Remarkable Changes

Grey , looking at the screen right now had a mixture of feelings running through his veins , at first , Grey had lost hope in even thinking of completing the quest .

He thought that , what the system ment by winning his first battle was for him to knock them all out , never in his wildest thought did he think that , forgiving his enemy might still be counted as accomplishing the quest , and he even manage to complete a hidden quest by doing so .

So seeing the last notification , Grey waisted no time as he quickly click on the [yes ] option, and his status screen appeared before him.



[NAME :Grey Redems]



[VERTALITY:light ( inactive)]



[HP: 30/50]







[Note , each time you level up you are given a stat point]

[unused stats :6]

[ Mind fortitude is too low]


[max up your mind fortitude to 15]


looking at the system update,Grey was excited , and with the system update he was able to notice many things , for one each time he will level up the EXp required to go to the next level will be increased by a hundred, but that wasn't going to be a problem though , as far as he was becoming stronger everytime he was accomplishing a quest , he had no problem with that.

That wasn't the only thing he realized though, he also realize that with each level up the system will give him a free stat point for him to allocate to any of his other stats.

Like for example if he was to add a stat point to strength it would increase his strength, but to what degree Grey didn't know,but nonetheless that couldn't stop him from being happy and excited to test it out .

' I wonder how far it would increase my strength ' Grey thought yo him self as he was tempted to try it out.

But he immediately stopped himself as he knew that the best way of using a stat was either after knowing where one would need to improve , and right now Grey knew nothing of that.

'maybe the best way of using it might be i the middle of a fight , it might act as some boost of some sort '

Grey thought as he imagined a fight senary in his head .

However , that wasn't the only reason he thought of not using the stats right away , part of the reason was also due to the quest from before , the one concerning the meatal fortitude.

But the quest keep Grey thinking though, ' what does the mental fortitude has in common with the system in the first place, or more like what was the use of it in the first place ' Grey thought .

But it didn't seem like the system would just start replying his questions in the first place .

' Anyways , am sure completing the quest will help me figure it out some how, Grey thought as he was once again determined to complete the new quest .

After swallowing all the information provided to him by the system Grey waisted no time as he immediately shot it down.

doing so Grey quickly realize that there was another source of light in the cave, as the source of light quickly brighten up the cave which was slowly been overcome by the darkness of the night.

Grey quickly turned towards the direction where the light was coming from out of instinct , and he realized something . It was his Crystal.

brightening the cave was Grey Crystal as it slowly give out a golden glow ,

the glow wasn't that bright though, but it was enough for one to be able to notice it.

"Whoa !" Grey said ,as he was quite surprised of what the crystal was doing.

Right now ,it was overing above Grey shoulders as it continued to give out the beautiful calm yellow glow.

'its beautiful' Grey said , as he watched the light , beautify the cave little did he know that the crystal above his shoulders had being brightening the cave since after his last battle , and it was just after he gained the Alpha energy , Grey was totally focused on the notification and messages from the system that he didn't notice it.

the crystal continue to brighten up the cave pushing the darkness far away from Gray not only that the crystal seem to have some sort of warm feeling as it pushed away all the cold away from Gray.

"This is good , i don't need to go find any sort of wood to do the fire for the night ,my crystal will help me "

Grey said as he let out a smile, coming to think of it, the crystal had brought a lot of changes into his life , not only did the crystal give Grey the system, it was also the one who gave Gray all the power he had right now and he was sure that with his system he would be able to accomplish all his dreams ,not only the one of bringing the long lost Justice but also you the one of fighting against the demons and stopping the war once and for all.

As the saying went , Grate power implied Great responsibility .


out of the cave going deep into the forest, the darkness of the night could be seen covering the sky, deep into the forest a young girl could be seen , as she held on tightly onto the tree on which she was standing on.

She had her hairs tied in a ponytail type style , All her Attention seem focused onto something as she watched silently.

"seems like he was strong after all" she suddenly said , a smile on her face as she continued to look .

right now what she was staring at could only be described as a cave and out of it could be seen the boy with the spiky hair , and on his back could be seen two individuals as he struggled to carry them from one place to another, jumping when needed ,and running when need be.

The boy continue to carry his two friends at his back as he seemed to have no difficult in doing such a thing jumping from one place to another , with the use of his earth Vertality ,as he moved forward deep into the darkness of the forest,

but right now the girl wasn't concentrated on him anymore or something else that had caught her attention , looking into the cave from before she could see a golden light which made her to be confused

"wait don't tell me he has a fire viaterlity' she thought she immediately jumped down from the tree and moved her way to the cave as she thought she had find a person that will be able to protect her .

" no wonder he had no fear when moving into the forest."

In the current time , not only being a Vertality user meant one was strong , the type of Vertality mattered , it was of natural common sense that one should be able to know that a lighting Vertality user was stronger than a plat Vertality user.

The girl continued running her way to the cave , " this is quite a funny , the girl thought , ' and me who thought that I was the one who was going to protect him' she thought as she moved forward.


just let it be

sorry for the late update guys , am just too busy lately.

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