Chapter 45

Dismissing the notification that had obscured his vision, Izuku preempted Toru asking what was wrong by pinning her back against the stall's sturdy wall and hiking her leg up. His actions surprised her and caused a pained moan to emanate from her throat, but she just bit her lips and held Izuku's body as he began a slow and steady piston while simultaneously burying his face into her neck.

Ignoring her own discomfort, Toru whispered, "'s okay to do me harder..." in a pained yet impassioned tone. She reveled in how 'desperate' Izuku was behaving, so much so that she eventually hopped up, wrapping her legs around him as she gasped, "You can let it out inside me...stain me with your colors...!"

Sending a shiver through the invisible girl's body, Izuku bottomed out in her as he asserted, "I'm not cumming that matter how greedily your pussy clamps down on my cock..."

As it was the first time Izuku was 'talking dirty' to her, Toru's jaw quivered as her pussy clenched like a vice. This was exactly what she wanted from her partner, someone who was kind and considerate in public but became a beast in the bedroom...

"Good..." growled Izuku, his voice low and deep. "I want each and every one of your folds ingrained on my shaft by the end of this..."

Though she did her best to clench as much as possible, it wasn't until Izuku said, "I didn't hear your response..." that the grip of Toru's pussy reached its peak. At the same time, she hugged Izuku's body and replied, "YES-S-S-S-Sir...!" as her body trembled violently.

Nestling his lips up to Toru's ear, Izuku whispered, "Good girl..." before giving her a light smack on her ass. Perversion and masochism often went hand in hand, so Izuku knew exactly how to deal with a woman like Toru. He didn't consider himself sadistic by nature, but he could certainly play the part when the situation required...

"Now, tell me where you want it..." grunted Izuku, picking up his pace until an audible clapping sound echoed throughout the bathroom.

"I-I want it inside..." moaned Toru. "Fill me up with your thick semen until my stomach is about to burst...!"

Nodding his head, Izuku continued to increase his pace until the entire stall was shaking. As he did so, Toru clung to him as if her life depended on it, her voice leaking out a lot more than was 'preferable' as Izuku pinned her to the wall and released the biggest load of his life directly in her depths...

Pressing his lips to Toru's, Izuku silenced her very loud attempt to inform him she was cumming. For a brief moment, he thought the wall of the stall would give out, the frame creaking audibly, but he didn't care as he gave the invisible beauty's insides a few additional thrusts to clear his urethra. Then, after slipping out of her, he gave her body a gentle hug, whispering, "You did great..." before adding, "Now, be a good girl and clean me up..." a few seconds later.

Though she was utterly exhausted after losing her virginity, a weary smile developed across Toru's face when she heard Izuku's order, compelling her to gasp, "Yes...Sir..." before kneeling to give his still-erect penis a very thorough cleaning...




After seeing Toru to her home, returning to his own, washing up, and changing into a drycleaned uniform, Izuku immediately made his way toward the Principal's Office. He had promised to keep Nezu apprised of any developments related to his Quirk, so he suppressed his discomfort and did just that.

Leaving out the finer details of the events, Izuku explained how a status screen had popped up when he was having sex, including the fact a new attribute had appeared alongside the apparent option to allocate the Free Attributes of his partner.

Though he was more than a little surprised to hear Izuku's report, Nezu appeared calm and composed throughout the explanation. When it was finally over, the diminutive cat-bear-mouse remarked, "What a...peculiar development. To think your Quirk would allow you to quantify a person's feelings and increase their attributes. That, alone, would have been truly remarkable. The power to grant your partner Perks is extraordinary to the point of terrifying."

Before Izuku could ask, Nezu went on to explain, "I went back through the records of nearly every student that has attended UA, and there were quite a few with Quirks comparable to your Perks. In other words, each of your Perks is like a pseudo-Quirk. If you can grant such abilities to others, it's no different from providing them additional Quirks..."

Just to be safe, Nezu furrowed his brows and asked, "You haven't already distributed this mystery girl's attributes and granted her Perks, have you?"

Shaking his head, Izuku replied, "Of course not. I wouldn't do such a thing without properly understanding the ramifications. That's why I came here to report to you."

Breathing a sigh of relief, Nezu remarked, "That was a wise decision...if your abilities were somehow disclosed to the public, I can't imagine how many people would lobby to have your Quirk properly analyzed. After all, at its core, it's an ability that could mass-produce geniuses and bestow Quirks onto others, potentially even those without..."

As similar thoughts had already crossed his mind, Izuku just gave a curt nod in response to Nezu's grim statement. He knew better than most how effective even a moderate boost to Intelligence was. If he boosted Toru's from 51 to 151, she would go from fairly average to one of the smartest people in the world. After all, even Mei, a genuine prodigy, only had 149...

Lightening the mood a little bit, Nezu adopted a smile and said, "Still, I'm not going to prohibit you from using a power you were born with. So long as you have the other person's consent, it's fine to 'experiment' a bit. Just keep a proper record and inform me if there are any crucial or concerning developments. I will do my best to help you resolve them."

