to have moved away from the spot ,of not he would have been hit .

' This guy , his quite strong ' his opponent had a fearful thought , ' although my earth wall wasn't that strong , he shouldn't be able to brake it that easily.

In the past , he had fought against many opponent that were of the same age group. but non of them were able to shatter his wall like such so this was making think , 'May be he too was a Vertality user , and one who is based on strength '

it was only logical for Grey's opponent to think so . and it even explain how Grey was able to deal with his two friends easily but roughly

But not only his opponent was surprised , as Grey too was , ' i now see why he was so confident ,it's because he is a Vertality user and one based on earth , ' Grey thought looking at his opponent, and checking if his hand still functioned well, ' strange , i feel no pain'

' ok since his a Vertality user like me , i need to change my strategy and be on the attacking end '

Grey's opponent thought , and immediately he jumped back wards and once he was far away from Grey . Then as soon as his feet made contact with the floor , he immediately went into action.

Controlling some parts of earth he was able to creat earth spikes as he aimed them all towards Grey's direction ,

Grey seeing this was easily able to evade the spikes .For some reasons Grey could see each and every spike attack move towards his direction , but the were slow , or so he thought , this was what made him to able to evade the attacks.

A spike could be seen coming towards his face , making him shift to the side and the spike hit a different target which was the cave wall, another one could be seen heading for his stomach , but he was able to punch it down with his fist shattering it in the process .

But that wasn't the end though as more and more earth spike came towards his direction but they will do him no harm as he will either evade it , block , or shatter it .

The earth spike weren't doing any harm to Grey the only thing it did was stoping him from moving , it was stoping from going forward , putting him in the defence mode, and this wasn't gone unnoticed 'He ....,he is quite fast , and skillful too' his opponent thought, as he watched Grey evade and shatter all of his earth spike , his heart beating a little bit faster.
