Chapter 56

With Tsuyu requiring no build-up, it wasn't long before Izuku established a nice, fast rhythm, his hips smacking loudly against the frog girl's ass as she closed her eyes with a contented smile on her face.

Hearing a faint but high-pitched sound whenever his hips met Tsuyu's, Izuku couldn't help grinning as he asked, "Are you croaking? It's faint, but I hear a frog song from your throat."

"You're imagining things..." replied Tsuyu, keeping her eyes closed, hands tucked beneath her as her throat faintly pulsed and vibrated.

Deciding not to press the matter, Izuku quickened his pace, resisting the urge to smack the frog girl's remarkably perky ass since she seemed so 'comfortable.' It was a strange reaction, but Izuku didn't mind it. Tsuyu's pussy wasn't the tightest, but her bodily fluids were much thicker than a normal girl's, and there was a lot of resistance whenever he tried to move quickly. If he had to describe it, it was like a 'non-newtonian pussy,' easy to enter if you moved slowly but extremely 'gummy' if you moved quickly.

Breaking Izuku's focus on the remarkable elasticity of her pussy, Tsuyu plainly remarked, "This is very satisfying, ribbit. We should definitely do this again in July. Since I have the characteristics of a frog, my body is a lot more sensitive in late Summer. Though, I can still get pregnant out of season, so we'll need to keep using condoms, ribbit."

While continuing to smack roughly against Tsuyu's hips, Izuku jokingly replied, "Thanks for letting me know you're feeling good. I was starting to think you were falling asleep on me."

Adopting a contented, v-shaped smile, Tsuyu left Izuku a little speechless as she lazily replied, "Mmm...that might be nice, ribbit..."

Before Izuku could question her, Tsuyu opened her eyes slightly, adding, "Don't worry, Izuku-chan, it feels very pleasant. It's just that whenever I feel good, my body temperature goes up, and I become lethargic. It feels like being in a warm bath or wrapped in a thick, comfortable blanket, so I get a little sleepy..."


As Tsuyu's body, particularly her insides, had become 'very' warm, Izuku didn't doubt her words. Still, it was a little 'inconvenient' that she became lethargic when overheated and went into hibernation mode when exposed to cold. It was a pretty major weakness for a future Hero to possess...

Figuring he could help her out with some Perks, Izuku mentally opened up Tsuyu's status while continuing to move his hips like a machine. To his surprise, while Ochaco and Toru were both over 80 Bond, Tsuyu was at a comparably tame 65. In other words, even though they were fucking, she wouldn't be able to join his Party.

Since it seemed like Tsuyu was the type of girl that could easily hold a conversation during sex, Izuku asked, "Hey, Tsuyu-chan, how do you feel about me?"

"Hmmm? That came out of nowhere..." replied Tsuyu, opening her eyes halfway. Then, after a moment of deliberation, she answered, "You're the only boy I've ever had a crush on, ribbit. I enjoy spending time with you, and now that we've had sex, I want to try lots of things with you, ribbit..."

Allowing her words to trail off, Tsuyu hesitated for a few seconds before adding, "But...I would be lying if I said it didn't bother me that you were in a relationship with other girls. When I learned you were sneaking around with Ochaco-chan and Toru-chan, it made me very sad..."




Not finished with what she had to say, Tsuyu added another, "But...when I learned we could all share you, it felt like a heavy weight was lifted off my heart. I'm not very outgoing and don't have much confidence in myself, so I thought you would get bored quickly if we actually started dating, ribbit. Now, I don't have to worry about things like that...I get to be with the boy I like, spend time with my friends, and do naughty things's far from the happy ending I dreamed of, but it's not bad...ribbit..."

Feeling very contented, Tsuyu actually fell asleep at the very end of her words, a gentle frog song emanating from her throat. Fortunately, Izuku was very near his limit, so he grabbed her hips, increased his pace quite a bit, and released his seed deep inside her. He had a condom on, but the release brought a smile to Tsuyu's face as the suction force of her pussy abruptly increased, effectively preventing Izuku from pulling out unless he wanted to give her a prolapse.