Returning a smile of his own, Izuku replied, "Thank you, Principal Nezu. Knowing I have your support makes all of this a lot easier. I promise not to use my power carelessly."

Exhaling a light chuckle, Nezu surprised Izuku by saying, "It's fine to be a little careless. You're young, after all. Society will be far harsher to you as an adult, so feel free to make all the mistakes you want while you can still get away with them. I certainly wouldn't mind having a few extra geniuses around the campus..."

Once again feeling as though he was in an eroge, Izuku's smile gained a hint of wryness as he replied, "I'll do my best to keep things moderate..."

Nodding his head, Nezu mused, "It's certainly the wisest course of action. Now, unless you've something else to report, I will let you be on your way. Make sure to get plenty of rest before your internship. Usagiyama-san is a somewhat brash, violence-prone woman. If she threatens or harms you in any way, do not hesitate to leave or give me a call."

Returning a nod of his own, Izuku thanked Nezu for his concern before departing for his home. What he didn't know was that shortly after his departure, a fairly tall woman with raven-black hair and piercing blue eyes was called into the Principal's Office for a discussion about implementing a Sex-Ed class for the First Years, particularly the girls...




As Okunoshima was nearly four hours away from Musutafu via train and ferry, Izuku woke up around 2 AM, catching one of the earliest possible trains to ensure he would be there as early as possible.

Though it was embarrassing to admit, Izuku was looking forward to his internship with Mirko more than ever before. The 'reassurance' given to him by the Principal helped alleviate many of his concerns. Now, even if he 'did' inadvertently knock up one of the girls, he didn't think it would be too big an issue. Rather, his mother would probably be delighted to have a grandchild or two to look after...

With such thoughts in mind, Izuku eventually found himself aboard a ferry at Tadanomi Port. He originally intended to try and jump over directly, but the distance was nearly 4km. He could propel himself through the air with shockwaves, but if he missed the timing and crash-landed in the forest, a few broken bones would be the least of his concerns.

Fortunately, while Mirko lived alone on Okunoshima, the ferry leading to the island could be taken at any time, so long as you had permission to be there.

Okunoshima(Rabbit Island), as its name suggested, was a former animal sanctuary that used to house more than 5000 rabbits before being razed to the ground during the previous war. The forests and shrines had returned since then, but the native rabbit population had diminished considerably. Izuku found it amusing that Mirko, the Rabbit Hero, had made the island her home, but he couldn't deny it suited her.

After reaching the shore of Okunoshima, Izuku asked the ferry Captain if he knew where Mirko's residence was. Unfortunately, she was a recluse when she wasn't out fighting crime, so the only people who knew where she lived were those who had been there. As a result, Izuku was left with no choice but to scour the island himself. Fortunately, it was only 4.3km across at its widest point and had a surface area of around 7000 meters squared. The uneven terrain and forest made navigation marginally more difficult, but even a 'normal' person could search the entire island in just a few hours.

With such thoughts in mind, Izuku waited for the ferry to depart before stepping onto the path leading up to an old shrine. Before he even made it a few steps, however, a sound similar to a thundercrack reached his ears, followed by the hair on the back of his neck standing on end.

Leaping to the side, Izuku barely managed to avoid a meteoric strike from his petite yet exceptionally powerful assailant.

Rising from the crater she had created, Mirko swept aside the bangs on the right side of her face, her expression a massive grin as she said, "Nice dodge, kid! Awareness of one's surroundings is one of the most important things for a Solo Hero!"

Flexing the muscles in her thighs with enough force to push away the loose sand and gravel around her feet, Mirko added, "But the absolute, most important thing for 'any' Hero to possess is raw power! Since you dared to accept my internship, your only options are to fight or run! Try the latter, and I'll chase your sorry ass all the way back to Musutafu...!"

Without waiting for Izuku's response, Mirko charged toward him like a chocolate-colored lightning bolt. Her Agility had abruptly shot up to more than triple its base, but thanks to Izuku's inordinately high Dex, boosted further by the power of One-for-All, he wasn't incapable of following her movements. Keeping up with them, however, would require a multiplier of 150, something he could only maintain for a few seconds.

Leaping back as fast as he could, Izuku attempted to dissuade Mirko's charge by expelling dozens of Blackwhip tendrils from his body. Instead of being deterred, however, Mirko twisted her body like a bow, almost as though her bones themselves were flexible, before kicking at the tendrils directly. As she did so, a powerful shockwave generated outward, tearing through most of the tendrils as she shouted, "Luna Whip...!"

("This is going to hurt...") thought Izuku, even as he temporarily boosted his Agility to more than 2000. Mirko's initial three-times boost had been the result of her holding back, so after seeing he could 'keep up' with her, her Agility increased to a monstrous 5800. As a result, Izuku could only grit his teeth, lamenting the fact he hadn't invested enough attributes into Strength to unlock the [Bronze Skin] Perk as Mirko began to hammer him with rapid-fire blows, screaming, "Luna Rush...!" with an almost feral smile on her face.




(A/N: Mirko be like, "Talk is cheap! Put up or shut up, brat...!")