Chapter 49

Though his balls were shooting blanks, Izuku sneakily coiled Blackwhip around his dick to keep fucking Mirko for the better part of two hours. He felt as though he was having a heart attack, but after all the humiliation the bronze-skinned bunny had put him through, he was 'determined' to ensure she never underestimated him again.

Unaware of Izuku's 'antics,' Mirko had a frustrated look on her face as she clung to his body; her arms and legs wrapped around his waist, neck, and torso as he pinned her to the bed in a mating press.

("This...fucking...brat...") groaned Mirko, her body shivering in the wake of what must have been her hundredth orgasm. She wanted to tell Izuku to stop, taking back control of the situation, but her body wasn't listening to her at all. When he held her down, she clung to him by instinct, and when he kissed her, it made her vision go white at the edges.

Whispering heatedly into the furry tuft at the base of Mirko's ear, Izuku asked, "Still think I'm a little boy...?" before blowing into it gently.

Instead of responding to Izuku with words, Mirko strengthened her hold on his body, tightening her legs around him to the point he could hardly move. In turn, Izuku picked her up, practically cradling her in his arms as he transitioned to a seated kneeling position, allowing him to drill into her from below.

("God dammit...he's way too good at this...") thought Mirko, adjusting her legs so that she was in a low squat, instinctually making it easier for Izuku to move.

Though he was tempted to call Mirko a 'good girl' for being so obedient, Izuku had the distinct impression that doing so would undermine all of his progress. Instead, he gave her ass a light smack, whispering, "After this, I think the single greatest regret of my life will be that I wasn't your first. If we had been born in the same generation, I would have done anything to make you mine..."

With Mirko raising her incredibly flushed face as if she wanted to say something, Izuku punctuated his words with a deep, lingering kiss that lasted well over a minute. Then, as their mouths separated, linked by a thread of saliva, he licked it up and added, "If I were especially lucky, I might have made you an 'actual' Mama..."

Opening her mouth, Mirko nearly revealed that she hadn't gotten her tubes tied. Her parents had forced her to get an IUD(Intrauterine Device) during her first year of middle school, but she had it taken out when she was twenty. She also had no such thing as a 'safe day,' so once they were finished, she was planning to sprint over to the nearest hospital to pick up some birth control.

Regaining a bit of her reason, Mirko replied, "Don't get ahead of yourself, brat..." even though the look on her face made it seem as though she was hungry for another kiss. Luckily, that was exactly what Izuku did, stealing her lips as he slowly and gently continued to fuck her...




Staring up at the ceiling of Mirko's room, Izuku had a contented smile on his face as he cradled the sleeping bunny girl using his chest as a pillow. He was utterly exhausted but 'very' satisfied with how things had played out. It hadn't even been seventeen hours since he showed up at Mirko's place, and the two of them were already sharing a bed. She was bound to beat the shit out of him come morning, but, for the time being, Izuku felt as though he had successfully 'tamed' the peacefully sleeping rabbit...


Name: [Rumi Usagiyama]

Quirk: Rabbit

Bond Level: 88->92

Current Level: 83

Effective Level: 219


Strength: 388->181

Agility: 442->163

Vitality: 647->308

Intelligence: 39

Dexterity: 460->210

Luck: 223->224

Free Attributes: 415


Party Invitation Required


Seeing that Mirko's Strength, Agility, and Dexterity still had a positive value, even as she slept, Izuku knew she was at least somewhat aware of her surroundings. Thus, while gently squeezing her shoulder, he planted a kiss on her forehead, whispering, "Thanks for giving me a chance to prove myself...I hope I was able to satisfy you, at least a little..."

Though she really was asleep, Mirko's ear twitched in response to Izuku's words. At the same time, she nestled a little closer to him, muttering, "I'm so gonna kick your ass..." in a sleepy tone before immediately returning to her peaceful slumber.


Returning his gaze to the ceiling, Izuku thought (" was worth it...") before closing his eyes and trying to fall asleep. Because of Mirko's aroma and the heavy fragrance of sex in the air, however, it was easier said than done. After all, even though his balls were empty, his steadfast friend was still ready and raring to was actually kind of concerning, making him wonder whether Mirko's hyper-potent pheromones functioned as a kind of aphrodisiac...




Startling Izuku awake less than an hour after he had 'finally' fallen asleep, Mirko was repeating, "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck...!" as she hurriedly grabbed and put on some clothes.

Rising to a half-lying position, Izuku asked, "What's wrong...?" in a lazy, half-asleep tone.

"YOU, GO BACK TO SLEEP!" shouted Mirko, causing Izuku's eyes to widen as she bared her teeth and practically hissed at him.

Deciding it was probably wisest to comply, Izuku laid back down, rolled over, and pretended to sleep as Mirko finished getting dressed. When she was done, she promptly bolted out of the room, presumably departing as Izuku heard the sound of a thunderclap moments later.

Rising to a seated position, Izuku stared in the direction of Mirko's open door, various thoughts crossing his mind as he pondered, ("Don't tell me the Nomu attack occurred as it did in canon? But I didn't hear anything about Ida's brother being seriously injured...could Stain have decided to act in a different city?")