Seeing the condom slowly slide off his dick, drawn into Tsuyu's pussy, Izuku made a ring around it with his thumb and index fingers, looking to Ochaco and Toru as he said, "Grab some towels and soak them in cold water. We need to cool her down quickly."

With the two girls rushing to carry out his instructions, Izuku looked down at Tsuyu's pussy, experimentally attempting to pull out but finding himself unable. Fortunately, once Ochaco and Toru returned with towels, placing them over Tsuyu's exposed back, she quickly stirred awake...




With Tsuyu and Toru calling their parents and ultimately receiving permission to spend the night at Ochaco's, there was no longer as much pressure to wrap things up quickly. Izuku still needed to return home, but his mom had set his curfew at 9:30 PM since he was often out training or late after spending time at the Development Study. Thus, after giving Toru a thorough fucking, Izuku had the three girls snuggled up to him as they read through the Perks completely naked. Tsuyu couldn't see what they were looking at, but she didn't mind since she was the one who got to sit in Izuku's lap, his still-erect penis poking up between her closed thighs as she played with its tip.

"That Vector Shift Perk seems really useful..." remarked Ochaco, a serious expression on her face. Vector Shift was an Int-based Perk that, similar to Toru's Form Projection, directly influenced how her Quirk functioned. With it, she could point in a direction or squeeze her hand shut, and everything affected by her Quirk would either 'fall' in the indicated direction or gather around a central point. In other words, she could make things fly through the sky or send them straight up by simply gesturing. As for the rate at which things fell, or, more accurately, accelerated, it was the same as the gravitational constant, 9.8m/s^2.

Nodding his head, Izuku affirmed, "It's honestly a little OP. If you get the Healthy Body Perk from 100 Vit, you wouldn't have to worry about getting nauseous when using your power. If you then use your power on yourself and point in a direction, you can achieve a fairly effective form of flight..."

Feeling a little envious, Toru puffed out her cheeks and said, "Your Quirk is really amazing, Ochaco-chan..."

Answering in Ochaco's stead, Izuku argued, "Your Form Projection is also borderline broken, Toru. You're currently using it over yourself, but if you wanted to, you could project your form away from your actual location. If you utilize it cleverly, your opponents literally won't know what hit them..."

Nestling her head against Izuku's shoulder, Toru hummed, "That's one of the things I adore about you, Izuku-kun. You always know what to say to get me nice and wet..."

Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Izuku planted a kiss atop Toru's head before continuing to help Ochaco pick out her Perks. There wasn't a way to remove or change them after the fact, so it was an important decision as it would affect her entire life. Fortunately, there was no need to choose them all at once, so Ochaco settled on just Healthy Body since she didn't have enough AP to boost her Int to 100...


Name: [Ochaco Uraraka]

Quirk: Zero Gravity

Bond Leve: 84

Current Level: 18

Effective Level: 33


Strength: 29

Agility: 30

Vitality: 44->100

Intelligence: 40->86

Dexterity: 36

Luck: 53

Free Attributes: 0


[Healthy Body]


Feeling a pleasant sensation spread through her body, accompanied by a sense of 'awareness,' Ochaco had a very content look on her face as she remarked, "This feels's like all my stress and fatigue is melting away..."

Adopting a teasing smile, Toru remarked, "With 86 Intelligence, studying for the Finals will be a cakewalk. Though, you're still not as smart as I am, ufufufu~."

Narrowing her eyes, Ochaco replied, "That's not very nice, Toru-chan..." Then, regaining her bubbly demeanor, she smiled radiantly and nestled up to Izuku, adding, "Thank you for this, Izuku-kun. Not just the boost to my attributes and my new Perk but allowing me–all of us to be with you. I felt I was being pretty self-centered these past few weeks, so I'm glad we're finally able to be together for real..."