Since he was unaware of Mirko's little 'secret,' Izuku could only guess she was responding to some unforeseen emergency. While that was certainly the case, the situation wasn't nearly as 'serious' as he thought it was. As for Mirko, she was just relieved most hospitals and clinics were open 24/7. With how much Izuku had cum inside her, she was certain she would have been pregnant otherwise...




Startling Izuku awake a second time, Mirko shouted, "Wake up, you little shit!" while tossing a cold, wet towel onto his face. When he immediately sat up, removing the towel, she added, "I'm busy throughout the day, so training starts before dawn. Get your pants on and meet me outside. It's time for round two."

Finished with what she had to say, Mirko turned to leave but stopped when Izuku called out to her, saying, "Wait, hold up. There's something I need to tell you."

Thinking Izuku was about to confess or something similar, Mirko looked back at him over her shoulder, stating, "Listen, kid. Last night was great, but things would never work out between us. I'm down to fuck whenever you are but don't expect me to get all lovey-dovey and treat you like my boyfriend..."

Smiling wryly, Izuku remarked, "The thought never even crossed my mind. No, what I want to talk about is my Quirk. I received permission from the Principal to tell you about it, but I never got the chance since you knocked me out and left me concussed the moment I arrived."


Though she was a little annoyed about Izuku saying the thought of them being a couple had never crossed his mind, Mirko ignored it, crossing her arms as she said, "Then hurry up and explain. I hate dumbasses who beat around the bush, trying to sound smart."

"I'll keep that in mind..." replied Izuku, adding, "Have you ever played a video game? More specifically, an RPG where you could assign stats to your character?"

Furrowing her brows slightly, Mirko pointed out, "Just because I live on an island, it doesn't mean I've lost touch with the rest of the world. I used to game a ton when I was in elementary and middle school."

Nodding his head, Izuku revealed, "Well, my Quirk, Digitalization, is a lot like that. It allows me to keep track of my progress with Experience, lets me Level-Up, and, most importantly, it allows me to assign my attributes to one of six stats, being Strength, Agility, Vitality, Intelligence, Dexterity, and Luck."

Blinking in surprise, Mirko asked, "Seriously? I've never heard of a Quirk like that before. Does that mean if you reach the max Level, you'll be the strongest in the world?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Izuku replied, "Presumably. Unfortunately, the Experience required to Level-Up increases exponentially every ten Levels. But that's beside the point. What I really need to inform you of is one of the benefits of my Quirk..."

Seeing Mirko waiting for him to continue, Izuku explained, "Last night, when we were doing it like rabbits-"

Interrupting Izuku's explanation, Mirko narrowed her eyes and warned, "Don't get cheeky..." in a threatening tone.

Raising his hands in a gesture of mock surrender, Izuku continued, "Well, in the middle of us having sex, I received a notification telling me you had met the conditions to join my Party. I've never invited anyone before, so I don't know all the pros and cons of doing so. However, what I 'do' know is that it will let you assign the Free Attribute points you've collected as well as receive Quirk-like abilities known as Perks..."

Holding up her right hand and using her left to cradle her head, Mirko said, "Hold up...that's too much information all at once. Are you trying to say that if I join this Party, I can Level-Up and get stronger? Isn't that a little too ridiculous...?"

Shaking his head, Izuku answered, "I'm just telling you how it is. Whether you believe it or not doesn't really matter. I can prove it if you agree when I ask, 'Rumi Usagiyama, would you like to join my Party?'"

Though she initially stared at Izuku as if he'd lost his mind, Mirko's eyes widened when a tiny blue window, similar to a hologram, appeared in front of her face.

"Is this some kind of prank...?" asked Mirko, even as she extended her finger to press the 'Yes' button. Hologram technology was currently very rare, but it was gradually becoming more prevalent. Thus, even though Izuku appeared to be naked, she didn't discount the possibility he had a tiny projector hidden somewhere.

After pressing 'Yes,' Mirko was surprised a second time when her status window appeared before her. At the same time, she noticed a few words had appeared above Izuku's head, indicating his name and Level.

Realizing that Izuku may have been telling the truth, Mirko was about to ask him for an explanation but stopped when she noticed her Intelligence attribute. She didn't exactly pride herself on her intelligence, but her right eye twitched a bit as she growled, "If this turns out to be a joke, the only way you're getting off this island is via a rescue chopper taking you to the ICU..."

Though Mirko's bloodlust caused goose pimples to break out across his arms and legs, Izuku appeared calm as he replied, "Lucky for me, it's not. Now, how about you sit that beautiful brown ass down so we can discuss your attributes and how to best allocate them?"

Narrowing her eyes, Mirko briefly considered dragging Izuku out of her room by his dick but promptly dismissed the idea. Instead, she stared at him for a moment, stating, "You're on thin ice, brat..." before moving over to sit next to him. She nearly regretted her decision when he wrapped his arm around her, resting his hand on her outer thigh, but she endured since she was pretty interested in what he had to say...




(A/N: Just wait until she discovers that she's only 8 points away from the maximum Bond Level...)