Though he still had 'many' doubts about the present situation, Izuku couldn't help smiling in response to Ochaco's words. He couldn't imagine a harem working in his previous world, but now that he was in an anime, potentially even an eroge, it didn't seem too outlandish. After all, he had basically 'stumbled' his way into a harem situation, something that would have been impossible in his previous life. That, alone, suggested it wasn't completely inconceivable that things would work out...

Breaking Izuku from his delusions, Tsuyu raised her head, looking up at him as she asked, "Are the three of you done messing around with your little system thingy? If so, wanna go another round, ribbit?"

As it was only around 7:20 PM, meaning he still had around two hours to return home, Izuku didn't hesitate to reply, "There are few things I would enjoy more..."




Though it was already after 10 PM, Izuku was taking his time to return home, enjoying what remained of the cool Spring air with his hands in his pockets. He had already called his mom to inform him he would be a little late, so it wouldn't matter if he were ten to fifteen minutes later.



Thinking Ochaco, Toru, and Tsuyu were calling him, Izuku pulled out his phone with a bit of expectation. What he never expected to see was that the notification came from Mirko, saved as Rumi Usagiyama in his phone.

"No way..." muttered Izuku, quickly thumbing open the message to see what his favorite bunny had to say.

'Shove a carrot up your ass and die.'


("Well, that was unexpected...") thought Izuku, quickly responding with a cheeky, 'Pass. I don't want to make you even angrier.'.

To Izuku's surprise, Mirko responded almost immediately, offering her usual, 'Cheeky brat...' before adding, 'You have to come to me for your Work Study. If you don't, I'll find a random musclehead to fuck and send you the video...'.

Reading Mirko's message, Izuku immediately stopped in his tracks. He basically 'had' to conduct his Work Study with Nighteye if he wanted to save Eri, but if Mirko actually followed through on her threat, he would lose his shit. She was her own woman and had every right to sleep with whoever she wanted, but if he saw her with another man, Izuku knew he would be pissed.

Deciding to take a gamble, though it was a relatively safe bet knowing Mirko's personality, Izuku replied, 'I refuse.'.

Once again responding instantly, Mirko asked, 'What the fuck did you just say?'

Clearing up the 'misunderstanding,' Izuku quickly typed, 'All Might has already arranged to have me conduct my Work Study with his former Sidekick, Sir Nighteye. As much as I want to return to you, I can't betray his expectations and trust."

Unlike her previous message, Mirko didn't immediately respond, allowing Izuku to add, 'Summer Break is coming up. I'm busy during the first and second weeks, but I should be able to come over after that.'

'Then do that,' replied Mirko, nearly as soon as Izuku had sent his text. He never took her for a 'fast texter,' but it wasn't too surprising with how high her Dexterity was.

Adopting a faint smile, Izuku decided to try his luck, typing, 'I will. But you know, if you really want to see me, you could always become a teacher at UA. I actually live on the campus, so we'd be able to see each other every day.'

Unsurprisingly, as soon as Izuku sent his text, Mirko responded with a curt, 'Fuck you.' However, just as he was about to put his phone away, she added, 'I don't have a teaching license, and I dropped out of High School. Even if that rat Principal made an exception, a lot of people would find it suspicious.'

Blinking in surprise, Izuku thought to himself, ("Holy shit, did she actually think I was serious...?")

Leaving Izuku even more speechless than he already was, Mirko ended their conversation by adding, 'Once you're done doing whatever it is you have planned with that Poindexter, come to do a Work Study in Hiroshima. If you're not completely hopeless by then, I'll teach you for real...'

Though the little icon under Mirko's PFPF indicated she had closed the chat, Izuku still typed out, 'I'll be looking forward to,' before placing his phone back in his pocket, the smile on his face broader than ever...




(A/N: Someone has a crush...)